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左旋维生素C美白、祛皱功效和安全性的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察左旋维生素C离子导入对皮肤的美白、祛皱作用及安全性。方法:招募20名健康受试者进行半侧(治疗侧)皮肤的治疗。每日一次左旋维生素C导入,连续14天,对侧导入基质水凝胶作为对照。于使用前、后不同时间点,检测皮肤颜色及角质层含水量并由医师及受试者分别进行疗效主观评分。结果:治疗侧黑素指数(melanin index,MI)和治疗前后的差值显著高于对照侧(P〈0.05),而红斑指数(erythema index,EI)和含水量差值治疗侧与对照侧无明显区别。医师及受试者的主观评分均认定左旋维生素C可使皮肤美白、毛孔细致、皱纹减少。结论:左旋维生素C可安全而有效地改善皮肤色泽和质地。  相似文献   

目的:观察眼周注射联合面部微针导入胶原蛋白在改善皮肤光老化中的疗效。方法:纳入2021年6月-2022年3月于笔者医院要求改善面部皮肤光老化的15例就医者。给予就医者眼周注射联合面部微针导入胶原蛋白治疗,每月1次,共治疗3次。分别于治疗前及治疗3次后1个月,就医者通过整体美学改善量表对疗效进行主观评价,使用VISIA图像分析对就医者眼周皱纹、毛孔、纹理和棕色斑指标进行定量评价。结果:治疗后,就医者主观评价治疗后对面部皮肤纹理和皮肤肤色改善明显,VISIA图像分析结果显示眼周皱纹、纹理和棕色斑明显改善(P<0.01),毛孔有改善趋势,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗无明显不良反应。结论:眼周注射联合面部微针导入胶原蛋白,能够明显减少眼周皱纹,具有较好的改善肤色和皮肤质地的效果,可用于皮肤光老化改善的治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨护肤品对面部皮肤影响的量化评价。方法:将272名受试者按面部防晒霜、保湿类护肤品及洗面奶(液)使用方式分每日使用组、不规律使用组、不使用组三组。采用医生主观评分、角质层含水量测定、黑素指数(melanin index,MI)测定、红斑指数(erythema index,EI)测定、皱纹图像分析方法,评价面部护肤品对皮肤状态的影响。结果:使用护肤品可降低皮肤主观评分、提高角质层含水量、降低MI值和EI值、使皱纹图像分析仪(Visioscan VC98)的绝大多数灰度参数以及SELS参数中平滑度参数向有利于皮肤状态如皮肤变光滑、皱纹减少等方向变化。结论:面部护肤品对皮肤状态存在有利的影响,对延缓皮肤老化起到了一定的防护作用。  相似文献   

目的:评价微针皮肤导入类人胶原蛋白原液在面部年轻化作用中的疗效与安全性。方法:利用微针在22例志愿者面部往复滚动,同时将类人胶原蛋白原液滴注到面部皮肤,通过微针及其针孔使类人胶原蛋白液进入皮肤组织内发挥疗效。主观评价对志愿者在治疗前后进行皮肤状态问卷评分;客观评价采用visa图像分析和soft 5.5皮肤检测仪,分别评价志愿者治疗前后皮肤皱纹、纹理、色斑、毛孔、水分、弹性、油脂、pH值等改变。结果:22例志愿者皮肤纹理、毛孔、弹性、水分治疗前及治疗后自身对照差别均有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论:微针皮肤内导入类人胶原蛋白原液对面部年轻化有较好疗效,为面部年轻化治疗提供了新方法。  相似文献   

目的:评价微针皮肤导入类人胶原蛋白原液在面部年轻化作用中的疗效与安全性。方法:利用微针在22例志愿者面部往复滚动,同时将类人胶原蛋白原液滴注到面部皮肤,通过微针及其针孔使类人胶原蛋白液进入皮肤组织内发挥疗效。主观评价对志愿者在治疗前后进行皮肤状态问卷评分;客观评价采用visa图像分析和soft 5.5皮肤检测仪,分别评价志愿者治疗前后皮肤皱纹、纹理、色斑、毛孔、水分、弹性、油脂、pH值等改变。结果:22例志愿者皮肤纹理、毛孔、弹性、水分治疗前及治疗后自身对照差别均有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论:微针皮肤内导入类人胶原蛋白原液对面部年轻化有较好疗效,为面部年轻化治疗提供了新方法。  相似文献   

Cellyzyme(蘑菇提取物)的美白、祛皱疗效及安全性观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:观察含有Celluzymo(蘑菇提取物)的美白换肤面膜的美白、祛皱作用及安全性.方法:招募30名健康受试者,左右侧面部随机分为治疗侧(使用舍CeLIuzyme的面膜)及对照侧(不用面膜).于使用面膜前、后不同时间点,检测皮肤颜色及角质层含水量,并由医师及受试者各自进行疗效主观评分.结果:治疗侧L差值(皮肤亮度)显著高于对照侧,而·a 差值(反应皮肤的红斑情况),含水量差值则无明显区别.医师及受试者的主观评分均认定面膜可使皮肤美白.毛孔细致、皱纹减少.结论:美白换肤面膜可安全而有效地改善皮肤色泽和质地.  相似文献   

目的 探讨微针导入类人胶原蛋白在面部年轻化治疗中的临床效果。方法 选取2021年10月-2022年9月于 我院接受面部年轻化治疗的30例患者为研究对象,所有患者均采取微针导入类人胶原蛋白进行治疗,比 较治疗前后皮肤状态问卷调查结果、VISIA及Soft 5.5检测结果、临床疗效、不良反应发生率及满意度。 结果 治疗后皮肤敏感、弹性、出油、刺痒、干燥、光泽、色素、发红、松弛以及纹理评分均高于治疗前, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗后VISIA及Soft 5.5对皱纹、弹性、水分、色斑、毛孔、纹理的评分及 PH值均高于治疗前,油脂评分低于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗总有效率为96.67%;不 良反应发生率为10.00%;治疗满意度为93.33%。结论 微针导入类人胶原蛋白应用于面部年轻化治疗中, 可以有效改善皮肤状态,且疗效确切,安全性较高,患者满意度较高,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的:探究锐针联合微针导入注射用透明质酸钠复合溶液治疗颈部皱纹的临床应用效果。方法:选择2019年5月-2020年3月于笔者医院就诊的48例颈部皱纹就医者,采用锐针结合微针导入注射用透明质酸钠复合溶液的方法改善就医者颈部皱纹,治疗每4周进行1次,共治疗3次,观察就医者疗效及不良反应。结果:3次治疗后,就医者颈部皱纹明显改善,主要表现为可见的褶皱、凹陷明显减少,当颈部完全伸展时,皮肤比治疗前平滑。治疗前,Brandt颈部老化分级为(2.67±0.51)级,治疗后分级为(1.19±0.46)级,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗3次后,整体美学改善量表(Global aesthetic improvement scale,GAIS)分级有效率为100.00%,治疗结束后3个月,GAIS分级有效率为97.92%。所有就医者不良反应轻微,无严重并发症。结论:锐针联合微针导入注射用透明质酸钠复合溶液治疗颈部皱纹临床疗效显著,安全性高,不良反应小,值得临床参考和推广。  相似文献   

目的:观察含有马齿苋及大豆精华提取物护肤品的美白疗效。方法:将40名光老化受试者随机分为对照组及试验组,三种美白护肤品(日霜、晚霜、精华素)含有不同比例马齿苋及大豆精华提取物。两组均外用日霜及晚霜,试验组加用精华素,共持续12周。应用无创性仪器客观检测面部L*a*b*值、黑素指数(melanin index,MI)及红斑指数(erythema index,EI),由医生及受试者就皮肤色泽改善程度进行主观评价。结果:对照组于12周时MI均值显著下降;试验组于4周及12周时,L*值显著升高、b*及MI值显著下降,两组a*及EI值均无明显变化。于4周时,对照组轻度改善者占35%,试验组轻、中度改善者占63%;于12周时,对照组及试验组分别有40%及79%的受试者达轻、中度改善,两组均无红斑、毛细血管扩张、皮肤红肿等不良反应发生。结论:三种美白护肤品(日霜、晚霜、精华素)联合应用可安全而有效地改善皮肤色泽。  相似文献   

强脉冲光结合氨基乙酰丙酸治疗痤疮的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察强脉冲光(intense pulsed light,IPL)结合氨基乙酰丙酸(aminolevulinic acid,ALA)~光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)治疗炎症性痤疮的疗效及安全性。方法:选取10名中重度炎症性痤疮患者,左右侧面部随机分为治疗侧(IPL结合ALA—PDT治疗)及对照侧(单纯IPL治疗),共治疗3次,治疗间隔时间4用。治疗结束后,由医生及受试者进行主观评价;应用非创伤性仪器检测皮肤亮度(1ightness,L值)、皮脂含量及角质层含水量。结果:治疗侧与对照侧皮损消退率分别为74.3%和49.6%,有效率80.0%和50.0%,满意率80%和30%。治疗侧L值显著升高(P〈0.05),皮脂含量显著减少(P〈0.05)。两种治疗对角质层含水量均无显著影响。副作用包括短暂且可耐受的轻微红肿、发热或局部刺痛感。结论:IPL结合ALA—PDT治疗炎症性痤疮疗效好,副作用小。  相似文献   

目的:观察应用类人胶原蛋白对Pixel 2940nm激光治疗后修复作用,应用VISIA皮肤图像分析仪和SOFT5.5皮肤性质测试仪对作用效果进行定量评价。方法:随机选取2010年7月至12月间在我激光美容中心进行像素铒激光治疗的痤疮瘢痕患者60例,随机分为2组,一组治疗后应用类人胶原蛋白面膜5天,一周后改为2次/周共3周,一组作为平行对照,两组分别于1周和1个月后用VISIA皮肤图像分析仪和SOFT5.5皮肤性质测试仪对患者皮肤性质进行定量分析和评价。结果:VISIA数据显示蛋白组1周后与对照组比较皱纹、纹理和毛孔均有所改善(P〈0.05),其中毛孔1月后与对照组比较有明显差异性(P〈0.05);SOFT数据显示蛋白组1周后与对照组比较水分和油脂均有明显差异性(P〈0.05),其中水分1月后与对照组比较有明显差异性(P〈0.05),蛋白组与对照组在弹性没有差异性(P〉0.05)。结论:类人胶原蛋白在Pixel 2940nm激光治疗后1周内可以明显提高皮肤水分和油脂,对皮肤质地有所改善。  相似文献   

Nagler A  Pines M 《Transplantation》1999,68(11):1806-1809
BACKGROUND: In chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD), skin fibrosis, contractures, and an increase in collagen content form the hallmark. We report a successful treatment of a cGvHD patient by topical application of halofuginone, an inhibitor of collagen alpha1(I) gene expression. METHODS: Halofuginone-containing ointment was applied daily on the left side of the neck and shoulder of a cGvHD patient. Collagen alpha1(I) gene expression and collagen content in skin biopsy specimens were evaluated by in situ hybridization and sirius red staining, respectively. RESULTS: After 3 and 6 months, a marked reduction in skin collagen synthesis was observed, accompanied with increase neck rotation on the treated side. After cessation of treatment, the sclerosis, skin tightness, and collagen alpha1(I) gene expression returned to baseline level. No adverse effects were observed, and no plasma levels of halofuginone could be detected. CONCLUSIONS: Halofuginone may provide a promising novel and safe therapy for cGvHD patients.  相似文献   

Laser photostimulation accelerates wound healing in diabetic rats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study, we examined the hypothesis that laser photostimulation can facilitate healing of impaired wounds in experimental diabetes using a rat model. Diabetes was induced in male rats by streptozotocin injection and two 6 mm diameter circular wounds were created on either side of the spine. The left wound of each animal was treated with a 632.8 nm He:Ne laser at a dose of 1.0 J/cm2 for five days a week until the wounds closed (three weeks). Measurements of the biomechanical properties of the laser-treated wounds indicated there was a marginal increase in maximum load (16%), stress (16%), strain (27%), energy absorption (47%) and toughness (84%) compared to control wounds of diabetic rats. Biochemical assays revealed that the amount of total collagen was significantly increased in laser treated wounds (274 +/- 8.7 microg) over the control wounds (230 +/- 8.4 microg). Sequential extractions of collagen from healing wounds showed that laser treated wounds had significantly greater concentrations of neutral salt soluble (15%) and insoluble collagen (16%) than control wounds, suggesting accelerated collagen production in laser treated wounds. There was an appreciable decrease in pepsin soluble collagen (19%) in laser treated wounds over control wounds, indicating higher resistance to proteolytic digestion. In conclusion, the biomechanical and biochemical results collectively suggest that laser photostimulation promotes the tissue repair process by accelerating collagen production and promoting overall connective tissue stability in healing wounds of diabetic rats.  相似文献   

成人先天性巨输尿管症(附15例报告)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
报告15例共19侧成人先天性巨输尿管,其中左侧9例,右侧2例,双侧4例。9例有腰痛,合并血尿5例;有尿路感染症状5例。手术治疗11例14例,其中输尿管成形再植12例,肾、输尿管切除2例。输尿管梗阻段经组织病理检查12侧有胶原纤维组织增生,纵肌减少,环肌肥厚或慢性炎症等改变。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Non-ablative dermal remodeling has been shown to create new dermal collagen. This is thought to occur secondary to a laser-induced injury to the skin. Other mechanisms of injury may lead to similar results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and complication rate of a 1450-nm diode laser and compare clinical effect when the laser is used in conjunction with cryogen cooling as compared to the use of cryogen cooling alone. STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty subjects, skin types I-IV, age range 42-70 years, with Class I and II rhytides were enrolled in the study. Subjects were treated with 2-4 laser treatments and cryogen cooling on one side of their face, while the contralateral side was treated with cryogen cooling alone. Subjects were evaluated six months after their final treatment. RESULTS: Thirteen subjects showed clinical improvement on the laser/cryogen treated side. No subjects were noted to have any improvement at the cryogen alone side. CONCLUSION: The 1450-nm diode laser can lead to non-ablative improvement of rhytides. This effect appears to be a direct laser induced effect.  相似文献   

目的:观察胶原贴敷料对面部激光脱毛术后皮肤护理的效果。方法:将55例面部多毛患者随机分为两组。治疗组:29例,于激光脱毛术后外用胶原贴敷料;对照组:26例,除冰敷外不予特殊处理。术后随访1周,观察两组间皮肤修复效果及局部不适反应发生率。结果:治疗组的主观及客观皮肤不适症状发生率均明显低于对照组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05),治疗组未出现过敏等不良反应。结论:面部激光脱毛术后应用胶原贴敷料可明显促进皮肤修复,减轻局部不适反应的发生。  相似文献   

目的:观察果酸联合点阵激光治疗光老化皮肤术后色素沉着的变化.方法:招募15名健康受试者,并随机进行一侧面部果酸(20%)治疗.1周后用超脉冲CO2点阵激光进行全面部的治疗,DeepFX能量10mJ,密度5%,光斑直径120μm,频率600Hz,不重复治疗.于使用前、后不同时间点,检测皮肤颜色及角质层含水量,并由医师及受试者各自进行疗效主观评分.结果:L值 (皮肤亮度):果酸点阵激光联合治疗侧高于单一点阵激光治疗侧(眼外眦处、颧骨最高点处和口角与下颏连线中点处);*a (反应皮肤的红斑情况) 果酸治疗后1周点阵激光治疗1周,果酸点阵激光联合治疗侧高于单一点阵激光治疗侧,点阵激光治疗2周后下降;含水量两侧值则无明显区别.医师主观评分均认定果酸治疗后肤色变白,激光术后色素沉着不明显.患者对果酸治疗后的效果非常满意,所有受试者均反映果酸治疗后即可见皮肤白皙、紧实,激光术后色素沉着轻微,恢复较快.结论:果酸治疗可安全而有效地改善皮肤色泽和减轻点阵激光治疗后的色素沉着.  相似文献   

Vascular prostheses coated with collagen carefully prepared to avoid contamination were tested to see if it could induce endothelial cell lining throughout the graft surface in a natural way. The collagen fibers were succinylated. Hydrogel produced with the succinylated collagen was used for the sealant to reduce the amount of solid substance. To avoid contamination and the side effects of chemical reagents, the collagen thermally crosslinked under sterile conditions. A suspension of the collagen fibers was enmeshed in the interstices of Dacron fibers of fabric prostheses, which were then thermally crosslinked at 130°C for 20 h. The prostheses were porous when the collagen fiber network was dry. Under wet conditions, however, the water permeability of the grafts was reduced to 0.1 ml/min from the 1,250 ml/min of the original prostheses. Three weeks after implantation in the abdominal aortas of dogs, 81.2 ± 11% of the luminal surface was macroscopically thrombus free, and 56 ± 14% was endothelialized. More than 95% of the coated collagen had been absorbed. Numerous fibroblasts had migrated into the graft walls, and capillary blood vessels had infiltrated the inside of the graft walls without foreign body reaction. In the controls, thrombus free areas averaged 9.0 ± 5%, and endothelialized areas averaged 5.2 ± 4%. Many giant cells, plasma cells, and lymphocytes had migrated into the graft walls, but no fibroblasts. These results suggest that rapid endothelialization is possible when clean collagen is used.  相似文献   

OBJECT: Facial nerve paralysis due to a surgical procedure or trauma is a frequently observed complication. The authors evaluated facial nerve repair achieved by the interposition of a collagen nerve guide. METHODS: Ten cats were divided into three groups. Group 1 consisted of six animals in which a 5-mm facial nerve segment on one side was resected and replaced by a collagen tube that was sutured to bridge both nerve stumps. On the opposite side a 5-mm segment of facial nerve was resected, reversed 180 degrees, and sutured to the stumps as an autograft nerve. Group 2 consisted of two cats in which the collagen nerve guide was interposed on one side and the nerve on the other side was left intact. Group 3 consisted of two cats in which a reversed autograft nerve was placed on one side and the nerve on the other side was left intact. Histological, electrophysiological, and horseradish peroxidase labeling examinations were performed starting 3 weeks after surgery. Light and electron microscopic examinations of collagen tube-implanted specimens revealed a well-vascularized regenerated nerve. The electrophysiological study confirmed the recovery of electrical activity in regenerated axons. Horseradish peroxidase labeling also confirmed restoration of the whole facial nerve tract. CONCLUSIONS: The collagen nerve guide shows great promise as a nerve conduit.  相似文献   

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