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预防压力性损伤发生是住院新生儿日常护理工作的重点,国内有关新生儿压力性损伤风险评估工具的研究尚处于探索阶段,相关报道较少。本文对国内外新生儿压力性损伤风险评估工具适用性、应用现状进行综述,以期为国内学者未来开展进一步研究提供参考方向。  相似文献   

全面了解国内外对高血压疾病预防和治疗的研究进展。查阅国内外文献,对国外和国内专家学者在高血压预防和治疗方面的研究成果进行综述。结果国内外学者对高血压疾病进行了大量的研究,国外起步较早,但是国内的研究发展较快,日益引起国际关注。在预防方面,国内外专家主要从药物预防、健康教育、定期检查等方面进行干预,而在治疗上,众多的研究则希望能在单一用药或者是联合用药方面带来突破。  相似文献   

目的探讨国内和国外老年居家护理研究热点的差异,为我国老年居家护理研究提供参考。方法基于CNKI、Web of Science核心合集,检索2010年1月1日—2020年7月8日收录的国内外老年居家护理相关文献,采用SPSS、COOC等软件对检索结果进行可视化分析。结果近10年国内和国外老年居家护理共同研究热点为健康教育、家庭照顾者、生活质量、老年痴呆、社区护理、长期护理。国内和国外学者对老年痴呆、长期护理研究的侧重点不同。近10年国内外老年居家护理研究热点差异体现在护理模式、家庭功能、老年人身心健康管理等方面,国内学者多关注老年人躯体疾患管理,国外学者在居家老年人疾病管理上更注重老年人健康管理、尊严等高维度需求的满足。结论近10年国内外老年居家护理研究热点差异主要集中在护理层面,国内注重疾病护理,国外更注重高维度的心理需求与健康水平管理;提示我国学者可以开展老年人高维度需求方面的现状调研,以及满足策略的相关研究。  相似文献   

目的 了解急诊护士工作嵌入、留职意愿的现状,探讨两者相关性.方法 采用便利抽样的方法,抽取广州市8所三级甲等医院的258名急诊护士,采用工作嵌入量表、留职意愿量表对其进行问卷调查.结果 急诊护士工作嵌入总均分为(3.09±0.43)分,留职意愿总均分(3.10±0.57)分,工作嵌入与留职意愿总均分呈一定正相关(r=0.375,P<0.01).结论 急诊科护士工作嵌入及留职意愿得分均处于中等水平,工作嵌入与留职意愿总均分呈一定正相关.建议急诊科管理者借鉴国内外经验,积极干预急诊护士工作嵌入,如为急诊护士提供合理的薪酬待遇,弹性排班等,尽最大努力促进护士积极的工作嵌入,提高急诊护士的留职意愿.  相似文献   

护士绩效考核是依据一定标准对护理人员的绩效进行检查、测量、评价和反馈的过程.科学、合理的绩效考核对提高护理质量、提高护理人员工作积极性、帮助护理人员改进工作及谋求未来发展等方面的作用显著 [1-3].国外Schwirian 、Pam和O'Connor等[4-7]应用绩效考核量表通过对护理行为的观察评价护士工作绩效,国内有学者[8-11]采用Delphi法、定性与定量相结合、关键指标法等设计评价体系,但适用人群不一样,各指标体系组成不一致,也没有对不同层级的护士进行相应的绩效评估.本文综述国内外护士绩效考核的相关理论、测评工具,以期为护士的绩效考核研究提供参考和帮助.  相似文献   

目的比较国内外多重用药相关研究热点与前沿, 了解多重用药研究现状, 为改进多重用药现况提供借鉴和参考。方法以"多重用药""polypharmacy""polymedication"为中英文检索词, 应用CiteSpace5.8.R3软件对中国知网和Web of Science核心合集数据库2006年9月1日—2022年9月1日收录的相关文献进行发文量分析、国家与机构合作网络分析、发文期刊分析, 对关键词进行共现、聚类及突现分析。结果共检索到有效中文文献412篇、英文文献1 447篇, 文献集中在老年医学领域。国内外整体发文量上升, 呈现多学科合作趋势, 但国内组织机构间的合作弱于国外。国外研究热点主要集中在多重用药的健康结局与控制策略, 多重用药对社会心理、生活质量的影响是趋势;国内研究热点主要集中在多重用药的影响因素与用药依从性分析。结论国内学者应更加关注多重用药领域的研究热点与趋势, 开展更深层次的科学研究。  相似文献   

近年来,学术论文主要研究内容重复发表的现象越来越多。这里说的"重复发表"指的是将同一研究课题的结果总结成多篇论文,先后投寄到一个或多个杂志发表的现象。在我们日常的来稿中,有一部分论文属于这种情况。国外学者将这种稿件称为"腊肠切片"(salamislicing),而国内学者将这类论文叫做"变相重复发表"。实际上这也是属于一稿多投的一种。本刊结合国内外学者及  相似文献   

21世纪的到来将给护士带来新的挑战和更大的压力,国内外学者早已认识到压力与护理工作之间的关系,护士所承受的压力已成为一种职业危险[1]。与130件职业压力较大的职业相比,护士名列前40名[2]。有关护士工作压力的研究,国外从20世纪80年代起就逐渐增多,国内近几年也逐渐开展。本文就国内护士的压力研究进行综述,探讨相关概念、研究方法的使用、护士压力的来源、应对以及干预措施等方面,旨在为今后有效地缓解护士压力提供新的思路。1压力概念压力(stress)又称紧张或应激,是一个比较复杂的概念,不同学者有不同的看法。在护理工作中,有关压力的…  相似文献   

从疾病获益感的理论基础、测量工具、表现水平、影响因素以及干预措施等方面对国内外疾病获益感研究现况进行综述,以期为我国学者及临床医护人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   

曹晓霞  贺莲香 《现代护理》2007,13(8):2141-2142
21世纪的到来将给护士带来新的挑战和更大的压力,国内外学者早已认识到压力与护理工作之间的关系,护士所承受的压力已成为一种职业危险。与130件职业压力较大的职业相比,护士名列前40名。有关护士工作压力的研究,国外从20世纪80年代起就逐渐增多,国内近几年也逐渐开展。本文就国内护士的压力研究进行综述,  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. To verify with empirical evidence the hypothesised relation and the effect of quality of work life, job embeddedness and affective commitment on turnover intention of clinical nurses in China. Background. High turnover of the nursing workforce in healthcare organisations is a difficult and recurring problem in China as well as in many other countries in the world. It leads to great waste of resources and increases management cost. Developing and retaining the nursing workforce, which is a major challenge faced by human resources practitioners in hospitals and public health agencies, also becomes a subject of interest for management studies. Most of the literature about voluntary turnover focused on such traditional measures as job satisfaction and job alternatives in the past. The introduction of such new concepts as quality of work life, job embeddedness and affective commitment, which views the issue from a much broader and comprehensive spectrum, made a great breakthrough in the turnover study. In this study, we selected quality of work life, job embeddedness and affective commitment – three of the most important factors in employer–employee relations – and analysed the interaction between each one of them, as well as their co‐effect on turnover intention of Chinese nurses. Methods. Cross‐sectional survey and structural equation modelling were applied in studying the self‐report questionnaires distributed to 1000 nurses employed in five large‐scale government‐owned hospitals in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. Findings. Our study confirmed the hypothesised positive relation of quality of work life with job embeddedness and affective commitment and the hypothesised negative relation of quality of work life with turnover intention, that is, high quality of work life perceived by the nurses enhances their job embeddedness and affective commitment and thus reduces their intention to leave the job. Conclusions. The effect of quality of work life is positive on job embeddedness and affection commitment and negative on turnover intention. Relevance to clinical practice. Nurse managers should pay great attention to the nurses' perception of quality of work life, and make great efforts in developing strategies and projects that can strengthen the nurses' embeddedness or connection with the job.  相似文献   

胡春晓  徐鑫芬   《护理与康复》2017,16(8):835-838
目的探讨新入职护士专业价值观与工作嵌入的关系。方法采用护士专业价值观量表和工作嵌入量表对杭州市4家三级甲等医院398名新入职护士进行问卷调查,对护士专业价值观与工作嵌入关系进行统计分析。结果新入职护士专业价值观总分为(86.40±20.73)分,工作嵌入总分为(112.55±18.05)分,专业价值观与工作嵌入呈正相关(P0.01);经分层回归分析显示,一般资料中实习单位、上班路途时间、月均夜班数、月收入及专业价值观维度中关怀照顾、正直对工作嵌入有正向预测作用(P0.05)。结论新入职护士专业价值水平有待提高,工作嵌入水平处于中等,专业价值观与工作嵌入水平关系密切。  相似文献   

目的探讨工作嵌入和职业认同在授权型领导感知与护士职业使命感间的中介作用。方法采用授权型领导感知量表、工作嵌入量表、职业认同量表和职业使命感量表对285名临床护士进行调查。结果护士感知到授权型领导条目均分为(3.22±0.83)分,工作嵌入条目均分为(3.41±0.85)分,职业认同条目均分为(2.91±0.82)分,职业使命感条目均分为(3.15±0.82)分;授权型领导感知、工作嵌入、职业认同正向预测职业使命感,共同解释职业使命感变异的50%;授权型领导感知分别通过工作嵌入、职业认同的中介作用正向预测职业使命感,中介作用效应值分别为0.09和0.16;授权型领导感知通过工作嵌入,经职业认同的链式中介作用正向预测职业使命感,中介作用效应值为0.07。结论工作嵌入和职业认同在授权型领导感知与护士职业使命感之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

目的:了解社区护士工作嵌入和留职意愿情况。方法;采取便利取样方法,选取某市28个社区的140名社区护士进行问卷调查,并进行统计学分析。结果:社区护士的工作嵌入平均分为(3.38±0.44)分,留职意愿平均分为(3.85±0.69)分,工作嵌入与留职意愿之间存在显著的正相关(r=0.523,P〈0.05),工作嵌入是预测社区护士留职的重要变量。结论:社区护士的工作嵌人处于中等水平,留职意愿处于高水平;若提高社区护士的工作嵌入水平,将会增强护士的留职意愿。  相似文献   

岳鑫彦  王冬华 《护理学报》2021,28(19):59-66
目的 探讨伦理敏感性、工作嵌入在护士感知的管理关怀对工作满意度影响机制中的多重中介作用。方法 采用便利抽样法,于2020年7-8月选取湖南省5所医院的护士作为调查对象。采用一般资料问卷、管理关怀性量表、伦理敏感性量表、工作嵌入量表、工作满意度量表对773名研究对象进行调查,构建并检验链式中介模型。结果 本组773名护士感知的管理关怀总分为152.00(134.50,165.00),伦理敏感性总分为39.00(36.00,44.00),工作嵌入总分为26.00(22.00,28.00)分,工作满意度总分为74.00(67.00,80.00)分。护士感知的管理关怀对工作满意度的间接效应成立,总的间接效应为0.284;伦理敏感性的特定中介效应占总间接效应的20.8%;工作嵌入的特定中介效应占总间接效应的70.4%;伦理敏感性和工作嵌入在护士感知的管理关怀和工作满意度间的链式中介效应占总间接效应的8.8%。结论 伦理敏感性、工作嵌入在护士感知的管理关怀和工作满意度间的多重中介效应成立。建议管理者重视对护士实施的关怀举措,制定不同培训计划,提升其伦理敏感性,提高对组织的认同感和依赖性,进而提高工作满意度水平。  相似文献   

目的调查上海市中医院护士工作嵌入、离职意愿水平,并分析两者的相关性。方法采用工作嵌入量表、离职意愿量表对上海市3所三级、2所二级中医院的531名护士进行调查。结果上海市中医院护士的工作嵌入总均分为(2.85±1.11)分,处于中等水平;离职意愿处于较高水平,总分为(15.16±3.41)分;两者呈负相关(P0.01)。结论提升中医院护士的工作嵌入水平可以降低其离职意愿,可以更好地稳定中医院护理队伍。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Using a new construct, job embeddedness, from the business management literature, this study first examines its value in predicting employee retention in a healthcare setting and second, assesses whether the factors that influence the retention of nurses are systematically different from those influencing other healthcare workers. BACKGROUND: The shortage of skilled healthcare workers makes it imperative that healthcare providers develop effective recruitment and retention plans. With nursing turnover averaging more than 20% a year and competition to hire new nurses fierce, many administrators rightly question whether they should develop specialized plans to recruit and retain nurses. METHODS: A longitudinal research design was employed to assess the predictive validity of the job embeddedness concept. At time 1, surveys were mailed to a random sample of 500 employees of a community-based hospital in the Northwest region of the United States. The survey assessed personal characteristics, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job embeddedness, job search, perceived alternatives, and intent to leave. One year later (time 2) the organization provided data regarding voluntary leavers from the hospital. RESULTS: Hospital employees returned 232 surveys, yielding a response rate of 46.4 %. The results indicate that job embeddedness predicted turnover over and beyond a combination of perceived desirability of movement measures (job satisfaction, organizational commitment) and perceived ease of movement measures (job alternatives, job search). Thus, job embeddedness assesses new and meaningful variance in turnover in excess of that predicted by the major variables included in almost all the major models of turnover. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that job embeddedness is a valuable lens through which to evaluate employee retention in healthcare organizations. Further, the levers for influencing retention are substantially similar for nurses and other healthcare workers. Implications of these findings and recommendations for recruitment and retention policy development are presented.  相似文献   

目的:探讨护理人员情绪智力与组织承诺之间的关系,并检验工作嵌人在二者之间的中介效应。方法:采用横断面问卷调查,收集有效问卷449份,采用线性阶层回归分析法进行统计学分析。结果:护理人员情绪智力与工作嵌入(r=0.22,P〈O.01)、组织承诺(r=0.43,P〈0.01)呈积极的正相关,工作嵌入与组织承诺呈积极的正相关(r=0.47,P〈0.01);工作嵌入在情绪智力与组织承诺之间具有中介效应。结论:高情商护士能积极地嵌入和依附于医院组织,其拥有更多的组织归属感;护士的情绪智力水平可以通过提升其工作嵌入水平,进而提升他们对医院的组织承诺水平。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between attitudes toward their organizations and voluntary turnover intention among South Korean clinical nurses. Data from a total of 312 clinical nurses in six hospitals in South Korea were collected for the study. Both hierarchical multiple regression analysis and path analysis were used to analyse the data. The overall fit of the hypothetical model was good. Voluntary turnover intention was found to have significant direct pathways to job embeddedness and organizational commitment. Organizational commitment and satisfaction with organizational rewards had indirect pathways to voluntary turnover intention through job embeddedness. All variances explained 62.3% of the voluntary turnover intention scores. The findings suggest that greater job embeddedness, organizational commitment and satisfaction with organizational rewards lead to lower voluntary turnover intention among clinical nurses in South Korea.  相似文献   

BATTISTELLI A., PORTOGHESE I., GALLETTA M. & POHL S. (2013) Beyond the tradition: test of an integrative conceptual model on nurse turnover. International Nursing Review 60 , 103–111 Aim: This paper aimed to extend research on nurse turnover by developing and testing a theoretical model of turnover intention that includes two emergent key off‐the‐job constructs, work–family conflict (WFC) and community embeddedness (CE). Background: Nurse turnover is considered one of the most significant issues in health care. There is a considerable body of knowledge that has focused on the study of the on‐the‐job factors of nurse turnover, showing the important role of job attitudes. Recently, WFC and job embeddedness (JE) have been identified as variables that could help explain levels of nurse turnover. Methods: Using structural equation modelling from a cross‐sectional survey, the relationships between the variables were explored in a sample of 440 nurses from an Italian public hospital. The questionnaire measures demographic data and psychosocial factors such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, WFC, CE and turnover intentions. Results: The findings supported the importance of non‐work dimensions in turnover models. Conclusions: The results suggest that when studying turnover phenomena in health organizations, the extra‐work domains (WFC and JE) can contribute to a decrease in the intention to leave, in addition to the more typically emphasized attitude dimension.  相似文献   

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