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正1血管性认知障碍的概念血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)这一概念在1995年由Bowler等提出~([1]),包括重度血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VaD)、伴血管病变的阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)和非  相似文献   

血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)是由脑血管病危险因素(如高血压、 糖尿病、高脂血症和高同型半胱氨酸血症等)、显性脑血管病(出血性及缺血性卒中)及非显性脑血 管病(脑白质疏松和慢性脑缺血等)引起的一组从轻度认知功能损害到痴呆的临床综合征。非痴呆 性血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment-no dementia,VCIND)是VCI的早期阶段,其中约一半 患者会在5年内进展为痴呆。血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)在治疗上尚未发现行之有效的方法, 但又是唯一可以预防的痴呆。发现VCIND危险因素并进行早期干预,对于寻求延缓痴呆进展的二级 预防策略至关重要。现从VCIND的概念、流行病学、诊断标准及影响因素等方面进行综述,以期能够 早期识别相关危险因素,防治VCI。  相似文献   

血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)是导致认知障碍和痴呆的常见原因。 低灌注性VCI作为一个重要亚型由于其可干预性和可预防性,成为认知障碍领域研究的热点。本文根 据近些年来对于低灌注性VCI的相关研究,对其概念、病理生理、临床特征、影像学检查及治疗方法 加以阐述。  相似文献   

冯涛 《中国卒中杂志》2008,3(11):864-869
皮层下缺血性血管性痴呆(subcortical ischemic vascular dementia, SIVD)是血管性认知障碍(Vascular cognitive impairment, VCI)的一个亚型,具有认知障碍和皮层下脑缺血病灶的证据。其包括腔隙状态、关键部位梗死性痴呆和Binswanger综合征等3个类型。认知障碍的特征是显著的执行功能障碍和相对轻微的工作记忆减退。对脑血管病危险因素的干预有助于皮层下缺血性血管性痴呆的防治。  相似文献   

血管性认知障碍的概念及危险因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人口老龄化的提高,如果不采取干预性措施,1/3 的人将来会患卒中和(或)痴呆,卒中后,高达64%的患者存在不同程度的认知障碍,1/3 会发展为明显的痴呆[1].本文就血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)概念及危险因素一综述.  相似文献   

血管性认知障碍(vascualr cognitive impairment,VCI)是指由脑血管病危险因素(如高血压病、糖尿病和高脂血症等)、显性(如脑梗死和脑出血等)或非显性脑血管病(如白质疏松和慢性脑缺血)引起的从轻度认知损害到痴呆的一大类综合征[1].该病包括了血管性的认知功能障碍从轻到重的完整的发病病程,依据严重程度可分为非痴呆性血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment not dementia,VCIND)和血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VaD)[2].根据国际阿尔茨海默病协会2018年公布的数据[3],全球有5000万人罹患痴呆症,其中VCI占所有痴呆类型的20%~30%,为仅次于阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)的第二常见的痴呆类型,给家庭和社会造成较大的经济压力.然而VCI具有可防可治性,因此逐渐成为人们研究热点之一.目前推荐用于治疗VaD的药物有胆碱酯酶抑制剂(主要有多奈哌齐、加兰他敏、卡巴拉汀、石杉碱甲)、美金刚、银杏叶制剂、奥拉西坦等,但部分药物疗效尚存争议[1].  相似文献   

血管性认知功能障碍(VCI)包括血管性非痴呆认知功能障碍、血管性痴呆(VaD)以及伴有血管因素的阿尔茨海默病。这种理解扩大了VaD的范围,有利于认知功能障碍的早期诊断,从而为痴呆的预防提供了可能。本文从概念、分类、流行病学、病因、危险因素、神经影像学、神经病理学、诊断及治疗方面对最近几年VCI的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)包括无痴呆型血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment no dementia,VCIND)、血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VaD)及混合性痴呆这一过程[1].神经影像学是VCI研究和诊...  相似文献   

血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)包括从轻度认知功能受损到痴呆的各种程度的认知功能受损,伴随着脑结构和脑功能的变化。磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)作为一种广泛应用的诊断工具,可以无创地观察患者脑组织的变化。结合自动分割算法,对采集到的MRI数据进行分类,在识别血管性认知障碍方面具有广泛的应用前景。本文对近年来MRI在诊断血管性认知障碍方面的研究进展和新技术进行综述。  相似文献   

重视血管性认知障碍   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自20世纪90年代起,人们越来越认识到血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VaD)所反映的是一个过时的概念,它确认需要预防治疗的病例太晚,从而丧失了预防痴呆发生的良机,而且还不恰当地采用了阿尔茨海默病(Alzhemer's disease,AD)的诊断模式,为了进一步阐明脑血管病(cerebrovasculardisease,CVD)和认知功能障碍之间的关系,Bowler和Hachinski提出了血管性认知障碍(vascular cognitive impairment,VCI)这一更宽泛的概念,从而逐渐取代VaD,它的重要性就是在缺血性CVD相关的痴呆发生前诊断并治疗轻微的认知功能障碍[1]。1、VCI产生的背景现行的VaD的标准首先依靠AD的标准诊断痴呆,然后根据反映血管危险因素和事件的临床特征,通常采用缺血评分区分AD和VaD。因此痴呆的基本特征包括早期明显的记忆进行性不可逆性减退,此外,认知障碍必须达到正常日常生活活动障碍的程度。由于AD通常先累及颞叶内侧,然后才累及新皮质;而血管性认知功能下降在临床和神经心理方面主要表现为额叶和皮质下功能受损,与AD明显不同[1]。所以很多血管性认知功能...  相似文献   

In 150 older stroke patients (>75) without dementia, the proportion of people meeting different criteria for early cognitive impairment varied from 17% to 23% depending upon the individual criteria used. Given this large disparity, prospective studies to clarify the utility of different criteria as a predictor of subsequent dementia are a priority.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment commonly accompanies clinical syndromes associated with vascular disease of the brain. Because of evolving definitional criteria, however, the frequency of cognitive impairment attributable to cerebrovascular disease is difficult to determine. Dementia occurs in up to one-third of elderly patients with stroke, a subset of whom have Alzheimer's disease (AD) rather than a pure vascular dementia syndrome. In fact, pure vascular dementia has been shown to be uncommon in most large autopsy series. A mixed etiology of AD and cerebrovascular disease is thought to become more common with increasing age, although no clinical criteria for the diagnosis of AD with cerebrovascular disease are currently available. Epidemiological studies have implicated subcortical small-vessel disease as a risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia, but the cognitive expression and clinical significance of MRI white matter changes in individual patients is difficult to establish. The frequency of specific neuropathologic features of vascular cognitive impairment depends largely on study inclusion criteria. Cerebral meningocortical microangiopathies with distinctive clinicopathological profiles are associated with dementia in both sporadic cases and familial syndromes. In patients with AD, the contribution of amyloid-beta protein to the degree of cognitive impairment has not been clearly defined.  相似文献   

Great interest is now devoted to elderly people with memory or other cognitive complaints who are not demented. The determination of this impairment from normality is difficult, because memory performance may decline slowly along the lifetime of the individual. On the other hand, the identification of dementia depends on the criteria used for dementia (DSM-IV or ICD-10). Furthermore, cognitive deterioration of the elderly appears to be heterogenous and may forerun not only Alzheimer’s disease but also other forms of dementia. By applying a set of criteria for frontotemporal mild cognitive impairment, it was possible to identify, retrospectively, a series of patients with behavioral, affective, or speech symptoms suggestive of frontotemporal dysfunction and deficits in frontal lobe-dependent neuropsychological tests, but who have maintained activities of daily living and are not demented. These patients appear to have a high probability of progressing subsequently to dementia of the frontotemporal type. Several potential neuroprotective compounds are now being subjected to clinical trials. Should they be effective in delaying the progression to dementia, the need to detect and treat elderly people with cognitive impairment will become very important.  相似文献   

Mild cognitive impairment   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Mild cognitive impairment is an emerging term that encompasses the clinical state between elderly normal cognition and dementia. Controversy surrounds its characterization, implementation, and definition. Mild cognitive impairment is now the focus of natural history studies, biomarker studies, along with Alzheimer's disease prevention studies. The mild cognitive impairment stage may be the optimum stage at which to intervene with preventive therapies. Depending on the cohort source and definition, between 19 and 50% of mild cognitive impairment individuals progress to dementia (usually Alzheimer's disease) over 3 years. Despite controversy, progress has been achieved in defining risk factors for progression from mild cognitive impairment to dementia. New treatments to prevent development of Alzheimer's disease are targeting mild cognitive impairment as a treatment group and neurologists will increasingly be called upon to make this diagnosis.  相似文献   

Vascular cognitive impairment   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Cerebrovascular disease is the second most common cause of acquired cognitive impairment and dementia and contributes to cognitive decline in the neurodegenerative dementias. The current narrow definitions of vascular dementia should be broadened to recognise the important part cerebrovascular disease plays in several cognitive disorders, including the hereditary vascular dementias, multi-infarct dementia, post-stroke dementia, subcortical ischaemic vascular disease and dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and degenerative dementias (including Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies). Here we review the current state of scientific knowledge on the subject of vascular brain burden. Important non-cognitive features include depression, apathy, and psychosis. We propose use of the term vascular cognitive impairment, which is characterised by a specific cognitive profile involving preserved memory with impairments in attentional and executive functioning. Diagnostic criteria have been proposed for some subtypes of vascular cognitive impairment, and there is a pressing need to validate and further refine these. Clinical trials in vascular cognitive impairment are in their infancy but support the value of therapeutic interventions for symptomatic treatment.  相似文献   

目的 探讨晚发型抑郁障碍患者与轻度认知功能损害患者的认知功能损害的差异.方法 研究对象为2012年7月~2013年8月上海市精神卫生中心老年科住院与门诊就诊符合DSM—Ⅳ诊断标准且起病年龄≥60岁的抑郁障碍患者,共26例为晚发型抑郁障碍组(LOD组),另选择26例轻度认知功能损害的患者(MCI组)与26例正常老年人(NC组).认知功能评估采用简明精神状态量表(MMSE)、蒙特利尔量表(MoCA).结果 MMSE总分、MMSE分测验中计算力与注意力及MoCA总分、MoCA分测验中连线、注意、持续注意、计算、复述、延迟回忆在LOD组与MCI组差比较异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组与NC组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).三组在MMSE分测验的时间定向、延迟回忆、三步指令、书写书面指令及MoCA分测验的复制图、画钟、命名比较,MCI组均值最低,与NC组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),与LOD组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 LOD组认知功能在注意力、延迟回忆、连线测验方面与MCI组损害程度相当.MCI组认知功能受损范围较LOD组广泛.  相似文献   

Vascular cognitive impairment.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cerebrovascular disease is increasingly recognized as a common cause of cognitive impairment and dementia in later life either alone or in conjunction with other pathologies, most often Alzheimer disease (AD). Progress in the field has been limited by difficulties in terminology; for example, use of the term dementia necessitates the presence of memory impairment, which is the norm in AD, but not in cognitive disorders associated with cerebrovascular disease. The term vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) has been proposed as an umbrella term to recognize the broad spectrum of cognitive, and indeed behavioral, changes associated with vascular pathology. It is characterized by a specific cognitive profile with predominantly attentional and executive impairments together with particular noncognitive features (especially depression) and a relatively stable course, at least in clinical trial populations. Subtypes of VCI have been proposed based on clinical and pathologic differences, including cortical, subcortical, strategic infarct, hypoperfusion, hemorrhagic, and mixed (with AD) type. Diagnostic criteria are emerging but require refinement and validation, especially for mixed dementias. There remain fundamental gaps in our understanding of pathophysiology, predicting prognosis and outcome, and in therapeutics. Clinical trials to date, mainly in populations selected using currently accepted criteria for vascular dementia, have generally been disappointing. A relatively modest cognitive benefit of agents such as nimodipine, memantine, and cholinesterase inhibitors has been reported, although the clinical significance of these improvements remains to be established. Further studies, focusing on particular subtypes of VCI and involving subjects at earlier stages of the disease, are required. The aim of this article is to review the concept of VCI in terms of the evidence base surrounding diagnosis, clinical features, pathophysiology, and management and to make some recommendations regarding further research in the area. It begins with a discussion on the historical background, which is important to understand the different and somewhat confusing terminology that currently exists in the field.  相似文献   

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