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目的针对当前摩擦力对脂肪组织无约束压缩实验结果影响的不确定性,研究压缩实验中合适的摩擦系数设置及适用于模拟脂肪组织生物力学响应的材料本构模型。方法构建低应变率(0.2s^-1)和中应变率(20s^-1)下的脂肪组织有限元模型,分别应用LS-DYNA中常用于模拟脂肪组织的线性黏弹性材料本构、Mooney-Rivlin超弹性材料本构、Ogden超弹性材料本构、软组织材料本构,在不同摩擦系数下进行无约束压缩实验,分析不同摩擦系数及本构模型对接触力大小的影响。结果4种材料本构模型在低、中应变率下,输出的接触力均与摩擦系数呈正相关,有摩擦时的接触力比无摩擦时的接触力大50%左右。中应变率下脂肪组织的力学响应对摩擦系数的灵敏度比低应变率下的更高,且不同材料本构模型输出的接触力差异显著。结论在脂肪组织无约束压缩实验中,静摩擦系数取0.1,动摩擦系数取0.05是合理的,在低、中应变率下Ogden超弹性材料本构能够良好地反映脂肪组织的生物力学响应。  相似文献   

不同文献中的脂肪组织材料参数相差很大,人体有限元模型中脂肪组织的生物仿真度有待提高。本研究构建了脂肪组织压缩试验有限元模型,采用Ogden超弹性材料本构并进行筛选试验设计,确定其各个因子对目标响应的影响程度,选择Ogden系数与剪切松弛模量两项对目标响应影响较大的参数作为反求目标。利用有限元方法与优化策略相结合,基于自适应响应面法对脂肪组织的材料参数进行反求,将反求得到的材料参数应用于仿真中,得到仿真曲线与实验曲线的相关系数为0.98876。研究结果表明,应用基于反求策略得到的材料参数输出的仿真曲线与实验曲线高度吻合,在仿真中采用该反求方法获得的脂肪组织材料参数具有更高的生物仿真度。  相似文献   

本研究旨在确定能够有效模拟冲击载荷作用下脑组织力学特性的粘性–超弹性本构方程。本文运用有限元仿真与优化算法相结合的方法,开展了脑组织粘性–超弹性材料模型参数求解。首先,基于脑组织动态单轴拉伸试验数据,建立最大拉伸率为1.3、应变率分别为30 s–1和90 s–1的脑组织动态拉伸有限元仿真模型。然后,以仿真预测的工程应力–应变曲线与参考试验测量结果均值曲线的拟合误差最小化作为优化设计的目标函数,利用多目标遗传算法进行材料模型参数求解。结果显示,运用本文所确定的本构方程的脑组织有限元模型能够准确地预测不同加载速率下的脑组织动态拉伸力学特性。应用本文获取的脑组织粘性–超弹性本构方程于颅脑有限元模型,将有利于提高模型在动态冲击载荷下的生物逼真度。  相似文献   

为了准确描述牙周膜的生物力学行为,基于大变形连续介质力学理论及不可压缩各向同性假设,以人体牙周膜平面剪切和应力松弛实验数据为基础,利用有限元软件ABAQUS的数据拟合功能,构建牙周膜的超黏弹性本构模型及参数。随后,通过对5组牙周膜平面剪切实验过程的模拟,验证牙周膜超黏弹性模型的正确性。最后,通过有限元计算对比分析牙周膜线弹性模型与超黏弹性模型对载荷的力学响应。结果表明在牙根位移量为0~0.06 mm时,牙周膜可近似用线弹性模型表示;当位移量大于0.06 mm,两种模型的差异显著,超黏弹性模型更加符合牙周膜的材料特性。研究结果为牙周膜提供一种实用性强的超黏弹性模型,为牙齿正畸的生物力学研究和治疗方案的精确设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 针对不同结构耦合肌肉主被动行为无法考虑肌肉组织连续介质力学特性的问题,提出运用被动与主动耦合在同一个本构方程的方法,构建骨骼肌连续介质超弹性主被动本构模型。方法 为标定被动本构模型参数,给出单轴拉伸实验方法 及条件,并通过理论推导,介绍利用试验数据求解被动模型参数的具体方法。为验证主动模型的有效性,以实例对模型进行验证。结果 模型预测曲线与实验输出应力拉伸比曲线具有较好的一致性,在相同应变下的情况下,被动应力和总应力最大误差仅为20、40 kPa。结论 该连续介质超弹性本构模型能较好模拟骨骼肌的主被动行为,从而有利于下一步人体肌肉的建模与仿真。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同应变率下韧带的压缩应力-应变关系,并构建本构模型,为韧带的损伤预估及替代材料的研 发提供参考。 方法 通过万能拉伸试验机测试兔髌韧带在不同应变率(0. 001、0. 01、0. 1、1 s-1 )下的压缩力学性能 和压缩松弛响应,并构建相应的本构方程。 结果 单轴无侧限压缩实验表明,随着应变率增加,30% 、40% 应变下的 应力和切线模量均明显增大。 相比于 Gent 模型,Fung 和 Ogden 模型更适用于拟合韧带压缩曲线(R2 >0. 99);采用 4 项 Prony 级数更适用于拟合韧带的松弛曲线(R2>0. 99)。 结论 兔髌韧带的压缩力学性能有显著的黏弹性响应, Fung 和 Ogden 模型可用于拟合韧带的压缩响应,4 项 Prony 级数可用于拟合兔髌韧带的压缩松弛响应。  相似文献   

目的 对脂肪的动态压缩性能开展研究,进一步揭示损伤机制,为医疗救治提供参考。方法 基于改进的霍普金森杆(split Hopkinson pressure bar,SHPB)实验装置,对猪脂肪进行动态压缩实验,测量脂肪组织在不同应变率下的应力-应变曲线;对脂肪组织SHPB实验过程进行仿真分析;开展直径32 mm橡胶非致命弹侵彻人体腹部模拟靶标过程的数值模拟。结果 脂肪组织具有明显的应变率效应,两组高应变率下的应力-应变曲线近似为直线且斜率相近,弹性模量为3.25 MPa,约为准静态时的6倍;脂肪SHPB仿真曲线和实验曲线基本吻合,验证了所采用本构模型的正确性;非致命弹侵彻人体腹部过程中,皮肤表面出现了类似“水波”的环形凸起区域,脂肪层吸收了约67%的冲击动能。结论 脂肪组织的实验数据较为准确。数值模拟可以很好再现侵彻过程,为非致命武器对人体损伤效应的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 采用有限元方法研究肾脏钝性撞击损伤的影响因素。方法 基于肾脏CT图像构建不同年龄人群肾脏有限元模型,重构肾脏钝性撞击实验,分析肾脏材料本构参数、肾脏组织结构、肾脏大小、撞击位置和撞击速度等参数对肾脏损伤的影响。结果 相同撞击工况下,肾皮质应力随肾脏质量的增加有所减少,随撞锤撞击速度的增加而增加;肾包膜具有一定的吸能效果,从而降低肾脏的应力;肾脏受到撞击时,侧面撞击的肾皮质应力明显高于正面撞击。结论 相比黏弹性本构模型,Mooney Rivlin材料本构模型更适合用于肾脏损伤的有限元评价;肾脏损伤随肾脏质量的增加有所减少;撞锤撞击速度的增加会加剧肾脏损伤;肾包膜会一定程度上减轻肾脏损伤,故在进行肾脏有限元建模时,必须考虑肾包膜结构的存在;相比正面和背面撞击,肾脏侧面受到撞击时损伤相对更严重。  相似文献   

目的:实验研究表明。血管在周向与轴向两种单轴向拉伸作用下表现出不同的力学特性,本文通过对血管单轴拉伸的数值计算,给出分别适用于周向和轴向荷载的模拟方法。方法:基于超弹性本构模型对轴向和周向两种单轴拉伸作用下血管的应力一应变关系进行数值计算,并结合血管组织结构特点及模型适用范围对结果进行分析,同时通过数值计算对Holzapfel.Gasser-Ogden模型中的各向异性参数对结果的影响展开讨论。结果:计算结果显示单一使用各向同性超弹性应变势函数无法准确完整的模拟两种情况下的单轴拉伸实验,周向拉伸采用各向同性超弹性本构模型的数值结果较好的吻合实验,而轴向拉伸宜采用Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden模型。Holzapfel。Gasser-Ogden模型中各向异性参数1描述血管中两组增强纤维主方向的分散程度,y值越大即纤维平均主方向与轴向加载方向夹角越小,在外荷载作用下越容易使得纤维旋转到荷载方向;参数K描述血管中每组增强纤维主方向上纤维的分散程度。K值越大,纤维在基体中分散越广泛,材料性子越接近纤维,宏观表现越硬。结论:本文基于超弹性本构模型对轴向和周向两种单轴拉伸作用下血管的应力应变关系进行数值计算,提出分别用多项式形式的各向同性超弹性本构模型数值计算周向荷载作用下应力应变关系、Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden各向异性超弹性本构模型数值模拟轴向荷载下力学性质,数值结果与实验吻合较好,为心血管系统的数值模拟提供指导,对血管系统的力学机制和临床研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的确定生物软组织的超弹性本构方程,并在此基础上研究生物组织夹持过程的力学响应规律。方法以新鲜的猪肝脏组织为研究对象进行破坏性单轴拉伸实验,并在ABAQUS中对单轴拉伸实验过程进行仿真,通过对比仿真结果与试验数据确定猪肝的超弹性本构方程。以此为基础分别选用尖齿形及波浪齿形夹头对组织的夹持过程进行有限元仿真。结果采用4阶Ogden模型开展拉伸实验的仿真结果与试验数据吻合度较高。组织夹持仿真结果表明,采用尖齿形夹头更容易产生应力集中。结论可以采用4阶Ogden模型描述猪肝的超弹性,并确定相关参数。采用尖齿形夹头更容易造成组织夹持损伤,且组织应力与夹持进给量基本成线性关系。研究结果为手术钳头的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

A preoperative simulation of soft tissue deformations during plastic and reconstructive surgery is desirable to support the surgeon’s planning and to improve surgical outcomes. The current development of constitutive adipose tissue models, for the implementation in multilayer computational frameworks for the simulation of human soft tissue deformations, has proved difficult because knowledge of the required mechanical parameters of fat tissue is limited. Therefore, for the first time, human abdominal adipose tissues were mechanically investigated by biaxial tensile and triaxial shear tests. The results of this study suggest that human abdominal adipose tissues under quasi-static and dynamic multiaxial loadings can be characterized as a nonlinear, anisotropic and viscoelastic soft biological material. The nonlinear and anisotropic features are consequences of the material’s collagenous microstructure. The aligned collagenous septa observed in histological investigations causes the anisotropy of the tissue. A hyperelastic model used in this study was appropriate to represent the quasi-static multiaxial mechanical behavior of fat tissue. The constitutive parameters are intended to serve as a basis for soft tissue simulations using the finite element method, which is an apparent method for obtaining promising results in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.  相似文献   

This paper presents a visco-hyperelastic constitutive model developed to describe the biomechanical response of heel pad tissues. The model takes into account the typical features of the mechanical response such as large displacement, strain phenomena, and non-linear elasticity together with time-dependent effects. The constitutive model was formulated, starting from the analysis of the complex structural and micro-structural configuration of the tissues, to evaluate the relationship between tissue histology and mechanical properties. To define the constitutive model, experimental data from mechanical tests were analyzed. To obtain information about the mechanical response of the tissue so that the constitutive parameters could be established, data from both in vitro and in vivo tests were investigated. Specifically, the first evaluation of the constitutive parameters was performed by a coupled deterministic and stochastic optimization method, accounting for data from in vitro tests. The comparison of constitutive model results and experimental data confirmed the model's capability to describe the compression behaviour of the heel pad tissues, regarding both constant strain rate and stress relaxation tests. Based on the data from additional experimental tests, some of the constitutive parameters were modified in order to interpret the in vivo mechanical response of the heel pad tissues. This approach made it possible to interpret the actual mechanical function of the tissues.  相似文献   

A visco-elasto-plastic constitutive model is formulated for investigating the mechanics of cortical bone tissue, accounting for an anisotropic configuration and post-elastic and time-dependent phenomena. The constitutive model is developed with reference to experimental data obtained from literature on the behaviour of cortical bone taken from multiple samples. Regarding the constitutive model, a specific procedure based on a coupled deterministic and stochastic method is applied in order to determine the values of the constitutive parameters with regard to human samples. The procedure entails processing of data deduced from mechanical tests to achieve relationships between permanent and total strain, elastic modulus and strain rate, and creep elastic modulus and time. Numerical results obtained by using a finite element model are compared with tensile experimental data on cortical bone including the post-elastic range and creep phenomena. The model shows an excellent capability to describe the tensile behaviour of the cortical bone for the specific mechanical condition analysed.  相似文献   

应用线性粘弹性模型和电网模型间的两个重要结论,以及滤波方法,推导得出一种适用于生物组织粘弹性动力学分析的有限元新方法。粘弹性材料的复杂性可简单地视为各向同性,亦可将其逐步趋地复杂而直臻极端各向异性,描述生物组织力学特性的线性粘弹性模型可以是两种不同的元件和三种不同的基本模型的任意组合,多方法,多角度地证实本文推导得出了一般的系统的和高精度的快速有限元分析法,该分析法可用于分析以线性粘弹性为模型的生物组织和工程材料的动力学响应。  相似文献   

This paper aims at characterizing the mechanical behavior of two human anatomical structures, namely the tongue and the cheek. For this, an indentation experiment was provided, by measuring the mechanical response of tongue and cheek tissues removed from the fresh cadaver of a 74 year old woman. Non-linear relationships were observed between the force applied to the tissues and the corresponding displacements. To infer the mechanical constitutive laws from these measurements, a finite element (FE) analysis was provided. This analysis aimed at simulating the indentation experiment. An optimization process was used to determine the FE constitutive laws that provided the non-linear force/displacements observed during the indentation experiments. The tongue constitutive law was used for simulations provided by a 3D FE biomechanical model of the human tongue. This dynamical model was designed to study speech production. Given a set of tongue muscular commands, which levels correspond to the force classically measured during speech production, the FE model successfully simulated the main tongue movements observed during speech data.  相似文献   

目的 探讨坐姿下臀部压力性损伤易发部位以及不同软组织的生物力学响应,为有效预防深层组织压力性损伤提供参考。 方法 基于臀部 CT 扫描数据,建立坐位臀部有限元模型,包括骨骼、肌肉、脂肪和皮肤组织及坐垫模型,利用生死单元模拟组织损伤。 对比实验坐垫界面压力测量数据与有限元模拟结果,验证模型有效性。 模拟坐位力学状态,研究软组织的应力、应变情况,分析不同软组织中的压应力及超出极限值后可能造成的损伤情况。结果 通过对比坐垫模型仿真结果与实验界面压力测量结果,证明模型有效。 坐位时坐骨结节下方软组织区域出现应力集中现象。 其中,臀大肌组织中的横向压应力峰值约为 38 kPa,剪切应力峰值约为 3. 4 MPa;而脂肪组织中的最大压应力与剪切应力峰值分别为 22 kPa 与 4. 5 MPa,均未出现在坐骨结节正下方。 结论 软组织受到一定时间和大小的压力载荷作用,可能出现深层组织损伤。 当保持坐姿一定时间后,应及时变换体位,以降低压力性损伤出现的概率。 研究结果为预防压力性损伤提供生物力学依据,具有重要的临床研究价值。  相似文献   

Polymer gels are widely accepted as candidate materials for tissue engineering, drug delivery, and orthopedic load-bearing applications. In addition, their mechanical and physical properties can be tailored to meet a wide range of design requirements. For soft gels whose elastic modulus is in the kPa range, mechanical characterization by bulk mechanical testing methods presents challenges, for example, in sample preparation, fixture design, gripping, and/or load measurement accuracy. Nanoindentation, however, has advantages when characterizing the mechanical properties of soft materials. This study was aimed at investigating the application of an inverse finite element analysis technique to identify material parameters of polymer gels via nanoindentation creep testing, optimization, and finite element simulation. Nanoindentation experiments were conducted using a rigid circular flat punch, and then simulated using the commercial software ABAQUS?. The optimization (error minimization) procedure was integrated in the parameter determination process using a Matlab? shell program, which makes this approach readily adaptable to other test geometries and material models. The finite element results compare well with a derived analytical viscoelastic solution for a rigid circular flat punch on a Kelvin–Voigt half-space.  相似文献   

Two nonlinear constitutive models were used to describe the dynamic viscoelastic behavior of brain tissue. Small disc-shaped samples of bovine brain tissue were tested in simple shear using forced vibrations (0.5 to 200 Hz) with finite amplitudes (up to 20% Lagrangian shear strain). The samples response to simple, double, and triple harmonic inputs was determined in order to characterize the nonlinearities up to the third-order. A quasilinear viscoelastic model was proposed to describe the spatial nonlinearity. A fully nonlinear viscoelastic model with product-form multiple hereditary integrals was proposed to describe the spatial as well as the temporal nonlinearities. The fully nonlinear model demonstrated superiority at high frequencies (above 44 Hz). Under finite strains, the linear complex modulus showed nonrecoverable asymptotic strain conditioning behavior. Discrepancies observed in previously published studies and the threshold of functional failure of the neural tissue were shown to be related to this strain conditioning effect.  相似文献   

The mechanical response of most soft tissue is considered to be viscohyperelastic, making the development of accurate constitutive models a challenging task. In this article, we present a constitutive model for bovine liver tissue that utilizes a viscous dissipation potential, and use it to model the response of bovine liver tissue at strain rates ranging from 0.001 to 0.04 s−1. On the material modeling front of this study, the free energy is assumed to depend on the right Cauchy–Green deformation tensor, whereas a separate rate-dependent viscous potential is posited to characterize viscoelasticity. This viscous dissipation component is a function of the time rate of change of the right Cauchy–Green deformation tensor. On the experimental front, no-slip uniaxial compression experiments are conducted on bovine liver tissue at various strain rates. A numerical correction approach is used to account for the no-slip edge conditions, and the constitutive model is fit to the resulting corrected stress–strain data. The complete derivation of the material model, its implementation in the finite element software package ABAQUS, and a validation study are presented in this article. The results show that bovine liver tissue exhibits a strong strain-rate dependence even at the low strain rates considered here and that the proposed constitutive model is able to accurately describe this response.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of the heart muscle tissues is the central problem in finite element simulation of the heart contraction, excitation propagation and development of an artificial heart. Nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic passive material properties of the left ventricular papillary muscle of a guinea pig heart were determined based on in-vitro precise uniaxial and relaxation tests. The nonlinear elastic behavior was modeled by a hypoelastic model and different hyperelastic strain energy functions such as Ogden and Mooney-Rivlin. Nonlinear least square fitting and constrained optimization were conducted under MATLAB and MSC.MARC in order to obtain the model material parameters. The experimental tensile data was used to get the nonlinear elastic mechanical behavior of the heart muscle. However, stress relaxation data was used to determine the relaxation behavior as well as viscosity of the tissues. Viscohyperelastic behavior was constructed by a multiplicative decomposition of a standard Ogden strain energy function, W, for instantaneous deformation and a relaxation function, R(t), in a Prony series form. The study reveals that hypoelastic and hyperelastic (Ogden) models fit the tissue mechanical behaviors well and can be safely used for heart mechanics simulation. Since the characteristic relaxation time (900 s) of heart muscle tissues is very large compared with the actual time of heart beating cycle (800 ms), the effect of viscosity can be reasonably ignored. The amount and type of experimental data has a strong effect on the Ogden parameters. The in vitro passive mechanical properties are good initial values to start running the biosimulation codes for heart mechanics. However, an optimization algorithm is developed, based on clinical intact heart measurements, to estimate and re-correct the material parameters in order to get the in vivo mechanical properties, needed for very accurate bio-simulation and for the development of new materials for the artificial heart.  相似文献   

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