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目的 了解北京社区绝经后女性骨折发生情况,探讨骨质疏松性骨折二级预防策略。方法 选取2016年3月至2017年11月就诊于北京市朝阳区太阳宫社区卫生服务中心和香河园社区卫生服务中心的绝经后女性,共2 866人。填写自行设计的骨质疏松症危险因素调查问卷,了解受访者骨折发生的类型(暴力性或非暴力性)、部位和发生年龄。分析女性一生中不同年龄段骨折发生的特点。结果 受访的绝经后女性平均年龄(62.39±6.94)岁,受访的2 866人中有635人(19.61 %)在受访时至少已有一次骨折史,其中有73人(2.54 %)发生了两次或两次以上骨折。58.64 %的暴力性骨折发生在绝经前,80 %的脆性骨折发生在绝经后,这两种类型骨折发生的年龄具有显著统计学差异。在所有的典型部位脆性骨折当中,前臂远端骨折占比最大,为50.43 %,发生的平均年龄为(56.0±11.76)岁;髋部骨折发生占比8.33 %,平均发生年龄为(59.8±12.69)岁。结论 女性绝经后发生的骨折主要是脆性骨折,其中前臂远端脆性骨折较髋部脆性骨折至少早3年发生。加强对已发生前臂远端脆性骨折的绝经后女性的管理,对预防再发骨质疏松性骨折(尤其是髋部骨折)的效益较大。  相似文献   

髋部股骨转子间骨折的分型与治疗策略   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
彭烨  唐佩福  张立海 《中国骨伤》2018,31(5):395-399
正2000年全球统计约160万例患者发生髋部骨折,其中20%的骨折患者年龄50岁~([1])。预计到2025年,每年会有约260万患者发生髋部骨折,1年内的死亡率可高达30%~([2])。髋部骨折是全球10大致残疾病之一~([3-4])。由于几乎大部分的髋部骨折患者都需要选择手术治疗,髋部骨折的治疗一  相似文献   

Newman SD  Mauffrey CP  Krikler S 《Injury》2011,42(10):975-984
Extra-articular fractures of the distal tibial metaphysis, metadiaphyseal junction and adjacent diaphysis are distinct in their management from impaction derived “pilon”-type fractures and mid-diaphyseal fractures. The optimum management of these metadiaphyseal fractures is controversial, with advocates for intramedullary nail, plate and external fixation. The evolution of treatment options for these fractures has been closely linked to developments in implant technology and surgical technique. Further developments in this area, particularly with respect to minimally invasive plating techniques and nail design are ongoing. The literature suggests that both intramedullary nail fixation and minimally invasive plating are appropriate management options for these fractures, but further studies are required to determine the superiority of one technique over the other.  相似文献   

Difficult hand fractures with multiple butterfly fragments, multiple cortical splits or intraarticular extension continue to pose a challenge for optimal stable fixation that allows early postoperative mobilisation. In this study, we describe the use of cerclage-wire-assisted fixation of 17 difficult hand fractures in 16 patients. The cerclage wires helped to maintain the reduction, so providing sufficient initial stability for placement of a plate and screws. Stable fixation of the fracture was then accomplished without losing the reduction. One to three cerclages of stainless-steel wires were used for the preliminary fixation. Stable fixation was then accomplished by a bridging or neutralising plate technique. Postoperatively, the fixation was sufficiently stable to allow immediate mobilisation. With an average follow up of 44.5 months, all 17 fractures united without loss of reduction. At final follow-up, the average total active range of motion was 247 degrees (range 220-260 degrees ).  相似文献   

Consultations for management of facial fractures in the emergency setting are not uncommon for the oral maxillofacial surgeon, otolaryngologist, and/or plastic surgeon. This necessitates a knowledge foundation and working understanding of the evaluation, assessment, and timely management. Here, we will focus on the workup and management of LeFort fractures.  相似文献   

1995~ 1999年 ,笔者采用腓骨内固定治疗严重粉碎性胫腓骨骨折患者13例 ,效果尚佳。1 材料与方法1.1 病例资料 本组 13例 ,男 6例 ,女 7例 ,年龄 5 6~ 72岁。左侧 5例 ,右侧 8例 ;车祸伤 4例 ,跌伤 7例 ,直接暴力伤 2例 ;开放性骨折 4例 ,闭合性骨折 9例。骨折情况 :胫骨均为中下段严重粉碎性骨折 ,骨折碎块均在 4块以上 ,腓骨多段骨折 5例。合并疾病 :慢性支气管炎 3例 ,高血压 2例 ,前列腺肥大 2例 ,心律不齐 1例。1.2 治疗方法 患者取仰卧位 ,手术在硬膜外麻醉下进行。以腓骨骨折处为中心 ,取小腿后外侧纵行切口 ,显露腓骨骨折端。…  相似文献   

患者,男,31岁,2019年11月29日因扭伤致右膝部疼痛肿胀、膝关节活动受限,于当地医院诊断为右股骨外侧髁骨折。为进一步治疗,于2019年12月3日至山东省中医院就诊,诊断为右Hoffa骨折。CT检查显示:右股骨外侧髁骨折,右膝关节积液。MRI显示:①右膝关节积液;②右股骨远端外髁骨折,右胫骨近段及髌骨有骨挫伤表现;③右髌骨轻度脱位表现,髌内外侧支持带损伤;④右膝前交叉韧带断裂,胫腓侧副韧带、后交叉韧带损伤;⑤右膝内侧半月板后角、外侧半月板前角损伤,外侧前角部分撕裂可能。2019年12月10日在腰硬联合麻醉下行关节镜下右膝探查清理术+半月板损伤修补缝合术+股骨外侧髁骨折切开复位内固定术。患者仰卧位,取膝关节前内、前外侧切口,建立关节镜观察及工作通道。置入关节镜观察关节腔内髌上囊、髁间窝、内外侧间室等结构,见髌骨内侧支持带损伤,髌骨轻度脱位,刨刀清理髌骨内侧支持带游离缘,内侧间室股骨髁边缘骨赘未予特殊处理。  相似文献   

微型钢板内固定治疗掌指骨骨折   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
目的 介绍一种治疗掌、指骨骨折切开复位内固定的方法,方法 对12例掌、指骨骨折采用切开复位,德国OS进口微型钢板内固定,根据骨折的不同部位及骨折的不同类型,选用不同形状的钢板。结果 术后12例随访1个月~1年,无感染,无畸形愈合及关节僵硬等并发症发生,掌指关节、指间关节活动良好,疗效良好。结论 应用微型钢板内固定治疗掌、指骨骨折,固定牢靠,有利于骨折愈合及早期功能锻炼,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探索复杂性髋臼骨折(complex acetabular fractures,CAF)合并同侧股骨颈骨折及多处骨折的治疗方法与对策。方法:2000年8月-2005年3月,收治复杂性髋臼骨折合并同侧股骨颈及多处骨折12例,男7例,女5例;年龄24~51岁,平均37.5岁,皆系高能量损伤。合并其他部位骨折23处,平均2.6处。采用改良髋臼入路,应用髋臼三维记忆内固定系统(ATMFS)、空心加压螺钉、Richard钉、交锁髓内钉、天鹅记忆接骨器(SMC)等固定骶髂关节分离、复杂性髋臼骨折、股骨颈、股骨干、胫骨干、肱骨、尺桡骨骨折。结果:术后随访6~31个月,平均13.5个月。12例复杂性髋臼骨折均获解剖复位并达骨性愈合;同侧股骨颈骨折也获解剖复位,10例达骨性愈合。术后3~7个月(平均4.6个月),髋关节功能达到健侧水平;1例出现股骨头缺血性坏死行关节置换;1例股骨头坏死合并异位骨化导致关节骨性融合。4例骶髂关节分离获解剖复位;其他23处骨折,均获骨愈合。根据髋关节功能评分标准:优3例,良6例,一般1例,差2例。结论:采用改良髋臼入路、应用髋臼三维记忆内固定系统固定髋臼骨折,同时固定股骨颈骨折及合并的多处骨折,配合术后早期的功能锻炼,可以使髋关节获得良好的功能。  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(6):991-996
In a study of 23 intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia of which 18 were re-examined after an average follow-up period of 5.4 years, two major fracture patterns were identified: type A, a rotational pattern, caused by low energy trauma and type B, a compressive fracture pattern caused by high energy trauma. Type B fractures could be divided into three subgroups: 1) An isolated fracture of the anterior or posterior margin of the distal tibia, 2) an extra-articular comminuted fracture with extension into the ankle joint and 3) a comminuted intra-articular fracture.

When the initial displacement and comminution were severe or the reduction was not complete, the final results of the comminuted intra-articular fractures were not acceptable. The incidence of osteoarthritis was highest in the group of comminuted intra-articular fractures. The extra-articular comminuted fractures seemed to have a better prognosis as indicated by the final clinical results, including the occurrence of osteoarthritis.

It is clear from this study that comminuted intra-articular fractures should not be treated by primary operation. All fractures treated non-operatively had acceptable final clinical results.  相似文献   

带锁髓内钉治疗股骨干骨折合并同侧胫腓骨骨折   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
目的 探讨股骨干骨折合并同侧胫腓骨骨折的特点和治疗方法,减少并发症的发生。方法 使用带锁髓内钉早期同时固定胫骨和股骨,治疗11例。结果 随访1~3年,平均2年,根据Karlstroem和Olerud功能评定标准:优8例,良2例,中1例。Gustilo Ⅰ度和Ⅱ度创口均一期愈合,骨折愈合时间4~6个月,患者功能恢复满意。结论 该方法有防止骨折分离和旋转移位的作用,可调整为加压固定,可稳定关节、减少感染,防止骨折畸形愈合和不愈合以及膝关节僵直等并发症。  相似文献   

髌骨骨折的治疗,尤其是粉碎性及错位严重的骨折,首先以恢复髌骨的形态完好、关节面平整、恢复髌骨功能以及膝关节屈伸正常为原则。2002年6月-2005年12月,我科采用静力固定治疗髌骨粉碎性骨折12例,疗效满意。  相似文献   

Interprosthetic femoral fracture (IFF) incidence is gradually increasing as the population is progressively ageing. However, treatment remains challenging due to several contributing factors, such as poor bone quality, patient comorbidities, small interprosthetic fragment, and prostheses instability. An effective and specific classification system is essential to optimize treatment management, therefore diminishing complication rates. This study aims to validate a previously described classification system for interprosthetic femoral fractures.  相似文献   

分期微创治疗胫腓骨开放性骨折   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
目的 介绍胫腓骨开放性骨折的分期微创治疗经验。方法采用急性期临时使用石膏、跟骨牵引或外固定支架,待伤口稳定后采用微创技术,应用非扩髓交锁髓内钉或经皮插入钢板技术治疗胫腓骨开放粉碎性骨折72例。Gustil0分类Ⅰ度22例、Ⅱ度39例、ⅢA度11例。近端9例、中段4l例、远端22例。结果72例患者均得到随访,伤口愈合情况良好,骨折无延迟愈合、畸形愈合,平均临床愈合时间为15周。根据Johner-Wruhs评分优良率89%。结论胫腓骨开放骨折可采用分阶段治疗,早期以软组织处理为主,二期以骨折微创内固定、关节功能锻炼为主。  相似文献   

Purpose: To investigate the potential correlation between two different types of hip fractures and serum calcium levels. Methods: We consecutively studied 101 cases of femoral neck fracture and 95 cases of femoral intertrochanteric fracture between January 2011 and December 2013. Fasting blood samples were taken and serum calcium measurements were performed respectively in three periods: the time of admission, postoperation, and discharge. Creatinine, alkaline phosphatase and albumin were also analyzed. Results: Considering the levels of serum calcium between two groups at the time of admission, postoperation and discharge, there was significant difference at admission and discharge (p < 0.05), while there was no significant difference at the time of postoperation (p > 0.05). The magnitude of serum calcium fluctuation was larger in femoral neck group than femoral intertrochanteric group. Concerning alkaline phosphatase and albumin levels at admission, there was no significant difference between two groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The capability of reservation and restoration of serum calcium in patients with femoral neck fracture is better than that in patients with femoral intertrochanteric fracture. A low serum calcium level may be susceptible to femoral intertrochanteric fracture.  相似文献   

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