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目的分析PubMed数据库中2012年—2016年护理人文关怀研究的热点,了解该领域研究现状及发展趋势。方法以"human caring"为检索词,检索PubMed数据库,采用书目共现分析系统软件统计相关研究文献中的高频主题词,并采用SPSS 11.5统计软件对这些主题词进行共词聚类分析。结果共检索相关文献3 088篇。提取高频主题词42个,占总频次累计百分比为30.97%。共词聚类分析得到7个研究热点:人文关怀护理实践;人文关怀护理模式、护理理论;人文关怀护理教育;临终关怀;人文关怀与护患关系的联系;肿瘤患者的人文关怀;家庭系统、社会支持与人文关怀。结论近5年护理人文关怀研究热点分析有助于了解该领域的研究现状及发展趋势,为人文关怀护理实践工作和科研教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

目的分析PubMed数据库中近10年新生儿护理研究现状、热点及发展趋势,为我国新生儿护理研究提供参考依据。方法以主题词“neonatal nursing”和“intensive care,neonatal”为检索词,检索PubMed数据库,检索期限为2009-2018年,采用Bicomb 2书目共现分析系统软件统计相关研究文献中的高频主题词,采用SPSS 16.0统计软件对主题词进行共词聚类分析。结果纳入相关文献3446篇,提取高频主题词18个,占总频次累积百分比为20.98%。共词聚类分析得到研究热点5个,即新生儿人文关怀、新生儿护理模式、新生儿护理管理、新生儿护士的能力、新生儿重症护理。结论国外针对新生儿护理的研究,呈现逐年下降的趋势,新生儿的常规护理已日趋成熟。新生儿研究不仅注重新生儿本身的护理干预,同时倡导多学科合作,提倡人文关怀,注重社会支持系统及护理人员的教育支持。  相似文献   

目的 了解近 5 年国际范围内护理研究的热点, 以期对我国护理研究的发展起到一定的借鉴和指导作用。方法 根据美国科学情报研究所发布的 2014 版《期刊引用报告》,选取影响因子前 12 位的综合性护理期刊,以通过PubMed 检索该 12 种期刊近 5 年发表文献的主题词作为研究对象,使用 Bicomb 软件、 SPSS 20.0 对主题词进行词频分析和共词聚类分析。 结果 共检索到 8049 篇文献,获得高频主题词 45 个,通过共词聚类分析总结出近 5 年护理研究的4 个热点:护理实践和护理本科生教育的研究;护理管理和护患关系的研究;护士、患者及其照顾者心理的研究;患者自我护理的研究。 结论 通过高频主题词共词聚类分析,有助于我们从某个角度了解国际护理研究热点。  相似文献   

目的分析PubMed数据库中2009年1月-2019年5月国际护理管理的研究热点,以期对我国护理管理研究提供全面的数据参考。方法将“Nursing Administration Research;Nursing Administration”作为检索词在PubMed数据库中进行系统检索,采用BICOMB 2.0软件对纳入文献进行高频主题词的提取并形成词篇矩阵,使用SPSS 24.0软件对词篇矩阵进行系统聚类分析。结果共纳入1085篇相关文献,获得高频主题词20个,并根据共词聚类结果分析得到5个热点,分别为急救护理管理、护理领导力、护士工作环境、护理人力资源配置以及护理质量。结论通过对国际近10年护理管理研究热点的分析,有助于了解护理管理研究现状及发展走向,为我国护理管理研究提供借鉴及指导。  相似文献   

目的了解国际上近5年长期照护的研究热点和现状,为我国长期照护研究提供参考依据。方法以Pubmed数据库检索和筛选得到的2012-2016年在国际期刊发表的长期照护文献的主题词作为研究对象,通过Bicomb软件和gCLUTO软件对主题词进行词频分析和图形聚类分析。结果共纳入2763篇文献,获得高频主题词43个,通过共词聚类分析总结出近5年长期照护的4个研究热点,即:痴呆患者的照护和临终关怀;长期护理保险和老年人的照护需求;老人的照护质量;长期照护服务模式。结论近年来长期照护受到持续关注,但我国研究相对较少;通过高频主题词聚类分析,了解到国际上长期照护的研究热点为老年人照护需求与质量以及痴呆患者照护等,可供国内长期照护研究者参考。  相似文献   

目的分析PubMed数据库中2014-2018年患者安全研究的热点,了解该领域研究现状及发展趋势,以期为我国患者安全研究和实践提供参考依据。方法以“patient safety”为主题词,检索PubMed数据库,采用书目共现分析系统软件BICOMB统计高频主题词,并采用SPSS 21.0统计软件对主题词进行共词聚类分析。结果共检索相关文献11913篇。提取高频主题词26个。通过共词聚类分析总铸出2014-2018年患者安全研究的8个研究热点,即患者安全及医疗差错的现况、医务人员的临床能力、跨专业协作与有效沟通、清单工具、患者安全管理与实践的标准及医疗质量改进、患者安全及患者安全文化、用药错误的预防与控制、患者安全立法及法理学研究等。结论近5年患者安全研究热点分析有助于了解该领域的研究现状及发展趋势,为患者安全在我国的实践发展和研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的]分析国外叙事护理研究现状及研究热点,为我国叙事护理研究提供参考。[方法]检索并分析至2016年12月31日PubMed数据库收录的叙事护理相关文献,并从中选取2007年─2016年的文献进行词频分析和共词聚类分析。[结果]共纳入503篇文献,其中2007年─2016年文献387篇。系统聚类和双聚类得到4组聚类效果较好的主题词,近10年叙事护理的主要研究热点为:叙事护理教育与护理人员叙事能力的培养;精神障碍病人的心理护理研究;肿瘤病人的姑息疗护;老年病人、痴呆病人的疗养照护。[结论]叙事护理当前正处于快速发展阶段,当前叙事护理研究热点主要集中于叙事护理教育以及精神疾病病人、肿瘤病人、老年病人、痴呆病人的护理,其他方向的叙事护理研究也值得国内外护理人员深入开展。  相似文献   

[目的]分析国际护理领域系统评价和Meta分析研究进展和热点,以期为我国循证护理研究的发展提供参考依据。[方法]通过检索PubMed和Web of Science数据库,以文献中的主题词作为研究对象,使用Bicomb、SPSS 20. 00软件进行共词聚类分析和引文分析。[结果]共检索到PubMed相关文献2 743篇,Web of Science1 171篇。通过共词聚类分析和引文分析总结出近5年国际护理领域系统评价和Meta分析研究的4个热点,研究热点主要集中在痴呆和肿瘤患者及其照顾者研究、围生期相关研究、护士知信行及护理质量研究、护理教育及社区护理研究等领域。[结论]护理领域系统评价和Meta分析研究蓬勃发展,形成肿瘤护理、围生期研究、护理教育等多个研究热点。我国护理人员可根据国际研究热点、研究前沿和临床需求开展相关研究,以进一步提高护理研究水平。  相似文献   

目的 通过PubMed数据库文献系统检索和聚类分析,运用文献计量方法对家庭参与式护理相关文献进行分析,了解近10年家庭参与式护理研究的热点和发展趋势。方法 选用 PubMed 数据库中检索2010—2019年家庭参与式护理的文献,将文献的主要主题词导入书目共现分析系统(Bibliographic Items Co-Occurrence Matrix Builder,BICOMB)软件进行文献计量学分析,得到高频主题词,形成主题词词篇矩阵、共现矩阵,采用gCLUTO软件进行双聚类分析和可视化分析。结果 最终获取相关文献1 705篇,获得高频主题词24个。文献计量显示,家庭参与式护理研究文献量逐年增长。双聚类分析、可视化矩阵显示,近10年研究主题分为5类:临终关怀与家庭参与式护理;健康资源和服务需求与家庭参与式护理;重症监护新生儿的家庭参与式护理;医疗团队、患者参与决策与家庭参与式护理以及患者满意度与家庭参与式护理的研究。结论 当前家庭参与式护理研究快速发展,热点主要集中在儿科患者的研究,涉及临终关怀、成人重症护理、患者参与决策以及构建符合国情的家庭参与式护理模式仍有待后续研究深入。  相似文献   

目的:系统分析PubMed数据库中护理相关概念分析的文献,揭示其研究历程、发展状况和趋势,为我国今后的护理研究提供文献计量学依据。方法检索PubMed数据库,纳入所有关于护理相关概念分析的文献,使用书目共现分析系统软件进行统计并生成词篇矩阵,gCluto软件进行聚类分析。结果共检出护理相关概念分析的文献975篇,第1篇相关文献发表于1973年,近年来呈迅速上升趋势,美国和英国是主要的研究国家,研究主题分为4类:患者及其照顾者的心理和态度;有关方法的护理研究;护理模式和护患关系;护理程序和护士临床能力。结论概念分析法越来越受到护理界的关注,通过高频主题词聚类分析,有助于我们从某个角度了解国际护理研究热点。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to synthesize knowledge about the process of shared decision-making (SDM) in palliative care. Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychInfo, Web of Science were searched with core concepts: shared decisions, patient participation in decision-making, and palliative care. Titles and abstracts were screened according to inclusion criteria (original research, adult patients, Western contexts, decision-making, palliative treatment or setting), yielding 37 articles for analysis. A narrative synthesis was created using the methods of thematic analysis, conceptual mapping, and critical reflection on the synthesis process. Results demonstrate that while a majority of patients want to participate in treatment decisions to some extent, most do not achieve their preferred levels of involvement because decisions are delayed and alternative treatment options are seldom discussed. The literature regarding the process of SDM itself remains scarce in palliative care. Further research is needed in order to better understand the longitudinal, interactive, and interdisciplinary process of decision-making in palliative care.  相似文献   

目的 对我国居家肿瘤患者的护理状况进行文献回顾和分析,了解其研究现状和存在的问题,为我国居家护理实践和护理科研提供参考。方法 分别以“居家”、“肿瘤”、“护理”为关键词或主题词”对中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献数据库公开发表的我国肿瘤患者居家护理的相关文献进行检索分析,检索时限为建库至2020年4月。对题名、发表年份、期刊、著者数、第一作者(地域、机构、机构属性)、通讯作者、基金情况、文献类型、研究内容,关键词、资料收集方法等进行统计分析。结果 共获得201篇期刊文献,发文量随年份变化呈递增趋势,纳入期刊发表文献种类众多,共发表在108种期刊上,文献第一作者所属省份地区差异大,以江苏,上海等地居多。有基金支持的文献占比37%,研究类型以类试验性研究为主,研究内容集中于癌痛、PICC、用药和居家宁养等方面。结论 我国肿瘤患者居家护理相关的实验性研究质量相对较差,有待提高,且发文量地域差异大,居家护理实践需借助互联网的独特优势,突破地域限制。同时居家肿瘤患者重点护理问题突出,我国护理管理者应进一步规范相关护理技术规范,保证居家护理的规范性、安全性。  相似文献   

背景:肿瘤干细胞不仅与肿瘤的多药耐药性有密切的关系,而且有着复杂的多药耐药机制。目的:对肿瘤干细胞及其耐药性和耐药机制的关系进行总结,为肿瘤的临床治疗提供新的思路。方法:应用计算机检索FMJS和Pubmed西文数据库检索(2003/2010),以"cancer stem cell,multiple drug resistance,apoptosis,cell cycle"为检索词;用计算机检索万方数据库(2000/2010),CNKI数据库(2000-2010)以"肿瘤;肿瘤干细胞;多药耐药性"为关键词。共收集到中文文献56篇,外文文献372篇。排除发表时间早、重复及类似研究,纳入29篇符合标准的文献。结果与结论:对干细胞的研究帮助人们加深对肿瘤的发生、发展及转移的认识。肿瘤组织中可能存在一小部分肿瘤细胞,与正常干细胞一样具有自我更新和无限增殖的能力,但具有特殊的耐药机制。肿瘤干细胞与肿瘤的发生及治疗关系密切。但针对肿瘤干细胞复杂的多药耐药机制尚有待进一步研究。  相似文献   



Hematologic cancer patients use palliative care services less frequently than their solid tumor counterparts. Prior work suggests that these patients have a sizable symptom burden, but comparisons between hematologic and solid tumor patients near the end of life are limited.


To compare unmet symptom needs in a cohort of hematologic and solid tumor patients referred to specialty palliative care services.


Using a novel data registry of initial palliative care encounters, we performed a cross-sectional analysis of cancer patients receiving care across 17 sites within the Global Palliative Care Quality Alliance. We compared clinically-significant symptoms (rated as four or greater in severity) between hematologic and solid tumor patients and performed multivariate logistic regression analyses examining the relationship between symptom burden and tumor type.


We identified 1235 cancer patients, 108 of which had hematologic malignancies. Pain, dyspnea, nausea, and anorexia burden were as high among patients with hematologic as those with solid malignancies. Blood cancer patients had higher rates of clinically-significant tiredness (51% vs. 42%; P = 0.03) than solid tumor patients. Finally, blood cancer patients had greater odds of being tired (odds ratio 2.19; CI 1.22–3.91) and drowsy (odds ratio 1.81; CI 1.07–3.07) than solid tumor patients independent of age, gender, race, and performance status.


Hematologic and solid tumor patients have significant symptom burden at time of referral to palliative care services. Blood cancer patients may have unique concerns warranting targeted attention, including substantial drowsiness and tiredness. Our findings suggest a need to optimize palliative care usage in the hematologic cancer population.  相似文献   

ContextMultiple organizations have raised concerns about the lack of standard definitions for terminology in the supportive and palliative oncology literature.ObjectivesWe aimed to determine 1) the frequency of 10 commonly used terms in the supportive and palliative oncology literature, 2) the proportion of articles that provided definitions for each term, and 3) how each term was defined.MethodsWe systematically searched MEDLINE, PubMed, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Library, Embase, ISI Web of Science, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature for original studies, review articles, and systematic reviews related to palliative care and cancer in the first six months of 2004 and 2009. We counted the number of occurrences for “palliative care,” “supportive care,” “best supportive care,” “hospice care,” “terminal care,” “end-of-life,” “terminally ill,” “goals of care,” “actively dying,” and “transition of care” in each article, reviewed them for the presence of definitions, and documented the journal characteristics.ResultsAmong the 1213 articles found, 678 (56%) were from 2009. “Palliative care” and “end-of-life” were the most frequently used terms. “Palliative care,” “end-of-life,” and “terminally ill” appeared more frequently in palliative care journals, whereas “supportive care” and “best supportive care” were used more often in oncology journals (P < 0.001). Among 35 of 601 (6%) articles with a definition for “palliative care,” there were 16 different variations (21 of 35 articles used the World Health Organization definition). “Hospice care” had 13 definitions among 13 of 151 (9%) articles. “Supportive care” and other terms were rarely defined (less than 5% of articles that used the term).ConclusionOur findings highlight the lack of definitional clarity for many important terms in the supportive and palliative oncology literature. Standard definitions are needed to improve administrative, clinical, and research operations.  相似文献   



Pharmacological treatment of anxiety is an important part of drug treatment in palliative care. In this review we searched for the current evidence of pharmacological treatment of anxiety in palliative care.

Materials and methods

A systematic search of PubMed, Embase, PsycLIT, PsycINFO, CINAHL for studies of anxiety in palliative care was carried out in January 2012. Furthermore we searched the Cochrane Library, references of literature and leading textbooks. Studies were identified and information was filled in a standardized extraction sheet. Studies have been categorized and anxiety as an endpoint determined.


A total of four controlled studies, three uncontrolled studies, two retrospective studies, one case report, two surveys, one systematic Cochrane review and one unsystematic review were analyzed and included in this review. This indicates an overall low number of studies for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety in palliative care. According to our results, benzodiazepines are the most commonly used drugs in palliative care. However, based on our review, there is no evidence-based recommendation for the therapeutic use in palliative care.


With the existing evidence no general recommendations for pharmacological treatment of anxiety in palliative care can be given. Even for the commonly used benzodiazepines, neuroleptics, antidepressants, antihistamines and beta blockers for the treatment of anxiety no evidence based recommendations can be made. However, these medications are commonly used to treat anxiety in other patient populations and can also be used in palliative care patients. According to our review we cannot recommend a single drug or give recommendations regarding the dosage of drugs. There is a strong need for randomized controlled trials to evaluate the effect of drug treatment of anxiety in palliative care patients. The English full text version of this article will be available in SpringerLink as of November 2012 (under “Supplemental”).  相似文献   

ContextPatients with significant burn injuries likely have palliative care needs.ObjectivesWe performed a systematic review of existing evidence concerning the palliative care needs of burn patients.MethodsThrough November 26, 2018, we systematically searched PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus, using terms representing burn injuries and the eight domains of quality palliative care as outlined by the National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care. Eligible articles involved burn-injured patients treated with an intervention targeting at least one of the eight domains.ResultsOur searches yielded 7532 unique records, which led to 238 articles for full review and 88 studies that met inclusion criteria. Seventy-five studies addressed the domain physical aspects of care and merit a separate systematic review; 13 studies were included in our final review. Four of the seven domains—processes of care, psychologic symptoms, social aspects, and end of life—were addressed by studies but three domains—spiritual, cultural, or ethics—were unaddressed. Included studies highlight potential benefits from peridischarge self-care education programs, peer support, and group therapy in improving quality of life. In patients with severe injuries, end-of-life decision-making protocols were associated with increased utilization of comfort-focused treatments.ConclusionMost existing palliative care-related research in burn patients addresses interventions for physical symptoms with minimal literature concerning other domains. Opportunities exist for further research of palliative care in burn populations with emphasis on addressing interventions for all domains and better standardizing the language and outcomes for the palliative care interventions.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this paper is to consider alternative approaches to service delivery for patients with chronic life-limiting illnesses other than cancer. It will also discuss the issues that arise when considering specialist palliative care services within a broader public health context in the United Kingdom. BACKGROUND: Contemporary specialist palliative care in the United Kingdom can be said to have two main client groups: the majority are people with a diagnosis of cancer, and a minority are those with a number of other chronic illnesses. From the evidence to date, patients dying from chronic, non-malignant disease experience a considerable number of unmet needs in terms of symptom control and psychosocial support. Although debates in the literature over the last decade have challenged the focus of specialist palliative care services on patients with a cancer diagnosis, only a minority of those with other chronic illnesses receive specialist palliative care services. DISCUSSION: Current models of specialist palliative care may not be the most appropriate for addressing the complex problems experienced by the many patients with a non-cancer diagnosis. We suggest that care should be structured around patient problems, viewing specialist palliative care as a service for those with complex end of life symptoms or problems. A role for innovative nurse-led care is proposed. CONCLUSION: Reframing the approach to specialist palliative care in the United Kingdom will require great effort on the part of all health and social care professionals, not least nurses. Critical and creative thinking are prerequisites to the development of new models of working. We suggest that a more coherent approach to research and education is required, in particular strategies that explore how patients and nurses can work together in exploring experiences of illness in order to develop more proactive approaches to care.  相似文献   

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