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[目的]探讨保留股骨止点的内收大肌肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位的临床效果。[方法]自2011年6月~2013年6月,对12例髌骨复发性脱位(单侧10例,双侧2例)行关节镜下外侧支持带松解,保留股骨止点的内收大肌肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带。测量髌股外侧角的大小及Lysholm评分进行效果评价。[结果]术后随访12~18个月,术后1年Lysholm评分由术前(65.1±18.6)分显著提高到术后(92.0±10.1),髌股外侧角由术前(-2.1±8.7)度恢复到(10.4±3.9)°。所有患者在术后6~8个月恢复到受伤前的运动水平。[结论]保留股骨止点的内收大肌肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带可明显恢复髌股关节稳定性,是治疗儿童复发性髌骨脱位的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨腘绳肌腱移植包埋法重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位的疗效。方法 :2008年3月至2013年6月间收治复发性髌骨脱位67例,其中男28例,女39例;年龄10~42岁,平均22岁。临床表现为膝关节不稳感,"打软腿",髌骨错位感,膝前疼痛等。67例均行腘绳肌腱移植包埋法重建内侧髌股韧带。术前后采用Lysholm评分及Q角变化对疗效进行评估。结果:术后67例均获随访,随访时间4~60个月,平均(27.5±13.4)个月。术后切口均愈合良好,无髌骨脱位或半脱位发生。Lysholm评分由术前76.35±2.86提高到术后82.71±2.29;Q角从术前(18.75±2.33)°降至术后(13.28±1.75)°。结论:腘绳肌腱移植包埋方法重建内侧髌股韧带可以提供足够的张力,恢复髌骨稳定性,改善膝关节功能。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨双束解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗髌骨脱位临床疗效,为临床治疗提供参考。[方法]选择60例髌骨脱位患者,采用双束解剖重建内侧髌股韧带进行治疗,术后行膝关节CT检查,测量股骨滑车沟角、关节融合度角、外侧髌骨角、髌骨倾斜角;采用Kujala评分和Lysholm评分对膝关节功能进行主观评估,并与术前进行对比。[结果]术后患者全部获得随访,平均时间为(12.9±2.5)个月。伤口一期愈合,无感染、不愈合发生,无下肢深静脉血栓形成。体格检查髌骨倾斜试验、髌骨外推试验阴性,无复发性脱位发生。术后CT测量,髌股适合角由(21.89±4.49)°减小为(10.70±2.12)°;外侧髌骨角由(2.03±5.49)°增加为(8.29±2.13)°;髌骨倾斜角由(22.10±4.2)°减小为(12.70±1.65)°,差异均具有统计学意义。关节功能评分:Kujala评分由(57.47±7.99)提高为(87.57±5.88);Lysholm评分由(62.32±5.36)提高为(92.15±3.61),差异均具有统计学意义。[结论]内侧髌股韧带双束解剖重建治疗髌骨脱位,能纠正不良的髌骨轨迹,改善患者主观症状,提高膝关节功能。短期临床观察无复发性脱位发生,但是重建手术中创伤大,中期疗效还需要进一步研究探讨。  相似文献   

目的探讨膝关节镜联合C型臂透视下定位重建内侧髌股韧带等长点治疗复发性髌骨脱位的疗效。方法自2013年10月至2017年5月收治复发性髌骨脱位58例(63膝),男26例28膝,女32例35膝;年龄16~47岁,平均(21.8±7.16)岁。采用膝关节镜联合C臂机透视下定位内侧髌股韧带等长点,自体半腱肌肌腱移植双束解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗。对其进行影像学评价:Q角、胫骨结节股骨滑车沟(tibia tuberosity-trochlear groove,TT-TG),Insall-Salvati指数、髌股适合角、外侧髌股角、髌骨外移率;临床疗效评价包括国际膝关节评分委员会(International Knee Documentation Committee,IKDC)膝关节功能主观评分、Lysholm膝关节功能评分。结果所有病例均获得随访,随访时间1~40个月,平均21个月。术后恐惧试验均阴性,随访期间无髌骨再脱位及骨折发生。末次随访时髌股适合角(0.20±4.19)°,外侧髌股角(3.52±1.33)°,髌骨外移率(0.35±0.14)。与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);IKDC膝关节功能主观评分(87.46±4.04)分、Lysholm膝关节功能评分(87.28±3.33)分,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论膝关节镜联合"C"型臂透视下定位重建内侧髌股韧带等长点治疗复发性髌骨脱位的近期效果可靠。  相似文献   

目的:介绍复发性髌骨脱位的关节镜下微创手术技术及疗效.方法:复发性髌骨脱位16例,男3例,女13例;年龄14~32岁,平均17.6岁;病程6~23个月,平均18.5个月.关节镜下髌股外侧支持带囊外松解,自体股薄肌腱游离移植重建髌股内侧支持带重建,手术前后根据Lysholm评分评价疗效.结果:全部患者获随访,时间6~48个月,平均12个月.患者的Q角由术前的(16.4±3.7)°减小至重建后6个月的(10.1±1.4)°,Insall指数由术前的1.37±0.25减小至重建后6个月的1.28±0.23,适配角由术前的(21.3±2.6)°减小至重建后6个月的(5.86±2.23)°,Lysholm评分由术前的76.1±5.2提高至重建后6个月的89.8±4.1.结论:关节镜下外侧支持带囊外松解结合髌股内侧支持带重建治疗复发性髌骨脱位可减少出血及术后瘢痕粘连,创伤小,有利于患者术后功能康复.  相似文献   

目的:评价内侧髌股韧带重建联合外侧支持带松解治疗复发性髌骨脱位的临床效果.方法:2011年3月至2013年6月在关节镜下进行内侧髌股韧带重建联合外侧支持带松解治疗复发性髌骨脱位15例,男5例,女10例;年龄14~32岁,平均19.4岁;髌骨脱位2次及以上.术前常规行X线、CT、MR检查了解髌股关节及内侧髌股韧带情况,关节功能Lysholm评分69.85±11.52,术中镜下查看髌股对合关系及髌骨运动轨迹.术中使用自体腘绳肌腱重建内侧髌股韧带同时关节镜下外侧支持带松解.结果:所有患者获随访,时间12~36个月,平均27.6个月,患者无再发髌骨脱位及半脱位,伸直位及屈曲30°位恐惧试验和髌骨外移试验均为阴性,术后12个月患者完全恢复正常活动,膝关节无主观不适,术后Lysholm评分92.60±5.75,较术前提高.结论:关节镜下内侧髌股韧带重建联合外侧支持带松解手术能有效治疗复发性髌骨脱位,缓解症状,重建髌骨稳定性.  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜辅助下内侧髌股韧带重建术治疗髌骨脱位股骨侧止点定位方法及效果。方法 2014年1月—2018年9月,收治35例髌骨脱位患者。男14例,女21例;年龄16~38岁,平均22.6岁。患者均有膝关节扭伤史;病程1~7 d,平均2.8 d。髌骨脱位2~4次,平均2.5次。术前Lysholm评分为(47.60±11.24)分,Kujala评分为(48.37±9.79)分。髌股适合角为(31.40±6.81)°、髌骨倾斜角为(29.95±5.44)°、外侧髌股角为(-11.46±5.18)°,胫骨结节-股骨滑车间距为(16.66±1.28)mm。于关节镜辅助下取自体半腱肌重建内侧髌股韧带,在髌骨内缘中点与中上1/3点应用带线锚钉固定韧带,分别在内收肌大结节、股骨内上髁及其两点间中点以及偏前、偏后位置钻入克氏针,将肌腱固定于克氏针,膝关节屈曲过程中观察韧带等长性、张力、髌骨轨迹及髌股对合关系,选择最佳股骨侧止点重建内侧髌股韧带。术后影像学检查测量髌股适合角、髌骨倾斜角、外侧髌股角,评估髌股对合关系;应用Lysholm评分与Kujala评分评价膝关节功能。结果术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无膝关节及切口感染发生。患者均获随访,随访时间12~18个月,平均15.4个月。术后12个月,Lysholm评分为(94.40±3.99)分、Kujala评分为(92.28±4.13)分,均较术前明显改善(P0.05)。随访期内均无髌骨再脱位发生。术后12个月髌股适合角为(6.57±4.59)°、髌骨倾斜角为(9.73±2.82)°、外侧髌股角为(7.14±4.63)°,均较术前明显改善(P0.05)。结论关节镜辅助下有限切开重建内侧髌股韧带时,应用股骨侧解剖标志定位,通过观察内侧髌股韧带张力、等长性以及髌股关节对合关系、髌骨轨迹,可以使股骨侧止点定位更准确,临床效果满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜辅助下半腱肌解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位及临床疗效。方法我科在2014年4月至2016年7月,通过关节镜辅助下半腱肌解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位17例,术后定期随访,末次随访评估手术前后外侧髌股角、膝关节Kujala、Lysholm评分。结果 17例患者,2例后期失访,平均随访时间19.4个月。复查J-sign(-)、髌骨恐惧试验(-)、髌骨外推移位试验(-),末次随访评估手术前后外侧髌股角、膝关节Kujala、Lysholm评分,行配对t检验,结果显示术后较术前差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论关节镜辅助下自体半腱肌肌腱解剖重建内侧髌股韧带治疗复发性髌骨脱位是一种疗效显著的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨大收肌腱转位重建内侧髌股韧带(medial patello femoral ligament,MPFL)治疗青少年复发性髌骨脱位(recurrent dislocation of patella,RDP)的手术方法和临床疗效。方法 2011年4月至2013年7月,本院收治复发性髌骨脱位19例(20膝),其中男4例4膝,女15例16膝,年龄14~18岁,平均15.2岁。脱位次数2~4次。所有患者均行大收肌腱转位重建内侧髌股韧带术,术前、术后采用Lysholm评分及Insall标准评价膝关节功能。结果所有患者均获得随访,随访时间6~36个月,平均22个月。术后髌股关节稳定,无髌骨脱位再次发生。Lysholm评分术前平均(61.6±4.0)分,术后(93.4±3.4)分(P0.01)。术后疗效按Insall标准进行评价,优13例(13膝),良4例(5膝),可2例(2膝)。优良率为90.0%(18/20)。结论采用大收肌腱转位重建MPFL手术治疗RDP疗效可靠,手术创伤小,操作简单,康复快,可有效防止髌骨脱位的复发,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨关节镜临视下髌骨双隧道内侧髌股韧带重建及外侧支持带松解治疗复发性髌骨脱位的疗效.[方法]对12例复发性髌骨脱位患者采用髌骨双隧道法重建内侧髌股韧带,同时常规行外侧支持带松解.[结果]患者术后均获随访,平均31个月(14~52个月),未见髌骨脱位复发.髌骨轴位X线片显示所有病例外侧髌股角均有所改善.手术前后IKDC膝关节功能主观评分分别为(38.3±5.1)分和(91.1±5.9)分.Lysholm膝关节功能综合评分分别为(72.3±4.6)分和(90.6±4.7)分.[结论]关节镜监视下髌骨双隧道内侧髌股韧带重建及外侧支持带松解是治疗复发性髌骨脱位的有效方法.  相似文献   

从1993年至今,作者运用髌骨钳治疗髌骨骨折96例,并对所观察病人进行随访和疗效评定,结果显示:固定后病人即刻可下床行走并主动屈膝90°以上者占74%,治疗总优良率达98.96%。作者认为,髌骨钳治疗髌骨骨折具有操作简单、使用方便、固定力度大、适应症广泛,不需X线透视、不需其它外固定、有利膝关节功能恢复等优点,值得推广。  相似文献   

李健  戴祝  廖瑛  吴彪  刘全辉 《中国骨伤》2022,35(6):532-537
目的:比较髌腱外偏角和胫骨结节-滑车沟距离(tibia tubercle-trochlea groove,TT-TG)的CT测量结果,以及在复发性髌骨脱位中的诊断能力和病理阈值。方法:自2015年1月至2020年3月对46例复发性髌骨脱位患者和112例非髌骨脱位患者的病例资料进行回顾性分析。46例复发性髌骨脱位患者根据TT-TG值分为2组:TT-TG ≥ 20 mm髌骨脱位(A组)11例,男7例,女4例;年龄16~27(21.00±3.98)岁;TT-TG<20 mm髌骨脱位(B组)35例,男14例,女21例;年龄16~37(22.83±6.09)岁;非髌骨脱位(C组)112例,男63例,女49例;年龄16~36(22.87±5.69)岁。比较3组患者的髌腱外偏角和TT-TG值的测量数据,并采用Spearman分析其相关性。采用同类相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC)确定组内的可重复性。利用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线下面积评价参数的诊断能力,并计算出髌腱外偏角截骨参数,以及髌腱外偏角和TT-TG值在诊断复发性髌骨脱位的诊断参数。结果:A、B、C组的髌腱外偏角分别为(22.04±3.19)°、(17.20±4.43)°、(10.22±3.45)°,TT-TG值分别为(21.15±0.71)、(15.97±2.69)、(11.12±3.77) mm,3组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),且A组与B组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。髌腱外偏角与TT-TG值对比,存在强正相关(r=0.735,P<0.000 1)。髌腱外偏角在A、B组中的组内ICC值(0.980、0.982)比TT-TG值(0.594、0.775)测量的可重复性更好,C组中髌腱外偏角(0.956)和TT-TG值(0.906)可重复性均很好。在复发性髌骨脱位诊断中,髌腱外偏角的ROC曲线下面积(0.916)大于TT-TG值(0.886),其诊断参数分别为13.84°和14.69 mm;在胫骨截骨术中,髌腱外偏角的ROC曲线下面积为0.821,截骨参数为20.15°。结论:CT成像可以可靠地测量髌腱外偏角。髌腱外偏角与TT-TG值存在强正相关,可通过其测量明确复发性髌脱位病理状态,并且髌腱外偏角在复发性髌骨脱位的诊断能力优于TT-TG值。髌腱外偏角同样可用于指导复发性髌骨脱位的胫骨截骨手术方案的制定。  相似文献   

Summary Factors predisposing to patellar chondropathy (the PC group) and inferior patellar apicitis (jumper's knee — the PA group) were sought by means of a questionnaire, detailed quantitative physical measurements and radiological examination in male athletes. There were 20 athletes in the two groups who had typical symptoms and signs of each disorder. A group of 20 high-level athletes without knee symptoms served as a control group.The factors found in the PC group which differed significantly from those in the control group included increased anterior drawer sign (p<0.05), increased passive mediolateral patellar range of movement (p<0.001) and increased hyperextension (p<0.05). More leg length inequality (p<0.001) and patella alta (p<0.05) was observed in the PA group than in the controls.There was statistically significant positive correlation between the different measurements of knee laxity (anterior drawer sign, passive mediolateral patellar movement and hyperextension) in the 60 cases. The correlation coefficient between the length of the patellar tendon and passive mediolateral patellar movement was 0.82 (p<0.001).
Résumé On a recherché, chez des athlètes de sexe masculin, à l'aide d'un questionnaire détaillant les mensurations physiques quantitatives et les résultats des examens radiologiques, les facteurs prédisposants à la chondropathie de la rotule (groupe CR) et à l'apexite patellaire inférieure (groupe AP). Dans chacun de ces 2 groupes il y avait 20 athlètes qui présentaient des symptômes typiques de l'une de ces 2 affections. Un groupe de 20 athlètes de haut niveau, asymptomatiques, a servi de groupe de contrôle (groupe C).Les facteurs trouvés dans le groupe CR qui différaient significativement de ceux du groupe C, étaient l'augmentation du tiroir antérieur (p<0.05), de la mobilité transversale de la rotule (p<0.001) et de l'hyperextension du genou (p<0.05). Dans le groupe AP, il y avait plus d'inégalités de longueur des membres inférieurs (p<0.001) et de patella alta (p<0.05) que dans le groupe C.Statistiquement, il y avait dans les 60 cas une corrélation positive significative entre les différents tests de laxité du genou. Le coefficient de corrélation entre la longueur du tendon rotulien et la mobilité transversale de la rotule était de 0.82 (p<0.001).

目的通过股骨截骨术增大股骨前倾角和髌骨内外侧软组织失平衡手术制作髌骨脱位模型,观察股骨滑车局部形态和骨小梁结构的变化。方法取40只3个月龄的新西兰幼兔,分别对其右膝进行两种手术方式(每组20只):①截骨组,接受股骨旋转截骨术,股骨远端内旋来增大股骨前倾角;②软组织组,行髌骨内侧支持带松解和外侧支持带紧缩缝合术。所有左膝作为正常对照组。术后观察4个月至骨骼成熟,将股骨远端进行Micro-CT扫描,测量滑车形态:外侧髁、滑车沟和内侧髁的高度,滑车沟角,滑车的外侧和内侧关节面倾斜角等,并对骨小梁进行分析:骨体积分数、骨小梁厚度、骨小梁数量、骨小梁分离度和骨密度等。相关指标的结果进行组间比较。结果截骨组中1例发生髋关节脱位,而髌骨未发生脱位;3例在屈膝状态下出现完全性的髌骨脱位;16膝在膝关节被动伸直时,髌骨发生脱位。软组织组中15膝在屈膝状态下出现完全性的髌骨脱位,5膝未发生髌骨脱位。截骨组的股骨滑车在滑车入口处伴有局部的突起形成,称为"骨突",而滑车关节面比较光滑,未出现明显的软骨破裂等,而软组织组的股骨滑车未见"骨突"形成,滑车关节面出现软骨破裂、缺损等关节炎表现。与对照组相比,截骨组和软组织组的滑车均变浅和变宽,滑车沟高度和滑车沟角变大,但两组比较没有统计学差异。与对照组相比,截骨组骨小梁发生汇聚,内侧髁和外侧髁的骨小梁厚度增大,内侧髁骨小梁数量减少,而软组织组表现为骨质疏松,内侧髁和外侧髁的骨体积分数、骨小梁厚度、骨小梁数量和骨密度都减少,骨小梁分离度增大。与软组织组相比,截骨组内侧髁和外侧髁的骨体积分数、骨小梁厚度、骨小梁数量和骨密度都较大,骨小梁分离度较小,差异有统计学意义。结论通过股骨截骨术增大股骨前倾角和髌骨内外侧软组织失平衡手术可成功构建髌骨脱位的骨性和软组织型模型,并继发形成不同的滑车形态学改变和骨小梁结构变化。  相似文献   

Background This paper describes a modification of the Elmslie-Trillat procedure that is usually performed in severe cases of habitual or recurrent patellar instability. Methods Eighteen knees (7 men and 8 women) treated for recurrent or habitual patellar dislocation were evaluated clinically and radiographically at a mean follow-up of 5 years (range 24 months to 9 years). The mean age at follow-up was 26.3 years (range 17–44 years). The IKDC and Kujala and Tegner scores were used for the clinical evaluation. Anteroposterior, lateral and Merchant views were done for radiographic monitoring. When the patella was still unstable during dynamic evaluation after execution of the Elmslie-Trillat procedure, the medial third of the patellar tendon was isolated and harvested with a corresponding 1 cm long and 0.5 cm wide bone plug, maintaining its insertion to the inferior medial side of the patella. This ligament was medialized and put under tension, trying to find a medial insertion that guaranteed patellar stability throughout the full range of motion. Results IKDC classified 11 knees as A (normal), 4 knees as B (almost normal), 2 knees as C (abnormal) and 1 knee as D (severely abnormal). The Kujala score showed excellent results in 16 knees, 1 fair and 1 poor knee. The mean Tegner score rose from 2 preoperatively to 5 at follow-up. The poor knee presented an over-correction of the congruence angle on radiography. On follow-up radiographs, the parameters were almost completely corrected. Statistical analysis showed a significant correction of radiograph parameters, and significantly worse results in patients who underwent trochleoplasty. Conclusion The technique described tries to achieve a dynamic stability of the patella throughout the full range of motion in severe patellar instability where the Elmslie-Trillat procedure is insufficient. No recurrence of patellar instability has been observed. The stability must be obtained with dynamic control in the initial degrees of flexion, trying to avoid an excessive patellar medialization.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional tracking pattern of the human patella   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A study was undertaken to provide data on the three-dimensional tracking pattern of the patella, relative to the femur, in human knee-joint specimens. For this purpose, a highly accurate roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA) method was applied. The three-dimensional motion patterns of the tibia and the patella were measured and represented in terms of three translations and three rotations each, during knee flexion in neutral (unloaded), endorotated, and exorotated pathways. We found that the patella displays complex but consistent three-dimensional motion patterns during flexion, which include flexion rotation, medial rotation, wavering tilt, and a lateral shift relative to the femur. The motion patterns are very much affected by tibial rotations accompanying flexion.  相似文献   

骨横断骨折不同改良方式张力带钢丝固定的生物力学测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为了评价髌骨骨折不同改良方式张力带钢丝固定的牢靠程度。方法:取截肢后下肢,保留股四头肌腱、髌骨、髌韧带及关节囊。将股骨、胫骨端固定在材料试验机上,维持胫股关节屈曲36°位,通过牵拉股四头肌腱产生张力,用线性运动传感器测定骨折移位,移位3mm为固定失效。测AO张力带钢丝,胥氏张力带钢丝,“8”字张力带钢丝和Magnuson钢丝4种固定法。结果:胥氏张力带钢丝和“8”字张力带钢丝固定效果最好。AO张力带钢丝次之,三者均能承受294N以上牵张力,允许术后早期活动,Magnuson钢丝不能承受294N以上牵张力,固定欠牢靠。结论:治疗髌骨横断骨折首选胥氏张力带钢丝或“8”字张力带钢丝,粉碎性骨折选用“8”字张力带钢丝更合适  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore morphological characteristics of patellofemoral joint surface of patients with patellar instability by adopting the MRI‐based method.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed from March 2016 to January 2020 to assess morphological characteristics of the patellofemoral joint surface by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning knees of 30 patients (24 females, six males) with patellar instability and trochlear dysplasia and knees of 30 subjects from a randomly selected control group (25 females, five males). The control group was matched as per age and sex. All participants had undergone MRI scans in the supine position and keep knees in or near full extension. Six parts were measured in total, including thickness of trochlear cartilage, thickness of patella cartilage, cartilaginous sulcus angle, cartilaginous Wiberg angle, contact range and frequency and distributions of the mean difference measurement of the femoral trochlea, to evaluate the difference of trochlear and patellar morphology between the patient group and the control group. The threshold for statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.ResultsThere were significant differences in four values between the two groups (P < 0.05). The cartilage thickness two‐third along the lateral condyle in the patient group was significantly lower than that in the control group (LCT2,1.80 ± 0.37 vs 2.06 ± 0.52, 1.92 ± 0.36 vs 2.17 ± 0.50), but there was no significant difference in other sites. There was no significant difference in patella thickness between the patient group and the control group. The cartilaginous sulcus angle in the patient group was larger than that in the control group (157.90 ± 6.64 vs 142.23 ± 3.95, P < 0.001), but there was no significant difference in cartilaginous Wiberg angle. The patient group had a larger initial contact ratio (59.47 ± 6.13 vs 46.50 ± 3.67, P < 0.001), and a smaller contact range (16.55 ± 4.14 vs 27.55 ± 4.09, P < 0.001). The deepest part of the intercondylar suclus appears more often in the lateral of the deepest part of the osseous concavity of the femoral trochlea. Among the patient group, 18 cases (60%) were found with the deepest part of the intercondylar suclus lateral to the deepest point of the osseous concavity of the femoral trochlea while among the control group only 4 cases (13.33%) were found. The distribution of trochlear dysplasia of Dejour grades was type B (n = 22), type C (n = 5), and type D (n = 3).ConclusionThickness of partial lateral trochlear cartilage decreases in patients with patellar instability and the trochlear cartilage develops abnormal morphological characteristics. Moreover, it also suggests that MRI can be used to further present the morphology of cartilage for the convenience of surgical planning.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the patellar morphology of trochlear dysplasia and normal knees in different genders and in different severities of trochlear dysplasia on CT scans.MethodsA total of 75 patients with trochlear dysplasia (110 knees) treated at the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University from December 2013 to December 2018 were included in an experimental group, and an age‐matched and sex‐matched cohort of 46 patients with normal trochlear shape (61 knees) were randomly selected into a control group. The experimental group was divided into a female experimental group (Group FE, 47 patients, 72 knees) and a male experimental group (Group ME, 28 patients, 38 knees); the control group was divided into a female control group (Group FC, 31 knees, 24 female patients) and a male control group (Group MC, 30 knees, 22 male patients). Furthermore, according to the severity of trochlear dysplasia, Group FE was divided into a female low‐grade dysplasia group (Group FL, 20 knees) and a female high‐grade dysplasia group (Group FH, 52 knees); Group ME was divided into a male low‐grade dysplasia group (Group ML, 16 knees) and a male high‐grade dysplasia group (Group MH, 22 knees). All participants had undergone CT scans in the supine position; the patellar width and thickness, the lateral patellar facet angle, the Wiberg angle, and the Wiberg index were measured and compared.ResultsIn trochlear dysplasia knees, the mean patellar width and thickness and the lateral patellar facet angle were significantly smaller; the mean Wiberg index was significantly larger than in normal knees, regardless of gender (P < 0.05); and there was no statistically significant difference in the mean Wiberg angle (P > 0.05). In the female groups, the mean patellar width and thickness and the Wiberg angle were significantly smaller; the mean lateral patellar facet angle was significantly larger than those in the male groups (P < 0.05); and there was no significant difference in the mean Wiberg index (P > 0.05). In the low‐grade dysplasia group, the mean Wiberg index was smaller than that in the high‐grade dysplasia group (P < 0.05), regardless of gender; however, there was no significant difference in the mean patellar width and thickness, the lateral patellar facet angle, and the Wiberg angle in low‐grade and high‐grade dysplasia (P > 0.05).ConclusionOn CT scans, the patella in trochlear dysplasia had a smaller width, a thinner thickness, a lengthened lateral facet, and a more flattened articular facet. In addition, the patellar articular facet was more prominent in female patients. With the severity of trochlear dysplasia increased, the lateral patellar facet became longer. In addition, the abnormal stress distribution on the patella influenced the patellar morphology in trochlear dysaplasia.  相似文献   

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