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口腔修复学前伸课教学效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口腔修复学是一门理论性与操作性均很强的临床学科,要求口腔医师必须充分掌握大量修复学理论,能熟练运用各种临床操作技能。我国现阶段口腔医学教育仍然沿用的五、六十年代形成的模式,即通过医学基础课、临床桥梁课、口腔医学基础课、口腔临床医学课四个阶段完成口腔医学教育。实践证明,这样的模式已不再适合口腔医学教学发展的要求,需要进一步改革和完善。基于以上思路,我院口腔修复学前伸课教学的设置应运而生。我校口腔医学本科学制为5年,学员从第4年才进入口腔专业学习,前伸课教学是指在第3学年为学员开设的口腔专业概论课程,目的是让学…  相似文献   

目的探讨实践操作过程评估系统在口腔医学实验教学及考核中的应用与发展。方法考察实践操作过程评估系统在口腔医学实验教学及考核中的应用,并通过调查问卷了解师生使用系统后的心得和感想,以探讨其对教学质量的影响。结果实践操作过程评估系统可以真实模拟临床操作,即时指导操作过程,客观评价操作结果,提高学生临床前期的实践操作技能,并可用于实验考核中,客观考核学生实践能力,达到良好教学效果。结论实践操作过程评估系统能够提高口腔医学实验教学质量,值得在口腔医学教学中推广应用。  相似文献   

为了评估"小组学习法"在口腔修复学临床教学中的作用,将102名口腔医学专业的学生以随机的方式分为2组:一组以传统的"一对一"临床教学模式进行教学、另一组以"小组学习法"结合PBL教学模式进行临床教学,实习结束时对学生的临床操作技能和专业理论知识进行考核。研究结果表明"小组学习法"较传统教学更能提高学生的临床操作技能,锻炼了学生的临床思维,可以提高学生解决实际问题的能力,值得在口腔医学临床教学中推广。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在口腔诊疗操作培训中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟现实(VR)是近年来迅速发展起来的一项高新技术,其操作技能模拟器不但可以模拟实际临床中的常规病例和疑难病例,供学生反复练习其诊疗要领,还可以连续记录操作过程的三维运动和力数据,进行回放观摩和分析,使教学、训练和考核环节变得可量化和标准化,不依赖于特定教师的经验,便于教学和考核;具备沉浸感、想象性和交互性等本质特征.在口腔医学教育领域,VR技术通过建立集成力学和视觉显示的虚拟仿真环境,逼真地再现了口腔医师对真牙操作时的感觉和信息.VR技术在口腔医学各专业领域的操作技能培训中的应用,将改善当下业界仍主要采用体外牙和人工牙来训练口腔医师触觉感知能力及操作技巧的教育环境,有望探索出一条培训口腔医师操作技能的新方法.  相似文献   

生物医用材料是指以医疗为目的,用于修复或替换人体组织器官或增进其功能的材料。医学尤其是口腔医学的发展史是与医用材料的发展密切相关的,随着材料科学、生命科学和临床医学的不断发展,生物医用材料的研究也取得了很大的进步。新一代(第三代)生物医用材料因其良好的生物活性及生物降解性,在口腔医学领域得到了广泛应用,如骨组织工程支架材料、促进牙周组织再生的生物膜、运载药物的缓释载体等。本文就生物医用材料的发展历程以及第三代生物医用材料在口腔领域的应用研究进展作一综述,旨在使读者能够简单了解第三代生物医用材料的基本知识,并在此基础上为其在口腔医学领域的选择、应用提供参考。  相似文献   

北京大学口腔医学院是国家重点口腔医学院校。实行口腔医学院、口腔医院、口腔医学研究所三位一体的管理体制。其宗旨是培养高等口腔医学人才,普及和提高口腔疾病的预防和治疗水平,承担国家级及教育部、卫生部有关科研项目。  相似文献   

北京大学口腔医学院是国家重点口腔医学院校。实行口腔医学院、口腔医院、口腔医学研究所三位一体的管理体制。其宗旨是培养高等口腔医学人才,普及和提高口腔疾病的预防和治疗水平,承担国家级及教育部、卫生部有关科研项目。  相似文献   

北京大学口腔医学院是国家重点口腔医学院校。实行口腔医学院、口腔医院、口腔医学研究所三位一体的管理体制。其宗旨是培养高等口腔医学人才,普及和提高口腔疾病的预防和治疗水平,承担国家级及教育部、卫生部有关科研项目。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality,VR)与增强现实技术(Augmented Reality,AR)是目前最受关注和应用最多的技术手段之一.随着网络不断成熟和发展,VR/AR技术有望在口腔医学教学中被广泛推广.口腔医学是一门专业性较强的学科,对口腔医学生逻辑思维能力以及动手操作能力要求高.在传统的口腔医学教育模式中,学生临床操作相关的训练较少,致使学生毕业后临床操作技能普遍较差,而VR/AR的应用有望改变这一现状.本研究将对VR/AR技术在口腔教学中的应用进行探讨,分析目前VR/AR在口腔教学中的特点,结合我国教育现状,并对VR/AR在口腔教学中的应用趋势进行展望,以期优化临床训练模式,促进教学效果的提升.  相似文献   

数十年来,美国口腔修复学领域中的科学研究得到较大发展。在50年代初期,美国口腔修复学杂志(JProsthet Dent)发表的文章中科研论文仅占总篇数的13.4%,但到80年代中期,科研文章的比例已达72.6%。大多数科研项目是在口腔医学院校中进行的,因为学校拥有训练有素的人员,良好的设施和较多的经费来源。Harrington在调查了53所口腔医学院校科研情况后认为,发表论文的数量可用以评价一个学校的科研水平,这一水平取决于以下因素:①国家口腔医学研究会(the Instiute of Dental Besearch,简称NIDR)提供的研究经费;②学生/教员人数比例;③图书馆藏书册数;④良好的基础科学训练。他认为:理想的条件为:NIDR提供42万美元以上的年度经费;学生/教员比例不超过4.75;图书馆口腔医学方面藏书不少于一万册;在医学院中教授基础科学课程。  相似文献   

目的 探索并评价临床交互式仿真训练系统DentSim和国产的口腔技能训练及实时评估系统(迪凯尔)在口腔临床前实训中的应用效果。方法 选取上海交通大学口腔医学院2012级口腔医学专业40名学生,让其分别使用DentSim和迪凯尔,采用问卷调查结合访谈形式评价两者之间的应用效果。用描述性分析及卡方检验对两者进行比较。结果 学生对DentSim和迪凯尔两种设备的感兴趣程度、满意度和具体使用细节上无明显统计学差异。结论 DentSim和迪凯尔均能够被学生很好地接受,帮助其提高临床前操作水平。  相似文献   

There are an increasing number of studies about the computer-assisted dental patient simulator DentSim (DenX, Israel), by which dental students can acquire cognitive motor skills in a multimedia environment. However, only a very few studies have been published dealing with efficient ways to use and to manage a computer-assisted dental simulation lab with 40 DentSim units. The current approach and optimization steps of the College of Dentistry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center were evaluated based on theoretical and practical tests and by questionnaires (partial 5-point Likert scale). Half of the D1 (first-year) students (2004/05) already had experience with computer-assisted learning at their undergraduate college and most of the students even expected to be taught via computer-assisted learning systems (83.5%) at the dental school. 87.3% of the students working with DentSim found the experience to be very interesting or interesting. Before the students carried out the preparation exercises, they were trained in the skills they needed to work with the sophisticated technology, eg, system-specific operation skills (66.6% attained maximal reachable points) and information searching skills (79.5% attained maximal reachable points). The indirect knowledge retention rate / incidental learning rate of the preparation exercises in the sense of computer-assisted problem-oriented learning regarding anatomy, preparation procedures, and cavity design was promising. The wide- ranging number of prepared teeth needed to acquire the necessary skills shows the varied individual learning curves of the students. The acceptance of, and response to, additional elective training time in the computer-assisted simulation lab were very high. Integrating the DentSim technology into the existing curriculum is a way to improve dental education, but it is also a challenge for both teachers and the students. It requires a shift in both curriculum and instructional goals that have to be reevaluated and optimized continuously.  相似文献   

Background: The evidence available suggests that many dentists on graduation do not feel competent managing medical emergencies; a problem requiring improved undergraduate training. This study developed a comprehensive simulation based training programme for final year undergraduate dental students and assessed student attitudes towards training. Methods: Final year dental students (n = 52) from The University of Melbourne were required to complete simulation training incorporating an interactive tutorial and realistic, simulated emergency scenarios conducted in the students’ real clinical environment. A post‐participation questionnaire utilizing a 5‐point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) assessed student attitudes. Results: Student responses supported simulation training, evidenced by the following selected questionnaire responses: achieved greater confidence in managing emergencies 4.65 ± 0.48 (n = 52); prefer lecture to simulation 1.46 ± 0.74 (n = 52); simulation training is important in undergraduate teaching 4.86 ± 0.35 (n = 43). Conclusions: Realistic simulation training in management of medical emergencies for dental students is an effective adjunct to traditional lecture style teaching. Given the importance of this subject, this mode of training would benefit students if incorporated into undergraduate dental courses.  相似文献   

Apart from a requirement to acquire more and more academic knowledge, during their training, dental students need to acquire a full range of highly precise manual and technical skills, including excellent hand/eye coordination, to enable them to visualize and understand how to prepare cavities, prior to placing restorations. Furthermore, unlike medical students, dental students are in the position of administering treatment to patients very early in their training. The increasing academic workload means that these skills have to be mastered in a short space of time. This you will gain in the future only through the use of effective methods of the educations - for example by the use of the computer-assisted dental simulators (DentSim/DenX), which serves the visual-, audio- and practical learning channel simultaneously. Unlike the conventional phantom heads, the DentSim-unit has the following advantages - the acquisition of knowledge takes place in a multimedia learning environment with a high audio-visual content and degree of interaction and complexity, - problem-oriented learning takes place through clinically relevant work, - individual students can work to personalized programs through the digital tutor function, - two-dimensional knowledge is transferred into three-dimensional spatial work, - three-dimensional preparations can be easily analysed by two-dimensional error analysis, - all preparation exercises are recorded for error and effectiveness analysis. Apart from student training, the computer-assisted simulators can also be used for the evaluation of the effectiveness or the quality control of various teaching methods in the context of Evidence Based Dental Education.  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) simulators can be used as tools in manual dexterity training. The visual feedback guides the subject towards proper performance but creates, at the same time, some dependency on this feedback. To overcome this drawback, the effect of adjunct tutorial input on motor learning behaviour was examined. Novice dental students were randomly assigned to one of two training groups or to a non-training control group, given the task of preparing a geometrical class 1 cavity in phantom teeth. The feedback (FB) group trained under augmented visual feedback conditions, provided by the VR system (DentSim). The feedback-plus (FB+) group received, in addition, standardised expert input to enrich the augmented feedback information. The control group, consisting of same year students, did not participate in any training programme. All preparations were evaluated by the VR scoring system. Performance analyses revealed an overall trend towards significant improvement with practice for the training groups. Performance of the FB+ group was most accurate across training. After 1 day and 3 weeks of no practice, both training groups outperformed the control group. After 4 months, however, only the FB+ condition was significantly more accurate than the control group. The same tendency was noted for the transfer tests. Consequently, cavity preparation experience on a VR system under the condition of frequently provided feedback supplemented with expert input was most beneficial to long time learning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study addressed the impact of the frequency of tutorial-enriched augmented visual feedback, provided by a virtual simulation system (DentSim), on the skill acquisition for a cavity preparation task in novice dental students. METHODS: Thirty-six subjects were assigned to two training groups and a control group. The task consisted of a geometrical cross preparation on the lower left first molar. All subjects performed a pre-test to assess their basic skill level. The training groups received simulation feedback, enriched with tutorial information, across acquisition. One group trained under continuous augmented feedback, while a second group trained under an intermittent (66% of the time) feedback. At both 1-day and 4-month interval, subjects performed a retention test to explore learning specific effects. Two transfer tests were added to assess the extrapolation of the learned skills to an adjacent molar. All tests were performed in the absence of feedback. A control group performed all the tests, without preceding training. All preparations were graded by the simulation system. RESULTS: The training groups performed similarly across acquisition and improved with practice (ANOVA, P<0.001). After 1 day and 4 months of no practice, the training groups outperformed the control group on a retention test (ANOVA, P<0.001) and transfer test (ANOVA, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Performance and learning of a cavity preparation task on a simulation unit was independent of the frequency of tutorial-enriched augmented visual feedback within the range tested. Training sessions on a simulation unit could be alternated with training sessions in the traditional phantom head laboratory.  相似文献   

Little research has been published about the impact of simulation technology on the learning process of novel motor skills. Especially the role of augmented feedback (FB) on the quality of performance and the transfer of the acquired behaviour to a no-augmented FB condition require further investigation. Therefore, novice dental students were randomly assigned to one of three groups and given the task of drilling a geometrical class 1 cavity. The FB group trained under augmented visual FB conditions, provided by the virtual reality (VR) system (DentSim). The no-FB group practised under normal vision conditions, in the absence of augmented FB. A control group performed the test sessions without participating in any training programme. All preparations were evaluated by the VR grading system according to four traditional (outline shape, floor depth, floor smoothness and wall inclination), and two critical, criteria (pulp exposure and damage to adjacent teeth). Performance analyses revealed an overall trend towards significant improvement with training for the experimental groups. The FB group obtained the highest scores. It scored better for floor depth (P < 0.001), whilst the no-FB group was best for floor smoothness (P < 0.005). However, at the retention tests, the FB group demonstrated inferior performance in comparison with the no-FB group. The transfer test on a traditional unit revealed no significant differences between the training groups. Consequently, drilling experience on a VR system under the condition of frequently provided FB and lack of any tutorial input was considered to be not beneficial to learning. The present data are discussed in view of the guidance hypothesis of FB, which refers to the apprentice's dependence on FB.  相似文献   

Uptake of dental informatics has been hampered by technical and user issues. Innovative systems have been developed, but usability issues have affected many. Advances in technology and artificial intelligence are now producing clinically useful systems, although issues still remain with adapting computer interfaces to the dental practice working environment. A dental electronic health record has become a priority in many countries, including the UK. However, experience shows that any dental electronic health record (EHR) system cannot be subordinate to, or a subset of, a medical record. Such a future dental EHR is likely to incorporate integrated care pathways. Future best dental practice will increasingly depend on computer-based support tools, although disagreement remains about the effectiveness of current support tools. Over the longer term, future dental informatics tools will incorporate dynamic, online evidence-based medicine (EBM) tools, and promise more adaptive, patient-focused and efficient dental care with educational advantages in training.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1979 Cambodia suffered a massive destruction of its social structures under the Khmer Rouge. The dental profession was almost annihilated and the dental school in Phnom Penh stripped bare. Dental training has now begun again and the long process of restoration is in progress. The ratio of dentists to the population is still pitifully low and public services are concentrated in Phnom Penh and in provincial towns. Traditional dentists provide the only accessible dental care in many places. A primary oral health care system has yet to be developed.  相似文献   

The aim of this report is to provide basic information about the historical development, current status and future needs of education and training of dental hygienists in Japan. The first formal training of dental hygienists in Japan started at Tokyo in 1949. Restructure and modification of the dental hygiene education system has been reiterated over the years in order to satisfy the needs of the constantly changing society. Although previously only vocational training was provided for dental hygienists, higher-level education has been conducted. The present legislation of dental hygiene has gone through a complicated process. The student should take the dental hygienist licensing examination which is held once a year by the National Board organized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Currently there are 136 dental hygiene schools and the total enrolment is about 7000. The duration of dental hygiene education course has been prolonged from 2 to 3 years since 2001. In 2004, the 4-year course started. The 2-year dental hygiene education program is expected to be replaced with the 3- and 4-year courses by 2010. The dental hygiene education system in Japan will be improved in many ways as dental hygienists are expected to participate in health promotion and preventive care, and to gain knowledge of the economics and organization of health care in relation to oral hygiene.  相似文献   

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