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目的探讨Ilizarov外固定架治疗青少年Ⅲ度马蹄内翻足畸形的临床疗效。方法应用研究Ilizarov技术,结合有限矫形手术治疗12例多种原因引起的青少年Ⅲ度马蹄内翻足畸形患者(17足)。术后佩戴外固定架。结果 12例均获随访,时间12~49个月。佩戴外固定架时间8~12周。畸形矫正均满意,截骨处均骨性愈合,足负重行走功能良好。根据国际马蹄足畸形研究会(ICFSG)评分系统:优10足,良6足,可1足。无严重并发症发生。结论应用Ilizarov技术结合有限的矫形手术,遵循个体化和局限化的原则,能够矫正传统矫形手术难以治疗的Ⅲ度马蹄内翻足畸形,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨用Ilizarov张力-应力法则结合三关节有限截骨术矫正成年人重度马蹄内翻足畸形的疗效。方法1996年1月~2003年2月,应用Ilizarov张力-应力法则结合三关节有限截骨一期矫正成年人重度马蹄内翻足患者12例13个足,男9例,女3例;年龄20~36岁,平均26岁;左足4例,右足7例,双足1例。病因先天性马蹄内翻足3例,小儿麻痹后遗足畸形6例,外伤1例,脑性瘫痪后遗足畸形1例,小腿海绵状血管瘤施行放射治疗后遗马蹄内翻足畸形1例。根据病情,术前组装Ilizarov踝足关节牵伸器,术中先实施足的后内侧软组织有限松解和三关节切骨术,依照Ilizarov的穿针固定原则,安装具有三维矫形功能的踝足关节牵伸器。术后7d旋转螺纹牵伸杆,逐渐矫正足内翻、内收和前足下垂畸形,在牵伸矫形过程中患足可负重行走。结果12例患者均获得随访,随访时间7个月~4年,平均15个月,畸形未复发,足持重行走功能良好。术后平均牵伸71d。10例11个足达到0°位全足持重,2例保留15°~20°足下垂角(因合并下肢短缩)。术后无一例发生切口和针道感染、皮瓣坏死、血管神经损伤、骨不愈合等并发症。结论Ilizarov张力-应力法则结合三关节有限截骨矫正成年人重度马蹄内翻足是安全、微创、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用Ilizarov技术结合有限截骨治疗青少年先天性马蹄内翻足(congenital clubfoot,CCF)的疗效。方法 2014年6月至2018年7月收治30例共36足青少年CCF,其中男22足,女14足;年龄12~22岁,平均17岁。应用lizarov技术结合有限截骨方案,术后7天开始旋转Ilizarov牵伸器上的螺纹杆,逐步矫正足内翻、内收和前足下垂畸形,在牵伸矫形过程中,患足可负重行走。结果本组30例患者均获得随访,随访时间6~30个月,平均16个月,患足畸形无复发,负重行走功能良好,根据国际马蹄足畸形研究会(international club foot study group,ICFSG)评分系统,本组获优28足,良6足,可2足,优良率94%。结论应用Ilizarov技术结合有限截骨治疗青少年先天性马蹄内翻足畸形,遵循了骨自然重建理念,保留了患足的原有结构并重建其部分功能,是安全、微创、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨采用Ilizarov技术结合有限手术治疗伴有负重区溃疡的神经营养不良性马蹄内翻足畸形的手术方法及临床疗效。方法:2004年7月至2011年12月收治21例伴有负重区溃疡的神经障碍性马蹄内翻足畸形患者,其中男14例,女7例;年龄8~32岁,平均21.3岁;脊柱裂致马蹄内翻足畸形19例,腰骶段脊髓损伤致马蹄内翻足畸形2例;左侧9例,右侧12例;第5跖骨头外下区溃疡6例,第5跖骨基底部溃疡5例,跟骰关节外侧溃疡2例,距下关节外侧溃疡8例。采用跖内侧松解,跟腱延长,三关节有限截骨,其中皮肤溃疡位于距下关节外侧者,术中同时切除溃疡皮肤及软组织,Ⅰ期缝合皮肤切口,术中部分矫正马蹄内翻足畸形后穿针安装Ilizarov足踝部外固定牵伸器。术后负重区仍遗留皮肤溃疡者,溃疡局部使用中成药生肌膏进行换药,每日1次,直至创面愈合。术后7 d开始调节Ilizarov牵伸器矫正残余马蹄内翻足畸形,直至马蹄内翻畸形矫正满意为止,在牵伸矫形过程中患足部分负重行走。结果:21例均获随访,时间6~52个月,平均28个月。所有溃疡愈合,溃疡愈合时间术后14~36 d,平均26 d,随访时溃疡均无复发;18足畸形矫正满意,完全恢复跖行足,3足于术后1年复查出现畸形轻度复发;15例踝关节活动度不同程度受限,6例踝关节完全僵直。AOFAS综合评分由术前34.0±7.2提高到术后86.0±8.5;优8足,良10足,中3足。结论:采用Ilizarov技术结合有限矫形手术治疗伴有负重区神经营养障碍性溃疡的马蹄内翻足畸形,辅助外用中药生肌膏治疗,可以达到Ⅰ期畸形矫形及治愈溃疡的满意效果,手术方法简单,医疗过程安全,能规避严重并发症的发生。  相似文献   

应用Ilizarov技术治疗青少年重度马蹄内翻足   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
目的 :探索青少年重度马蹄内翻足的治疗方法。方法 :应用足踝部有限软组织松解 ,结合术后外固定器缓慢牵伸松解关节挛缩 ,以及二期关节融合与肌力平衡手术治疗青少年重度马蹄内翻足 10例 (16足 )。结果 :16足均获得满意的畸形矫正及足底持重 ,3例遗有轻度前足内收。结论 :应用Ilizarov技术结合有限的手术治疗 ,可获得青少年重度马蹄内翻足的良好畸形矫正和功能恢复。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨计算机辅助Taylor外固定架治疗成人马蹄内翻足畸形的临床疗效。[方法]应用计算机辅助Taylor外固定架技术,结合有限矫形手术治疗11例(14足)多种原因引起成人重度马蹄内翻足畸形。术后牵伸60~92 d,平均72 d,拆除外固定器后,穿矫形鞋行走6~9周。[结果]11例均获随访,时间11~37个月,平均23个月。畸形矫正均满意,截骨处均骨性愈合,足负重行走功能良好。根据国际马蹄足畸形研究会(ICFSG)评分系统:优10足,良3足,可1足。无严重并发症发生。[结论]应用计算机辅助Taylor外固定架结合足部有限截骨技术,能够矫正传统矫形手术难以治疗的重度马蹄内翻足畸形且疗效满意。  相似文献   

Ilizarov技术矫正合并皮肤瘢痕挛缩的僵硬型足踝畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨Ilizarov技术矫正合并皮肤瘢痕挛缩的僵硬型足踝畸形的手术方法、术后管理程序及疗效。方法2004年2月~2007年5月,根据Ilizarov张力一应力法则,应用自行研制的外固定矫形器治疗伴有皮肤瘢痕挛缩的足踝畸形12例,其中马蹄内翻足10例,马蹄外翻足2例。9例同期实施足跗骨的有限截骨术,3例实施足部肌腱转移肌力平衡术,1例同期实施胫骨延长术。术后5d开始旋转相应的螺纹牵拉杆,对器械进行三维空间的缓慢调整,足内翻者先矫正前足内收和后足内翻,后矫正足下垂畸形,直至达到矫形要求的标准,足外翻者牵拉矫形的方向与内翻足相反。在矫形的过程中定期进行x线检测,以防止发生踝关节前后移位。治疗期间鼓励患足负重行走。术后平均牵伸78d,停止牵伸后在外固定器维持下患足负重行走平均69d,拆外固定器后配矫形鞋行走2~3个月。结果12例患者术后随访5个月~2年4个月(平均1年5个月)。8例足畸形获满意矫正,能全足底负重,行走功能良好,患者满意。4例足下垂畸形出现部分复发,其中3例再次安装足踝牵伸器矫正。最终疗效11例满意,1例可。僵硬的瘢痕组织经牵拉后血液循环改善,皮肤瘢痕变软。无一例发生严重针道和皮肤切口感染,未并发踝关节脱位及血管、神经损伤等并发症。结论改良的Ilizarov微创技术能有效矫正合并皮肤瘢痕挛缩的僵硬型足踝畸形,合并骨性畸形者应配合有限截骨手术,但牵拉过程必须缓慢。足踝畸形达到矫形要求后,患足全负重行走不少于8周再拆除外固定器,可避免或减少畸形反弹。皮肤瘢痕组织在张应力作用下,可出现血液循环改善与组织再生的现象。  相似文献   

目的探讨组织牵伸结合有限截骨矫治成年人下肢外伤后严重马蹄内翻足畸形的临床问题。方法 2004年6月至2009年2月共治疗17例成人足外伤后严重的马蹄内翻足畸形。Dimeglio分型:Ⅲ型,严重畸形13足;Ⅳ型,畸形非常严重4足。牵伸矫形器由胫骨外固定器和特殊形状的足部外固定器构成,在畸形状态能适应牵伸器顺利安装情况下,仅选择距下关节融合。如果畸形超出牵伸支架的可调空间,选择有限截骨三关节融合术,部分矫正足的内翻、内收畸形,至能顺利安装牵伸支架,残留的畸形通过牵伸逐渐矫正。结果治疗结束时所有病例的马蹄内翻足畸形均得到完全矫正。14例随访半年至3年,平均11个月;5足轻度复发,马蹄畸形均未大于20°,仍能跖行;踝关节活动度部分有一定改善。根据国际马蹄足畸形研究学组(ICFSG)的评分系统:优3足,良9足,可2足,差0足。结论组织牵伸结合有限截骨矫治成年人下肢外伤后严重马蹄内翻足畸形,便于外固定器的安装,更好地预防畸形复发、减少牵伸的时间,发挥Ilizarov技术的优势。  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析Ilizarov骨外固定个体化治疗僵硬型马蹄内翻足的临床疗效,探讨僵硬型马蹄内翻足功能重建的方法。方法回顾性分析自2019年1月至2020年6月应用Ilizarov骨外固定技术治疗僵硬型马蹄内翻足患者23例(26足),其中男12例,女11例;年龄13~35岁,平均年龄(37.6±8.7)岁;其中单足20例,双足3例(共26足)。按秦泗河马蹄内翻足临床分型,Ⅰ型6足,Ⅱ型6足,Ⅲ型10足,Ⅳ型4足。针对前足、中足、后足的畸形制定Ilizarov骨外固定个体化的治疗方案、术后逐步矫正残余畸形,3~6个月拆除外固定架。根据Lloyd-Roberts和Green马蹄内翻足疗效评估标准评定疗效。结果 26足均获随访,随访时间6~12个月,平均(10.5±0.8)个月。拆除外固定架后马蹄内翻足畸形矫正,获得满意的外观,行走无疼痛。根据Lloyd-Roberts和Green马蹄内翻足疗效评估标准评定,优20足,良4足,差2足,优良率为92.3%。结论应用Ilizarov骨外固定矫形技术个体化治疗僵硬型马蹄内翻足不仅可以取得满意的临床疗效,而且安全、危险性低。  相似文献   

改良Ilizarov技术结合有限手术矫正马蹄内翻足畸形   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]探讨Ilizarov技术矫正马蹄内翻足畸形的手术方法及器械改良、术后管理方法的改进及疗效。[方法]2003年1月~2006年5月,根据Ilizarov张力应力法则,应用秦泗河改良的外固定矫形器,遵循Ilizarov穿针固定的基本原则,共手术治疗马蹄内翻足32例,男15例,女17例;年龄10~25岁,平均17岁。病因:腓总神经损伤2例,腰椎管内肿瘤1例,硬脊膜膨出5例,小儿麻痹后遗症11例,先天性马蹄内翻足13例。术前用足掌的前外缘负重行走者11例,用足的外缘或足背外侧负重者21例。根据马蹄内翻足畸形程度、性质和患者年龄,确定实施有限矫形手术的方法和外固定矫形器治疗。本组7例同期实施有限的软组织松解术,25例同期实施了有限的截骨术和跗骨间关节融合术,9例合并踝关节内外翻肌力明显失衡者,同期行足部肌腱转移的肌力平衡术。然后安装外固定矫形器。术后按作者制定的管理程序,7d开始旋转相应的螺纹牵拉杆,对器械进行三维空间的缓慢调整,先矫正前足内收和后足内翻,后矫正足下垂畸形,直至达到矫形要求的标准。在矫形的过程中定期进行X线检测,以防止发生踝关节前后移位,治疗期间允许患足负重行走。术后平均牵伸42d,拆外固定器后患足再上石膏固定适当时间。[结论]32例患者术后均获得随访,其中26例为来院复查。随访时间1年~3年1个月,平均1年5个月。畸形均获满意矫正,足持重行走功能良好,患者满意。本组无1例发生严重针道感染和切口感染,未并发踝关节脱位及血管、神经损伤等并发症。[结论]改良Ilizarov技术矫正马蹄内翻足畸形,手术创伤小、安全,治疗效果提高,配合有限矫形手术,能够矫正传统矫形手术难以治疗的严重足畸形,缩短治疗周期,避免了严重手术并发症。  相似文献   

Correction of neglected clubfoot using the Ilizarov external fixator   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to evaluate the corrective capability of the Ilizarov external fixator in the treatment of neglected clubfoot. METHODS: Thirty patients (38 feet) with a mean age of 19 (5 to 39) years with severe deformities and stiff feet associated with neglected clubfoot were studied. A limited soft-tissue dissection, Achilles tenotomy, and plantar fasciotomy were done. Progressive correction of the deformities was achieved through a standard setting of the Ilizarov external fixator. The device was used for 16 weeks, on average, and after removal a short-leg walking cast was used for an additional 6 weeks, followed by an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) for 6 months. RESULTS: The final outcome was scored as good (complete correction and no pain); fair (partial correction with plantigrade foot and occasional pain); or poor (nonplantigrade foot and continuous pain during walking). After a mean followup of 58 (range 12 to 107) months, the results were good in 30 feet (78.9%); fair in three feet (7.9%); and poor in five feet (13.2%). Early complications were a distal tibial fracture in one foot, dislocation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint in one foot, and arterial damage that resulted in amputation of the toes in one foot. Recurrence of the deformity was found in 19 feet (50%): 11 minor, three mild, and five severe. Spontaneous ankylosis developed in 28 feet (73.7%). Nine feet (23.7%) required arthrodesis for symptomatic arthritis of the ankle or midfoot and deformity that could not be treated with orthoses. CONCLUSION: The Ilizarov external fixator allows simultaneous correction of all the severe foot deformities associated with neglected clubfoot with minimal surgery, reducing risks of cutaneous or neurovascular complications and avoiding excessive shortening of the foot. Even in those patients in whom final corrective arthrodesis is necessary, this may be carried out with minimal bone resection, since the severe deformities of the foot and ankle have been corrected.  相似文献   

目的探讨利用Ilizarov外固定架治疗儿童僵硬型马蹄内翻足畸形的临床疗效及影像学评估。方法 2009年1月至2012年6月利用Ilizarov外固定架治疗25例30足儿童僵硬性马蹄内翻足畸形患者,术前对患者进行常规足部X线检查,测量正位跟距角(talocalcaneal angle of anteroposterior radiograph,TCA-AP)、侧位跟距角(talocalcaneal angle of lateral radiograph,TCA-LAT)、正位距骨-第1跖骨角(talo-first metatarsal angle of anteroposterior radiograph,TMT1-AP),根据患者实际情况选择合适的外固定架,术中按照Ilizarov固定原则固定于患者胫骨及足部相应位置。术后第5天开始调整外固定架螺母,以1 mm/d,6次/d的幅度进行调整,直至畸形得到完全纠正,并适当过伸。将患足固定于过伸矫正位4~6周,期间佩戴外固定架行走。拆除外固定后定期复查X线,测量并对比相关数据。结果 25例患者均得到随访,随访时间8个月~2年,平均随访12个月。所有患者调整外固定架矫形期间均未见血管神经损伤等症状。术后5~7周踝关节恢复到中立位,平均固定时间14周。按Garceau标准评定,优23足,良4足,差3足。治疗前后比较,TCA-AP、TCA-LAT明显增大(P0.001),TMT1-AP明显减小(P0.001),差异均有统计学意义。结论 Ilizarov技术对于儿童僵硬型马蹄足治疗效果明显,具有微创、安全、操作简单等优点,且影像学数据改善明显,可作为评价矫形效果的有效指标。  相似文献   

Relapse may occur in severe clubfeet deformities whether treated surgically or nonsurgically. In this study, we evaluate the results of correction of residual and recurrent congenital clubfoot using soft tissue distraction or osteotomy using the Ilizarov external fixation system. This study included 35 feet in 28 patients who were treated between 1999 and 2007. Of these 16 feet in 13 patients with an average age of 13.7 years (range from 11 to 29 years) were treated by percutaneous calcaneal V-osteotomy and gradual correction by the Ilizarov method. Nineteen feet in 15 patients with an average age 10.5 years (range from 4 to 22 years) were treated by soft tissue distraction by the Ilizarov technique. The mean average follow up period was 5.6 years (range from 1 to 8 years). At the time of fixator removal, a plantigrade foot was achieved in 30 feet. Mild residual varus and equinus deformities were present in five feet.At the final follow foot pressure measurement showed recurrent or residual deformity in 10 feet (7 treated by osteotomy and 3 treated by soft tissue distraction). Recurrence may occur with both techniques, depending on many factors such as bone morphology, the number of the pervious operations and the degree of stiffness of the foot prior to the operation.  相似文献   

The resistant clubfoot deformity presents a significant challenge. Several corrective procedures have been described, with the goal to provide a pain-free, plantigrade foot. The Ilizarov method of external fixation and gradual distraction has been reported as an alternative to conventional techniques. Previous reviews have concluded that this method can provide satisfactory correction and outcome. This study presents a review of 21 resistant clubfeet in 17 patients, who had undergone previous surgery, treated with Ilizarov external fixation and gradual distraction by 1 of 2 surgeons. Outcome measures were graded based on function and presence of residual deformity: (a) excellent (painless, plantigrade foot, with no functional limitations); (b) good (plantigrade foot in a patient able to ambulate long distances with mild pain; (c) fair (mild residual deformity, required bracing, and/or had some functional limitations but an active life); and (d) poor (significant residual deformity, pain, and activity limitations). Radiographic measures of the talocalcaneal and talo-first metatarsal angles were compared preoperatively and postoperatively. At an average follow-up of 6.64 years (range, 2.25-10.50 years), 9.5% (2) achieved an excellent result; 4.8% (1), good; 33.3% (7), fair; and 52.4% (11), poor. All 11 of the feet graded poor required revision surgery at an average of 5.63 years postoperatively (range, 2.67-10.2 years). Only the talo-first metatarsal angle displayed a clinically and statistically significant correction. We conclude that the Ilizarov method for treatment of resistant clubfoot deformities results in poor outcome associated with residual or recurrent deformity, often requiring revision surgery.  相似文献   



Resistant clubfoot deformities of the foot and ankle remain a difficult problem even for the most experienced surgeon. We report a series of neglected resistant clubfoot deformities treated by limited surgery and Ilizarov distraction histogenesis.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty one patients with 27 feet having resistant clubfoot deformities were managed by Ilizarov distraction histogenesis from April 2005 to May 2008. The mean age was 12 years (range 8–20 years). A limited soft tissue dissection like percutaneous Achilles sheath tenotomy and plantar fasciotomy were done. Progressive correction of the deformities was achieved through the standard and simple Ilizarov frame construct setting. After removal of Ilizarov frame, a short leg walking cast was used for an additional 6 weeks, followed by an ankle foot orthrosis for 3 months.


The mean followup period was 18.7 months (range 20-36 months). The mean duration of fixator application was 3.6 months (range 3–5 months). At the time of removal of the fixator, a plantigrade foot was achieved in 25 feet and gait was improved in all patients. There was residual varus hind foot deformity in two patients. Out of 27 feet, 3 (11.11%) were rated as excellent, 17 (62.96%) as good, 5 (18.51%) as fair, and 2 (7.40%) as poor according to Reinkerand Carpenter scale. Excellent and good results (74.07%) were considered satisfactory, while fair and poor results (25.92%) were considered unsatisfactory.


The short term clinical and functional results of resistant clubfoot deformities with Ilizarov''s external fixator is promising and apparently a good option.  相似文献   

Complex foot deformity can be described as a foot with multiplanar abnormalities with or without shortening of the foot. Conventional surgical treatment may not be able to correct these deformities. In this study we evaluate the results of percutaneous V osteotomy of the calcaneus with an Ilizarov external fixator for treatment of complex foot deformity. Twenty feet with a complex deformity were treated by the Ilizarov method in 15 patients. The aetiologic factors were neglected or relapsed clubfoot (13 patients) and poliomyelitis (2 patients). All patients underwent percutaneous V osteotomy of the calcaneus and gradual correction of the deformity using Ilizarov's method. The mean duration of fixator application was 9.5 months (range, 6-13 months). The mean follow-up period was 1.8 years (range, 1 to 3 years). At the time of fixator removal, a plantigrade foot was achieved in 18 cases; gait was improved in all patients. There was residual varus deformity in two patients. A pin-tract infection was observed in all patients. No recurrence of the deformity occurred. The V osteotomy offers the most options for correction of complex foot deformities. Percutaneous technique is particularly useful for the complex foot deformity that has poor skin coverage, with poor blood supply. Gradual correction with the Ilizarov method yields good results for complex foot deformities.  相似文献   

The Ilizarov technique is an alternative for the treatment of complex foot deformities in children. The authors retrospectively reviewed children with relapsed clubfoot deformity, treated with soft tissue procedures and additional correction with an Ilizarov frame. Twelve consecutive patients (13 feet) with relapsed clubfoot deformity after previous surgical correction were reviewed. Treatment included open releases. An Ilizarov frame was applied as an adjunct in seven patients (mean age of 7.8 years) with severe deformity where complete intraoperative correction was not achieved. Clinical and radiographic assessment was undertaken. The mean Laaveg–Ponseti score, for the 7 feet treated with the Ilizarov frame, was 85.1 after minimum 4 years follow-up. One recurrence of forefoot deformity required metatarsal osteotomies. Postoperative radiographic measurements revealed values that can be considered as normal. Complications included pin tract infections (12% of inserted wires). Flat-topped talus was observed in 3 feet. Deformity correction was possible when soft tissue procedures were combined with the use of Ilizarov technique, in order to support and gradually improve surgical correction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Severe recurrent clubfoot deformities are challenging to treat. The Ilizarov method offers a safer alternative; however, the management of the device is complex. METHODS: A simplified standard setting of the Ilizarov device was used to treat 29 patients (35 feet) with a mean age of 14 years with severely stiff recurrent clubfoot deformities and large scars caused by one or more previous surgeries. This simplification involved a correction in two stages: first a gradual correction of the equinus, varus, cavus, and adduction deformities and later an acute correction of the supination deformity. All feet underwent percutaneous Achilles tenotomy and plantar fasciotomy; 11 feet required an additional midfoot osteotomy. The final outcome was scored as good (complete correction and no pain); fair (partial correction with plantigrade foot and occasional pain); or poor (nonplantigrade foot and continuous pain during walking). RESULTS: After a mean followup of 56 months, the results were good in 27 feet (77%), fair in five feet (14%), and poor in three feet (9%). Early complications were complete dislocation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint in two feet and partial dislocation of the distal tibial epiphysis in two feet. Late complications were recurrence of the deformity (11 feet), spontaneous ankylosis (16 feet), and symptomatic foot and ankle arthritis (7 feet). Arthrodesis was performed in 13 feet at an average of 21 months after the index surgery to treat symptomatic arthritis or correct disabling residual deformities. CONCLUSIONS: The Ilizarov device allowed correction of all the complex deformities of severe recurrent clubfoot with minimal operative intervention. Complications were numerous but manageable and for the most part did not compromise overall patient satisfaction in this very difficult to treat clinical condition.  相似文献   

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