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目的 探讨咽旁间隙恶性肿瘤的临床特征、诊断和治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析5例咽旁间隙恶性肿瘤患者的临床资料,均行颈部B超及CT扫描,3例行增强MRI检查;均行颈侧入路切除肿瘤,其中2例同期行同侧功能性颈淋巴结清扫术,3例术后行放射治疗;术中快速病理、术后常规病理及免疫组织化学检查,明确诊断。结果 5例中恶性神经纤维瘤1例,恶性神经鞘膜瘤1例,腮裂癌1例,未分化癌1例,滑膜肉瘤1例;术前B超、CT、增强MRI检查可以明确肿瘤的位置、大小、形态、边界及与周边结构的关系,有助于手术入路及手术方式的选择;5例术后随访,3例随访1年内无复发,1例随访3年后死亡,1例半年后失访。结论 咽旁间隙恶性肿瘤组织类型复杂多样,预后差,颈部B超、CT扫描、增强MRI检查对肿瘤的诊断有帮助,选择合适入路肿瘤切除术是首选的治疗方法,综合治疗对患者的预后很关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨低温等离子射频消融技术应用于咽旁间隙良性肿瘤切除中的可操作性及疗效。 方法 回顾分析咽旁间隙良性肿瘤患者20例病历资料,术中应用低温等离子手术设备11例作为A组,未使用低温等离子9例作为B组。充分评估所有患者手术适应证,详细记录临床资料、术式选择、术中过程、病理结果及术后疗效。 结果 20例中以神经源性肿瘤居多(13/20例),其次为多形性腺瘤(4/20例)。A组手术方式以经口、经鼻等内侧径路为主(6/11例),B组全部为外侧径路。两组均有不同程度的并发症出现, B组1例复发。 结论 咽旁间隙肿瘤手术趋于安全、微创,根据肿瘤的位置、性质可选择不同的手术径路。低温等离子在经口、鼻等内侧径路咽旁间隙肿瘤手术中起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨严重新生儿上气道梗阻病因、临床特征及喉显微外科手术疗效,以提高新生儿阻塞性呼吸困难的诊治水平。 方法 采用观察性研究,分析16例咽喉相关的严重上气道梗阻新生儿临床资料。 结果 共纳入患儿16例(男9例、女7例),出生后7~28 d出现临床症状,包括吸气性呼吸困难、喉喘鸣、三凹征等。其中先天性喉软化症6例、下咽及舌根囊肿3例、喉部血管瘤2例、喉入口畸胎瘤1例、先天性喉蹼1例、双声带麻痹1例、继发性声门下狭窄1例、插管后喉粘连1例。16例患儿均给予相应显微外科治疗,手术顺利。顺利拔管患儿15例,仅1例喉软化症患儿拔管后仍有明显呼吸困难,行气管切开。 结论 严重新生儿上气道梗阻多与咽喉病变相关,需早期行局部及全身检查明确病因及诊断,对有手术指征者积极采取微创手术治疗,可挽救患儿生命,取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨外耳道胆脂瘤并发化脓性腮腺炎病因及诊治经验,并进行外耳道胆脂瘤诊疗相关文献复习。 方法 回顾性分析1例外耳道胆脂瘤并发化脓性腮腺炎病例资料,主要症状为左耳听力下降伴流脓,左侧面部红肿疼痛。颞骨CT及耳部核磁示:左侧外耳道内胆脂瘤形成,累及乳突、鼓室、鼓窦、腮腺及咽旁间隙。临床诊断:外耳道胆脂瘤(左,Holt Ⅲ期)、化脓性腮腺炎(左)。手术方式为左耳外耳道胆脂瘤切除术、开放式乳突根治术、鼓室成形术、人工听骨植入术、耳甲腔成形术、腮腺脓肿清除术及腮腺瘘修补术。 结果 术中彻底清除外耳道及中耳内胆脂瘤及腮腺脓肿,并修复腮腺瘘。术后随访患者恢复良好,无胆脂瘤复发残留及腮腺炎复发相关症状出现。 结论 外耳道胆脂瘤具有骨质破坏的潜能。而HoltⅢ期外耳道胆脂瘤并发化脓性腮腺炎病例罕见,明确病因并依据病变侵袭范围选择个体化的治疗方案尤为关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨布地奈德体位滴鼻治疗伴有腺样体肥大的小儿分泌性中耳炎的疗效。 方法 选取伴腺样体肥大的分泌性中耳炎患儿62例作为研究对象,按治疗方法不同分为治疗组和对照组,每组各31例,治疗组予布地奈德体位滴鼻,对照组行等待观察,对两组临床效果进行分析比较。 结果 治疗组有效率为83.87%,对照组有效率为61.29%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 布地奈德体位滴鼻在治疗伴有腺样体肥大的小儿分泌性中耳炎中疗效显著,局部应用不良反应小。  相似文献   

目的 探讨危重气管支气管异物患儿硬质气管镜检查术中适宜的气道管理及麻醉方案。 方法 选取134例危重气管支气管异物患儿,患儿进入手术室后给予面罩无创机械通气或经气管插管加压给氧,静脉注射盐酸戊乙奎醚0.03 mg/kg,地塞米松0.4~0.5 mg/kg。呼吸窘迫不明显的119例患儿采用不保留自主呼吸的静脉麻醉方式,已出现呼吸窘迫的13例患儿采取保留自主呼吸的静脉麻醉方式;呼吸窘迫严重导致紫绀、意识不清的2例患儿由耳鼻喉科医师紧急置入硬质气管镜。术中根据血氧情况间断给予高频喷射呼吸机喷射给氧,高频通气频率60~80次/min,吸呼比1∶1.5,驱动压不超过60 kPa。术毕观察患儿呼吸及神志恢复情况,待自主呼吸恢复,刺激有反应后转回耳鼻喉科术后监护室或儿科ICU进行进一步治疗。 结果 134例危重气管支气管异物患儿均一次手术成功取出异物,无严重喉痉挛及支气管痉挛情况,无因屏气呛咳被迫退镜情况发生,无麻醉意外发生。1例患儿术前缺氧时间过长,术后8 h因多脏器功能衰竭抢救无效死亡;其余患儿术后缺氧改善,自主呼吸平稳,经治疗3~8 d后痊愈出院。 结论 硬质气管镜检查术中麻醉医师需根据呼吸困难程度采用不同的麻醉方案,保证充分氧供,避免胃内容物误吸、气道痉挛,协助耳鼻喉医师尽快解除气道梗阻。  相似文献   

目的 探讨支撑喉镜下平阳霉素局部注射治疗咽喉部血管瘤的疗效。 方法 16例咽喉部血管瘤患者经支撑喉镜下行瘤体内多次、多点注射平阳霉素。 结果 16例患者中,治愈14例(87.50%),有效2例(12.50%)。2例出现低热,1例出现轻度胃肠道反应,其余病例无并发症发生。平阳霉素局部注射1次3例,2次9例,3次3例,4次1例。随访6个月以上,均未见血管瘤复发。 结论 平阳霉素治疗咽喉部血管瘤效果明显,创伤小,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性扁桃体炎引起甲状腺脓肿继而导致颈部间隙脓肿的病因,研究其感染可能的发展途径及治疗手段的利弊。 方法 依照CT所示进行颈侧切开、开放所有颈部间隙,充分冲洗引流。 结果 经过颈侧切开,颈部间隙充分开放引流后,患者体温逐日下降,10 d恢复正常。 结论 B超、增强CT是鉴别颈部囊肿与脓肿有效手段,穿刺病理诊断是鉴别的金标准。口腔、颌面部感染同时出现甲状腺囊肿样结节要警惕脓肿形成。颈侧切开、充分冲洗引流是治疗咽旁间隙脓肿的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的 目的探讨高压氧疗治疗大前庭导水管综合征患儿急性听力丧失的临床效果。 方法 对急性听力丧失的大前庭导水管综合征患者9例11耳,进行为期2周共10次高压氧治疗。 结果 患儿均耐受良好,治疗后复查纯音听阈测试,提示患耳听阈均有明显改善。 结论 9例患儿对高压氧疗耐受良好,治疗效果显著,高压氧疗可以成为大前庭导水管综合征急性听力丧失患者的治疗方法之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨茎突综合征不同手术治疗方法的优势.方法 对30例茎突综合征采用不同的手术方法,其中20例扁桃体窝触诊可扪及硬性隆起者,采用切除扁桃体口内径路切除;3例舌腭弓触诊可扪及硬性隆起者,采用保留扁桃体口内径路切除术;7例咽部触诊未触及硬性隆起者,采用颈外径路切除术.结果 术后随访半年,26例咽部异物感、咽部疼痛感、耳痛、颈部下颌角部位疼痛症状消失,4例症状较术前明显减轻但未消失,无1例发生咽旁间隙感染、咽旁血肿及面神经麻痹等并发症.结论 手术截短是目前治疗茎突综合征的主要手段,临床工作中要根据茎突的长度、角度,咽部暴露情况等选择不同的手术径路,以达到最好的治疗效果.  相似文献   

Leiomyosarcoma is usually found in the female genital tract, the retroperitoneum, the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, and subcutaneous tissues. An appearance of this malignant tumor in the parapharyngeal space is extremely rare and may be difficult to diagnose. Because of its rarity, little information exists on management and prognosis. We report the case of a 50-year-old man with a parapharyngeal space leiomyosarcoma who was treated with total excision of the tumor and postoperative radiotherapy. At follow-up 6 months postoperatively, he was well and free of disease. To the best of our knowledge, this is only the third case of a leiomyosarcoma in the parapharyngeal area to be reported in the literature. We discuss the diagnosis and treatment of leiomyosarcoma in this aspect.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma is a rare soft tissue sarcoma in the head and neck region and parapharyngeal space. A 21-year-old girl presented with a 6-month history of progressive right arm pain, neck mass and upper aerodigestive tract obstruction. On physical examination there was a large painless mass arising from the right-sided parapharyngeal space causing airway obstruction and with no cervical lymphadenopathy. Initial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a large tumor in the right-sided parapharyngeal space. She underwent near total resection of the tumor. Pathologic report disclosed the diagnosis of synovial sarcoma. She then received postoperative adjuvant external radiotherapy to the primary site and a dose of 60 Gy was delivered. Less than 8 months after the completion of the treatment she developed widespread lung metastases. Herein we describe the clinical, radiological and pathological finding of the case.  相似文献   

Plexiform schwannoma (PS) is a rare variety of benign nerve sheath tumor characterized by a multinodular plexiform growth pattern. PS is usually confined to the head and neck or skin. The pre-operative diagnosis of PS is difficult, and this has lead to a common misdiagnosis as a schwannoma. In addition, studies have indicated that an incomplete resection of PS often results in tumor recurrence. Here we describe a rare case of PS presented in the parapharyngeal space. Our case involved a 36-year-old man with swelling of the pharynx, who presented with a soft cervical mass. MRI revealed a multinodular mass in the left parapharyngeal space, and further pathological diagnosis by the referral hospital indicated schwannoma. A cervical approach was taken and the tumor was removed with preservation of the nerve sheath by intracapsular resection. The tumor recurred within one year after the first surgery in the same lesion of the left parapharyngeal space. The second surgical approach was a combination of a facial dismasking flap and trans-pterygopalatine fossa. The mass was resected completely, and the diagnosis of PS was confirmed by histopathology. While schwannoma commonly occurs in the head and neck, parapharyngeal space PS is rare, and pre-operative pathological diagnosis of PS is difficult. MRI studies of PS revealed distinctive features that we found useful in pre-operative diagnosis. Intracapsular resection of PS with nerve preservation has a very high recurrence rate of the tumor. Therefore, if MRI findings suggest PS we recommend removing the tumor completely without nerve preservation will offer the most curative outcome.  相似文献   

Intranasal glial heterotopia is an uncommon congenital nasal lesion of neuroectoderm origin. Involvement of the parapharyngeal space is extremely rare. We present a case report of a newborn with life-threatening respiratory distress and feeding difficulty caused by a nasal glial heterotopia in a rare location involving the nasopharynx and parapharyngeal space. Surgical treatment was done in a staged fashion, involving image guidance for recurrence. Other diagnostic and treatment options are reviewed in the light of current literature.  相似文献   

The Schwannoma of parapharyngeal space is uncommon tumor. The autors described a rare case of the schwannoma located in parapharyngeal space in 45-year-old man, with trombophlebitis coexciting. The tumor was removed trough the cervical approach. The post-surgery, follow-up examinations and CT check-up did not reveal any traces of recurrence.  相似文献   

目的分析原发性咽旁间隙肿瘤的临床特点及手术径路选择,探讨不同手术径路的优缺点及预后。方法回顾性分析67例咽旁间隙肿瘤患者资料,所有患者术前均行CT和(或)MRI检查,三种手术路径分别为颈侧径路45例、口内径路20例、颈-腮径路2例。术后病理学检查明确诊断,对所有手术患者进行术后定期随访,随访时间8~110个月,中位随访时间45个月。结果67例中良性肿瘤共59例(88.1%),恶性肿瘤8例(11.9%);24例(35.8%)患者出现术后并发症,其中颈侧径路20例(29.9%),口内径路3例(4.5%),颈-腮径路1例(1.5%),其中7例(10.4%)随访后好转。复发患者7例(10.4%),颈侧径路4例(6.0%),口内径路3例(4.5%)。结论咽旁间隙解剖毗邻复杂,病理类型繁多,肿瘤以良性为主,治疗以手术切除为主。术前根据影像学检查结果,肿瘤大小及解剖关系决定手术径路。颈侧径路仍是咽旁间隙肿瘤切除的首选方法,但在肿瘤最大直径<6 cm并位于动脉内侧的良性肿瘤患者中,可考虑口内径路。  相似文献   

Extraskeletal Ewing's Sarcoma (EES) of head and neck region, is a rare soft tissue tumour morphologically similar to the commoner Ewing's Sarcoma arising from bone. We report a case of EES in parapharyngeal space in a 6-year-old male; who presented with stridor. CT scan of neck showed soft tissue mass in right parapharyngeal space with intraorbital and intracranial extention. Histopathological examination showed round cell tumour and immunohistochemistry was positive for CD99 and Vimentin. The patient responded very well to Concurrent Chemoradiation. An extensive review of English literature, to the best of our knowledge, did not reveal any previous case of EES in parapharyngeal space in children; although one similar case in a 53-year male is reported.  相似文献   

不同类型下颌骨截骨在咽旁肿瘤切除术中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的探讨颞下、咽旁肿瘤切除的最佳下颌截骨方式。方法回顾分析1996年1月~2003年12 月间采用下颌骨截骨方式切除侵及咽旁颞下区肿瘤21例的临床资料,经下颌升支垂直截骨11例,下颌颏孔前截骨7例,下颌角区截骨1例,下颌正中截骨2例。结果下颌骨截骨更适应于咽旁间隙的巨大肿瘤以及浸润性生长的恶性肿瘤的整块切除,各种截骨方式各具特点。结论下颌骨截骨方式的选择以肿瘤性质、部位、大小为标准,充分暴露瘤体为原则,在下颌骨各截骨方式中,经颏孔前下颌截骨与经下颌升支垂直截骨是处置侵入咽旁、颞下区的肿瘤的较好手术进路。  相似文献   

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