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目的研究新西兰大白兔脑动脉系统的特点,为建立兔脑血管疾病模型奠定基础。方法新西兰大白兔20只,采用数字减影血管造影(DSA)方法,通过新西兰大白兔股动脉将微导管导入颈内动脉近端造影,分析新西兰大白兔脑动脉系统解剖。结果颅内前后循环系统显影清楚;新西兰大白兔具有与人类相似的脑动脉系统。结论超选择性脑血管造影有利于更好地显示兔脑前后动脉系统,新西兰大白兔脑动脉系统与人类相似,为建立兔脑动脉系统血管疾病模型提供较详细的影像学基础。  相似文献   

目的 探索简便易行的静脉造影的方法并分析其造影机制。 方法 SD大鼠40只, 随机分为A、B两组,每组20只,再随机分成4组(a ~ d),每组5只。A组通过颈内静脉和尾静脉同时分别灌注不同浓度的造影剂;B组通过颈总动脉分别灌注不同浓度的造影剂。A、B两组同时造影并配合电脑图像处理技术,观测静脉显影情况。新西兰大白兔4只,肝素抗凝处理后取皮,直接经皮静脉灌注造影剂, 探讨静脉造影的机制。 结果 A组中明胶浓度为7%的Ac组大鼠全身静脉显影清晰,可清楚地显示静脉的走行及其分布情况;B组中明胶浓度为2%的Bb组大鼠全身动、静脉同时显影,可清晰地显示动、静脉的伴行及其相互之间的连接关系。在压力和灌注量都足够的情况下,造影剂可充填兔皮内主干静脉及其大的交通支。 结论本方法既可以直接通过静脉灌注进行全身静脉造影,又可通过动静脉联合造影同时显示动脉与静脉。静脉造影既需要“瓣膜失效”,也需要“迷宫式回流”。  相似文献   

在循环系的研究工作中,我们曾于1964年用乳胶加色素灌注血管效果较好。但乳胶灌注血管只限于做肉眼观察,不能做X线造影;而单纯用铅丹松节油蓖麻油液灌注血管及淋巴管不便于作解剖。为此我们采用铅丹乳胶混合液做尸体血管灌注,既能作皮肤及皮下组织的X线造影,又能作解剖观察,现将此法介绍如下:  相似文献   

目的利用改良乳胶灌注技术进行人鼻背动脉标本的制作。方法从颈外静脉、颈内静脉与颈总动脉依次插管手推灌注氨水与乳胶的混合灌注剂。结果改良灌注技术充分灌注了鼻背动脉。结论乳胶灌注方便经济,使用的灌注剂拉伸性好,可塑性强,灌注后血管有弹性饱满,颜色鲜艳,有利于人鼻背动脉手工解剖标本。  相似文献   

目的通过颅中窝脑静脉的显微解剖、影像学观察及其对照研究,为经翼点和经眶颧手术人路中脑静脉的保护提供形态学基础。方法分别对30例(60侧)颈内静脉灌注蓝色乳胶的成人尸头湿标本、36例(60侧)DSA静脉相、25例(50侧)CT静脉造影(CTV)和25例(50侧)MR静脉造影(MRV)图像进行观测。结果以显微解剖观测结果作为评价标准,DSA、CTV和MRV分别能够观察到70%、52%和42%的颅中窝脑静脉;根据颅中窝静脉注入硬脑膜窦处位置的不同,其分为海绵窦型、蝶顶窦型、蝶岩窦型和岩上窦型,各型脑静脉能被影像学手段区分;影像学观测到的大脑中浅静脉数目和分型与显微解剖相比较,差异无统计学意义。结论术前影像学检查有助于经翼点和经眶颧手术入路的设计和术中脑静脉的保护。  相似文献   

目的利用乳胶灌注技术制作人鼻背动脉标本。方法依次从颈外静脉,颈内静脉和颈总动脉插管手推灌注乳胶和氨水的混合灌注剂。结果鼻背动脉得到充分灌注。结论乳胶灌注技术经济方便,使用的灌注剂可塑性强,抻拉性好,灌注后的血管颜色鲜艳,饱满有弹性,有利于标本的手工解剖。  相似文献   

海绵窦的解剖学概念及相关结构的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨海锦窦的解剖学概念及其相关显微解剖,为临床应用提供解剖学基础。方法用10%甲醛固定的成人头颅湿标本22例,分别在动脉系统与静脉系统中灌注红、蓝乳胶铸型,在手术显微镜下观察海绵窦及其相邻结构。结果海绵窦蓝染乳胶形成粗细不等,反复分支的网状结构,与颈内动脉成毗邻关系并可分离。结论本研究所见支持海绵窦是静脉丛的概念。  相似文献   

桡动脉掌浅支为蒂的大鱼际皮瓣的显微外科解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的介绍以桡动脉掌浅支为蒂的大鱼际皮瓣的显微解剖学基础,为该皮瓣游离移植修复指腹缺损提供解剖学依据。方法解剖20只成人新鲜尸体手标本,于远侧腕横纹上方约10cm处解剖出桡动脉灌注红色乳胶,桡动脉的伴行静脉及头静脉灌注蓝色乳胶,在手术显微镜下进行解剖,观察大鱼际皮肤动脉、静脉、神经来源、分支及吻合情况。其中5只标本于桡动脉掌浅支起始处灌注墨汁,测量皮肤染色范围。结果桡动脉掌浅支起始处外径为(1.40±0.22)mm,长度为(2.0±0.5)cm,皮瓣可切取面积为2cm×3cm~4cm×5cm。静脉回流有两种途径,神经支配以正中神经掌皮支为主。结论桡动脉掌浅支起始与走行恒定,口径适当,可设计以桡动脉掌浅支及其伴行静脉或浅静脉为蒂、带正中神经掌皮支的大鱼际皮瓣游离移植修复指腹缺损。  相似文献   

目的:以肝为例,探索将管道铸型与血管造影及3D可视化技术进行整合,充分揭示同一器官内部各管道系统之间的相互关系。方法:分别从肝静脉灌注自凝牙托灌注填充剂,从肝门静脉灌注乳胶、羧甲基纤维素-氧化铅填充剂。运用多层螺旋CT进行层距0.5mm薄层扫描,获取二维数据,应用Mimics软件对肝内的管道系统进行3D可视化。结果:重建后的肝门静脉充盈饱满,层次清晰,边缘光滑,层次分明。排除干扰后,自凝牙托材料灌注的肝静脉同样可以在运用CT扫描后,获取理想的管道三维重建模型。图像融合后能清晰显示肝门静脉和肝静脉在肝内的相互位置关系。结论:采用管道铸型技术与血管造影3D可视化相结合技术,不仅能在同一器官同时显示各管道系统的相互关系,更能在同一器官分别显示各管道系统。  相似文献   

本文采用动脉灌注乳胶和软x线造影方法,对50只家兔大网膜动脉的分支分布、口径、长度和大网膜的范围进行了观察和测量。根据大网膜动脉弓所在的位置,可分为三型:低位型最多(44±7.02%),中间位型次之(36±6.79%);高位型最少(20±5.66%)。家兔大网膜的边缘区血管最为丰富,适合于实验性移植用。本文讨论了家兔大网膜动脉的解剖特点,并与人类作了比较。  相似文献   

目的经股动脉途径行选择性颈内动脉插管建立兔大脑中动脉(MCA)血栓栓塞模型,并评价其技术可行性及模型的稳定性。方法新西兰大白兔30只,雌雄不限,平均兔龄14个月,体质量4.1kg。对照组10只,实验组20只。经股动脉途径行选择性颈内动脉数字减影血管造影(DSA),实验组向颈内动脉内注射1~5枚血栓,对照组仅注射造影剂。行DSA,观察脑血管闭塞情况,用改良Bederson评分法评价神经功能缺损,CT灌注成像观察脑血流灌注,磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)、2,3,5-三苯基氯化四氮唑(TTC)染色观察脑梗塞情况。结果实验组17只兔(85%)脑缺血模型建立成功,表现为手术侧MCA主干闭塞,神经功能缺损,MCA供血区血流灌注异常,DWI信号、TTC染色异常。3只脑缺血模型建立失败,其中2只为颈内动脉栓塞,1只闭塞的MCA再通。对照组影像学及病理学均无异常。两组CT灌注参数差异有显著统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论经股动脉途径行选择性颈内动脉插管建立兔MCA血栓栓塞模型具有创伤小、易存活等优点。选择合适的血栓及熟悉兔颈内动脉系统解剖及变异能提高局灶性脑缺血模型的稳定性及可重复性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨兔严重胸腹伤后早期莫沙必利促肠道动力治疗对肝损伤的影响.方法 采用BIM-Ⅳ型生物撞击机建立实验性胸腹撞击伤动物模型,将30只新西兰兔随机分为创伤组、创伤促动力组和对照组,观察门静脉血流量、血清总蛋白(TP),白蛋白(ALB),丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT),谷草转氨酶(AST)及肝脏大体和镜下病理变化.结果 创伤促动力组门静脉血流量下降程度明显较小,血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)升高水平低于创伤组,并且肝细胞损害较轻.结论 兔严重胸腹伤后早期采用莫沙必利促胃肠道动力治疗对减轻肝脏损害有一定作用.  相似文献   

Macaque monkeys are used in many research applications, including cerebrovascular investigations. However, detailed catalogs of the relevant vascular anatomy are scarce. We present our experience with macaque vessel patterns as determined by digital subtraction angiography of 34 different monkeys. We retrospectively analyzed digital subtraction angiograms obtained during experimental internal carotid artery (ICA) catheterization and subsequent injection of 1‐methyl 4‐phenyl 1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine. Results were catalogued according to vascular distribution and variants observed. Macaque monkeys have a bovine aortic arch. The carotid vessels generally bifurcate, but are occasionally observed to divide into three vessels. The external carotid gives rise primarily to two trunks: an occipital branch and a common vessel that subsequently gives off the lingual, facial, and superior thyroid arteries. The internal maxillary artery may be present as a terminal branch of the external carotid or as a branch of the occipital artery. The ICA is similar in course to that of the human. The anterior circle of Willis was intact in all monkeys in our study. Its primary difference from that of the human is the union of the bilateral anterior cerebral arteries as a single (azygous) median vessel. Macaque cervical carotid and circle of Willis arterial anatomy differs from humans in a couple of specific patterns. Knowledge of these differences and similarities between human and macaque anatomy is important in developing endovascular macaque models of human diseases, such as ischemic stroke. Anat Rec, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Toxicity of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 in rabbits.   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Strains of Staphylococcus aureus associated with toxic shock syndrome produce toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST 1), which is lethal to conventional rabbits and acts synergistically with gram-negative lipopolysaccharide. The lethal effect of TSST 1 was examined in specific-pathogen-free rabbits on the basis that these rabbits, being less colonized by gram-negative bacteria, would be less susceptible than conventional animals. Although there was no significant difference in mortality between specific-pathogen-free and conventional rabbits in response to 100 micrograms of TSST 1, there was a difference in response between Dutch belted rabbits and New Zealand white rabbits. Both specific-pathogen-free and conventional New Zealand white rabbits were more susceptible to TSST 1 than the Dutch belted strain. Pretreatment of conventional New Zealand white rabbits with polymyxin B neutralized the lethal effect of TSST 1.  相似文献   

Experimentally-induced U-shaped carotid loops, simulating arterial tortuosities and kinks were examined by scanning electron microscopy to seek flow-induced changes in the intimal surface. In 14 New Zealand white rabbits carotid arterial transplants were fashioned into U-shaped loops by microvascular surgery. The rabbits were sacrificed from 4 to 226 days post-operatively. Tears in the internal elastic lamina occurred in all loops from 5 days post-operatively and were predominantly transverse and localised about the greater curvature of the bends of each loop. Though initially denuded, all tears appeared endothelialised after 6 days, coalescing later as they increased in size and extent. In older animals only islands of wrinkled internal elastic lamina remained at those sites. Endothelial cells in the tears were small, numerous and polyhedral with raised nuclei. The lesser curvature of the three bends in the loops displayed some irregular wrinkling of the internal elastic lamina. In the three oldest animals a few longitudinal tears were observed on the lesser curvature of the main bend. The specific localization of intimal tears supports the concept that they were hemodynamically induced.  相似文献   

Experimentally-induced U-shaped carotid loops, simulating arterial tortuosities and kinks were examined by scanning electron microscopy to seek flow-induced changes in the intimal surface. In 14 New Zealand white rabbits carotid arterial transplants were fashioned into U-shaped loops by microvascular surgery. The rabbits were sacrificed from 4 to 226 days post-operatively. Tears in the internal elastic lamina occurred in all loops from 5 days post-operatively and were predominantly transverse and localised about the greater curvature of the bends of each loop. Though initially denuded, all tears appeared endothelialised after 6 days, coalescing later as they increased in size and extent. In older animals only islands of wrinkled internal elastic lamina remained at those sites. Endothelial cells in the tears were small, numerous and polyhedral with raised nuclei. The lesser curvature of the three bends in the loops displayed some irregular wrinkling of the internal elastic lamina. In the three oldest animals a few longitudinal tears were observed on the lesser curvature of the main bend. The specific localization of intimal tears supports the concept that they were hemodynamically induced.  相似文献   

背景:兔的冈上肌形态及结构与人类相仿,在组织学上,兔肩袖肌腱包括与人类相似的由肌腱到骨的移行区域,可用于腱-骨愈合的研究。 目的:建立兔的肩袖损伤模型,探讨此模型的可行性并进行肩袖愈合的初步组织学研究。  方法:18只骨骼成熟雄性新西兰大耳白兔,建立肩袖损伤模型后随机数字表法均分为2组:修复组造模后1周行腱-骨缝合;对照组不予修复。分别于造模后2,4,8周对冈上肌标本进行切片及苏木精-伊红染色,观察冈上肌的脂肪浸润情况和腱-骨愈合情况。  结果与结论:兔冈上肌的解剖结构和组织结构均与人类相似,肩袖损伤模型建立和手术修复的操作过程可重复性高。两组均未观察到明显的冈上肌脂肪浸润和萎缩变性。修复组在8周时形成了新的冈上肌止点,对照组则无新止点形成。 说明急性冈上肌损伤修复后8周可形成新止点,兔是建立肩袖损伤模型的合适动物并适用于肩袖疾病的研究。  相似文献   

目的 建立兔蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage, SAH)模型,观察SAH后大脑深静脉管径的变化,为SAH后脑血管痉挛的发生及治疗提供新的理论依据。 方法 新西兰兔38只,随机分为SAH组(33只)和生理盐水(normal saline,NS) 组(5只)。SAH组采用枕大池两次注血法制作SAH模型,NS组注入等量NS作为对照。SAH组18只、NS组2只兔行显微解剖、动物行为和神经功能观察,其余分别于造模前1 d、造模后5 d行MR颅脑扫描。 结果 显微解剖示兔脑干腹侧面、侧脑室、四叠体池等部位皆有明显积血。NS组大脑深静脉直径造模前、后差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。SAH组造模前大脑内静脉、基底静脉、大脑大静脉直径为(0.57±0.13) 、(0.38±0.08) 、(1.33±0.31) mm,造模后分别为(0.42±0.08) 、 (0.25±0.12)、(1.26±0.31) mm,其中大脑内静脉与基底静脉的直径与造模前比较,差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。 结论 兔SAH后大脑深静脉可以发生不同程度的收缩痉挛。  相似文献   

Summary In experiments on rabbits the baroceptors of the venous cerebral sinuses were stimulated by the infusion of fluid under pressure which caused a reflex constriction of the regional arteries of the brain (internal carotid and vertebral arteries). It is still uncertain along which nerve path this reflex is conducted. The effect is a veno-vasomotor reflex, and prevents the brain from being overfilled with blood when the outlow into the venous system would be blocked.Presented by Academician I. S. Beritashvili Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 9–13, February, 1962  相似文献   

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