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邱勇 《中国骨伤》2020,33(2):97-99
正目前,脊柱截骨矫形术作为一种有效的手术方式,在脊柱畸形,尤其是重度脊柱畸形的治疗中广泛应用。相比单纯的后路内固定术,截骨矫形术对矫正脊柱的畸形,重建脊柱的整体平衡具有更好的疗效。根据截骨的方式和范围,其主要包括Smith-Peterson截骨术(SmithPeterson osteotomy,SPO),经椎弓根截骨术(pedicle  相似文献   

Both congenital and acquired orthopaedic deformities are common in patients with spina bifida. Examples of congenital deformities, which are present at birth, include clubfoot and vertical talus. Acquired developmental deformities are related to the level of neurologic involvement and include calcaneus and cavovarus. Orthopaedic deformities may also result from postoperative tethered cord syndrome. The previously published Part I reviewed the overall orthopaedic care of a patient with spina bifida, with a focused review of hip, knee, and rotational deformities. This paper will cover foot and ankle deformities associated with spina bifida, including clubfoot, equinus, vertical talus, calcaneus and calcaneovalgus, ankle and hindfoot valgus, and cavovarus. In addition, this paper will address the issues surrounding skin breakdown in patients with spina bifida.  相似文献   

徐海荣  张敬德  吕川 《中国美容医学》2010,19(12):1777-1779
目的:介绍一种综合术式一次性整复单侧完全性唇裂术后鼻唇畸形的方法。方法:采用一针法鼻小柱鼻翼脚复位固定,以缩窄和平齐鼻底;利用埋没导引针修复鼻翼软骨复位,改善鼻孔形状;带侧翼鼻假体隆鼻突出鼻部和加高鼻翼;上唇M瓣成形修整唇红缘重建唇弓;两红唇瓣覆盖修复红唇部等。结果:单侧完全性唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形32例,随访20例6个月~2年,外观和效果满意。结论:应用埋线法修复鼻小柱、鼻翼脚、鼻翼软骨复位,M成形术和两红唇瓣覆盖修复红唇部等术式是值得推荐的一种一次性整体修复继发鼻唇畸形的方法。  相似文献   

目的 总结继发性唇红畸形的修复方法 及手术经验.方法 分析110例继发性唇红畸形患者的临床表现,再有针对性的运用六种手术方法 进行治疗,并观察其整复效果及适应证.结果 术后随访3~12个月,测评其满意度.直线缝合法15例,均感满意;梭形L形切除缝合法23例,测评22例,20例满意.交叉三角瓣修复法45例,测评42例,38例满意.双侧矩形瓣修复双侧唇裂术后畸形17例,测评17例,14例满意;去表皮唇红瓣重叠法3例,辅助其他方法 5例,均满意;真皮移植填充修复唇红凹陷畸形7例,均满意.结论 根据唇红继发畸形的具体情况,选择相应的一种或综合性手术方法 ,术中尊重手术基本原则,灵活发挥技巧,可取得良好的疗效.  相似文献   

目的探讨双侧唇裂修复术后继发红唇凹陷畸形的有效矫治方法。方法本组患者26例,均为双侧唇裂一期手术后。术中,首先切除原有瘢痕,解剖分离出两侧口轮匝肌,重建连续的口轮匝肌肌环;然后在双侧红唇瓣上分别设计"Y"型切口,三角瓣尖端朝向中线;最后将双侧"V"型三角黏膜瓣向中线推进交叉缝合,重建唇珠。结果 26例患者红唇口哨畸形均得以矫正,上唇人中得以延长。所有患者术后随访3个月至2.5年,效果良好。结论在口轮匝肌重建基础上,应用"V"型皮瓣推进交叉成形术,是种操作简单、效果良好的修复双侧唇裂术后继发红唇凹陷畸形的方法 。  相似文献   

Deformities following primary rhinoplasty may be located at different anatomical regions related to the primary operation. Osseocartilaginous vault deformities such as open roof deformity, over-resected bony and cartilaginous dorsum, excessive width of the middle vault, inverted-V deformity and middle vault collapse are the most frequent ones. Stair-step deformity combined with middle vault problems is uncommon. Patients with these deformities not only have poor aesthetic results, but also have moderate or severe respiratory problems due to the severity of the deformity. Spreader grafts, onlay grafts and biomaterials can be used to correct these deformities. We preferred to use the spreader-splay graft combination for severe osseocartilaginous vault deformities. In this paper we present 3 cases. Two cases had severe open roof deformity, middle vault collapse and over resection of the osseocartilaginous hump, along with severe respiratory problems. The Spreader-splay graft combination was used, along with lateral osteotomy and medialization of nasal bones to treat these patients. One patient had a very severe stair-step deformity due to over resection of the hump and excessive infracturing of nasal bones along with severe respiratory problems due to collapse of the middle vault. This deformity was corrected with proper outfracturing along the old osteotomy site and the use of spreader-splay graft combination. All patients had good aesthetic and functional outcome after the surgery. In conclusion, the spreader-splay graft combination provides a good anatomical restoration to obtain a better respiratory function and aesthetic outcome on severe osseocartilaginous vault deformities following rhinoplasty.  相似文献   

目的:分析全膝关节置换(TKA)治疗严重膝内翻伴屈曲畸形的疗效。方法对2005年1月至2010年10月在本院行 TKA 治疗的25例(36膝)严重膝内翻伴屈曲挛缩畸形患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,其中男7例,女18例,平均70.5岁(55~80岁)。原发疾病为骨性关节炎22例,类风湿性关节炎3例。术前术后均采用 HSS 膝关节评分系统评分,评价 TKA 的临床疗效。结果25例36膝均获得随访,平均术后随访6年(4~9年)。屈曲挛缩度由术前的(21±63)°减小到(1.1±2.3)°;内翻畸形由术前(35±4.8)°减小到(3±2.1)°;膝关节的活动度由术前(70.5±20.5)°增加到(115.1±5.3)°;膝评分平均为由(33.2±10.5)分提高到(90.7±8.5)分,功能评分平均为(35.5±14.2)分提高到(85.6±10.5)分,其中优21例(28膝),良2例(3膝),一般2例(3膝);优良率为86%。多数病例术后膝关节力线正常,2例残留5°~10°的内翻畸形。结论全膝关节置换治疗严重膝内翻伴屈曲畸形能获得较好的临床效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中老年人泪槽和睑颊沟畸形的整复方法.方法 1996至2011年,采用经皮眶脂肪释放、带蒂眶脂肪瓣充填的方法矫正中老年泪槽畸形伴或不伴睑颊沟畸形426例,其中初次手术者372例,二次手术者54例.362例术后获得3 ~ 24个月的随访观察.结果 362例随访者中,283例泪槽和睑颊沟畸形完全矫正,79例畸形明显改善;2例二次手术者,由于术前有严重的下睑凹陷,泪槽畸形纠正不满意.结论 经皮眶脂肪释放,带蒂眶脂肪瓣充填的方法,可以有效矫正中老年人泪槽和睑颊沟畸形.  相似文献   

目的 研究老年泪槽及睑颊沟形成出现的机制.方法 采用4具60岁以上泪槽及睑颊沟明显显现的尸体标本(男2具,女2具,平均年龄67.2岁),及4具30岁以下无明显泪槽及睑颊沟出现的尸体标本(男2具,女2具,平均年龄23.5岁).对他(她)们的下睑及眶周区域做逐层解剖及断层解剖学检查,通过大体标本及组织切片观察结果,比较两组间差异.结果 老年标本的皮肤、眼轮匝肌均较年轻标本萎缩、松弛,在眼睑较薄皮肤与颧颊部较厚皮肤的交界部位形成泪槽与睑颊沟畸形;年轻人颧部脂肪上缘高于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部,老年人颧部脂肪上缘处于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部,与泪槽及睑颊沟出现的位置相对应;眼轮匝肌限制韧带起于眶下缘并止于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部及眶部眼轮匝肌,老年人较年轻人松弛.结论 泪槽和睑颊沟的形成是衰老的进程所致各层组织松弛、萎缩和下移等综合因素共同作用的自然生理变化的结果,尤其是颧部脂肪上部的萎缩与下移;眶隔及眼轮匝肌限制韧带限制组织下移的作用可能是眶下缘凹陷更加凸显的原因.  相似文献   

目的探讨榫卯型口轮匝肌肌瓣修复单侧唇裂术后继发人中嵴畸形的疗效。方法 2009年1月-2011年8月,收治43例单侧唇裂修复术后继发人中嵴畸形患者。男23例,女20例;年龄18~31岁,平均23.6岁。左侧26例,右侧17例。唇裂采用MillardⅠ式修复15例,MillardⅡ式修复28例。唇裂修复术至此次手术时间为15~30年,平均21.7年。术中切取双侧口轮匝肌肌瓣,水平分成上、下两层;双侧下层肌瓣相互重叠缝合,上层肌瓣形成榫卯型结构,缝合于皮下。结果术后患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合。40例患者获随访,随访时间6~34个月,平均13.4个月。双侧人中嵴隆起、对称,人中凹形态接近正常,上唇动态效果满意。术后6个月38例明显改善,2例改善不明显。结论榫卯型口轮匝肌肌瓣手术操作简便,修复单侧唇裂术后继发人中嵴畸形能较好恢复解剖结构,术后获得良好上唇外形和功能。  相似文献   

Arthritis of the knee commonly leads to valgus or varus deformity. The authors discuss the principles of management of these deformities with total knee replacement. Virtually any deformity can be corrected. The coronal plane deformity must be corrected for a satisfactory long-term outcome to be achieved, and it is mandatory for the surgeon to achieve correct alignment and soft tissue balance. The surgeon needs to understand the soft tissue and bone abnormalities in the arthritic knee in order to make the appropriate bone cuts and soft tissue releases to ensure that the prosthetic joint will function optimally.  相似文献   

衰老所致泪槽畸形和睑颊沟畸形发生机制的解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究衰老所致泪槽畸形及脸颊沟畸形解剖学方面的形成机制.方法 对6具60岁以上泪槽畸形及睑颊沟畸形较明显的尸体标本(男性3具,女性3具,平均年龄67.2岁)的下睑及眶周区域做逐层解剖(12侧),观察眶部各层组织间的相互关系.结果 泪槽畸形及睑颊沟畸形处于眼睑较薄皮肤与颧颊部较厚皮肤的交界处,皮肤与眼轮匝肌附着较紧密;颧部脂肪上缘覆盖于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部,并与泪槽及睑颊沟的位置相对应,颧部脂肪七缘不随颧脂肪垫下移;内侧眼轮匝肌眶部与提上唇鼻翼肌之间隙与泪槽位置不对应;眼轮匝肌限制韧带起于眶下缘并止于眼轮匝肌睑部与眶部的结合部,外宽内窄,在内侧1/3延续为内眦部深层眼轮匝肌,直接贴附于眶下缘骨面;眼轮匝肌下脂肪位于眶部外下方,薄且松弛;眶隔附着于眶下缘.眶脂肪向前下方膨出.结论 泪槽畸形和睑颊沟畸形形成是衰老所致各层组织松弛、萎缩和下移等综合因素共同作用的结果,其中眶隔及眼轮匝肌限制韧带限制组织下移的作用町能是眶下缘凹陷更加凸显的关键.  相似文献   

目的探讨同种异体胎软骨在整形外科应用的可行性。方法在无菌条件下切取死胎儿的四肢及肋软骨,经低温保护剂进行超低温冷冻-80℃,保存于-196℃的液氮中。经复温处理后应用于临床38例。其中鞍鼻畸形24例,外耳缺损4例,唇裂继发畸形6例,颏成形4例。结果经3年6个月随访。除2例外耳再造术后出现变形外,其余病例均无吸收、变形、免疫排斥反应,外形较为满意。结论同种异体胎儿软骨在整形外科有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Coronal plane deformity around the knee, also known as genu varum or genu valgum, is a common finding in clinical practice for pediatricians and orthopedists. These deformities can be physiological or pathological. If untreated, pathological deformities can lead to abnormal joint loading and a consequent risk of premature osteoarthritis. The aim of this review is to provide a framework for the diagnosis and management of genu varum and genu valgum in skeletally immature patients.  相似文献   

The present study was to introduce a new surgical technique of cervical flexionosteotomy, with an emphasis on the clinical and radiographic outcomes. Two male patients aged 45 and 21 years presented with cervical extension deformity in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Both patients exhibited upward deviation of the forward gaze. The chin brow vertical angle (CBVA) were 15° upward and 5° downward, respectively; and the sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were‐13.2mm and 195.7mm, respectively. Aposterior transverse release was performed at C7‐T1, exposing the theca and C8 nerve roots to facilitate closure of theosteotomy site. Then, an anterior closing‐wedgeosteotomy of C7‐T1 was performed followed with anterior internal fixation with a locking plate to prevent any translation. After closure and anterior fixation, patients were returned to the proneposition, and posterior screw‐rod instrumentation was used for further stabilization. The follow‐up periods were 20 and 10 months, respectively. At the last follow‐up, CBVA and SVA of Patient 1 were 14° downwardand ‐12.6mm; and CBVA and SVA of Patient 2 were 1° downward and 75.6mm respectively, indicating the visual angle and sagittal balance were significantly improved. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were encountered. Full‐spine radiographs of each patient at the last visit confirmed successfulbony union. The present study was the first report introducing a novel flexion osteotomy for cervical extension deformity in AS through a posterior‐anterior‐posterior approach inone‐stage. The improved forward gaze and no complications demonstrated the effectiveness and safety of the novel technique, suggesting that it might provide a more feasible method for the correction of cervical extension deformity.  相似文献   

Background contextAlthough severe cervical kyphotic deformity results from a number of causes, the psychiatric disease itself did not play a metabolic role in the development of the deformity. However, we diagnosed a case of cervical deformity caused by postural disorders associated with schizophrenia.PurposeThe purpose of this case report is to describe a rare episode in a schizophrenic patient with a fixed cervical flexion deformity caused by postural disorders.Study designA case report.Patient sampleAn 18-year-old woman with a history of schizophrenia and a persistent behavioral cervical flexion posture presented for evaluation. At the initial examination, a significant fixed cervical flexion measuring 100° was noted. Her chin was in contact with her manubrium, and left scars developed on both her chin and manubrium. She had hyperreflexia in all extremities but no further neurologic deficits, although her initial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicated multilevel cervical cord compression.MethodsShe was initially treated conservatively but had a progression in fixed cervical flexion positioning. She complained of a persistent inability to ambulate within the community, as she was unable to bring her head into a neutral position to be able to see objects in her path. She also complained of inability to drink from a water bottle as she had difficulty depressing her mandible. The patient and her family requested a surgical correction. Although she had no significant clinical neurologic deficit, she did have significant MRI findings and limitation of functional activities. We felt her limitations were significant enough to warrant surgical correction.ResultsA combined anterior and posterior procedure was performed resulting in an improved cervical head posture. She was able to return to community activities and resume drinking from a water bottle.ConclusionsAlthough this technique has been well described previously, this is the first report of a rare episode in a schizophrenic patient with severe cervical kyphosis deformity because of a constant neck flexion posture.  相似文献   

目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶(polyacrylamide hydrogels,PAHG)注射隆乳术后取出PAHG及修复术后乳房畸形的手术方法和时机.方法 经乳晕下缘1/2长切口,利用内镜辅助进行注射物清除术,根据注射物侵蚀范围确定是否行同期硅凝胶乳房假体(以下简称假体)置入术,利用生物修补膜固定假体并重塑乳房下皱襞.结果 46例中,39例注射物及其包膜被完全取出,7例取出游离PAHG,而包膜因广泛且单薄致有残留.14例同期置入乳房假体,其中5例应用生物修补膜;4例Ⅱ期置入假体;切口均Ⅰ期愈合,切口瘢痕不明显;1例伴发乳腺癌患者切除患侧乳房;1例同期置入假体及生物修补膜,术后3个月出现假体移位,再次手术重新固定;1例应用生物修补膜,术后出现注射物残腔积液,最终取出生物修补膜.结论 采用经乳晕下缘1/2长切口内镜辅助下行PAHG取出并完整去除包膜的手术,注射物取出彻底,可应用假体同期或延期修复取出术后乳房的畸形,必要时应用生物修补膜固定假体并重塑乳房下皱襞形态.  相似文献   

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