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目的进行改良Nirschl术清理带线锚钉重建桡侧腕短伸肌腱(extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon,ECRB)起点与单纯改良Nirschl术清理ECRB起点治疗顽固性网球肘的临床疗效比较,探讨带线锚钉重建ECRB起点治疗顽固性网球肘的疗效性及必要性。 方法2013年3月至2016年5月,台州骨伤医院收治的顽固性网球肘患者45例,随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组23例,对照组22例。观察组患者于改良Nirschl术式下切开清理ECRB起点退行性变性肌腱后使用带线锚钉将ECRB重新固定于去除皮质的肱骨外上髁上重建起点,对照组患者于改良Nirschl术式下单纯切开清理ECRB起点退行性变性肌腱。观察比较两组术前及术后2、3、6、12个月的疼痛、握力、重返工作时间、Mayo肘关节功能评分、Verhaar评分。 结果45例患者均完成试验观察,术后切口均为Ⅰ期愈合。观察组术后(4.97±1.33)个月恢复原工作,与对照组术后(3.55±1.27)个月比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后2、3个月Mayo肘关节功能评分观察组均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),术后12个月Mayo肘关节功能评分观察组优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后12个月两组视觉模拟评分(visual analogue score,VAS)差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);术后2、3个月握力观察组均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),术后6、12个月握力观察组均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);末次随访Verhaar评分观察组优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05 )。 结论进行改良Nirschl术清理带线锚钉重建ECRB起点治疗顽固性网球肘,手术操作简便,创伤小,将ECRB重新缝合于肱骨外上髁重建起点,恢复其临床解剖位置,使前臂伸肌力量得到最大限度恢复,能使患者恢复至正常的运动和生活水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨顽固性肱骨外上髁炎的手术治疗效果。方法2007年1月至2009年12月,我科采用局部麻醉下Nirschl改良手术治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎21例,术后通过VAS疼痛评分和Nirschl&Pettrone分级评估患肘疼痛和功能改善情况。结果21例患者平均随访时问23.6个月。VAS疼痛评分术前休息时为6.21,日常活动时7.10,体育活动时8.76;术后休息时为0.83,日常活动时1.46,体育活动时2.22。术前、术后两者比较差异均有统计学意义。术后Nirschl&Pettrone肘关节功能分级优13例,良7例,中1例,优良率95.2%。1例患者术后出现肘关节囊壁破裂后关节滑液积聚形成的皮下囊性肿胀,局部麻醉下行关节囊修复后肿胀消失。结论外科治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎可以有效改善肘关节疼痛和恢复关节活动,手术效果好。  相似文献   

目的探讨伸肌腱止点清理带线锚钉修复桡侧腕短伸肌(extensor carpi radialis brevis,ECRB)、指伸肌(extensor digitorum communis,EDC)治疗顽固性网球肘的近期疗效。方法 2009年3月-2011年5月,采用伸肌腱止点清理带线锚钉修复ECRB及EDC治疗单侧顽固性网球肘患者10例。男6例,女4例;年龄36~57岁,平均45.4岁。优势肘8例,非优势肘2例;重体力劳动者4例,普通工作者6例。病程8~24个月,平均12.3个月。患者均有肱骨外上髁部疼痛,局部肿胀压痛,Mill征(+)。肘关节活动范围:伸直0~30°,平均11.3°;屈曲120~145°,平均132.5°。MRI提示均为肱骨外髁炎。结果术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无感染、关节液外漏及肘关节强直等并发症发生。10例均获随访,随访时间4~23个月,平均12个月;其中7例随访12个月及以上者均未复发。重体力劳动者术后(3.75±0.95)个月恢复原工作,与普通工作者(2.91±0.20)个月比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.715,P=0.180)。术后1、3个月及末次随访时疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)均较术前显著下降(P<0.05),Mayo评分均较术前显著提高(P<0.05);优势侧及非优势侧握力均较术前显著提高(P<0.05),末次随访时与非手术侧握力比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。末次随访时肘关节活动范围:伸直0~—10°,平均—1.5°;屈曲140~160°,平均150.5°。结论伸肌腱止点清理带线锚钉修复ECRB及EDC治疗顽固性网球肘,能有效防止前臂伸肌力量潜在丢失,且创伤小,疼痛缓解显著,握力恢复接近正常,近期疗效较好。  相似文献   

肱骨外上髁炎又称网球肘,多见于手部工作为主者,主要表现为肘关节外侧疼痛,有时可以放射至前臂及手,90%均能自愈好转。顽固性肱骨外上髁炎时常反复发作,大多采用手术治疗,目前手术方法有10余种,作为切口手术的代表,Mrsch清理术着重于彻底清除桡侧腕短伸肌,效果较好,但创伤大,多数患者难以接受。近年来出现的显微松解切断微神经支技术及关节镜下Nischl清理术疗效肯定,但技术条件要求高,治疗费用贵,难于推广。  相似文献   

网球肘:又称肱骨外上髁炎,是肘关节外上髁部局限性疼痛,并影响伸腕和前臂旋转功能的慢性、劳损性疾病。病理改变可能是伸肌腱部分撕裂、扭伤、钙化或无菌性坏死,球状韧带退变,肱骨外髁膜炎等。  相似文献   

肱骨外上髁炎,即网球肘,起因于桡侧腕短伸肌起点处的急性拉伤,更常见的是反复的劳损。患者中1/3还累及指总伸肌的起点。组织病理学研究证明:网球肘并非是一种炎症状态,而是纤维母细胞和血管的反应,称为“肌腱变性”。其目前的非手术治疗方法很多,但疗效均不确切。大多数方法主要集中在抑制一种假定的炎症过程,实际上该过程在肌腱变性中是不存在的。故有些学者不但怀疑这些方法的疗效,而且还认为它们有害,尤其是局部类固醇注射及各种各样的制动方式。该研究则对自体血治疗顽固性肱骨外  相似文献   

小切口治疗肱骨外上髁炎(网球肘)36例报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
12003年1月-2005年1月,对36例肱骨外上髁炎(网球肘)采用局部利多卡因麻醉,痛点处2cm切口,将桡侧伸腕肌附着点处韧带半环状部分切断,并向远侧剥离。术后按Verhaar疗效标准优良率3个月为96.8%(30/31),6个月为96.8%(30/31),12个月为90.3%(28/31),15个月为92.3%(24/26)。局麻下小切I=1治疗网球肘,操作简单,疗效可靠,可在门诊治疗。  相似文献   

目的评价关节镜下序贯性建立肘关节前方三入路的方法治疗顽固性网球肘的可行性、安全性和有效性。 方法回顾性分析2008年1月至2016年12月中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院收治的28例关节镜治疗顽固性网球肘的病例,均采用序贯性建立肘关节前方三入路的方法,镜下彻底清除桡侧腕短伸肌腱(extensor carpi radialis brevis,ECRB)病变的腱性组织,同时清理ECRB止点处肱骨外上髁。通过对比术前、术后的视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)、肌力评分以及简版上肢功能评估(quick-disabilities of arm,shoulder and hand,Quick-DASH)评分,结合末次随访的满意度,评价临床疗效。 结果28例患者均获得12~38个月的随访,临床结果显示患者VAS(夜间痛及活动痛)、肌力评分、Quick-DASH评分术前与末次随访比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结合满意度评分末次随访得分为优的患者18例,得分为良的患者6例,优良率为85.7%。所有患者无肘关节神经损伤等并发症。 结论通过序贯性建立肘关节前方三入路的方法,关节镜下可以彻底清除ECRB的病变组织,同时可以清理局部肱骨外上髁,是治疗顽固性网球肘的一种微创、安全、有效可行的方法。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨关节镜微创技术治疗顽固性肱骨内上髁炎的临床应用和疗效.[方法] 2010年1月~2012年7月,顽固性肱骨内上髁炎患者11例(11肘),其中男8例,女3例;年龄19~55岁,平均34岁,9例表现为肱骨内上髁及周围严重疼痛,2例伴有尺神经症状.分别行关节镜下直接入路对变性肌腱病灶清理,经肘关节内入路对肱骨内上髁周围病变的滑膜、关节囊、骨赘和肌腱止点处理,关节镜监视下对合并尺神经症状的进行松解.对比患者术前、术后Mayo评分及VAS评分,进行统计学分析评价手术效果.[结果]11例患者随访5~24个月,平均14个月.术后3个月时Mayo评分(92.2±6.0)较术前(74.5±6.7)有显著提高(P<0.01),VAS评分(0.9±1.2)较术前(6.5±1.4)显著下降(P<0.01),术后6个月时Mayo评分显示关节功能进一步改善,VAS评分较前降低;术后(2.8±0.4)个月恢复正常工作及训练.8例患者经过12个月以上随访,肱骨内上髁炎均未复发,肘关节内侧疼痛消失,恢复正常关节功能.未发生神经损伤等并发症.[结论]应用关节镜微创技术治疗顽固性肱骨内上髁炎,病灶处理彻底、手术疗效可靠.  相似文献   

肱骨外上髁炎,俗称网球肘,非手术治疗常能取得较好的疗效,但对一些反复发作、非手术治疗无效的患者,尚无固定处理模式。自1989年3月~1997年2月,我们采用桡侧腕短伸肌抵止点腱性部分舌瓣状延长、关节囊松解的方法治疗一组顽固性网球肘,取得了较为满意的疗效。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组18例,男13例,女5例。年龄25~46岁,左侧6例,右12例,均为病程超过2年以上,非手术治疗无效,反复发作的患者。1.2 治疗方法 病人仰卧,臂丛神经麻醉,取肘关节外侧弧形切口,以肱骨外髁为中心略向尺骨鹰嘴凸…  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Most nonsurgical treatments for lateral epicondylitis have focused on suppressing an inflammatory process that does not actually exist in conditions of tendinosis. An injection of autologous blood might provide the necessary cellular and humoral mediators to induce a healing cascade. The purpose of this study was to evaluate prospectively the results of refractory lateral epicondylitis treated with autologous blood injections. METHOD: Twenty-eight patients with lateral epicondylitis were injected with 2 mL of autologous blood under the extensor carpi radialis brevis. All patients had failed previous nonsurgical treatments including all or combinations of physical therapy, splinting, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, and prior steroid injections. Patients kept personal logs and rated their pain (0-10) and categorized themselves according to Nirschl staging (0-7) daily. RESULTS: The average follow-up period was 9.5 months (range, 6-24 mo). After autologous blood injections the average pain score decreased from 7.8 to 2.3. The average Nirschl stage decreased from 6.5 to 2.0. For the 9 patients receiving more than one blood injection the mean pain score and Nirschl stage before injection were 7.2 and 6.6, respectively. After the second blood injection the pain and Nirschl scores were both 0.9. Two patients received a third blood injection that brought both pain and Nirschl scores to 0. CONCLUSIONS: After autologous blood injection therapy 22 patients (79%) in whom nonsurgical modalities had failed were relieved completely of pain even during strenuous activity. This study offers encouraging results of an alternative minimally invasive treatment that addresses the pathophysiology of lateral epicondylitis that has failed traditional nonsurgical modalities.  相似文献   

Fifty-five elbows in 53 patients affected by lateral epicondylitis for more than a year were operated on with lateral extensor release. Fifty-one patients (53 elbows) were followed-up 90?months postoperatively by two independent observers using Verhaar's score and the subjective grading scheme described by Svernlöv and Adolfsson. According to Verhaar‘s score 26 (49%) were excellent or good and 27 (51%) fair or poor. Women had significantly worse results than men (p<0.005). In the self-assessment there was no significant difference between men and women and 20 (40%) of the patients rated their elbows as completely recovered, 26 (47%) as improved, 7 (13%) as unchanged, and none as worse. Patients whose symptoms remained unchanged after operation were re-examined and found to have other conditions that were likely to have caused the pain. Lateral release can reduce symptoms in chronic lateral epicondylitis but some residual pain can be anticipated.  相似文献   



This study examined the clinical results of surgical treatment using a mini-open muscle resection procedure under local anesthesia for intractable lateral or medial epicondylitis.


Forty two elbows (41 patients) were treated surgically for lateral or medial epicondylitis. The indication for surgery was refractory pain after six months of conservative treatment, or a history of more than three local injections of steroid, or severe functional impairment in the occupational activities. The treatment results were assessed in terms of the pain using the visual analogue scale (VAS), Roles & Maudsley score, and Nirschl & Pettrone grade.


The preoperative VAS scores of pain were an average of 5.36 at rest, 6.44 at daily activities, and 8.2 at sports or occupational activities. After surgery, the VAS scores improved significantly (p < 0.01): 0.3 at rest, 1.46 at daily activities, and 2.21 at sports or occupational activities. The preoperative Roles & Maudsley score was acceptable in 6 cases, and poor in 36 cases, which was changed to excellent in 23 cases, good in 16 cases, acceptable in 3 cases after surgery. According to the grading system by Nirschl & Pettrone, 23 cases were excellent, 18 cases were good, and the remaining 1 case was fair. Overall, 41 cases (97.6%) achieved satisfactory results. Postoperative complications were encountered in three cases. Subcutaneous seroma due to the leakage of joint fluid in two patients was managed by additional surgery and suction drainage, and resulted in a satisfactory outcome. One patient complained of continuous pain on occupational activity, but her pain at rest was improved greatly.


The mini-open muscle resection procedure under local anesthesia appears to be one of effective methods for intractable lateral or medial epicondylitis.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-observer reliabilities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis, to examine whether degree of common extensor tendon (CET) injury is related to other elbow abnormalities on MRI, and to investigate the correlation between elbow abnormalities on MRI and patients' symptoms.MethodsFifty-one patients (32 women and 19 men; mean age: 50 years (range, 22–63)) with a diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis were included in the study. The average duration of symptoms was 2.3 years. MRI scoring system was used to grade the CET injuries and associated injuries in the elbow joint. Three independent radiologists retrospectively reviewed MRI images. Inter- and intra-observer reliabilities for diagnosing lateral epicondylitis were calculated using kappa statistics, and Spearman's rank correlation analysis was used to analyze relationships between degree of CET injury and the associated abnormalities of elbow joints. Statistical relations were considered significant for p values of <0.05. In addition, using Spearman's rank correlation analysis, CET injuries and associated abnormalities of elbow joints were correlated with clinical symptoms using visual analog scale pain scores.ResultsVarious degrees of CET injuries were found in total of 51 patients. Radial collateral ligament and lateral ulnar collateral ligament (RCL/LCL) was the most common accompanying elbow abnormality other than CET injuries. Inter- and intra-observer agreements of CET and RCL/LUCL injuries on MRI were excellent. There were significant correlation between degrees of CET and RCL/LUCL injuries (correlation coefficient r = 0.667, p < 0.01) and between degree of RCL/LUCL injuries and visual analog 11-point pain box scale (VAS) scores (correlation coefficient r = 0.478, p = 0.033).ConclusionMRI showed excellent inter- and intra-observer reliabilities for the evaluation of lateral epicondylitis. In addition to common extensor tendinopathy, RCL/LUCL abnormality was the most common accompanying finding and degree of RCL/LUCL injuries positively correlated with degree of CET injuries. Furthermore, degree of RCL/LUCL injuries positively correlates with severity of pain.Level of evidenceLevel IV, Diagnostic study.  相似文献   

Nirschl手术治疗顽固性网球肘:切开与关节镜手术比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较切开和关节镜手术治疗顽固性网球肘的临床疗效.方法 2006年5月至2008年9月连续收治顽固性网球肘患者26例(28例肘),手术时患者平均年龄45岁(32~62岁),保守治疗时间为23个月(4~60个月).手术方式以Nirschl术为原则,按照随机表随机分为切开组(13例13肘)和关节镜组(13例15肘).采用VAS疼痛评分、Mayo功能评分、肘关节综合评分、重返工作和运动时间、满意度等评价患者术后效果.结果 26例患者均获随访,随访时间4~32个月,平均17.4个月.两组术后效果比较,在VAS疼痛评分中的静息和日常活动评分、综合评分、重返工作和运动时间、满意度及术后效果评价等级方面,两组均无显著差异.而在VAS评分的运动评分及Mayo功能评分中,切开组优于关节镜组.切开组满意或部分满意患者100%,关节镜组86.7%.切开组优良率100%,关节镜组93.3%.术后未发现严重并发症.结论 切开和关节镜手术均是治疗顽固性网球的有效方法,切开手术在术后恢复运动等肘关节功能方面优于关节镜手术,可能与切开术中有更多伸肌腱裂口被缝合有关.  相似文献   

Study DesignThis is a case report.IntroductionAnconeus is a small, triangular muscle in the posterior aspect of the elbow, and it functions as weak elbow extensor and abducts the ulna during pronation. The contribution of anconeus muscle can cause lateral elbow pain, which is difficult to diagnose and treat. It also does not respond to the regular treatment for lateral epicondylitis.Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of this study was to report anconeus muscle irritation as a sole cause for lateral elbow pain.MethodsThe patient was given an elbow splint for 4-6 weeks followed with eccentric and concentric strengthening to the elbow and wrist.ResultAt the end of week 9, the patient was pain-free.ConclusionThe clients who are not responding with the usual treatment of lateral epicondylitis should be considered for any anconeus involvement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study presents the surgical technique of fractional lengthening of extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum communis and the superficial head of supinator, for chronic lateral epicondylitis. The anatomical basis for this surgical approach is reviewed. The results of surgical treatment in a consecutive series of patients with severe chronic lateral epicondylitis are reviewed. METHODS: Twenty-one elbows in 17 subjects underwent surgery. All elbows had severe resistant symptoms, unresponsive to a minimum 6 months (mean 14 months) of a non-operative treatment protocol. All elbows showed either tendonopathy or a partial tear in the common extensor tendon origin at preoperative imaging. RESULTS: All subjects were examined at a minimum of 1 year after surgery. The mean visual analogue pain (VAS) score reduced from 7.6 (maximum 10) preoperatively to 1.3 postoperatively (P<0.01). The mean preoperative ability to carry out normal work duties reduced from 4.3 (maximum 5) preoperatively to 1.5 postoperatively (P<0.01). Grip strength improved or remained equivalent following surgery. The mean VAS for patient satisfaction with surgery was 8.8 (maximum score 10). Using the Roles and Maudsley classification, 14 patients (82%) were rated good or excellent. Three subjects were rated fair or poor, were undergoing treatment for other pathology in the ipsilateral extremity and had ongoing compensation claims. CONCLUSION: Fractional lengthening of forearm extensors is effective treatment for severe and chronic lateral epicondylitis. Outcomes following fractional lengthening surgery are less predictable when other pathology in the upper extremity requires concomitant treatment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨基于压痛点关节外操作的关节镜手术治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎的临床疗效。方法:自2015年10月至2017年9月收治顽固性肱骨外上髁炎患者19例,男7例,女12例;年龄33~62(43.16±8.12)岁;保守治疗时间为7~41(15.47±7.08)个月。19例均采用基于压痛点关节外操作的关节镜手术治疗。观察患者术后并发症情况,术前及术后3个月随访时采用VAS评分、Mayo功能评分进行临床疗效评价。结果:所有患者获得随访,时间6~26(17.16±5.25)个月。术后无感染、皮肤坏死和神经损伤发生。术后6个月无综合握力减弱。VAS评分由术前的4.42±1.17降至至术后3个月的0.53±0.61;Mayo功能评分由术前的62.63±7.88提高至术后3个月的93.42±5.28;根据Mayo功能评分,优17例,良2例。结论:基于压痛点关节外操作的关节镜手术治疗顽固性肱骨外上髁炎采用关节外操作处理关节外主要病变,解剖层次易于理解,视野良好,清理彻底,疗效确切,操作安全。  相似文献   

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