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目的 探讨沟槽区胰腺炎的CT和MRI表现特征,以提高对该病的认识和诊断水平。方法 选取17例经手术或内镜证实的沟槽区胰腺炎患者的CT、MRI及临床资料,观察沟槽区及临近结构的影像学特征。结果 17例沟槽区胰腺炎CT及MRI表现:胰头与十二指肠降段间占位,CT为低密度,MRI表现T1WI均为低信号,8例T2WI为高信号,5例T2WI为低信号,增强呈延迟强化;17例均有十二指肠降段壁增厚,10例肠壁囊肿形成;3例可见胰管扩张;4例胆总管下段渐进性狭窄;4例可见双管征。结论 沟槽区胰腺炎的CT和MRI表现具有一定的特征性,结合临床有助于明确诊断。  相似文献   

田笑   《放射学实践》2010,25(3):328-331
目的:探讨胰头部慢性肿块型胰腺炎的MSCT表现。方法:回顾性分析30例经手术、针吸细胞学及CT随访证实的胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎患者的病例资料,总结其CT特征。结果:胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎主要CT征象:①胰头部肿块。CT平扫7例为单纯胰头增大,6例肿块内伴有假囊肿,14例肿块内伴钙化,3例肿块内同时伴有钙化和假囊肿。20例行增强扫描,其中15例表现为渐进性强化,3例为动脉期明显强化、静脉期与胰腺体尾部强化程度相似,2例各期未见明显强化;②胰管扩张。18例伴有胰管扩张,串珠样扩张15例,病灶处胰管贯通10例,13例伴有胰管钙化;③胆管扩张。12例胆总管扩张,远端自上而下逐渐变细10例;④胰周大血管。23例胰周大血管周围脂肪间隙欠清晰,未见包埋侵犯现象。⑤15例肾前筋膜增厚。结论:胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎MSCT表现具有一定特征性,MSCT检查对胰头部肿块型慢性胰腺炎的诊断及鉴别诊断具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的:分析螺旋CT增强扫描图像上绞窄性肠梗阻的征象,提高对绞窄性肠梗阻术前诊断的准确性.方法:64例手术证实的绞窄性肠梗阻病例纳入研究,男43例,女21例,年龄23~72岁,平均42岁.采用单排螺旋CT进行全腹部扫描,对比剂以2~3ml/s速度注射,注射后60s扫描,层厚10mm.参照术中所见,回顾性分析上述CT资料,包括:①间接征象:肠腔扩张积液,肠壁增厚及肠壁密度改变(靶征),肠系膜脂肪水肿及渗出(缆绳征),肠系膜血管增粗并肠系膜扭曲(漩涡征),肠壁间、肠系膜间及门静脉积气,腹水;②直接征象:肠系膜上动脉或上静脉充盈缺损.结果:正确诊断54例,正确率82.8%.CT显示肠腔扩张积液47例(73%),其中6例积液呈高密度提示肠腔内积血(9.3%);肠壁水肿增厚19例(29.6%),其中11例增强后肠壁密度不匀,呈“靶征”(17%),8例肌壁未见强化(12.5%);肠系膜脂肪水肿及渗出(缆绳征)43例(67%),肠系膜血管增粗并肠系膜扭曲呈“漩涡”状9例(14%),肠壁间积气、肠系膜积气各1例,门静脉积气2例,腹水31例(48.4%).肠系膜上动脉或上静脉充盈缺损3例.结论:绞窄性肠梗阻CT表现有一定特征,可做出提示性诊断.  相似文献   

目的:探讨MSCT对结肠Crohn病的诊断价值.方法:回顾性分析经内镜、手术及病理证实的39例结肠Crohn病患者的MSCT影像学表现.结果:39例中多节段病变30例(76.9%),单独大肠受累4例(10.3%)、大肠伴小肠受累35例(89.7%).大肠病变累及盲肠31例(79.5%)、升结肠26例(66.7%)、横结肠17例(43.6%)、降结肠10例(25.6%)、乙状结肠16例(41.0%)、直肠6例(15.4%).MSCT征象:肠壁增厚、强化增加、肠壁分层、肠腔狭窄、肠壁脓肿、肠系膜血管增多(“梳征”)、病变肠管周围纤维脂肪增多、蜂窝织炎、腹腔脓肿和炎性肿块、肛周病变、瘘管/窦道、系膜淋巴结肿等.肠管增厚、肠壁分层、强化增加、肠壁内脓肿、病变肠管周围蜂窝织炎、“梳征”等可提示病变处在活动期.结论:结肠Crohn病易累及盲、升结肠,MSCT表现有一定特征性,MSCT在显示肠壁病变及肠腔外并发症以及判断病变是否在活动期具有优势.  相似文献   

急性肠缺血的CT征象分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:分析急性肠缺血的CT征象,提高CT对急性肠缺血诊断的准确性.材料和方法:2004~2005年间经急诊CT平扫及增强扫描,53例被诊断为急性肠缺血,分析其CT征象并与临床治疗和手术结果相对照.结果:CT平扫及增强图像显示:①肠腔扩张及积液53例次.②肠壁增厚伴密度改变39例次,其中平扫时肠壁内见散在点状高密度影7例次,肠壁密度降低22例次.增强扫描肠壁黏膜层异常强化15例次.③肠系膜血管走行异常并血管增粗(漩涡征)10例.④肠系膜脂肪水肿及渗出(缆绳征)26例.⑤肠系膜动脉钙化斑26例;其中有5例可见肠系膜动脉内等密度无强化的血栓影;另3例经手术证实肠系膜上动脉近肠小血管襻内血栓形成,但CT未能显示.⑥肠系膜静脉血栓形成4例.全部53例病人中,39例内科保守治疗后好转,14例症状未缓解者,经外科手术治疗,证实10例为肠系膜动脉血栓形成(其中3例CT未显示血栓),4例为门静脉血栓形成.结论:肠腔扩张和积液、肠壁增厚、肠系膜血管缆绳征及腹水是急性肠缺血的CT间接征象.CT平扫结合MDCT增强和CTA图像显示肠壁内密度改变、肠系膜血管内血栓形成或血管硬化导致管腔狭窄、漩涡征,即可确诊.  相似文献   

目的探讨局限性自身免疫性胰腺炎(focal autoimmune pancreatitis,f-AIP)的CT影像学表现特点,以期提高其影像学鉴别诊断水平。方法回顾性分析13例经组织学、IgG4检验或类固醇激素治疗证实的局限性自身免疫性胰腺炎患者的CT影像学资料,从胰腺形态表现、病变区密度及强化方式、胆胰管改变和假包膜结构显示等情况进行分析。结果本研究13例局限性自身免疫性胰腺炎患者中,13例均有局部胰腺肿大(胰头部3例,胰体尾部5例,胰尾部5例),与正常胰腺比较,CT平扫提示病变区密度降低(4例)或降低不明显(9例),增强扫描动脉期均见病变区强化程度较正常胰腺减低,门脉期及延迟期均提示病变区逐渐均匀强化,与正常胰腺强化程度相仿。7例显示病变区有假包膜结构,4例胆管扩张,胰管不规则硬化狭窄显示7例。结论局限性自身免疫性胰腺炎CT影像学表现具有一定的特征性,正确掌握这些特征有助于提高诊断准确率,从而避免不必要的手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨MSCT对后天性腹内疝的诊断及鉴别诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析经手术证实的16例后天性腹内疝的MSCT资料,CT检查采用平扫及双期增强扫描,并行MPR观察。结果:16例均表现为肠梗阻,其中13例有腹部手术史。14例CT表现为肠襻聚集伴扩张积液,具有占位效应;疝内肠系膜血管移位、伸拉,向疝口纠集,呈“梳征”或“缆绳征”。2例CT表现为空肠移位,呈“C”型,肠管积液、稍扩张,肠壁无明显水肿增厚。CT增强扫描7例肠壁及系膜强化程度减弱。结论:MSCT及其后处理技术对后天性腹内疝具有重要的诊断价值。  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT在肠系膜缺血诊断中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)对肠系膜缺血的诊断价值和临床意义。方法:对43例怀疑肠系膜缺血患者行MSCT检查,包括平扫、动脉期和门静脉期扫描,采用容积成像(VR)、多平面重组(MPR)和最大密度投影(MIP)进行动脉和门脉成像,评价并分析异常的MSCT征象。结果:肠系膜上动脉栓塞7例,管腔内血栓影,肠管扩张积气、积液;肠壁无强化,5例肠壁变薄,2例肠壁水肿增厚。肠系膜上静脉血栓形成36例,肠管扩张积气、积液33例;肠壁水肿增厚伴密度改变(面包圈征)25例;肠系膜血管增粗,脂肪渗出(缆绳征)17例;肠系膜血管走行异常(漩涡征)9例;肠系膜静脉管腔内充盈缺损36例,管壁强化(靶征)27例。结论:MSCT扫描与三维重组技术相结合能准确诊断肠系膜缺血并明确其缺血程度、范围,是一种有效的、无创的影像学检查手段。  相似文献   

目的:分析假肿瘤性胰腺炎的CT影像表现,提高假肿瘤性胰腺炎的CT诊断水平。资料与方法:分析15例CT扫描后经临床病理证实的假肿瘤性胰腺炎的临床及CT资料,12例追踪随访资料。结果:假肿瘤性胰腺炎的主要CT表现,胰腺内肿块形成或胰腺局部肿块样增大,CT平扫无特异性,CT增强后大多表现为不均匀性和均匀性等密度或略高密度强化,在不均匀强化中可见等密度或略高密度强化以及小点状、小囊状无强化影,这种表现与胰腺癌有鉴别意义,少数表现为低密度强化不易与胰腺癌鉴别,另外,胰腺肿块与主胰管的不扩张或轻度扩张不成比例,明显扩张的胆管与主胰管不成比例是假肿瘤性胰腺炎的又一特点;随访观察肿块无进行性增大和主胰管扩张。结论:肿块的均匀或不均匀性等密度或略高密度强化和肿块、扩张的胆管与不扩张或轻度扩张的主胰管不成比例是假肿瘤性胰腺炎的CT表现特点,结合追踪随访可以明确其影像学诊断。  相似文献   

目的:探讨22例1型免疫性胰腺炎(AIP)的CT及MRI表现。方法:收集确诊的22例1型AIP患者,记录其临床表现及实验室检查结果,重点分析胰腺与胆管的CT及MRI表现,主要观察胰腺形态、平扫密度/信号、强化特点及胰管、胆管形态改变等。结果:(1)胰腺形态改变,22例中,弥漫性肿大18例(81.8%),局限性肿大4例(18.2%)。(2)胰腺密度/信号改变,CT平扫胰腺密度降低12例(100.0%,12/12);胰腺T_2WI信号升高17例(81.0%,17/21);病变区ADC信号降低16例(76.2%,16/21);动脉期强化减弱、延迟期呈渐进性强化21例(100.0%,21/21);"腊肠征"10例(47.6%,10/21)。(3)胰管、胆管形态改变:22例中,胰管扩张4例(18.2%);胆总管壁均匀增厚15例(68.2%);肝门区肿块样增厚2例(9.1%);合并胆管狭窄,其中移行性狭窄16例(72.7%),截断性狭窄6例(27.3%)。肝内外胆管大部分为轻度扩张。(4)22例中,腹膜后淋巴结肿大12例(54.5%)。(5)22例治疗后复查均表现为胰腺形态、T_2WI信号接近或恢复正常,胆管壁增厚、胆管扩张较前减轻,淋巴结较前减少、缩小。结论:1型AIP有比较特征性的影像学表现,熟悉这些征象,有利于减少误诊。  相似文献   

Groove pancreatitis is a distinct form of chronic pancreatitis characterized by inflammation and fibrous tissue formation, affecting the groove area between the head of the pancreas, the duodenum and the common bile duct. It is manifested on imaging by a sheet-like mass in the groove area near the minor papilla. Thickening of the duodenal wall and cystic transformation in the duodenal wall also represent common imaging features. Pathogenesis is still unclear, and clinical presentation is not specific. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrate imaging findings consistent with the disease in typical cases, but specific diagnosis is challenging in a number of patients where biopsy is required. The disease may mimic pancreatic, common bile duct or duodenal wall cancer that requires prompt and excessive surgical intervention, as opposed to groove pancreatitis where initial conservative treatment is suggested. The clinical, histopathological and radiological features on cross-sectional imaging of this entity are discussed in this review, and differential diagnostic clues are given.  相似文献   

The pancreas develops from ventral and the dorsal buds, which undergo fusion. Failure to fuse results in pancreas divisum, which is defined by separate pancreatic ductal systems draining into the duodenum. Risk of developing pancreatitis is increased in pancreas divisum because of insufficient drainage. MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is the technique of choice for detecting pancreas divisum non-invasively. Annular pancreas is the result of incomplete rotation of the pancreatic bud around the duodenum with the persistence of parenchyma or a fibrous band encircling (and sometimes stenosing) the duodenum. Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by bile duct stones or alcohol abuse. The Atlanta classification differentiates between mild acute and severe acute pancreatitis associated with organ failure and/or local complications such as necrosis, abscess or pseudocyst. Contrast-enhanced multi-detector row CT is the method of choice to assess the extent of disease. Balthazar et al.’s CT severity index assesses the risk of mortality and morbidity. In acute pancreatitis, the role of MRCP is mainly limited to finding bile duct stones in patients with suspected biliary pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis results in relentless and irreversible loss of exocrine (and sometimes endocrine) function of the pancreas. MDCT even shows subtle calcifications. MRCP is the method of choice for non-invasive assessment of the duct. Inflammatory pseudotumor in chronic pancreatitis and groove pancreatitis are difficult to differentiate from pancreatic cancer. In these cases, multiple imaging methods such as MDCT, MRI and endosonography including biopsy may be used to make a diagnosis.  相似文献   

The pancreas develops from ventral and the dorsal buds, which undergo fusion. Failure to fuse results in pancreas divisum, which is defined by separate pancreatic ductal systems draining into the duodenum. Risk of developing pancreatitis is increased in pancreas divisum because of insufficient drainage. MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is the technique of choice for detecting pancreas divisum non-invasively. Annular pancreas is the result of incomplete rotation of the pancreatic bud around the duodenum with the persistence of parenchyma or a fibrous band encircling (and sometimes stenosing) the duodenum. Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by bile duct stones or alcohol abuse. The Atlanta classification differentiates between mild acute and severe acute pancreatitis associated with organ failure and/or local complications such as necrosis, abscess or pseudocyst. Contrast-enhanced multi-detector row CT is the method of choice to assess the extent of disease. Balthazar et al.'s CT severity index assesses the risk of mortality and morbidity. In acute pancreatitis, the role of MRCP is mainly limited to finding bile duct stones in patients with suspected biliary pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis results in relentless and irreversible loss of exocrine (and sometimes endocrine) function of the pancreas. MDCT even shows subtle calcifications. MRCP is the method of choice for non-invasive assessment of the duct. Inflammatory pseudotumor in chronic pancreatitis and groove pancreatitis are difficult to differentiate from pancreatic cancer. In these cases, multiple imaging methods such as MDCT, MRI and endosonography including biopsy may be used to make a diagnosis.  相似文献   

The pancreas develops from ventral and dorsal buds, which undergo fusion. Failure to fuse results in pancreas divisum, which is defined by separate pancreatic ductal systems draining into the duodenum. Risk of developing pancreatitis is increased in pancreas divisum. MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is the technique of choice for detecting it non-invasively. Annular pancreas is the result of incomplete rotation of the pancreatic bud around the duodenum with the persistence of parenchyma or a fibrous band encircling (stenosing) the duodenum. Acute pancreatitis is usually caused by bile duct stones or alcohol abuse. Contrast-enhanced multi-detector row CT is the method of choice to assess the extent of this disease. In acute pancreatitis, the role of MRCP is mainly limited to finding bile duct stones in patients with suspected biliary pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis results in relentless and irreversible loss of exocrine (and sometimes endocrine) function of the pancreas. MDCT even shows subtle calcifications. MRCP is the method of choice for non-invasive assessment of the duct. Inflammatory pseudotumor in chronic pancreatitis and groove pancreatitis are difficult to differentiate from pancreatic cancer. In these cases, multiple imaging methods such as MDCT, MRI and endosonography including biopsy may be used to make a diagnosis.  相似文献   

Groove pancreatic carcinomas: radiological and pathological findings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of this study was to clarify the characteristics of pancreatic head carcinomas mainly invading the groove between the duodenum and the pancreatic head. Nine patients with pathologically proven pancreatic head carcinomas underwent thin-slice dynamic CT, MR imaging, duodenal endoscopy, and angiography (seven patients). Plate-like masses within the groove region were seen in all cases, which showed hypointensity on T1-weighted images and slight hyperintensity on T2-weighted MR images. The masses appeared hypovascular in the early phase and delayed enhancement in the late phase of dynamic CT and MR imaging. On MR cholangiopancreatography, stenosis of intrapancreatic common bile duct was seen in all patients, whereas stenosis of the main pancreatic duct was seen in only three cases. Endoscopy revealed luminal narrowing of the duodenum in all patients, and duodenal mucosal biopsy demonstrated adenocarcinoma in seven patients. Abdominal arteriography showed serrated encasement of peripancreatic arteries in seven patients who received angiographic examinations. The CT and MR imaging findings of groove pancreatic carcinomas resemble those of groove pancreatitis. Differential diagnosis may be achieved by the pathological diagnosis of a biopsy specimen of the duodenal mucosa and arterial encasement on arteriography.  相似文献   



Groove pancreatitis is a rare focal form of chronic pancreatitis that occurs in the pancreaticoduodenal groove between the major and minor papillae, duodenum and pancreatic head. Radiologic appearance and clinical presentation can result in suspicion of malignancy rendering pancreaticoduodenectomy inevitable. This study reports dual phase CT findings in a series of 12 patients with pathology proven groove pancreatitis.

Materials and methods

Retrospective review of preoperative CT findings in 12 patients with histologically proven groove pancreatitis after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Size, location, attenuation, presence of mass or cystic components in the pancreas, groove and duodenum, calcifications, duodenal stenosis and ductal changes were recorded. Clinical data, laboratory values, endoscopic ultrasonographic and histopathological findings were collected.


Soft tissue thickening in the groove was seen in all patients. Pancreatic head, groove and duodenum were all involved in 75% patients. A discrete lesion in the pancreatic head was seen in half of the patients, most of which appeared hypodense on both arterial and venous phases. Cystic changes in pancreatic head were seen in 75% patients. Duodenal involvement was seen in 92% patients including wall thickening and cyst formation. The main pancreatic duct was dilated in 7 patients, with an abrupt cut off in 3 and a smooth tapering stricture in 4. Five patients had evidence of chronic pancreatitis with parenchymal calcifications.


Presence of mass or soft tissue thickening in the groove with cystic duodenal thickening is highly suggestive of groove pancreatitis. Recognizing common radiological features may help in diagnosis and reduce suspicion of malignancy.  相似文献   

Groove pancreatitis is an uncommon type of chronic pancreatitis that affects the space between the head of the pancreas, the second portion of the duodenum, and the common bile duct. The main trigger is chronic alcohol abuse, which eventually leads to leakage of pancreatic juices into the pancreaticoduodenal groove, causing inflammation and fibrosis. The main differential diagnosis is with pancreatic adenocarcinoma, which is more common than groove pancreatitis.Different imaging techniques make it possible to identify various findings (e.g., duodenal thickening or duodenal and paraduodenal cysts, which are characteristic of groove pancreatitis) that sometimes enable differentiation between groove pancreatitis and other entities, although there are no specific findings for each of them. Sometimes biopsy or surgery is required to establish the definitive diagnosis.The treatment of groove pancreatitis is usually conservative, but in cases in which the symptoms do not improve, interventional procedures (biliary drainage) or surgery (Whipple technique) can be done.  相似文献   

胰胆管合流异常的CT诊断(附3例报告)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨CT诊断胰胆管合流异常的可能性。方法:结合正常胆管、胰管汇合部解剖,复习3例胰胆管合流异常病人的CT表现。结果:正常情况下,胆总管与主胰管在十二指肠壁内汇合。胰胆管合流异常时,可见两在十二指肠壁外直接汇合,此为直接征象;或是胆总管与主胰管先呈“双管征”样排列,在其后的断层图像上则成为一个管道,虽未看到直接汇合,但实际上已经汇合,此为间接征象。结论:CT同样可以诊断胰胆管合流异常。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to highlight the different computed tomography (CT) features of groove pancreatitis (GP) in order to make this entity more familiar to radiologist.

Patients & method

This study enrolled 15 patients who had histopathologically confirmed GP. Their CT scans were retrospectively reviewed for the encountered manifestations.


Pure & segmental forms were identified retrospectively in 6 & 9 patients. The most frequent findings noted in patients' scans were the following, in descending order: medial duodenal wall thickening & cysts, duodenal luminal narrowing, regional lymphadenopathies, pancreatic involvement, isolated groove affection, pancreatic calcifications, distal CBD narrowing, pancreatic duct abnormalities, and retro-peritoneal stranding.


Although the CT features of GP mimic other peripancreatic tumors, yet the constantly associated findings in the proven cases of GP in our study were: duodenal wall thickening, cysts formation, and luminal narrowing. So the presence of these features in alcoholic middle aged male patient with groove or pancreatic lesion, have to trigger radiologist's dubiety of GP entity and so to be addressed in his opinion. Nevertheless, GP diagnosis is still challenging & should be considered based on clinical & radiological data in conjunction with the laboratory and pathological results.  相似文献   

目的探讨小胰腺癌的多层螺旋CT诊断价值。方法回顾性分析18例经手术病理证实的小胰腺癌的MSCT征象。结果本组18例小胰腺癌中,肿瘤位于胰头钩突部16例,胰颈部2例;肿瘤4例形态不规则,12例呈圆形或椭圆形;肿瘤最大径为12~30mm不等;CT平扫等密度10例,稍低密度8例;增强扫描16例肿瘤动脉期边缘轻度不均匀强化,呈明显低密度,门脉期及延迟期呈相对低密度;2例肿瘤三期均呈等密度;9例伴有不同程度的肝内外胆管扩张,17例伴胰管扩张。术前MSCT诊断正确16例,漏诊2例,诊断正确率为88.9%。结论多层螺旋CT三期扫描是诊断小胰腺癌有效、准确的检查方法。  相似文献   

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