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目的了解儿科临床护士工作中经历横向暴力情况及其影响因素。方法采用一般资料问卷和儿科临床护士横向暴力问卷,对崇左市8所医院的200名儿科临床护士进行问卷调查。结果儿科临床护士经历横向暴力各条目总均分为(1.51±0.55)分;学历和儿科工作年限是儿科临床护士发生横向暴力的主要影响因素。结论儿科临床护士工作期间横向暴力普遍存在,且对其身心产生不良影响,护理管理者应提高对儿科临床护士横向暴力的认识,采取相应预防措施,稳定儿科护理队伍发展。  相似文献   

目的 探究上海市三甲医院护际横向暴力的现状,及其与工作压力、留职意愿的关系,以期优化护理人力资源管理。方法 2019年1月至3月,多阶段抽样法随机抽取上海5家三甲医院的1600例护士;采用护士一般资料和横向暴力调查表、护士工作压力源量表和留职意愿量表进行调查。回收的数据,采用SPSS23.0软件进行统计描述和分析。 结果 ①样本中53.8 %的护士在近一年内遭受过横向暴力,隐性暴力多于显性暴力、横向暴力中发生频率最高的是言语虐待;横向暴力暴露率上,36-40岁的护士最高、工作年限≥11年的护士高于工作年限≤5年的护士、主管护师及以上职称的护士高于护士职称的护士(均P<0.05)。护士工作压力源量表和留职意愿量表得分分别为96.81±18.03和16.82±3.92,横向暴力暴露组的护士工作压力得分高于无横向暴力组,横向暴力暴露组的护士留职意愿得分低于无横向暴力组(均P<0.001)。 结论 超过半数的上海三甲医院护士为横向暴力的受害者,36-40岁、工作年限≥11年或中、高级职称护士的横向暴力暴露率高较高;护士的工作压力水平偏高、留职意愿居中等程度,而且遭受过横向暴力的护士的工作压力更高、留职意愿更低。未来研究应进一步探索三者关系和制定相关管理对策。  相似文献   

纪媛媛  王军  张娜芹 《护理学报》2019,26(22):43-46
目的 调查规范化培训护士遭遇横向暴力的现状。方法 采用便利抽样法,于2018年9月选取北京某三级甲等医院正在规范化培训的279名护士作为研究对象。采用规范化培训护士横向暴力调查问卷对其进行调查。结果 279名规范化培训护士,60名(21.5%)的护士报告说在过去12个月里遇受过横向暴力;横向暴力主要来自高年资护士,最常见的显性横向暴力为“言语上的讽刺”,最常见的隐性横向暴力为“打击你的积极性”遭受横向暴力会对护士的身体、心理以及护理专业产生影响。不同工作年限的规范化培训护士,其遭受横向暴力情况比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 规范化培训护士横向暴力发生率为21.5%,工作>1~2年的规范化培训护士更容易遭受横向暴力,暴力形式以隐性暴力为主,遭受横向暴力会对其心理、身体及护理专业产生不良影响,护士的横向暴力相关知识培训尚需加强。护理管理者在加强规范化培训护士理论知识与护理技能的同时,应高度关注其横向暴力的问题,积极寻找有效措施预防和减少横向暴力的发生,以促进护理事业健康持续发展。  相似文献   

目的了解综合医院护士间横向暴力(lateral violence,LV)发生现况,为制订针对性干预策略提供依据。方法采用横向暴力调查问卷对某综合医院1043名护士进行调查。结果综合医院护士间LV发生率为78.2%,"被散布谣言及闲话"是发生频率最高的LV。LV事件上报率仅为16.9%,50.2%的护士采取"默默忍受"的方式应对LV事件。LV组的护士年龄、婚姻状况、科室、职称、工龄及科室人数与非LV组护士的比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论综合医院护士遭受LV的现象较普遍,护士应对方式单一。管理者应根据暴力发生特征,聚焦LV高危人群,开展针对性应对措施,从而减少护士之间LV的发生,为临床护士创造良好职业环境。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨外科合同制护士遭受横向暴力的现状及横向暴力对健康相关工作效率低下的影响。[方法]采用护士横向暴力调查问卷和中文版工作受限情况调查问卷对某综合三级甲等医院136名外科合同制护士进行问卷调查。根据横向暴力问卷的调查结果把研究对象分为暴力组和非暴力组,然后比较两组对象的工作能力受限情况。[结果]70.6%的外科护士遭受过横向暴力,其中显性暴力占8.8%,隐性暴力占47.8%,两者都有占14.0%。遭受横向暴力组护士的工作受限总分及脑力/人际交往、产出需求、脑力需求、时间管理4个维度得分均高于非暴力组(P0.05)。[结论]外科合同制护士遭受横向暴力现象普遍存在,同时横向暴力会造成护士的健康相关工作效率降低,应引起护理管理者的重视。  相似文献   

林润  李文洲 《全科护理》2023,(29):4064-4068
目的:探讨合同制护士遭受横向暴力的现状及护际间横向暴力对合同制护士工作投入与组织支持感的影响。方法:采用便利抽样方法,选取2022年2月—4月医院485名在职合同制护士为研究对象,采用一般资料调查表、护士间横向暴力调查问卷、护士工作投入量表、组织支持感量表对其进行调查,分析合同制护士遭受横向暴力现状及护际间横向暴力对合同制护士工作投入与组织支持感的影响。结果:共发放问卷485份,回收有效问卷470份,有效率96.91%。遭受横向暴力事件的合同制护士为354人(75.32%)。不同年龄、工作年限、职称和工作单元的合同制护士遭受的横向暴力得分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);遭受横向暴力组的合同制护士工作投入和组织支持感各维度得分和总分均明显低于非暴力组(P<0.05);合同制护士横向暴力与护士工作投入、组织支持感均呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:合同制护士遭受横向暴力事件较为普遍,尤其表现在年龄低,工作年限少的初级低年资护士和工作在重症、急诊或手术室的护士。同时,遭受横向暴力会影响合同制护士的工作投入、降低组织支持感,需要引起护理管理者的重视。  相似文献   

目的探讨横向暴力对儿科护士心理健康的影响,并应对横向暴力采取针对性干预策略。方法选取2016年1月至2018年1月本院儿科60名护士作为研究对象,分析护士的横向暴力形式及其与护士年龄、学历的关系。结果显性与隐性暴力并存为横向暴力主要存在形式,横向暴力发生率达70.00%。暴力组与非横向暴力组护士在年龄、学历方面比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论护士经横向暴力后会对其自信心及身心健康造成影响,应采取相应预防措施。  相似文献   

文章综述了国外护士间横向暴力的应对策略,包括关键对话、结构授权、团队建设、认知演习与"零容忍"等。国内医院管理者应结合我国现状,借鉴国外研究成果培训护士长处理横向暴力的能力,加强团队凝聚力,为低年资护士提供相关培训,以达到减少横向暴力发生的目的。  相似文献   

[目的]了解医院护理管理者对护士间横向暴力的认知现状。[方法]采用护士长对横向暴力的认知调查问卷对174名护士长进行问卷调查。[结果]护士长所在的护理团队横向暴力发生频率较高,并且以隐性暴力为主;部分护士长本人经历过横向暴力,67人经历过显性暴力,104人经历过隐性暴力;护士长对横向暴力的处理方式以自行团队内解决为主,有18人向上级报告。[结论]护士长对横向暴力的存在有一定的认识,对横向暴力的预防认知不足,局限于护士长的权力影响力和非权力影响力,从整体或者系统去考虑横向暴力的应对,未从制度建设、预警评估等方面考虑从源头去预防和减少护士间横向暴力的产生。  相似文献   

近年来,医院工作场所暴力已成为威胁医务工作者健康和生命安全的重要问题[1]。世界卫生组织将其定义为:卫生保健人员在其工作场所受到辱骂、威胁或袭击,从而造成对其安全、幸福和健康明确或含蓄的挑战[2]。工作场所暴力根据性质不同,分为身体暴力和心理暴力;根据发生的来源不同,分为患者及家属的外部暴力、医院组织内部暴力、护士群体之间的横向暴力。  相似文献   

目的了解神经外科护士经历横向暴力的现状,以期为制订针对性的干预措施提供参考。方法 2015年7-10月,采用便利抽样法选择在海军总医院神经外科工作的127名注册护士为研究对象,采用经历暴力事件调查量表(sabotage savvy,SS)对其进行调查。结果监护病房护士相对于普通病房护士更多地经历横向暴力(χ~2=4.251,P0.05);经历横向暴力与护士的工作年限有关,工作年限低(5年)的护士相对于工作年限高(≥5年)的护士更多经历横向暴力(χ~2=31.877,P0.05)。结论神经外科护士工作期间普遍经历横向暴力,护理管理者需提高对加强横向暴力的认识,并采取有效的干预措施。  相似文献   

Ceravolo D.J., Schwartz D.G., Foltz-Ramos K.M. & Castner J. (2012) Journal of Nursing Management  20, 599–606 Strengthening communication to overcome lateral violence Aim This quality improvement project aims to reduce nurse-to-nurse lateral violence and create a more respectful workplace culture through a series of workshops. Background Lateral violence is common and pervasive in nursing, with detrimental physical, psychological and organizational consequences. Methods This project describes the organization-wide pre- and post-intervention survey of registered nurses’ perception of lateral violence and turnover. Results After the workshop series, nurses who reported experiencing verbal abuse fell from 90 to 76%. A greater percentage of nurses perceived a workplace that was respectful to others and in which it was safe to express opinions. After the workshop series, a greater percentage of nurses felt determined to solve the problem after an incident of lateral violence, while a smaller percentage felt powerless. Nursing turnover and vacancy rates dropped. Conclusions Educational workshops that enhanced awareness of lateral violence and improved assertive communication resulted in a better working environment, reduction in turnover and vacancy rates, and reduced incidence of lateral violence. Implications for nursing management Nurse managers must raise awareness of lateral violence with individual and organizational consequences. Nursing leadership can effect organizational change to lesson lateral violence and enhance a healthy workplace culture by replicating our intervention or components of our workshops.  相似文献   

Lateral violence is disruptive, bullying, intimidating, or unsettling behavior that occurs between nurses in the workplace.The perioperative setting fosters lateral violence because of the inherent stress of performing surgery; high patient acuity; a shortage of experienced personnel; work demands; and the restriction and isolation of the OR, which allows negative behaviors to be concealed more easily.Lateral violence affects nurses' health and well-being and their ability to care for patients. Interventions to reduce lateral violence include empowerment of staff members and zero tolerance for lateral violence. AORN J 89 (April 2009) 688-696. © AORN, Inc, 2009.  相似文献   

Lateral violence (eg, disruptive, disparaging, or uncivil behavior inflicted by one peer on another) creates an unpleasant work environment that can have harmful effects on individual nurses, team members, patients, and the bottom line of the health care organization. Educating nurses about the most common forms of lateral violence and strategies for handling inappropriate behavior can be the first step toward eliminating this behavior. Effective nursing leaders develop and maintain a “zero-tolerance” culture that includes clear and concise behavioral expectations and consequences for employees who exhibit unprofessional behavior. Use of a code of conduct, open communication, and quick resolution of issues that arise are strategies that one ambulatory surgery center has used to successfully combat lateral violence in the workplace.  相似文献   

陆红  童玉芬 《护理管理杂志》2012,12(11):791-793
目的了解门诊护士遭受医院工作场所暴力情况及其心理健康状态。方法采用自设调查问卷和症状自评量表对106名门诊护士遭受工作场所暴力及其心理健康状况进行调查。结果76.42%的门诊护士在过去一年中遭受过工作场所暴力;门诊护士的心理健康状况在各方面症状评分均高于常模(P〈0.01);遭受工作场所暴力的门诊护士心理状况更差(P〈0.01)。结论门诊护士遭受工作场所暴力的问题较为严重,应加强法律法规、应对工作场所暴力的培训及心理疏导,以有效防范医院工作场所暴力的发生,维护门诊护士的身心健康。  相似文献   

护士工作场所暴力的现状调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查护士工作场所暴力水平并分析原因,为今后干预护士工作场所暴力提供依据。方法:采用医院工作场所暴力调查量表对广州市5家三级甲等医院的护士进行调查。结果:60.8%的护士在过去一年中遭受过工作场所暴力,其中,辱骂、威胁、语言性骚扰、躯体攻击(无损伤)、躯体攻击(轻度损伤)、躯体攻击(明显损伤)、性袭击的发生率分别是57%、39%、13.1%、8.8%、3.7%、1%、2.5%。80.2%的急诊科护士在过去一年中遭受过工作场所暴力,45%在过去一年中遭受过工作场所暴力。结论:护士遭受高水平工作场所暴力,暴力的形式主要是非身体暴力,急诊科护士较非急诊科护士遭受更多工作场所暴力。  相似文献   

工作场所暴力对急诊护士影响及医院应对现状的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解工作场所暴力对急诊护士的影响及医院应对现状.方法 采用工作场所暴力调查表对164名急诊护士进行调查.结果 124名(75.6%)护士遭受过暴力,对护士的生理、心理和职业态度产生较大影响,医院缺乏规范、有效的应对暴力措施.结论 急诊护士是遭受工作场所暴力的高危人群.医院应建立预防和应对暴力的系统模式,创造和谐的医疗环境.  相似文献   

Doris Khalil  PhD  MA  BA  RN  RM  RNT 《Nursing forum》2009,44(3):207-217
BACKGROUND.  The paper presents findings from a study examining violence in nursing.
DESIGN.  A combined ethno-phenomenology was identified as the most appropriate approach. Ethnography is to understand the culture of nursing that permits violence to occur within the profession. Phenomenology is to explore and capture nurse-on-nurse experiences of violence. The population is all nurses registered with the South African Nursing Council. The research participants are nurses employed in eight public hospitals in Cape Town during 2005.
METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION.  The first stage of data collection was the distributions of confidential questionnaires to nurses employed in eight hospitals and willing to participate in the study.
ANALYSIS.  Responses to close-ended questions were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Responses to open-ended questions were grouped per question. The qualitative data were then compared for similarities and differences in information provided.
CONCLUSIONS.  Six levels of violence exist among nurses. The highest forms of violence among nurses occurred at the psychological level, with the least at the physical level of interaction. The other four levels of violence among nurses were vertical, horizontal, covert, and overt. All categories of nurses in the study had resorted to one or more levels of violence against other nurses during their nursing career. Professional nurses and senior nurse managers were identified as the main category of nurses that frequently resort to mistreating other nurses. However, auxiliary nurses were identified as the main perpetrators of physical violence against other nurses.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The purpose of the study was to explore the meaning(s) that emergency department nurses ascribe to acts of violence from patients, their family and friends and what impact these meaning(s) have upon how they respond to such acts. Background. Violence in the health sector is of international concern. In high acuity areas such as emergency departments, nurses have an increased risk of violence. The literature further suggests that violence towards nurses in emergency departments is under‐reported. Design and methods. This study was undertaken in 2005, at a regional Australian Emergency Department with 20 consenting registered nurses. Using an instrumental case study design, both qualitative and quantitative data were generated. Qualitative data were collected using participant observation, semi‐structured interviews, informal field interviews and researcher journaling. Quantitative data of violent events were generated using a structured observational guide. Textual data were analysed thematically and numeric data were analysed using frequency counts. Mixed methods and concurrent data analysis contributed to the rigour of this study. Findings. Emergency department nurses made judgments about the meaning of violent events according to three factors: (i) perceived personalization of the violence; (ii) presence of mitigating factors; and (iii) the reason for the presentation. The meanings that were ascribed to individual acts of violence informed the responses that nurses initiated. Conclusions. The findings show that violence towards emergency department nurses is interpreted in a more systematic and complex way than the current definitions of violence make possible. The meanings given to violence were contextually constructed and these ascribed meaning(s) and judgments informed the actions that the nurses took in response to both the act of violence and the agent of violence. Relevance to clinical practice. Understanding the meaning(s) of violence towards nurses contributes to the discussions surrounding why nurses under‐report violence. Further, these findings bring insights into how nurses can and do, handle violence in the workplace.  相似文献   

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