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一、本刊为中国农工民主党上海市委员会主管、中国医学影像技术上海研究所主办的专业综合性刊物,国内外公开发行。读对象为广大影像医学工作(包括X线、CT、超声、MR、核医学等)和有关专业临床医师及高等医学院校学生。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,随着社会对医学影像专业高学历人才的迫切需要 ,国内好多医学院校相继增设了医学影像专业。虽然各校建设影像专业的专业方向可能有所不同 :有侧重培养高学历医学影像临床诊断专业人才的 ,有侧重培养高学历医学影像工程技术人才的。但是 ,在专业课程设置过程中 ,都强调了开设医学影像物理学基础 (以下简称影像物理学 )这门课程的重要性和必要性。影像物理学是影像专业的一门非常重要的专业基础课。教学目的是让学生掌握医学成像理论的物理学基本原理、规律 ;了解医学成像的物理理论知识 ;为深刻理解成像过程、评价图像以及读识图像…  相似文献   

医学影像数字化时代的今天,医学影像技术在临床工作中的地位更加重要,对专业技术人才的培养提出了更高的要求,突出高起点、高要求、高标准的目标。通过教学方法的改进,教学措施的不断完善,在医学影像技术教学中收到了良好效果,使学生的综合素质得到了明显提高。  相似文献   

中等卫校医学影像专业断层解剖教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着四大影像医学、介入医学、立体超声、磁共振血管造影等现代化诊治手段在临床上的应用和飞速发展,带来了临床诊疗水平的革新和质的飞跃。作为其形态学基础和桥梁的断层影像解剖学备受重视,已成为各级各类医学生必须掌握的应用学科,更是影像专业学生必修的主干课程。我国高校在断层解剖的教学与科研上取得丰硕的成果,而中等卫校在断层解剖学的教学上还处于起步阶段,在教学计划、教学大纲、教学模式、教学方法、实验室建设等各方面还在不断地摸索,怎样结合中等卫校和影像专业的特点,开展断层解剖教学和提高教学质量就成为中等卫校解剖工作者所必须面对的课题。  相似文献   

如何培养医学影像专业学生的阅片能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自伦琴发现X线以来 ,X线就被广泛应用于医学影像诊断。随着科学技术的不断发展 ,医学影像的技术与设备亦在不断地改进与提高 ,尤其随着CT、MRI及DSA等影像设备的普及 ,使医学影像学有了迅猛的发展 ,如何适应新形势的发展需要 ,提高医学影像专业学生的阅片技能是摆在广大教师面前的迫切问题。阅读X线、CT、MRI等片并进行影像学诊断是影像科医生临床工作的主要任务之一 ,因此 ,学生时代培养良好的阅片习惯必将对将来的临床工作起到重要的作用 ,阅片能力的培养无疑是影像专业教学工作中重要的一个环节。我院是全国较早设置五年制医影像…  相似文献   

随着我国当前医学教学改革推进,临床医学教学研究中对于学生教学培养的要求越来越高,以影像专业教学为例,在现有专业教学培养中,影像专业教学培养的要求已经不仅仅是局限于理论教学,更加注重的是对实践教学培养工作的转换和调整。因而以专业课程教学内容优化改进为主的医学影像学专业教学实施工作正在如火如荼的进行,所以本文将着重分析医学影像专业课程与教学内容优化实施策略和效果,力图在本文研究帮助下,能够为医学影像专业课程与教学内容优化提供帮助。  相似文献   

医学影像专业"整合教学模式"的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨医学影像专业整合教学模式的思路、效果。方法:根据医学影像专业的整合教学模式的特点,结合教学现况,对其实施的意义、思路、方法及效果进行探讨、评价。结果:整合教学模式具有许多优势及可操作性,并能避免目前教学中诸多缺陷,更为科学合理地配置、利用现有的教学资源。结论:整合教学模式是实现、提高现代医学影像专业教学目标、质量的一个重要而行之有效的因素。  相似文献   

培养合格的医学影像技术人才离不开临床实践教学,针对医学影像技术专业特点,制定切实可行的认知实习计划,以期提高该专业教学质量。  相似文献   

随着近年来科技的飞速发展,医学影像技术,特别是CT和MR出现了前所未有的变化,其在腹部脏器检查中的应用也日益广泛、深入。在CT发展的背后,相关专业人员一直在关心着两个重要的命题,即诊断准确性和检查安全性。临床医生希望一次CT检查能提供更多的诊断信息,提高疾病的检出率,让诊断更完美,真正实现早期发现和早期治疗:同时随着人们自我保护意识的不断提高,CT作为放射学检查技术,如何在保证影像质量水平的同时把放射剂量降到最低,也越来越受到各方的关注。而非放射线成像的MR,随着扫描技术及硬件的革新,扫描速度不断加快,更多的功能性成像技术出现。为了更好地推动CT、MR新技术在腹部检查中的应用,从而丰富腹部检查中的影像诊断手段,推进腹部放射性的发展,《中华放射学杂志》决定与GE联合开展“CT新技术在腹部检查中的应用”的征文活动。  相似文献   

由江苏大学出版社出版、全军医学影像中心南京军区南京总医院王骏与江苏大学甘泉教授主编的《医学影像技术操作指导(图示版)》日前出版发行。规范化的临床操作对影像技术专业学生和新上岗的人员来说极其重要,为此,《医学影像技术操作指导(图示版)》出版发行的目的就是让  相似文献   

医学影像学科的迅猛发展对医学影像人才的培养提出了越来越高的要求,医学影像课程改革势在必行,作者认为医学影像专业在课程设置上应加强两个"结合",突出一个"特色",注重两个"需要",以利培养出具有本专业特色的基础扎实、知识面宽及业务能力强的医学影像专门人才.  相似文献   

应对当前英语与教育国际化发展,中英文双语教学是我国增强国际竞争力和教育改革发展的必然趋势。双语教学的开展有望实现教员有效传授专业知识与专业英语知识和提高学员英语听说能力及培养学员英语思维的双重目标。本文从双语模式教学目标、师资培养、学生英语能力、教学模式创新与改革及教学质量评估体系等多个方面的挑战进行阐述,重点对教学模式进行探索,对实施医学超声影像学双语教学提供了思路。  相似文献   

3D思维在医学影像学教学中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨3D思维在医学影像学教学中的应用,培养学生的3D思维能力。材料与方法:通过各种影像方法(投照、透视、X线、CT、MR、DSA等)相互配合,并结合解剖、多媒体计算机技术等。结果:大部分的学生(93.65%,118/126)对这种教学方法比较满意。结论:3D思维教学方法优化了教学内容,提高了学生的3D思维能力和独立思考分析能力,为医学影像学教学方法提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

Given the recent emergence of medical cannabis legalization in Malta, the objective of this study was to assess knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about medical cannabis among a sample of Maltese students. The sample comprised 327 students enrolled in the University of Malta's Faculties of Health Sciences, Medicine and Surgery, and Social Wellbeing. The vast majority of respondents expressed a desire for formal education and training about medical cannabis. While 52 % of the study cohort felt prepared to answer patient or client questions about medical cannabis, 83 % reported no formal education about medical cannabis. Findings evidence the need for medical cannabis curriculum, education, training and field practice for University of Malta students who will soon be professionals promoting health care.  相似文献   

目的评价循证医学(EBM)和以案例为基础的学习法(CBL)相结合的教学法对影像医学研究生教学的有效性。方法选择30个影像医学研究生分成实验组和对照组,分别给予EBM+CBL教学和传统教学模式(LBL)。两组学生采取问卷调查的五分李克特量表反馈两种教学方法的有效性,然后用一张测试卷(包括简答和多项选择题)评估两组学生的学习效果。测试成绩应用两独立样本t检验进行统计分析。结果问卷调查分析结果显示EBM+CBL教学法能够帮助学生培养自学能力(86.67%)、增强学习兴趣(80.00%)、提高学习能力(66.67%)、提高理解力(73.33%),并促进团队学习(93.33%),明显优于常规教学方法。实验组学生的测试分数大幅度高于对照组学生。结论在医疗实践中,相对于传统教学法,EBM+CBL 2种教学法相结合能够更好提高学生的学习效果,是影像医学研究生在医疗实践中获取更多医疗知识和经验的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo assess medical student knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about cannabis use for medical conditions in Russia where it is prohibited.MethodsThis study uses data collected from 463 Russian origin medical students. Pearson Chi-square test for categorical variables was used to determine whether student knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of medical cannabis (MC) are affected by gender and religiosity.ResultsOverall, Russian university medical students tend to reflect negative attitudes and beliefs toward MC. Female students were more inclined to recommend MC for patient treatment and its legalization; and, believe it is not addictive and does not pose physical or mental health risk. Students who support MC use believe it has treatment benefits, support additional research as well as policy change for its legalization. Secular, more than religious, students report more positive attitudes toward MC use. About 34% of the students indicate they have no knowledge about cannabis use for medical conditions; and, nearly half report feel they are able to answer patient questions about its use for medical condition if such a situation were to exist.ConclusionsThis study is the first in Russia to examine medical students’ knowledge, attitudes and beliefs toward MC. Results evidence the majority of survey respondents do not support cannabis legalization for any purpose – medical or recreational. They report a dearth of knowledge about the substance and recommend additional evidence-based research and education to enhance their knowledge about its use. The present study has value in terms of providing usable information for possible curriculum development and education purposes as well as policy change about cannabis use for medical conditions in Russia.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术已逐渐进入到医学教育领域,有着广阔的应用前景。本文根据急危重症实验教学的需要,利用现代计算机技术、多媒体技术和虚拟现实技术,针对急救技能的操作要点及难点,同时考虑到学生的学习兴趣,设计、研发了相关软件和项目,构建了急危重症虚拟实验室。  相似文献   

科技的变革在一定程度上促进了我国医疗行业的发展,各种现代化技术逐渐在医学领域得到广泛推广和应用,其中比较典型的一项技术就是计算机图像处理技术,该技术主要应用于医学影像领域,并逐渐成为我国医学影像技术体系中的重要组成部分。本文就针对计算机图像处理技术在医学影像中的进展与应用进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe relevance of medical cannabis (MC) increases; and, educating those who are at the forefront of patient care is imperative. Yet, research on medical students’ expertise and opinions is still scarce.ObjectiveThis study set out to evaluate Austrian medical students’ knowledge about and attitudes towards MC and compare them with other academic disciplines. Additionally, gender was controlled for.MethodsAn online survey was conducted with N = 404 students enrolled in (1) medical studies, (2) studies with a medical background and (3) studies without a medical background.ResultsIn contrast to non-medical students, 64 % of medical students said they learnt about MC at the university. Although students were confident about their knowledge, they struggled to differentiate between CBD and THC. Chronic pain, oncological diseases and palliative care were the most frequently cited indications, psychiatric indications, however, were mentioned less often. Medical students were more reserved in their attitudes towards increasing medical usage and legalizing cannabis than the two other groups. Also, they were more skeptical about whether physicians should be allowed to prescribe MC and whether they should be obliged to offer it. Males showed more confidence regarding cannabis knowledge and were more favorable of legalizing and prescribing cannabis; females perceived cannabis as more physically addictive and as a gate-way drug.ConclusionsConsidering that beliefs and attitudes shape behavior, it is expected that future health care professionals will struggle with recommending cannabis for medical treatment. A coordinated approach for medical training is needed to ensure high standard medical care.  相似文献   

Problem: Point-of-care ultrasound has been a novel addition to undergraduate medical education at a few medical schools. The impact is not fully understood, and few rigorous assessments of educational outcomes exist. This study assessed the impact of a point-of-care ultrasound curriculum on image acquisition, interpretation, and student and faculty perceptions of the course. Intervention: All 142 first-year medical students completed a curriculum on ultrasound physics and instrumentation, cardiac, thoracic, and abdominal imaging. A flipped classroom model of preclass tutorials and tests augmenting live, hands-on scanning sessions was incorporated into the physical examination course. Students and faculty completed surveys on impressions of the curriculum, and all students under-went competency assessments with standardized patients. Context: The curriculum was a mandatory part of the physical examination course and was taught by experienced clinician-sonographers as well as faculty who do not routinely perform sonography in their clinical practice. Outcome: Students and faculty agreed that the physical examination course was the right time to introduce ultrasound (87% and 80%). Students demonstrated proper use of the ultrasound machine functions (M score = 91.55), and cardiac, thoracic, and abdominal system assessments (M score = 80.35, 79.58, and 71.57, respectively). Students and faculty valued the curriculum, and students demonstrated basic competency in performance and interpretation of ultrasound. Further study is needed to determine how to best incorporate this emerging technology into a robust learning experience for medical students.  相似文献   

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