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目的了解安徽省淮南地区禽畜体内寄生人兽共患吸虫的种类,为防治人兽共患吸虫病提供参考依据。方法从淮南市禽畜市场选购人兽共患吸虫的终宿主,处死后取出内脏并解剖,获取虫体,制片鉴定,同时检索整理有关淮南地区禽畜体内寄生吸虫的文献。结果经分类、鉴定和整理,淮南地区禽畜体内寄生吸虫迄今共发现41种,其中人兽共患吸虫23种,仅在禽畜体内寄生吸虫18种,分属4目12科21属,分别寄生于鸡、鸭、鹅、猪、黄牛、水牛、绵羊、山羊和犬等9种终宿主,结论淮南地区禽畜体内寄生人兽共患吸虫的种类较多,引起人群人兽共患吸虫病传播与流行的危险较高,应引起高度审视..  相似文献   

华支睾吸虫成虫常寄生于人体肝胆管内,也寄生于狗、猫等动物的肝、胆囊及胆管,可引起华支睾吸虫病——一 种重要的人兽共患寄生虫病。本研究通过解剖1例家猫,从其肝脏和胆囊中检获虫体共736条,经鉴定为华支睾吸虫。 这一发现提示芜湖地区有动物华支睾吸虫病流行,应重视宠物寄生虫感染的防治。  相似文献   

华支睾吸虫病(clonorchiasis)是由华支睾吸虫成虫寄生于人肝胆管引起的一种严重危害人类健康的人兽共患病。淮河流域是重要流行区之一,其中淮南地区的发病率较高。该病易于继发肝胆系统其他疾病。作者对淮南地区华支睾吸虫病临床特征作了分析,以便为防治本病提供参考。  相似文献   

我国动物华支睾吸虫的感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华支睾吸虫寄生于人和犬猫等动物的胆囊和胆管内,造成肝胆的一系列疾病,是一种重要的人兽共患寄生虫病。据估计,全球约有3500万人感染华支睾吸虫,其中我国大约有1500万人感染。华支睾吸虫病分布于我国多个省、市、自治区,其中以广东省人群的感染率最高。华支睾吸虫的第一中间宿主为淡水螺,第二中间宿主为淡水鱼和虾,人为终末宿主,保虫宿主有猪、犬、猫、鼠等多种动物。鱼塘边建厕所和吃。鱼生”是华支睾吸虫病流行的两个重要因素。为了更有效地防制人和动物华支睾吸虫病,我们搜集了20世纪90年代以来我国华支睾吸虫感染的报道,进行整理分析。  相似文献   

肝片形吸虫病是由肝片形吸虫(Fasciolahepatica Linnaeus,1758)寄生所致的一种人兽共患的目然疫源性寄生虫病。1979年朱维忠等报告了湖北省恩施地区4例肝片形吸虫病,嗣后,段帮鼐等1986年又报道了该地区利川市13例。我们于1989年在上述两个发病区进行了中间宿主及终末宿主的调查。一、中间宿主从利川、恩施两市的小溪沟、水塘及稻田中采  相似文献   

华支睾吸虫病(clonorchiasis)是由华支睾吸虫(Clonorchissinensis)寄生于人和动物肝胆管内引起的以肝胆病变为主的一种重要的人兽共患寄生虫病。全世界有3500万人感染,主要分布于东南亚,  相似文献   

目的 目的 调查淮河水系盾盘吸虫孳生情况。 方法 方法 采集淮河水系淮南流域孳生的河蚌, 编号并解剖分离蚌体内 的吸虫, 染色制片后鉴定虫种。 结果 结果 在淮河水系淮南流域共捕获79只河蚌, 其中23只感染盾盘吸虫, 感染率为 29.11%; 共检获盾盘吸虫209条, 感染性河蚌的平均感染度为9.09条/蚌。 结论 结论 淮河水系淮南流域有盾盘吸虫孳生, 经 鉴定为腹盾属吸虫 (Aspidogaster sp.)。  相似文献   

<正> 片形吸虫病为人兽共患寄生虫病,由片形科的肝片形吸虫和巨片形吸虫所引起。有关片形吸虫在家畜体内寄生和流行情况,我省迄今未见报道。1985年8月,我们在湘西土家族苗族自治州3个乡共调查耕牛共553头。现将调查结果报道如下。 一、材料与方法 材料系采自受检耕牛新鲜粪便,分别用直接涂片法和自然沉淀集卵法(1粪3检)进行粪检。发现虫  相似文献   

福建省狗猫寄生蠕虫种类的调查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文报告狗猫感染人兽共患病——寄生蠕虫类的调查结果。通过福建省10个县、市的808头狗与336头猫的检查,狗感染率为91.7%;猫感染率为87.5%。寄生的蠕虫有15个属19种,其中吸虫类9种;线虫类6种;绦虫类4种。人兽(狗猫)共患的16种,已与当地居民互相传播的有10种。以上调查结果显示,狗猫是人兽共患的寄生蠕虫病中重要的宿主。  相似文献   

寄生在肝脏胆管内的人兽共患的片形吸虫病,对动物和人体的肝脏造成损害,致生长迟缓、动物死亡、牲畜产量下降。蛋白质组学数据的发展帮助我们了解片形吸虫生物学、片形吸虫病诊断及免疫作用重要因子,为片形吸虫病的防制打下了良好的基础。本文综述了片形吸虫排泄分泌蛋白组、体被蛋白组、细胞外囊泡蛋白组研究进展。  相似文献   

棘球蚴病包括囊型包虫病和泡型包虫病,是严重危害人体健康和畜牧业发展的人畜共患病。本文综述了棘球绦虫终末宿主分布及其感染情况,并对终末宿主感染的检测方法作了介绍。  相似文献   

This review presents a comprehensive picture of the zoonotic parasitic diseases in Egypt, with particular reference to their relative prevalence among humans, animal reservoirs of infection, and sources of human infection. A review of the available literature indicates that many parasitic zoonoses are endemic in Egypt. Intestinal infections of parasitic zoonoses are widespread and are the leading cause of diarrhea, particularly among children and residents of rural areas. Some parasitic zoonoses are confined to specific geographic areas in Egypt, such as cutaneous leishmaniasis and zoonotic babesiosis in the Sinai. Other areas have a past history of a certain parasitic zoonoses, such as visceral leishmaniasis in the El-Agamy area in Alexandria. As a result of the implementation of control programs, a marked decrease in the prevalence of other zoonoses, such as schistosomiasis and fascioliasis has been observed. Animal reservoirs of parasitic zoonoses have been identified in Egypt, especially in rodents, stray dogs and cats, as well as vectors, typically mosquitoes and ticks, which constitute potential risks for disease transmission. Prevention and control programs against sources and reservoirs of zoonoses should be planned by public health and veterinary officers based on reliable information from systematic surveillance.  相似文献   

The helminthic fauna of vertebrates in the Yamal peninsula consists of 61 species: of them 2 species are monogenic, 6 are trematodes, 29 are cestodes, and 24 are nematodes. Twelve species of the 4 are antroponoses and 8 are zoonoses which may parasite on human beings. Human infection with some zoonoses is due to local habits of eating raw or undercooked meat of wild animals, domestic deers, and fish. These helminthic diseases include trichinosis, taeniasis, opisthorchiasis, diphyllobothriasis. On contacting with dogs and Arctic foxes, the population is infected with echinococciasis, alveococciasis, toxoplasmosis. The foci of brucellosis, anthrax, tularemia, leptospirosis, rickettsioses, rabies, and toxoplasmosis were notified in the Yamal peninsula. Intensive migration of the population contributes to the importation of new species of causative agents to the peninsula and to the deterioration of the situation of endemic invasions and infections. Thus, in-depth study of parasitic and natural focus-related diseases in this region becomes partially urgent now.  相似文献   

棘球蚴病是由棘球绦虫幼虫感染所致的一种危害严重的人兽共患寄生虫病。棘球绦虫生活史可涉及多种动物宿主,如有蹄类动物、啮齿类动物等中间宿主和食肉类动物终末宿主。自然界动物宿主间细粒棘球绦虫及多房棘球绦虫生活史循环与人体棘球蚴病传播密切相关。本文综述了近年来国内外有关细粒棘球绦虫和多房棘球绦虫主要动物宿主分布及感染的影响因素研究进展,旨在为开展棘球蚴病精准防治提供参考。  相似文献   

During the past couple of decades, numerous surveys for the occurrence and distribution of food-borne trematodes in Vietnam have been carried out. However, the majority of the data obtained have not been published in international journals, and therefore, the seriousness of these trematode parasitic zoonoses in the country has not been fully appreciated. To correct this, over 40 Vietnamese language reports and local publications were translated and organized as a status review for an international audience. The results show that such serious trematode zoonoses as clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis, paragonimiasis and fascioliasis are common in many regions of Vietnam, and, in the case of fascioliasis and paragonimiasis, are increasing. Data on the species of intermediate hosts involved in the transmission of these zoonoses, and the effect of host sex and age on infection frequencies are presented, along with findings on food preference/behavior investigations. Finally, the authors present recommendations for further research to provide a more comprehensive picture of the status of these zoonoses, and to obtain the risk assessment information needed to design prevention and control programs.  相似文献   

The importance of parasitic zoonoses continues to increase on both local and global scales as interactions between people and animals become more frequent through global travel, intensification of agriculture, habitat devastation, and changes in world trade patterns. A current and real threat is the potential for a deliberate introduction of a zoonotic disease through the prospect of bioterrorism. Parasitic zoonoses represent significant problems in public health, animal agriculture and conservation, and the meat industry. There is an urgent need for integration of medical and veterinary services, continuous disease surveillance in both humans and animals, the teaching of zoonoses to medical doctors, and intensified research on zoonotic agents and diseases. The convergence of both public health and veterinary services currently represents a real challenge for managing zoonotic diseases.  相似文献   

In integrated small-scale aquaculture farming, animal and human excreta maybe used as fish feed and pond fertilizer, thereby enhancing transmission of fish-borne zoonotic trematodes (FZTs) from final hosts, like humans, pigs and chickens, to snails. Areas within a pond could vary in trematode egg-load due to the immediate bordering land, and this might provide implications for control of these trematodes or sampling in field studies measuring FZT prevalence in snails. We therefore estimated the effect of bordering land use on prevalence and FZT burden in snails in different areas within small-scale aquaculture ponds. Nine sampling areas within a pond were assigned in six ponds. For each sampling area, about 120 Melanoides tuberculata snails were collected. Based on land use bordering a sampling area, these were categorized in 5 risk-categories: low-risk (road, rice planted in pond, agriculture, or middle of pond), human access point to pond, livestock sty (pigs or poultry), both human access point and livestock sty, and water connection to canal. In total, 5392 snails were collected. Percentages of snails with parapleurolophocercous cercariae varied between 6% in areas categorized as low-risk and areas with livestock sty only to 15% in areas with both human access point and livestock sty; only this 15% was significantly different from the prevalence in the low-risk category. Percentages of snails with xiphidio cercariae did not differ between risk-categories and varied between 5% and 10%. Mean snail size was 15.2 mm, and was significantly associated with both the probability of infection as well as parasite burden. Very small differences in parasite burden were found at different land use areas; the maximum difference was about 11 cercariae. This study demonstrated only small differences between areas surrounding a pond on risk of snails to be infected with fish-borne trematodes within different pond areas. In field studies on FZTs in M. tuberculata snails in ponds, sampling from ponds can therefore be done without considering areas within ponds.  相似文献   

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