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双房室旁道合并Mahaim纤维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道1例束室纤维合并双房室旁道的电生理表现。患者有心动过速史15年,心电图示右侧游壁显性旁道,分别于三尖瓣环8点半和5点半处消融阻断旁道,原心电图发生了改变,但存在Delta波。上述两条旁道消融前,PR间期均为0.06s,心房递增刺激Delta波增大,房室传导无文氏现象。  相似文献   

报道6例中间隔右侧旁道的特殊类型──邻希氏束旁道的射频消融治疗,心内标测和消融证实该类旁道位于中间隔右侧的前上部,邻近希氏束的影象显示其距离在0.5cm以内,有效消融靶点局部电图均记录到H波(≤0.01mV),其振幅明显小于希氏束电图H波振幅,V─A间期短于或等于希氏束电图上的V─A间期,V波与A波之间有旁道电位,强调在房室折返性心动过速时放电,6例患者心动过速在放电5s内终止,其中4例出现交界区早搏或短阵交界心律,2例出现窦性心动过速,停止放电后均恢复窦性心律。笔者提出恢复后的窦性心律无房室传导阻滞是旁道阻断而正常房室传导无损伤的重要依据。连续放电可完全阻断旁道。  相似文献   

房室结折返性心动过速射频消融术中特殊病例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在260例房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)射频消融中出现11例特殊病例。其中男3例、女8例。5例属电生理现象复杂,其中1例快-慢型者S1S1500ms心室刺激时,连续3个刺激便出现室房文氏现象,随之出现心动过速,AVNRT时心室率182bpm,His束电极A波最先激动,呈A-H-V传导,VA间期220ms,VA>AV;另1例快-慢型者心内电生理诱发出典型AVNRT,其频率162bpm,对其慢径改良后,诱发出另一种频率的快-慢型AVNRT。3例慢-慢型者心动过速较易诱发,AVNRT时均以冠状静脉窦口(CSO)A波最提前,His束电极示H-V-A传导。3例永存左上腔静脉,CSO异常扩张,窦口上缘几乎接近His束水平。3例放电过程特殊者,其中1例在较大范围内消融,均出现慢交界区心律,另1例在消融中出现一个交界区心律后,便诱发AVNRT,再有1例为消融时难以出现慢交界律。所有病例均消融成功(100%)。结果提示对特殊病例除应进行详细电生理检查之外,应采取不同的消融策略  相似文献   

设计一种新的射频消融方法(选择性消融逆传快径)对25例反复发作的典型房这地折返性心动过速(AVNRT)进行消融治疗。经股静脉插入1~2根大头电极至Koch氏三角区,于旁His束心室起搏下寻找逆传A最早的靶点,靶点图上不能有或仅有极小H波,大头电极用力压向靶点出现:(1)VA分离或HA间期延长,说明逆传快径已机械刺激所阻断,立即放电15~25W,持续30~90s;(2)AH间期延长,说明前传快快径已  相似文献   

房室慢旁道的电生理表现及射频消融治疗   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
报道射频导管消融(RFCA)治疗慢旁道参与的房室折返性心动过速患者11例。电生理检查和静脉注射ATP(7例)试验发现:①增频刺激右室心尖部时,VA文氏点为183.2±22.6(160~230)bpm,达11室房传导的最高刺激频率时最早心房激动部位的室房传导时间较基础频率刺激时最早心房激动部位的室房传导时间(BVAE)延长68.8±29.8(46~109)ms,P<0.01。心室程控刺激时旁道阻滞前最早心房激动部位的室房传导时间较BVAE延长107.6±41.8ms,P<0.01,表明慢旁道传导表现为传导速度慢以及出现频率依赖性递减传导和文氏阻滞。②连续心室刺激时静脉注射ATP7例中有5例于注射后20.6±2.0(18~23)s出现完全性室房阻滞,另2例室房传导时间逐渐延长。提示ATP可使慢旁道的室房传导发生阻滞或传导时间延长。③心动过速时逆传激动顺序异常,与H波同步刺激心室均能夺获心房。④RFCA可成功阻断慢旁道,有效靶点的室房传导时间为133.6±21.1(128~160)ms,A波超前最早参照点为26.4±8.4(20~40)ms,有效靶点逆传房波前有旁道电位。结论:上述结果提示慢旁道的电生理特点和  相似文献   

后间隔旁道体表心电图及心内电图的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结射频消融成功的后间隔旁道37例体表及心内电图特征,结果显示:显性后间隔旁道体表心电图Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联δ波负向,QRS波群在V2导联呈R或Rs形时,若V1导联为rSR或Rs形诊断为左后间隔旁道,其敏感性73.3%、特异性91.7%;V1导联为QS形诊断为右后间隔旁道,其敏感性58.3%、特异性100%。冠状窦电极为间距1cm的4极标测电极,近端电极置于窦口。心动过速时,心内电图ΔVAH-CS(VAH与最短VAcs的差值)≥25ms提示左侧,敏感性62.8%、特异性93.7%;ΔVAcs(冠状窦电极记录的最长与最短VA的差值)≤15ms提示左侧,敏感性87.5%,特异性95.4%。此外,左后间隔旁道逆行A波最早出现在冠状窦近端(CSp)或冠状窦中端(CSm),且冠状窦中端A波(Acsm)均早于希氏束远端(Hisd)A波(AHisd);右后间隔旁道逆行A波最早出现在Hisd或CSp处,Acsm均晚于AHisd。通过体表心电图和心内电图特征,可简便准确地预测间隔旁道的消融靶点。  相似文献   

隐匿性慢旁束心动过速的诊断和消融   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2例隐匿性慢旁束折返性心动过速的诊断依据:1、心房和心室电刺激易诱发和终止心动过速;2、心动过速时体表心电图呈窄QRS波,递行P波及PR〈PR;3、心动过速与右心室起搏均呈同样的偏心性心房激动顺序;4、心动过速时于希司速不应期刺激心室可提前夺获心房;5、经旁速室房传导呈递减性,未发现旁束有前传能力;6、射频消融心动过速的逆传支后表现为室房分离。射频消融需在心运过速或心起搏时仔细标测三尖瓣环,寻找最  相似文献   

报道8例快-慢型房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)的电生理特征及射频消融治疗。其中3例为慢-快型AVN-RT射频消融改良慢径后出现的快-慢型AVNRT。8例均经消融慢径而成功终止心动过速。平均放电次数3±1.1次、平均放电时间120±30.4s、平均放电功率30±11W。随访6~24个月,无复发。快-慢型AVNRT具有以下临床电生理特征:①快径不应期短、慢径不应期长。②心内电刺激无房室结双径路现象。③心动过速能由心房刺激诱发。④心动过速时AH间期<HA间期,冠状窦近端A波最提前。熟悉快-慢型AVNRT的电生理特征,对于鉴别房性心动过速及右后间隔旁道参与的房室折返性心动过速十分重要,也是指导快-慢型AVNRT射频消融成功的关键。  相似文献   

短P—R综合征合并室上性心动过速的电生理观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李德  向可翠 《心电学杂志》2000,19(3):141-142
为探讨短P-R综合征合并室上性心动过速的电生理机制,对7例短P-R综合征合并室上性心动过速的患者进行心内电生理检查。结果发现:随着心房负扫描程序刺激,6例A-H间期逐渐延长,1例间歇性延长,6例有A-H间期跳跃现象;室上性心动过速时6例最早心房激动部位在希氏束,V-A间期〈70ms,1例在左后游离壁,V-A间期〉70ms。提示短P-R综合征合并室上性心劝过速的电生理机制是房室结加速传导合并房室结双  相似文献   

目的:明确射频导管消融治疗房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)中较难病例的电生理特点。方法:72例行慢径射频导管消融的慢—快型AVNRT病人中11例(15%)成功射频导管消融的放电次数超过20次或总放电时间超过200秒被定义为较难病例(较难组),其余的为非较难病例(非较难组)61例(85%)。结果:较难组11例中有7例(64%)短心房—希氏束间期(≤60ms),而非较难组61例中14例(23%)短心房—希氏束间期(≤60ms,P<0.05);较难组11例中8例(73%)短房室结逆传文氏周期(≤280ms);非较难组57例(61例中有4例因心室刺激反复诱发心动过速不能测得逆传文氏周期)中有15例(26%)具有短房室结逆传文氏周期(≤280ms,P<0.01)。72例中55例(76%)具有房室结前传不连续曲线。房室结前传曲线有多次“跳跃”在较难组11例中有7例(64%)病人,在非较难组中有12例病人(20%,P<0.01)。结论:短心房—希氏束间期、短房室结逆传文氏周期和前传曲线多次“跳跃”的病人在较难组所占的百分率明显高于非较难组,有显著差异。  相似文献   

目的介绍具有双向传导特性Mahaim结室纤维的电生理机制及导管消融方法。方法患者女性,34岁,反复发作性心动过速病史7年。外院心电图示“阵发性室上性心动过速”。心动过速可被维拉帕米及普罗帕酮终止。入院各项检查排除器质性心脏病后行电生理检查及导管消融术。结果电牛理检查示窦性心律时AH=73ms、HV=42ms,QRS时限100ms。心动过速时QRS波形态与窦性心律时相似,伴有轻度电交替。心动过速在多数情况下室房呈分离状态,HV问期为42ms,与窦性节律时相同,有时室房呈1:1传导,最早心房激动位于希氏束记录处。右心室心尖部以400ms周长刺激时室房呈分离状态。心房增频刺激时QRS波逐渐增宽,直至充分预激。在QRS波增宽过程中,HV逐渐缩短直至H波融合于QRS波之中,刺激信号至QRS波的间期逐渐延长,反映了递减传导的过程。继续缩短心房刺激周长后突然旁路传导受阻,经房室结下传并出现传导跳跃现象,继传导跳跃后心动过速被诱发。心动过速可被三磷酸腺苷(ATP)终止,终止后房室经旁路前传,其QRS波形态与充分预激时相似。在心房刺激保持充分预激的前提下,沿三尖瓣环标测,于左前斜位45。三尖瓣环4点钟处标测到最早V波,此处较体表心电图QRS波提前25ms,单极记录呈Qs型,HA波与V波之间未见高频电位。于该点消融放电(60W×60℃),2S后旁路传导消失。放电过程中未出现交界性心律。消融结束后心房程序电刺激仍有房室传导跳跃现象。随访18个月,未再有心动过速发作。结论本病例心动过速系Mahaim结室纤维所介导,该纤维具有双向传导功能,其上插入端位于房室结慢径区域,下插入端位于邻近房室沟的局部心室肌。心动过速时房室结-希氏-浦肯野系统为前传支,结室纤维作为逆传支。  相似文献   

Fasciculoventricular Pathways in Children. Introduction: Fasciculoventricular connections are the rarest form of accessory pathways leading to preexcitation. Electrophysiologic characteristics of these pathways include ventricular preexcitation with normal PR and AH intervals and short HV intervals during sinus rhythm. In addition, atrial overdrive pacing prolongs the PR interval without affecting the HV interval or the degree of preexcitation.
Methods and Results: From March 1994 through February 1997, 3 of 59 pediatric patients referred for electrophysiologic study for preexcitation on surface ECGs were found to have iasciculoventricular pathways. Two patients had no inducible supraventricular tachycardia. One patient had successful ablation of both a left lateral pathway and a concealed antentlateral pathway that had facilitated antidromic and orthodromic supraventricuiar tachycardias, respectively.
Conclusion: Children often manifest minimal preexcitation via accessory AV pathways due to rapid AV conduction and/or left lateral pathway location. Fasciculoventricular pathways may masquerade as Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Separation of the two diagnoses depends on the demonstration of specific electrophysiologic criteria.  相似文献   

Permanent junctional reentrant tachycardia (PJRT) is an uncommon form of tachycardia that is usually due to an atrioventricular reentry via a right posteroseptal accessory pathway with decremental properties. We describe a case of PJRT that showed evidence of two accessory pathways located both left and right. A 63-year-old woman was referred to our institution for radiofrequency (RF) ablation of a permanent form of regular narrow QRS tachycardia (T) (cycle length 520 ms) with long RP interval (380 ms); P wave was negative in inferior leads, negative in D1 and flat in aVL. During sinus rhythm, AH and HV intervals were 110 ms and 50 ms respectively. The atrioventricular anterograde conduction curve was continuous. A decremental retrograde conduction via a left posterior pathway until ventricular effective refractory period (210 ms) was evident. Tachycardia inducible with both atrial and ventricular programmed stimulation was almost incessant. During tachycardia, a premature ventricular depolarization delivered when His bundle was refractory was able to advance the next atriogram, and tachycardia could be interrupted by a ventricular depolarization without atrial capture. During right atrial mapping, an earliest atrial activation was found in the mid-septal position just above the coronary sinus ostium and RF application caused a transient interruption of T (3 minutes). Tachycardia resumed with basal characteristics, but no evidence of earlier right atrial activation was found during atrial mapping. Successful RF ablation was performed via retrograde aortic catheterization in the left posterior region. This case showed evidence of a left posterior pathway causing PJRT. However, the transient successful ablation in the right mid-septal region and the lack of evidence of right early atrial activation after RF application could account for the presence of an additional right accessory pathway or a strand of the same broad left pathway.  相似文献   

We report a case of atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) using a concealed para-Hisian accessory pathway for retrograde conduction, which also required anterograde conduction over the AV nodal slow pathway to maintain the tachycardia. The shortest VA interval during AVRT (70 ms) was noted at a site with His bundle electrogram amplitude of 0.25 mV. The AVRT was cured by radiofrequency ablation of the AV nodal slow pathway without affecting accessory pathway conduction. The patient has not reported any sustained palpitations at 2 years after ablation while receiving no medications. The case presented in this report illustrates a para-Hisian AVRT that was successfully eliminated by an unconventional approach of ablation of the atrial inputs to the AV nodal slow pathway.  相似文献   

Variants of Preexcitation. introduction: In the present report, the electrophysiiologic findings in patients with different types of variants of preeexcitwtion, i.e., atriofascicualr, nodofacicular, and fasciculoventricular fibers, and the results of radiofrequency catheter ablation using different target sites are described. Methods and Results: Twelve patients (mean age 36 ± 17 years) with variants of the preexcitation syndromes underwent electrophysiologic study and radiofrequency catheter ablation. The atrial origin of atriofascicular pathways remote from the normal AV node was assessed by application of late atrial extrastimuli that advanced (“reset”) the timing of the next QRS complex without anterograde penetration into the AV node. In patients with atriofacicular pathways, ablation of the accessory pathway or the retrograde fast AV node pathway was attempted. Ablation of the atriofascicular pathways was guided by a stimulus-delta wave interval mapping in the first live patients and by recording of atriofascicular pathway activation potentials in the next five patients. A nodofascicular pathway was suggested if VA dissociation occurred during tachycardia and if atrial extrastimuli failed to reset the tachycardia without anterograde penetration into the AV node. A fasciculoventricular connection was suggested if the proximal insertion of the accessory pathway was found to arise from the His bundle or bundle branches. The PR interval was expected within normal limits during sinus rhythm and the QRS complex to he slightly prolonged with a discrete slurring of the R wave, suggesting a small delta wave. Ten of the 12 patients had evidence for atriofascicular pathways and one patient each for a nodofascicular and fasciculoventricular pathway. In six patients, the atriofascicular pathways were successfully ablated, and in two patients, the retrograde fast AV node pathway. In one patient, a concealed right posteroseptal accessory AV pathway served as the retrograde limb and was successfully ablated. The nodofascicular pathway was shown to he a bystander during AV node reentrant tachycardia. After successful fast AV node pathway ablation resulting in marked PR prolongation, no preexcitation was present during sinus rhythm because of the proximal insertion of the nodofascicular pathway distal to the delay producing parts of the AV node. The proximal insertion of the fasciculoventricular pathway was suggested to arise distal to the AV node at the site of the penetrating AV bundle. The earliest ventricular activation at the His-bundle recording site indicated the ventricular insertion of this accessory connection into the ventricular summit. The fasciculoventricular connection gave rise to a fixed ventricular preexcitation and served as a bystander during orthodromic AV reentrant tachycardia incorporating a left-sided accessory AV pathway.  相似文献   

Catheter ablation with radiofrequency current has recently been introduced as a therapeutic regimen for symptomatic patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome or atrioventricular (AV) tachycardia mediated by a retrogradely conducting (concealed) accessory AV pathway. These pathways may be located, although infrequently, in the anteroseptal region of the heart in close proximity to the AV node-His bundle conduction system. Any attempt to interrupt an anteroseptal accessory pathway therefore is subject to the potential complication of inadvertent impairment of normal AV conduction. This study was conducted to establish whether abolition of anteroseptal accessory pathways by radiofrequency current aimed at the atrial as opposed to the ventricular insertion of the pathway can be achieved with preservation of AV node-His bundle conduction. Twelve patients (mean age 37 +/- 13 years; 10 with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 2 with a concealed accessory pathway) were studied. In the majority of patients, radiofrequency current (500 kHz; mean energy 577 +/- 207 J) was applied through a steerable catheter with a long tip electrode placed in the anterior septal space at the atrial aspect of the tricuspid anulus, with the intention to destroy the atrial insertion of the accessory pathway. All pathways were successfully ablated. The AV node or His bundle conduction was not impaired in any patient. Right bundle branch block was induced in two patients (17%). There were no complications related to the procedure. It is concluded that catheter ablation from the right atrium using radiofrequency current provides effective and safe interruption of anteroseptal accessory pathways with good preservation of the normal conduction system.  相似文献   

Objectives. We sought to assess the safety and efficacy of selective slow pathway ablation using radiofrequency energy and a transcatheter technique in patients with a prolonged PR interval and atrioventricular (AV) node reentrant tachycardia.Background. Although both fast and slow AV node pathways can be ablated in patients with AV node reentrant tachycardia, slow pathway ablation, by obviating the risk of AV block, appears to be safer. However, the safety and efficacy of selective slow pathway ablation using transcatheter radiofrequency energy in patients with a prolonged PR interval during sinus rhythm are unclear.Methods. The seven study patients with a prolonged PR interval (mean ± SD 237 ± 26 ms) comprised three women and four men with a mean age of 31 ± 15 years. The slow pathway was targeted in all seven patients at the posterior/inferior interatrial septal aspect of the tricuspid annulus. Two patients presented with the uncommon variety of AV node reentrant tachycardia after initial fast pathway ablation; in the remaining five patients, the AV node reentrant tachycardia was of the common variety.Results. A single radiofrequency pulse at 30 W successfully abolished the slow pathway in both the anterograde and the retrograde direction in the two patients with uncommon AV node reentrant tachycardia. A mean of 5 ± 3 radiofrequency pulses were required in the remaining five patients with reentrant tachycardia of the common variety. The postablation PR interval and AH interval remained unchanged. The shortest cycle length of 1:1 AV conduction was prolonged significantly (from 327 ± 31 to 440 ± 59 ms, p < 0.01, as was the AV node effective refractory period (from 244 ± 35 to 344 ± 43 ms, p < 0.01). During a mean follow-up interval of 20 ± 6 months, no patient developed symptoms suggestive of AV node reentrant tachycardia or had evidence of second- or third-degree AV block.Conclusions. These data suggest that the AV node slow pathway can be ablated in patients with AV node reentrant tachycardia who demonstrate a prolonged PR interval during sinus rhythm.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous cocaine (2 mg/kg) were tested on several indices of cardiac electrical activity in sedated dogs. These included sinus rate, PR, AH, and HV intervals; AV nodal effective refractory period (AVNERP); ventricular effective refractory period; QRS duration; and the QT interval. Cocaine induced significant changes in six control animals with an intact-functioning autonomic nervous systems. After pharmacologic autonomic blockade with propranolol plus propantheline, cocaine increased the PR interval (+ 11 +/- 4.0 ms, p less than 0.05), primarily by slowing conduction at the AV nodal level. However, with constant atrial pacing at a rate above the sinus cycle length, prolongation of both the AH and the HV intervals (+ 15 +/- 2.5 and 6.7 +/- 1.7 ms, respectively) occurred. There was also a significant increase in the AVNERP (+ 29 +/- 5.9 ms, p less than 0.05). Consistent with the observed rate-dependent HV prolongation, cocaine decreased the rate of rise of phase 0 of the transmembrane action potential of Purkinje fibers. These data indicate that cocaine impairs cardiac conduction by direct actions on AV nodal and His-Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency Ablation of Pseudo-Mahaim Fibers. Introduction: A young woman with refractory recurrent supraventricular tachycardia was referred for catheter ablation. Methods and Results: Electrophysiologic studies revealed the mechanism of tachycardia to be atrioventricular (AV) reentry, utilizing a decrementally conducting atriofascicular accessory pathway as the anterograde limb of the circuit and the normal intraventricular conducting system as the retrograde limb. Pace mapping in the right atrium during sinus rhythm suggested an atrial origin of the accessory pathway several centimeters distant from the AV node. Multiple radiofrequency lesions at the distal insertion of the accessory pathway in or near the right bundle branch failed to abolish preexcitation. In contrast, radiofrequency current applied to the ventricular side of the anterolateral tricuspid ring, adjacent to the atrial origin of the accessory pathway, was successful in abolishing preexcitation and inducible supraventricular tachycardia without affecting AV nodal conduction. Conclusion: Radiofrequency ablation can provide curative therapy for intractable supraventricular tachycardia due to decrementally-conducting atriofascicular accessory pathways. The risk of AV block in such patients as a consequence of the procedure should be quite low.  相似文献   

Definitive localization of accessory pathways is based on atrial activation patterns during orthodromic supraventricular tachycardia when retrograde conduction occurs exclusively through the accessory pathway. In some patients, supraventricular tachycardia cannot be induced or is deleterious. To determine whether accessory pathway sites can be identified accurately during ventricular pacing, retrograde atrial activation was assessed during orthodromic supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular pacing at multiple cycle lengths in 41 patients with a single accessory pathway. To obviate retrograde fusion due to concomitant conduction through the normal atrioventricular (AV) conduction system that may obscure the location of the accessory pathway, the difference in conduction time from the site of earliest atrial activation to the His bundle atrial electrogram (delta A-SVT) was measured during orthodromic supraventricular tachycardia and compared with values observed during ventricular pacing (delta A-VP). Characteristic values for the delta A-SVT interval were identified for left lateral (66 +/- 17 ms), left posterior (50 +/- 8 ms), posteroseptal (33 +/- 7 ms), right free wall (22 +/- 15 ms) and anteroseptal (0 +/- 0 ms) accessory pathway sites. During ventricular pacing, the site with the earliest atrial electrogram was used to define the accessory pathway location only if the maximal value of the delta A-VP interval over the range of cycle lengths assessed was comparable with the value of the delta A-SVT interval characteristic of that region. Values of the delta A-SVT interval correlated closely with the maximal values of the delta A-VP interval (r = 0.91). With this approach, 40 (98%) of 41 accessory pathway sites were identified correctly during ventricular pacing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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