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喉返神经探测仪实时监测在再次甲状腺手术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨喉返神经探测仪在甲状腺再次手术中实时神经监测的使用方法及应用价值。方法对101例甲状腺再次手术患者在全麻手术中使用喉返神经探测仪(NIM-Response肌电图监测仪)进行实时喉返神经监测,显露喉返神经。结果 101例再次手术患者中,共探测喉返神经192条,均成功显露;10例术前已证实有单侧喉返神经损伤的患者,术中未刻意探查该侧喉返神经。192条喉返神经中190条完整保护无损伤,2条因肿瘤侵犯予以切除。术后患者无声嘶加重和呼吸困难。结论使用喉返神经探测仪能较好地帮助发现和保护喉返神经,减少医源性喉返神经损伤发生率,值得在甲状腺再次手术中应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用术中神经监测技术(intra operative neuromonitoring,IONM),以减少复杂甲状腺手术喉返神经损伤。方法 吉林大学中日联谊医院甲状腺外科2009年3~7月对132例复杂甲状腺手术病人,共186支高风险喉返神经行术中神经监测。在甲状腺切除前后分别探测迷走神经及喉返神经肌电信号。甲状腺手术前后常规检查声带活动度。结果 除术前声带麻痹4例,余182支喉返神经均可在甲状腺切除后测得明显肌电信号,未发生缝合切口前神经肌电信号消失,提示神经电传导功能良好。精确检出非返性喉返神经2例。结论 术中喉返神经监测使喉返神经显露更加便捷,更加确切,并可验证喉返神经功能完整性。在高风险、复杂甲状腺术中应用神经监测是降低喉返神经损伤率的一种重要辅助措施。  相似文献   

甲状腺手术中喉返神经的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过分析甲状腺手术引起喉返神经损伤的原因,探讨手术中保护喉返神经的措施。方法:回顾性分析手术治疗的189例甲状腺肿瘤患者的临床资料,对于甲状腺单纯肿瘤剜除或甲状腺部分切除,术中不显露喉返神经;对于甲状腺腺叶切除、甲状腺癌根治术或甲状腺再次手术,术中均显露喉返神经,于环甲关节后下方约0.5cm处(即喉返神经入喉处)寻找喉返神经。结果:5例患者术后出现单侧的喉返神经损伤,其中暂时性损伤1例;长期性损伤4例,其中3例术中未显露喉返神经,1例术中显露喉返神经颈段全程。4例长期性损伤患者继续随访3~6个月,有3例患者声带功能逐渐恢复,1例术中未显露喉返神经患者声带仍然固定。结论:甲状腺手术中是否显露喉返神经应以肿瘤大小及手术方式而异,但不强求全程显露喉返神经。于环甲关节后下方约0.5cm处较易找到喉返神经,视野清晰,手术更安全可靠。  相似文献   

甲状腺手术时喉返神经损伤的神经修复治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨甲状腺手术喉返神经损伤神经修复治疗。方法对病程 2年以内甲状腺手术喉返神经损伤声带麻痹 4 2例患者行单侧损伤神经减压 8例、颈袢喉返神经吻合 2 1例、喉返神经端端吻合 6例 ,双侧损伤膈神经移植联合术 7例 (一侧膈神经移植 ,另一侧行神经减压 2例、神经肌蒂植入术 5例 )。手术前后喉镜、嗓音声学参数、肌电图检查等评价手术效果。结果单侧损伤神经减压组病程 4个月内 5例恢复了正常的声带运动功能 ,4个月以内 1例、4个月以上 2例及颈袢吻合组、喉返神经端端吻合组则未恢复声带运动 ,但上述 3种术式均能使喉内收肌获有效的再神经支配 ,发音时声门闭合良好 ,嗓音恢复正常。双侧损伤膈神经移植术侧恢复明显吸气性声带外展功能 6例 ;其中2例对侧神经减压恢复了正常的声带运动功能 ,4例对侧肌蒂埋植术仅 2例轻微外展 ,获肌电图检查的证实 ,这些患者均顺利拔管。 1例双侧均无外展。结论甲状腺手术喉返神经损伤以神经减压效果最佳 ;颈袢吻合也能有效地恢复喉的发音功能 ;膈神经移植术治疗双侧损伤较肌蒂植入术效果更满意 ;喉神经修复术式选择应根据病程、神经损伤程度、类型而定。  相似文献   

目的 比较甲状腺再次手术中喉返神经实时监测与常规显露的差异,探讨术中喉返神经监测在甲状腺再次手术中应用的临床价值。 方法 回顾性分析2014年5月至2016年5月于哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院甲状腺乳腺外科接受甲状腺再次手术118例病人资料。其中应用术中喉返神经监测联合肉眼识别保护且术前电子喉镜检查正常者45例(神经监测组),采用随机数表法,按照1:1对照原则,选取常规显露保护喉返神经且术前电子喉镜检查正常者45例为对照组(常规显露组)。比较分析两组病人在喉返神经识别率、确认识别时间、术后暂时性喉返神经损伤、永久性喉返神经损伤、术中出血量以及术后引流量的差异。 结果 应用喉返神经常规显露肉眼识别保护法,喉返神经顺利识别39例(86.7%),确认识别时间为(3.4±0.9)min;余6例(13.3%)常规显露未顺利识别喉返神经,经术中细致解剖确认喉返神经时间延长至(16.5±3.2)min,应用神经监测联合肉眼识别保护,喉返神经识别率为100%,确认识别时间为(2.2±0.8)min;暂时性及永久性喉返神经损伤率在神经监测组较常规显露组低,分别为6.7% vs. 22.2%(P<0.05),0 vs. 2.2%(P>0.05);神经监测组术中出血量及术后引流量较常规显露组少,分别为(12.2±2.9)mL vs.(13.1±1.8)mL(P>0.05),(40.6±2.8)mL vs.(50.8±3.2)mL(P<0.05)。结论 甲状腺再次手术中,术中喉返神经监测较常规显露能加快完成喉返神经的确认识别,提高喉返神经的识别率,有效降低暂时性喉返神经损伤率,并且减少术后引流量,有利于术后恢复,在喉返神经周围危险区操作时,连续实时监测发现肌电信号振幅的危险改变,增加手术安全性。  相似文献   

甲状腺手术喉返神经损伤原因分析   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
目的 探讨甲状腺手术暂时性喉返神经麻痹发生的原因及预防措施。方法 回顾性分析15年间甲状腺手术后出现暂时性喉返神经麻痹18例的临床资料。结果 所有病例术后均有声嘶,并经间接喉镜检查证实有单侧声带运动障碍,其中明确损伤原因的15例:钳夹4例,缝结扎5例,牵拉2例,电灼1例,术中显露喉返神经术后出现喉返神经麻痹的3例;另有3例全麻病人损伤原因不明。结论 暂时性喉返神经损伤应引起临床上足够重视,损伤后至  相似文献   

目的 探讨甲状腺手术中常规显露喉返神经(RLN)对保护神经的作用.方法 回顾性分析2009年至2010年间连续实施的232例甲状腺切除手术患者的资料.手术均由同一组医师实施,方式为甲状腺腺叶切除或全切除术,术中常规显露喉返神经.结果 共行腺叶切除181例,甲状腺全切除51例.术中解剖喉返神经280根(98.9%).术后10例患者(3.6%)出现声音嘶哑,其中7例术中证实了喉返神经的完整性,但声带检查出现患侧运动障碍,均在术后2个月内发音恢复正常.另外3例为术中离断性神经损伤并行即刻吻合者,在术后4个月内声音均恢复正常.结论 甲状腺手术中常规显露喉返神经是预防喉返神经永久性损伤的有效方法.  相似文献   

甲状腺手术中喉返神经损伤原因及预防   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的探讨甲状腺手术中喉返神经损伤的医源性原因和防治措施。方法回顾性分析华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院2003年6月至2006年8月间手术治疗甲状腺疾病1174例的临床资料,分析喉返神经损伤41例和再次手术与喉返神经在术中是否被分离显露的关系。结果初次手术、再次手术和2次以上手术暂时性喉返神经损伤率分别为2.1%、3.8%、9.5%,永久性喉返神经损伤率为1.0%、1.5%、4.8%。手术中解剖喉返神经和未解剖喉返神经的暂时性喉返神经损伤率为2.3%、2.5%;永久性喉返神经损伤率为0.2%、2.3%。结论甲状腺癌和甲状腺再次手术容易造成喉返神经损伤。术中常规解剖喉返神经可减少永久性喉返神经损伤。术中喉返神经完整解剖者,术后声嘶多为暂时性,保守治疗可恢复。对原因不明的喉返神经麻痹,应早期手术探查,尽量恢复神经功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨甲状腺癌手术过程中发生喉返神经损伤的原因及预防措施。 方法 对我院10年间187例甲状腺癌手术的临床资料进行回顾性分析,主要分析喉返神经损伤与术式、喉返神经在术中是否被分离保护的关系。结果 本组患者甲状腺切除术喉返神经损伤10例,发生率约为5.3%。所有病例术后均有声嘶,间接喉镜检查证实有单侧声带运动障碍。经严密观察随访,15例3月后发音恢复正常,间接喉镜检查声带运动正常,喉返神经暂时性损伤率为80%;3例严密观察随访6个月仍声带麻痹、声音嘶哑,间接喉镜检查声带运动障碍,喉返神经永久性性损伤率为20%。结论 甲状腺癌术后喉返神经损伤的发生主要与术式有关,多为暂时性损伤。手术者的经验和手术技巧是防止此类损伤的关键,术中明确找到喉返神经并加以保护,将会降低喉返神经损伤率,但并不能完全避免喉返神经损伤的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨全乳晕入路腔镜下甲状腺手术常规经中间入路手术路径显露喉返神经,达到预防术中喉返神经损伤的效果。从而提供一种新的显露喉返神经的方法。方法采取全乳晕入路腔镜下甲状腺中间入路的手术方法完成甲状腺手术154例,术中共显露喉返神经205条。结果1例甲状腺癌手术和1例再次甲状腺手术后出现轻度喉返神经麻痹症状,分别于1、3个月后恢复,无永久损伤。术后平均住院时间5.5d(4~8d)。结论中间入路新手术路径使腔镜下甲状腺的手术操作更加容易,降低了甲状腺手术难度,并且可以作为一种安全的喉返神经显露方法。  相似文献   

Electrical identification and monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) has been proposed as an adjunct to standard visual identification of the nerve during thyroid and parathyroid surgery. This study was undertaken to assess laryngeal palpation as an intraoperative technique for identifying and assessing the RLN during surgery and to investigate the relation between laryngeal palpation and associated laryngeal electromyographic (EMG) activity. The postcricoid region of the larynx during surgery was palpated through the posterior hypopharyngeal wall to sense posterior cricoarytenoid muscle contraction in response to ipsilateral RLN stimulation (i.e., the laryngeal twitch response.) Laryngeal palpation was performed in a series of 449 consecutive thyroid and parathyroid surgeries with 586 RLNs at risk. All patients underwent preoperative and postoperative laryngoscopy to assess vocal cord mobility. In a subset of patients, laryngeal palpation and simultaneous laryngeal EMG recordings were compared during intraoperative RLN stimulation. In this series, there was no permanent RLN paralysis. There was one case of temporary RLN paralysis secondary to neural stretch that resolved 6 weeks postoperatively (temporary paralysis rate: 0.2% of patients, 0.2% of nerves at risk). Intraoperative laryngeal palpation of the laryngeal twitch response reliably correlated with normal postoperative vocal cord function. Loss of the laryngeal twitch response occurred in the single case of temporary paralysis in the setting of an anatomically intact nerve. Laryngeal palpation correlated well with simultaneous laryngeal EMG activity. There were no palpation-induced laryngeal injuries or laryngeal edema. There were also no RLN injuries due to repetitive neural stimulation. Intraoperative laryngeal palpation during RLN stimulation is a safe, reliable method for neural monitoring that can assist in RLN identification and assessment during thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Most importantly, it provides important prognostic information regarding ipsilateral vocal cord function at the completion of the initial side of the thyroid or parathyroid surgery. Intraoperative laryngeal palpation allows the surgeon to stage contralateral surgery if RLN damage is diagnosed, thereby avoiding the potential for bilateral vocal cord paralysis. We believe that laryngeal palpation is useful as an adjunct to formal EMG monitoring during thyroid and parathyroid surgery.  相似文献   

甲状腺手术中喉不返神经的手术操作技巧   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的了解喉不返神经解剖特点和变异,总结甲状腺手术中发现喉不返神经的方法和预防损伤的经验。方法分析5例甲状腺手术中发现的喉不返神经患者的临床资料,分析喉不返神经手术操作技巧。结果经手术证实本组5例喉不返神经均位于右侧,术中有3例切断了喉不返神经,2例出现了声音嘶哑,1例神经吻合后声音无明显变化。结论甲状腺手术中在颈动脉鞘和喉之间,除外甲状腺中静脉之外的任何横行索状结构均不能首先切断,需显露喉返神经后再作处理;甲状腺手术中如探查喉返神经缺如,均需显露颈段迷走神经,以寻找是否存在喉不返神经。  相似文献   



There is disparity in the reported incidence of temporary and permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy following thyroidectomy. Much of the disparity is due to the method of assessing vocal cord function. We sought to identify the incidence and natural history of temporary and permanent vocal cord palsy following thyroid surgery. The authors wanted to establish whether intraoperative nerve monitoring and stimulation aids in prognosis when managing vocal cord palsy.


Prospective data on consecutive thyroid operations were collected. Intraoperative nerve monitoring and stimulation, using an endotracheal tube mounted device, was performed in all cases. Endoscopic examination of the larynx was performed on the first postoperative day and at three weeks.


Data on 102 patients and 123 nerves were collated. Temporary and permanent RLN palsy rates were 6.1% and 1.7%. Most RLN palsies were identified on the first postoperative day with all recognised at the three-week review. No preoperative clinical risk factors were identified. Although dysphonia at the three-week follow-up visit was the only significant predictor of vocal cord palsy, only two-thirds of patients with cord palsies were dysphonic. Intraoperative nerve monitoring and stimulation did not predict outcome in terms of vocal cord function.


Temporary nerve palsy rates were consistent with other series where direct laryngoscopy is used to assess laryngeal function. Direct laryngoscopy is the only reliable measure of cord function, with intraoperative monitoring being neither a reliable predictor of cord function nor a predictor of eventual laryngeal function. The fact that all temporary palsies recovered within four months has implications for staged procedures.  相似文献   

Snyder SK  Hendricks JC 《Surgery》2005,138(6):1183-91; discussion 1191-2
BACKGROUND: Electrode-imbedded endotracheal tubes allow continuous intraoperative assessment of vocal cord function when connected to an electromyographic (EMG) response monitor. Whether this device enhances or hinders the identification and preservation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is unclear. METHODS: The utility of continuous intraoperative neurophysiology testing (INT) of RLNs was evaluated prospectively in 100 patients undergoing 103 thyroid or parathyroid operations, involving 185 RLNs. The initial experience with 93 RLNs was compared with the subsequent 92 RLNs. RESULTS: Overall, 97.8% of RLNs were identified intraoperatively: 1.6% visually only, 2.2% nerve stimulator only, and 94% both. There was 1 transected RLN (1.1%) in each study group. The EMG monitor could not alert the surgeon to prevent these injuries. Overall, there were 14 instances of nonfunction of visually intact RLNs (7.6%), at some point during the operation and 4 resulting in temporary paralysis (2.2%). There were 8 instances of altered RLN function (4.3%) with no altered vocal cord function postoperatively. The nerve stimulator aided dissection of the RLN in 17 instances (9.2%). There were 7 episodes (3.8%) of equipment dysfunction that hampered surgical dissection. Between study groups there was significantly increased use of the nerve stimulator to first identify the location of the RLN before visual confirmation: 4 of 93, initial group versus 25 of 92, latter group (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: INT aids the anatomic identification of the RLN only when a positive EMG response occurs. A negative EMG response can indicate a non-nerve structure, altered function of the RLN, or equipment setup malfunction. INT cannot necessarily prevent RLN transection.  相似文献   

HYPOTHESIS: An inexpensive and widely applicable technique to monitor recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) function during thyroid surgery can be safely implemented. DESIGN: Consecutive sample. SETTING: Single-surgeon academic practice. PATIENTS: Three hundred sixty-three consecutive patients undergoing surgery for thyroid disease in the 18 months from November 1, 1999, to May 31, 2001. INTERVENTIONS: Anesthetic management using laryngeal mask airway and spontaneous ventilation, combined with electrical RLN stimulation and fiberoptic video laryngoscopy to confirm vocal cord response. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Vocal cord response to RLN stimulation, intraoperative anatomic findings, postoperative voice quality, and anesthetic complications. RESULTS: We used the laryngeal mask airway-based technique in 327 cases. Visualization of vocal cords was maintained throughout the surgery in 310 cases (95%). In 10 cases (3%), the branch of the RLN carrying vocal cord function could not be identified until electrical testing was performed. A single inadvertent RLN palsy was seen in 1 of the 17 cases in which vocal cord visualization was lost during the procedure (0.03% overall). Upper airway obstruction occurred in 16 (5%) of 327 attempted procedures, requiring tracheal intubation in 3 (1%). No further complications regarding airway management were seen. Pneumothorax was observed in 5 cases (2%), each of which resolved without chest tube placement. CONCLUSIONS: This technique can be applied to thyroid surgery as a safe means of managing the airway. It is associated with an ability to test RLN function at will in more than 95% of cases using readily available equipment.  相似文献   

目的探讨甲状腺术中喉返神经的解剖及显露的临床意义,以减少喉返神经损伤。方法回顾性分析965例甲状腺手术患者的临床资料,所有手术均在全嘛下进行并常规显露喉返神经,手术切除范围由病变情况决定,并对喉返神经解剖特点、损伤情况进行分析。结果共解剖显露喉返神经1052条,其中右侧721条,左侧331条,包括双侧87条;采用上方入路解剖86条,侧方661条,下方305条;右侧喉返神经位于气管食管沟内走行者461条,偏离者260条;左侧位于气管食管沟内走行者285条,偏离者46条;喉返神经入喉前有分支者687条(65.3%),未分支直接人喉者365条(34.7%);喉不返神经2条;解剖神经平均用时(6.7±0.54)min;术后神经暂时性损伤11例,永久性损伤2例,均于6个月后对侧声带代偿,嘶哑改善。结论熟悉喉返神经的解剖,灵活运用不同的解剖入路,常规解剖显露神经,是避免喉返神经损伤的有效方法。  相似文献   

Chiang FY  Wang LF  Huang YF  Lee KW  Kuo WR 《Surgery》2005,137(3):342-347
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the risk of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (RLNP) after thyroidectomy with routine identification of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during the operation. METHODS: The present study was confined to 521 patients, 348 total lobectomies and 178 total thyroidectomies, treated by the same surgeon. Temporary and permanent RLNP rates were analyzed for patient groups with stratification of primary operation for benign thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and reoperation. Measurement of the RLNP rate was based on the number of nerves at risk. Twenty-six RLNs in 20 thyroid cancer patients with intentional sacrifice were excluded from analysis. RESULTS: Forty RLNs (40 patients) developed postoperative RLNP. Complete recovery of RLN function was documented for 35 of the 37 patients (94.6%) whose RLN integrity had been ensured intraoperatively. Recovery from temporary RLNP ranged from 3 days to 4 months (mean, 30.7 days). Overall incidence of temporary and permanent RLNP was 5.1% and 0.9%, respectively. The rates of temporary/permanent RLNP were 4.0/0.2%, 2.0/0.7%, 12.0/1.1%, and 10.8/8.1% for groups classified according to benign thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and reoperation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Operations for thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and recurrent goiter demonstrated significantly higher RLNP rates. Invasion of RLN was identified in 19.4% of patients with thyroid cancer. Postoperatively, the RLN recovered in most of the patients without documented nerve damage during the operation. Total lobectomy with routine RLN identification is recommended as a basic procedure in thyroid operations.  相似文献   

甲状腺手术所致喉返神经损伤的手术治疗   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Lü XS  Li XY  Wang ZM  Zhou LD  Li JD 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(5):301-303
目的探讨甲状腺手术所致喉返神经(RLN)损伤的处理。方法回顾性分析1970至2001年治疗的50例甲状腺手术所致RLN损伤患者的损伤原因、部位、类型、手术治疗方法、随访结果等。结果50例患者共损伤RLN54条(其中双侧神经损伤4例)。损伤部位位于RLN入喉处下方2cm以内者45例支(83.3%),其他部位6例支(11.3%),部位不明3例支(5.4%)。横断性损伤19例支(35.2%),缝扎或瘢痕压迫35例支(64.8%)。54例支神经均经手术修复,4例双侧RLN损伤者同时行气管切开术。术后44例(88.O%)患者获1.5年以上随访,发音恢复正常或明显好转者42例(95.5%);声音好转者2例(4.5%)。35例患者39支神经接受间(直)接喉镜检查,其中声带活动恢复正常的21条(53.8%),部分恢复活动的7条(17.9%),未恢复活动的11条(28.3%)。本组患者发音及声带活动的恢复与修复手术时间及手术方式均无明显关系。结论甲状腺手术所致RLN损伤绝大部分为发生在RLN入喉处附近的机械性损伤,手术可解除病因。RLN损伤一经诊断应尽早行再次手术。  相似文献   

目的探讨甲状腺手术中显露喉返神经对防止喉返神经损伤的价值。方法回顾性分析2 481例甲状腺手术患者的临床资料,其中术中显露喉返神经组1 425例和非显露喉返神经组1 056例,比较两组间并发喉返神经损伤的几率。结果显露喉返神经组喉返神经暂时性损伤31例,损伤率为2.18%,无永久损伤病例;非显露喉返神经组喉返神经损伤44例,损伤率为4.17%,其中暂时损伤39例,永久损伤为5例。两组喉返神经损伤率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论甲状腺手术术中显露喉返神经对保护喉返神经是安全和有效的,对预防或避免医源性喉返神经损伤有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨显露喉返神经在甲状腺手术中的临床意义。方法回顾性分析2007年4月至2009年10月本院827例甲状腺手术患者的临床资料,根据术中是否显露喉返神经分为显露喉返神经组和非显露喉返神经组。结果显露喉返神经组475例,喉返神经损伤4例,损伤率0.84%;非显露喉返神经组352例,喉返神经损伤17例,损伤率4.83%。两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论甲状腺切除术中显露喉返神经对保护喉返神经是安全和有效的。  相似文献   

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