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乌头汤治疗风寒湿痹50例疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者自1990年至1995年.用马头汤治疗风寒湿痹50例,疗效显著,现总结如下:1一般资料本组50例均为住院及部份门诊患者。男13例,女27例;年龄18-75岁,平均365岁;病程最短3天,最长40年,8年以内12例,3-10年30例,10年以上8例。50例中,履行痹省8例,痛痹32例.青痹10例。2治疗方法乌头场出自《金匾要略、处为:川乌log(加蜂蜜一两先煎30分神),黄K189.白芍18g,麻黄189,炙u草IOg。临床以本方为基础方,风邪偏重的行痹,临床发现以痛无定处为主,治以法民通络、散穹除湿,原方加防风15g,秦夭15g.灵仙15g;寒邪偏重的痛痹,临床…  相似文献   

应用大剂量中草药大胆治疗癌症疼痛,是临床用药中值得深入研究的内容。大剂量用中药止癌痛、既可减轻剧痛之苦,又可延长存活期限,提高生存质量,并可陆续停用或减少杜冷丁用量。笔者学习山东刘昭坤经验,创“大剂癌痛汤”治疗肝癌1例而获良效,兹介绍如下供参考。1方药组成:白芍60~250g、甘草15~60g。刺痛加元胡30g;胀痛加木香20g;气虚加黄芪30~60g、红参20g;血应加当归30g、阿胶烊化30g、红参20g;湿浊内阻加法半夏12g、云参30~50g;便秘加生大黄10~20g;便糖加罂粟壳10~20g,每日1剂,水煎服。2典型病例:患者,男,71岁,农…  相似文献   

笔者自1977年~1994年间运用本验方加味治疗鼻衄40例,疗效满意,现小结如下.一般资料本组40例,男30例,女10例;年龄最大者58岁,最小10岁,其中35~58岁者20例,占57.4%;病史:3~10天者12例,11~15天者8例,6个月以上者5冽。治疗方法基本方剂组成:藕节30g、生地20g、炒黄芩15g、麦冬15g、牛膝10g、阿胶烊化10g、元参15g、炒桅子12g、甘草3g.随证加减:如属温热病久,明亏邪热者,可加白芍、丹皮,以助益明清热之力;久病阴亏孤阳独炽者,加龙骨、牡蛎、大小蓟以助滋阴潜阳,凉血止血之力;若见便秘者可加大黄、瓜笑通利腑气;口渴…  相似文献   

经方以其药简效卓而著称,笔者临床习用之,以下谈2 例经方治验。 1 乌头汤治验 案1 张某,女,60岁。右下肢冷痛麻木2年余,患者疼 痛剧烈,活动受限,行走需人搀扶,舌质淡苔薄白,脉紧弦,经 CT 证实腰3~腰5椎间盘突出,患者曾经中西药治疗效果 欠佳,但本人拒绝手术,现痛剧时每次需服止痛片6片之多, 因此时有胃痛。辨证痛有定处,且患肢发凉,当属寒痹无疑, 遂处以《金匮》乌头汤加减,药用:生麻黄10g,生黄芪30g,制 川乌、草乌(先煎)各15g,炒白芍30g,细辛、制乳香、制没药  相似文献   

崩漏是指经血非时暴下如崩或淋漓不断如漏。自拟调经汤:女贞子50g,旱莲草25g,乌梅15g,地榆50g,海螵蛸15g,茜草15g,大小蓟各15g,黑芥穗15g,阿胶15g(烊化),山药25g,白芍25g,白术15g,甘草10g。水煎服,日1剂。加减:有热加黄芩15g,黄柏10g,侧柏叶20g;有瘀加失笑散5g;肝气郁结加柴胡10g;阴血不足加鹿角胶15g,龟板胶15g;气虚加党参15g,黄芪15g。升麻10g,血量过多过急将党参、黄芪加至30g;阳虚加艾炭15g。干姜炭15g,赤石脂25g,补骨脂25g;肾虚加川断15g,桑寄生15g。  相似文献   

病案3身冷自汗偏头痛蔡某某,男,40岁。2014年1月13日初诊:周身发冷,容易感冒,右侧偏头痛,双腿、腰部感觉凉飕飕的,容易发困,容易出汗。脉微细,舌极浅淡,苔少。处方:炙黄芪50 g,红参15 g,麻黄10 g,附子30 g,砂仁15 g,干姜30 g,淫羊藿15 g,细辛3 g,桂枝10 g,炒白术30 g,牛膝30 g,当归15 g,黄连3 g,吴茱萸6 g,枳实10 g,炙甘草10 g。  相似文献   

方药组成:白花蛇舌草30g,土茯苓30g,升麻15g,茵陈15g,板蓝根30g,薏苡仁30g,丹参30g,赤芍药15g,虎杖15g,郁金香12g。黄疸重加茵陈30g,大黄12g;湿偏盛,舌白厚腻,加藿香12g,白蔻仁10g;热毒重症重用清热解毒、凉血活血之品,可用赤芍药60~90g,大黄20g,黄连、黄苓各10g。每日1剂,煎汤服。  相似文献   

内服外敷治疗偏头风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药物组成:钓鱼竿、路边姜、散血草各15g(鲜者30g为佳),甜酒适量。使用方法:将前三味药物放入沙锅(忌用铁锅)内加水200ml,文火煎熬至50ml左右,滤其渣,加入甜酒顿服。每日1次.7天为1个疗程。然后将其药渣捣绒趁热敷寸口2小时(左侧敷右手,右侧敷左手)。患者,女,38岁。3年前因感冒出现头痛治愈后.每月发作2~3次,发作持续时间10~30分钟不等。后逐渐发作次数增多,持续时间延长,痛有定处,痛如锥刺。间歇期如常人。每因外部刺激而发作。经多方治疗,仍反复发作,体温、血压、血常规无异常。惟脑血流图显示脑血管痉挛伴供血不…  相似文献   

目的观察中药趁痛散加减治疗产后身痛的疗效。方法本组38例均采用中药趁痛散加减(当归15g、黄芪30g、白术15g、牛膝20g、独活15g、薤白15g、桂枝10g、甘草10g。结果治愈32例,显效3例,有效2例,无效1例,总有效率97.37%。结论中药趁痛散加减治疗产后身痛疗效较好,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

1一般资料本组患者16例均来自门诊,其中男性9例,女性7例。年龄最小24岁,最大者62岁。病程最短者3天,最长者9天。2诊断标准贝《3200个内科疾病诊断标准》:①起病突然;③患侧眼裂大,眼睑不能闭合,流泪.额纹消失,不能皱眉。③患侧鼻唇沟变浅或平坦,口角低并向健侧牵引。3治疗方法基本方:白附子10g,白僵蚕10g,防风10g,鸡血藤30g,络石藤15g,钩藤15g,丹参30g,赤、白芍各12g,甘草10g。水煎服,每日1剂,分2次服。6天为1个疗程。随证加减:伴面部抽搐者加全蝎10g,蜈蚣3条;伴肝阳上亢者加石块明30g。本组16例患者中除1例配合肌…  相似文献   

FOR anesthesiologis s ,treatingpostoperativepainhas alwaysbeen a problem.Althoughopioidshave been provedtobe effective,theirsideeffectscouldnotbeignored.With thedevelopmentofscienceand pharmacology,many drugs with aspectsof satisfactoryanalgesicefficacyand couldbe welltoleratedby patientshave been developed.And lornoxicamisone of them, which isa non-steroidalanti-inflammatorydrug (NSAID ), with analgesic, anti-infl-ammatory,andantipyreticproperties.Itseliminationhalf-time(3 to 5 hours) isle…  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluatel the value of D-dimers in patients with acute aortic dissection (AAD). Methods: This study consisted of 16 patients with AAD and 27 non-AAD patients. Serum D-dimets were measured by Sta-Liatest D-DI immunoturbidimetric assay. Results: D-dimer level was higher (P < 0.001) in patients with AAD(7.91 ± 5.52 μg/ml) than that in non- AAD group(1.57±1.24 μg/ml). D-dimer was positive (>0.4 μg/ml) in all patients with AAD and in 10 control group patients (37%). Among patients with acute AAD, D-dimers tended to be higher in Stanford A than in Stanford B (8.67 ± 4.31 μg/ml vs. 3.24±1.27 μg/ml, P <0.01). D-dimer values tended to be higher in more extended disease(3.84 ± 1.65 μg/ml, 8.57 ± 3.58 μg/ml and 11.87 ± 5.69 μg/ml in thoracic aorta, thoracic and abdominal aorta, thoracic and abdominal aorta and iliacal arteries, respectively, P < 0.05 for both 8.57 ± 3.58 and 11.87 ± 5.69 vs. 3.84 ± 1.65 ). Including the control group into the analysis, we found a sensitivity of 100%, a negative predictive value of 100%, and a specificity of 66% and a positive predictive value of 64% for D-dimer in diagnosis of AAD in our patients with suspected AAD. Conclusion: D-dimer was elevated in patients with AAD. A negative D-dimer test result could be useful in excluding AAD.  相似文献   

Objective: To set up a simple and reliable rat model of combined liver-kidney transplantation. Methods: SD rats served as both donors and recipients. 4℃ sodium lactate Ringer's was infused from portal veins to donated livers,and from abdominal aorta to donated kidneys, respectively. Anastomosis of the portal vein and the inferior vena cava (IVC) inferior to the right kidney between the graft and the recipient was performed by a double cuff method, then the superior hepatic vena cava with suture. A patch of donated renal artery was anastomosed to the recipient abdominal aorta. The urethra and bile duct were reconstructed with a simple inside bracket. Results: Among 65 cases of combined liver-kidney transplantation, the success rate in the late 40 cases was 77.5%. The function of the grafted liver and kidney remained normal. Conclusion: This rat model of combined liver-kidney transplantation can be established in common laboratory conditions with high success rate and meet the needs of renal transplantation experiment.  相似文献   

Shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) is a treatment of choice for upper urinary stones. However, this procedure is inappropriate for obese patients because the focus is often unable to reach the target owing to the limited focal distance in shock wave source. Although treating such patients in a blast path may increase the application length of shock wave source, it's difficult to find this path on the lithotripter monitor. For this reason, we invented an adjustable calibration marker in order to set an effective focus in the shock wave hath.  相似文献   

Excess production of reactive oxygen species(ROS)of mitochondrion mediated by hyperglycemia is the common pathogenesis of angiopathic complications of diabetes.TCM holds that the damp from the dysfunction of spleen.kidney and liver is the causative factor of complications of diabetes.This is similar to the mechanism of Ros resulting in angiopathic complications of diabetes.When the angiopathic complications of type II diabetes mellitus(T2DM)are difierentiated as caused by turbid damp in TCM can be explained as ROS.Since the obstruction of pathogenic damp in channels and collaterals is said to be the main pathogenesis,the treating principle should be dissolving the damp to remove the obstruction.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Obesity is a complex emergent problem, which can be possibly solved not only by the diet but also by the life style and promotion of a constant physical exercise. 1, 2 No doubt careful attentions must be given to the nutritional condition of obese people, the dietary habits, the somatic build (i.e. distribution of fat mass) and the organic functions linked to formation of the fat mass. All the parameters should be constantly monitored before, during and after a diet treatment. 3, 4, 5  相似文献   

Objective To observe blood pressure change with age in salt-sensitive teenagers whose salt sensitivity were determined by repeated testing.Methods Salt sensitivity was determined through intravenous infusion of normal saline combined with volume-depletion by oral diuretic furosemide in 55 teenagers. After five years, salt sensitivity was re-examined and subject blood pressure was followed up. Blood pressure changes in salt-sensitive teenagers were compared to that of non-salt sensitive teenagers over five years.Results After 5 years, the repetition rate of salt sensitivity determined by intravenous saline loading is 92.7%. In teenagers with salt sensitivity on the baseline, both the systolic blood pressure increments and increment rates were much higher than non-salt sensitive teenagers (12.7±12.1 mmHg vs. 2.8±5.2 mmHg, P< 0.01; 12.2%± 12.0% vs. 2.5% ±4.4%, P< 0.001,respectively). There was a similar trend for diastolic blood pressure (8.4 ± 6.4 mmHg vs. 3.7 ± 6.4 mmHg, P = 0.052; 13.2% ±10.6 % vs. 6.8%± 10.1%, P = 0.053, respectively).Conclusions Salt sensitivity determined by intravenous saline loading showed good reproducibility. Blood pressure increments with age were much higher in salt-sensitive teenagers than non-salt sensitive teenagers, especially in terms of systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

People with dysglycemia are at high risk for atherosclerotic diseases. This study aims at investigating the atherosclerotic vascular damage in dysglycemia and its metabolic origin in Tibetan population.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effects in acupunture treatment of primary dysmenorrhea combined with spinal Tui Na, and study its mechanism. Methods: Thirty cases of the treatment group were treated by acupuncture combined with spinal Tui Na, and thirty cases in the control group were treated by routine acupuncture. Results: The total effective rate was 93.3% in the treatment group, and 73.3% in the control group, with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusions: Acupuncture combined with spinal Tui Na has good prospects for treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.  相似文献   

In treating chronic nephropathy,Luo Lingjie,a chief physician,pays attention to regulating the balance between yin and yang,treating infection if present,and removing pathogenic factors.He prescribes gentle drugs and uses carefully strongly warming-tonifying ones,emphasizes the importance of persuading the patient to persist in treatment with medication and nurse one's health for recuperation,and is good at combined use of TCM and western medicine therapy and brings the merits of various therapies into full play,with obvious theraoeutic effects.  相似文献   

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