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目的了解广州地区未成年人的烟草可及性以及影响因素。方法组织201名六年级小学生参加尝试买烟模拟试验,以是否买烟成功为因变量,商店、销售商和学生的特征为自变量进行因素分析。结果共有165名学生成功买到香烟,买烟失败36人,成功率为82.1%。学生年龄、学生身高、商店类型、售烟者的性别、售烟者的年龄、是否张贴有烟草广告、是否放置"禁止向未成年人售烟"警示牌、售烟者有无询问学生具体年龄、售烟者有无询问学生买烟给谁吸等9个变量与尝试买烟成功有统计学意义的关联。多因素分析筛选3个有意义的变量:学生年龄、商店类型和放置"禁止向未成年人售烟"警示牌。结论未成年人很容易通过自己购买而获得香烟,杂货店和小超市是重点,应加强对烟草零售商向未成年人售烟的监督和管制工作。  相似文献   

了解北京市中小学校周边的烟草售卖点数量及自然状态下向未成年人售烟现状,为创造无烟和健康的学校周边环境提供参考.方法 自拟调查问卷,采用普查的方法对北京市中小学校周边100m范围内的烟草售卖点进行调查,并暗中观察销售点是否设置有关标识、有无未成年人购烟现象.结果 共调查1 654所中小学校,其中35.6% (588所)的中小学校周边100m范围内存在烟草售卖点.对其中874处售烟点进行了观察,70.1%的售烟点为杂货店/便利店,11.8%为烟酒商店,8.5%为商场/超市,5.9%为烟草专卖店;79.1%的售烟点未在醒目位置设置“吸烟有害健康”的标识,72.9%的售烟点未在醒目位置设置“不向未成年人售卖烟草”的标识;15.4%的售烟点有未成年人前来购买烟草,其中的80.0% (108/135)未拒绝未成年人购买烟草.结论 北京市中小学校周边存在较多烟草销售点,且未成年人购买烟草不遭拒绝现象普遍.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市丰台区烟草制品零售点密度及销售环境现况,为实施零售点控烟干预提供基础数据。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法抽取丰台区3个街道所有烟草制品零售点,采用现场观察和"一对一"问询的方式进行零售点密度和烟草销售环境的调查。结果北京市丰台区烟草制品零售点类型以便利店/中小超市、食品店/副食店、烟酒商店为主,占89.57%。平均密度为7.90个/万人。211个零售点中,12.80%的店铺陈设了烟草制品广告;在店铺的显著位置,71.09%的店铺设置了"禁止向未成年人售烟"警示标,59.72%的店铺放置了"吸烟有害健康"的警示标;54.98%的店铺开展了烟草减价促销活动。结论北京市丰台区烟草制品零售点密度相对较低,但是,控烟警示标设置尚未普及,烟草广告仍然存在,烟草减价促销活动较为普遍,控烟支持性环境亟待加强。  相似文献   

目的了解唐山市市售化妆品的标签标注情况,为唐山市化妆品的监督工作提供依据。方法在唐山市市区按照随机抽样的方法抽取大型商场超市、小型超市、部分销售化妆品的个体经销商商店,现场调查其化妆品标签的基本情况。结果共采集1009份化妆品样本,其总体合格率为80.2%;国产普通化妆品的合格率(82.2%)高于特殊用途化妆品(66.3%)和进口化妆品(76.9%),且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);大型商场超市的国产普通及特殊用途化妆品合格率(86.7%,80.6%)高于小型超市、个体经销商商店的化妆品合格率(73.4%,38.2%),且差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论唐山市市售化妆品的标签标识仍是日后监督工作的主要问题。  相似文献   

了解天津市中小学校周边的烟草售卖点分布及向未成年人售烟情况,为创造无烟健康的学校周边环境提供依据.方法 2018年12月-2019年1月采取单纯随机抽样的方法,抽取天津市195所学校,对校门外100m范围内的烟草售卖点进行调查,并对距离学校最近的烟草售卖点进行现场观察.结果 72所(36.9%)学校周边100 m范围内存在烟草售卖点,烟草售卖点数共127处,均未发现烟草广告.职业学校、小学、中学周边100 m内有烟草售卖点的比例为33.3%,34.1%和40.4%.在观察的72处烟草售卖点中,烟草售卖点距离学校≤20,21~50,51~100 m所占比例分别为9.7%,36.1%,54.2%.烟草售卖点以杂货店/便利店为主(55.6%),其次为烟酒商店(34.7%).烟草售卖点未在醒目位置设置“吸烟有害健康”和“不向未成年人售烟”的标识的比例为81.9%和86.1%.结论 天津市学校周边烟草售卖点布局及标识张贴不规范,并且存在向未成年人售烟情况.应加强学校周边环境整治及宣传执法力度.  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市朝阳区普通中学校门周边100米范围内烟草售卖点的分布情况及其向中学生售烟情况。方法采取单纯随机抽样的方法,抽取朝阳区32所普通中学,对校门周边100米范围内烟草售卖点的分布情况和对学生售烟情况进行调查。结果71.9%(23/32)的普通中学校门口100米范围内存在烟草售卖点,平均每所中学校外有1.50±1.37家烟草售卖点。烟草售卖点离校门的平均距离为45.8±27.2米,所售烟草的最低价格为4.19±1.50元/包。56.3%(27/48)的烟草售卖点悬挂有烟草专卖零售许可证,35.4%(17/48)烟草售卖点的工作人员知晓禁止向未成年人售烟和禁止在校门口100米内设立卷烟零售点的政策,25.0%(12/48)的烟草售卖点张贴禁止向未成年人售烟的标识,72.9%(35/48)的烟草售卖点向中学生售烟。有烟草专卖零售许可证的正规烟草售卖点对禁售政策知晓率、标识的张贴率和向中学生拒售烟草的比例,显著高于非正规烟草售卖点。结论北京市朝阳区中学生烟草易得性较高,有必要加强控烟政策法规的宣传和执法力度。  相似文献   

目的了解山西省县级医疗卫生机构人员吸烟行为、烟草危害知识与态度及提供戒烟服务的现状,为制定控烟干预策略提供科学依据。方法采用面对面问卷调查的方法,对山西省2011年中央补助地方烟草控制项目的18县(市、区)卫生行政部门、综合医院、中医院、妇幼保健院(站)、疾控中心和健康教育所共94个单位9637名在职职工进行调查。结果医务人员吸烟率为9.83%,其中男性吸烟率为28.82%,女性吸烟率为0.53%,差异有统计学意义(x。=1921.23,P〈0.01)。有87.00%的医务人员知晓本单位规定“不能在室内任何区域吸烟”,吸烟的医务人员中有80.10%在上班时吸烟;吸烟危害健康知识知晓率为62.82%;医生在就诊时从不或很少询问病人吸烟情况占72.10%。吸烟者与非吸烟者对吸烟危害相关知识与态度情况的知晓情况(×。=101.88,P〈0.01)和对吸烟、被动吸烟与疾病关系知识知晓隋况(x2=14.87,P〈0.01)差异均有统计学意义。对“过滤嘴可以降低吸烟的危害”(P=0.000,OR=1.007,95%C1:1.005~1.105)和“外国烟的危害比国产烟的危害小”(P=0.013,OR:1.002,95%CI:1.001—1.004)知晓率高是促使不吸烟的保护因素,男性是吸烟的危险因素(P=0.000,OR=1.319,95%c,:1.303-1.335),高学历是不吸烟的保护因素(P=0.000,OR=1.023,95%C1:1.016~1.030)。结论山西省县级医疗卫生机构控烟环境尚未形成,需进一步加强医务人员烟草危害知识和技能培训,提高其控烟意识,强化控烟监督力度,推进创建无烟单位工作。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中学生的烟草可及性,为完善青少年控烟政策提供依据。方法实地调查中学周边100米内的烟草销售情况。采用定量研究方法,对学校周边直线距离以及步行距离100米内售烟点的数量、售烟点类型、未在显著位置设置不向未成年人售烟标志的售烟点数量进行统计;采用定性研究方法,对中学生和售烟点的经营者进行偶遇抽样和访问调查。结果共调查21所中学,其中61.9%的学校周边直线距离100米内存在售烟点,28.6%的学校在周边步行距离100米内存在售烟点;售烟点类型以烟草专卖店居多,占60%;28%的售烟点未在显著位置设置不向未成年人售烟的标志。一些售烟点的位置虽符合规定,但对学生的可及性高、未要求疑似未成年人出示身份证件等现象仍存在。结论该地区内的学校周边控烟环境有待进一步改善。  相似文献   

目的了解农村高血压病人抑郁发生率与影响因素。方法采用Zung氏抑郁自评量表(SDS),由专门培训的调查员进行集中询问调查收集资料。结果206名高血压病人抑郁发生率为69.4%,男性抑郁发生率为54.4%,女性为81.0%,两者间差异有统计学意义(P〈0、01)。抑郁程度轻度50.3%、中度42、7%、重度7.0%。单因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:抑郁与年龄(OR=1.050,95%CI=1.013~1.088)、性别(OR=3.575.95%CI=1.918-6.663)、婚姻状况(OR=1.679,95%CI=1.165~2.420)、文化程度(OR=0.639,95%CI=0.454~0.899)及人均月收入(OR=0.997,95%CI=0.995~0.999)有关。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:抑郁与性别(OR:2.742。95%CI=1.402~5.365)、婚姻状况(OR=1.800,95%CI=1.075~3.014)及月收入(OR=0.998,95%CI=0.996—1.000)有关。结论农村高血压病人抑郁发生率较高,女性、文化程度低、收入低及丧偶的高血压病人是抑郁的高发人群。  相似文献   

浙江省医生吸烟行为及控烟知识现状调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的了解医生的吸烟行为和烟草控制知识现状,为在医生中实施控烟干预提供依据。方法按照分层抽样的方法,对杭州市、台州市及云和县165家医疗机构1272名医生进行问卷调查。结果52.25%的医院有禁烟规定;医生总吸烟率为23.05%,现在吸烟率为19.27%,男性高于女性;8种吸烟相关疾病的知晓率为63.88%,6种被动吸烟相关疾病的知晓率为75.04%;82.55%的医生会主动询问病人的吸烟情况,2.25%的医生给病人使用过戒烟药物,22.56%的医生参加过戒烟方法培训;多因素分析显示,医生吸烟行为的相关因素有性别(OR=26.98),外科工作(OR=1.58),10年以上医院工作经验(OR=1.99),对吸烟成瘾是一种慢性疾病的认识(OR=0.62)。结论医生的烟草相关知识掌握相对不足,应当进一步加强医生控烟知识和技能的健康教育和培训。  相似文献   

Minors' access to alcohol and tobacco is a major public health concern because of the many deaths and disabilities associated with use and the ease with which minors purchase these products. We evaluated the effects of a community-based substance abuse coalition's efforts to reduce alcohol and tobacco products to minors. The intervention —implemented entirely by coalition members—consisted of adults and minors issuing citations to clerks in supermarkets, convenience stores and liquor stores, who were willing to sell alcohol and tobacco products to minors and issuing commendations to clerks who refused to sell. For those liquor stores receiving the citizen's surveillance, there was a marked decrease in alcohol sales to minors, from 83% to 33%; and in those liquor stores not experiencing the intervention, there was a smaller decrease in alcohol sales, from 45% to 36%. This study's findings suggest that citizen surveillance and feedback may be effective in reducing alcohol sales to minors when the intervention is fully implemented, but may be ineffective, at least in these doses, with tobacco sales.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper reports the findings of annual Synar inspections to assess compliance with federal and state legislation to limit minors' access to tobacco products in Hawaii. We also report on factors associated with selling tobacco to minors for the most recent year of inspections (2003). METHODS: Annual, random, unannounced inspections were conducted by minors (ages 14-17 years) over an 8-year period (1996-2003). Stores were randomly selected from a list of stores that sell tobacco products in Hawaii. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in the percent of successful purchases made over the period from 1996 (44.5%) to 2003 (6.2%). Based on multivariate analyses, only two variables were associated with whether a successful purchase was made in 2003: whether the minor's identification or age was requested. CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that surveillance, education, and enforcement efforts in Hawaii have been successful at making substantial reductions in noncompliance rates. Even with the current low rate of sales to minors, failing to request the minor's identification or age was associated with making a successful purchase, while characteristics of the minor and retail environment were not.  相似文献   

A baseline assessment of cigarette sales to minors in San Diego,California   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study reports the sales rate of cigarettes to minors in San Diego County, and investigates factors associated with cigarette sales to minors. Two hundred and ninety-four stores were identified and recruited to participate in a retailer education effort. To assess the baseline illegal sales rate of cigarettes to minors, selected stores were surveyed by 70 volunteer teams of adults and minors. Questionnaires were also administered to participating store owners or managers to assess retailers' knowledge about laws regulating minors' access to tobacco. Survey results indicated that minors were able to successfully purchase cigarettes in 68% of attempts. In addition, teen gender, community sociodemographics and cashier characteristics were associated with sales to minors. Analyses of the retailer questionnaire indicated retailers knew the legal age to purchase cigarettes, but few knew of the specific penalties associated with sales to minors. These findings indicate that minors have easy access to cigarettes and underscore the need for intensive tobacco sales education for retailers and enforcement of sales to minors laws.Ann D. Erickson is Assistant Intervention Coordinator, Susan I. Woodruff is Evaluation Coordinator, Marianne B. Wildey is Intervention Coordinator, and Erin Kenney is Principal Investigator, all at the Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, Behavioral and Community Health Studies, 6363 Alvarado Ct. Ste. 225, San Diego, CA 92120.Funding was provided by the Tobacco Tax Health Protection Act of 1988-Proposition 99, under grant number 90-10960. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Felipe Castro, PhD, MSW and Nadia Campbell, MPH.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe and identify factors associated with tobacco sales in a metropolitan county. SETTING: King County, Washington is the largest county in Washington State with an estimated population of 1.8 million or about 30% of the state's population. DATA SOURCE: The data analysis is based on compliance checks in King County between January 2001 and March 2005. The 8879 checks were conducted by 91 youth operatives aged 14-17. Analysis of data was completed in 2006. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: The outcome variable for this analysis was whether "a sale was made" to a youth operative during a compliance check. Associations between independent variables and the outcome variable were examined using 2 x 2 tables, univariate (unadjusted) logistic regression, and multivariate (adjusted) logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Overall tobacco sales during the 4-year and 3-month period was 7.7%. Convenience stores selling gas were significantly more likely to sell tobacco products to minors, whereas restaurants, bars, and tobacco discount stores were less likely to sell to minors. Other factors that were significantly associated with sales are described. CONCLUSIONS: In a county that has adopted many of the required youth access laws, opportunities still exist to reduce sales of tobacco products to minors. Asking for age and photo identification still appears to be an effective strategy in reducing sales of tobacco products to minors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study compared the impact of educational and enforcement interventions on retailers' sale of tobacco to minors in Central Harlem, New York. METHODS: In a randomized trial with repeated measures, 152 stores were randomly divided into control, education, and enforcement groups. RESULTS: Overall tobacco sales to 12- and 13-year-old minors at baseline (98%) were among the highest in the nation. At 6-month and 1-year follow-ups, decreases in rates of tobacco sales to minors were modest among education stores and substantial among enforcement stores. CONCLUSIONS: Effective reduction of tobacco sales to minors may require ongoing enforcement measures, including fines for retailers who violate state and local laws.  相似文献   

Persons often begin smoking when they are minors (aged <18 years), and easy access to cigarettes might contribute to this behavior. Laws and regulations were in place in Texas during 1998-1999 to reduce minors' access to cigarettes by 1) prohibiting the sale and distribution of tobacco products to minors; 2) imposing fines against retailers caught selling cigarettes to minors; 3) prohibiting minors from purchasing, possessing, or using tobacco products; 4) limiting vending machines to adult-only locations; and 5) requiring tobacco retailers to ask for proof of identification from anyone attempting to purchase tobacco who appeared to be aged <27 years. To measure progress in reducing access to cigarettes among middle and high school students in Texas, CDC analyzed self-reported data from the 1998 and 1999 Texas Youth Tobacco Survey (TYTS). This report summarizes the results of that survey, which indicate that during 1998-1999, reported access to cigarettes from stores and vending machines (commercial sources) decreased among middle school students from 13.2% to 5.3% and from 7.6% to 1.7%, respectively, but access from noncommercial and other sources (e.g., stealing cigarettes and "getting them some other way") increased from 8.3% to 12.3% and from 16.6% to 23.3%, respectively. Among high school students, most sources did not change. Educating retailers and actively enforcing laws governing youth access to tobacco as part of a comprehensive tobacco-control approach are required to reduce youth access to cigarettes.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine how point-of-sale tobacco marketing may relate to sales to minors. The authors used data from a 2007 cross-sectional study of the retail tobacco marketing environments in the St. Paul, MN metropolitan area matched with a database of age-of-sale compliance checks (random, covert test purchases by a minor, coordinated by law enforcement) of tobacco retailers and U.S. Census data to test whether certain characteristics of advertising or neighborhoods were associated with compliance check failure. The authors found that tobacco stores were the most likely type of store to fail compliance checks (44% failure), supermarkets were least likely (3%). Aside from a marginally significant association with Hispanic population proportion, there was no other association between either store advertising characteristics or neighborhood demographics and stores' compliance check failure. Though our findings were null, the relationship between advertising and real youth sales may be more nuanced as compliance checks do not perfectly simulate the way youth attempt to purchase cigarettes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the role of age, racial/ethnic group, and gender, as well as that of other sociocultural variables, in minors' access to tobacco. METHODS: Thirty-six minors attempted to purchase cigarettes once in each of 72 stores (2592 purchase attempts). The minors represented equal numbers of girls and boys; 10-year-olds, 14-year-olds, and 16-year-olds; and Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. Equal numbers of stores were in Black, White, and Latino neighborhoods. RESULTS: Older children were more likely than younger ones to be sold cigarettes, and Latino children were more likely than Whites to be sold cigarettes. Older Black children (irrespective of gender) were the single most likely group to be sold cigarettes. Cigarettes were significantly more likely to be sold to children by male than female clerks and in specific sociocultural contexts. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions with retailers must address sociocultural variables to improve effectiveness in reducing minors' access to tobacco.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Based on the need for better measurement of the retail food environment in rural settings and to examine how deprivation may be unique in rural settings, the aims of this study were: 1) to validate one commercially available data source with direct field observations of food retailers; and 2) to examine the association between modified neighborhood deprivation and the modified retail food environment score (mRFEI). METHODS: Secondary data were obtained from a commercial database, InfoUSA in 2011, on all retail food outlets for each census tract. In 2011, direct observation identifying all listed food retailers was conducted in 14 counties in Kentucky. Sensitivity and positive predictive values (PPV) were compared. Neighborhood deprivation index was derived from American Community Survey data. Multinomial regression was used to examine associations between neighborhood deprivation and the mRFEI score (indicator of retailers selling healthy foods such as low-fat foods and fruits and vegetables relative to retailers selling more energy dense foods). RESULTS: The sensitivity of the commercial database was high for traditional food retailers (grocery stores, supermarkets, convenience stores), with a range of 0.96-1.00, but lower for non-traditional food retailers; dollar stores (0.20) and Farmer's Markets (0.50). For traditional food outlets, the PPV for smaller non-chain grocery stores was 38%, and large chain supermarkets was 87%. Compared to those with no stores in their neighborhoods, those with a supercenter [OR 0.50 (95% CI 0.27. 0.97)] or convenience store [OR 0.67 (95% CI 0.51, 0.89)] in their neighborhood have lower odds of living in a low deprivation neighborhood relative to a high deprivation neighborhood. CONCLUSION: The secondary commercial database used in this study was insufficient to characterize the rural retail food environment. Our findings suggest that neighborhoods with high neighborhood deprivation are associated with having certain store types that may promote less healthy food options.  相似文献   

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