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目的:了解当前大学师生对器官移植与捐献的参与态度、意愿、以及参与相关器官捐献方面工作和认知情况,为促进我国器官捐献的良性发展提供科学依据。方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,抽取厦门大学翔安校区师生,医学及其他专业均有共506人进行问卷调查。问卷回收后进行统计分析。结果:共发放调查问卷506份,回收问卷496份,有效问卷491份(有效率97.0%)。160(32.58%)了解,225(45.82%)不了解,106(21.58%)接受过宣传,但是不是很了解。对于是否捐献器官,284(57.84%)愿意,64(13.03%)人不愿意,143(29.12%)人不确定。影响器官捐献主要原因为(1)目前器官使用不透明110(34.26%)人(2)传统观念81(25.23%)人,法律缺失,捐献系统不健全75(23.36%)人。结论:大学生群体对于器官移植与捐献持较为积极的态度,进一步加强其对器官移植和捐献的理论教育,引导其参与器官捐献的宣传活动,将会大大促进器官捐献事业的成功。  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生对器官捐献的态度及制约器官捐献的因素。方法以调查问卷形式。对洛阳市3所高校500名在校本、专科大学生进行调查。结果大学生对器官捐献的态度显示:愿意捐献器官的学生高于不愿意捐献学生的3倍。对捐献器官“需要进一步考虑”的学生占比例最大;影响大学生对器官捐献的因素有民族和专业分类。是否为亲属或亲友捐献器官、器官捐献的认知程度、亲属及家庭的意见及社会宣传和支持力度等。结论大学生对器官捐献持肯定、积极的态度。大学生对器官捐献的态度受多方面因素的影响。  相似文献   

目的了解医务工作者对器官移植与捐献的意愿和认知情况。方法通过自编调查问卷,以医务工作者为调查对象的问卷调查形式。问卷内容包含医务工作者的一般信息,器官移植与捐献的认知情况,器官移植与捐献的意愿,器官移植与捐献关注的问题及影响捐献的相关因素,捐献移植方式的选择等。问卷数据由SPSS 17.0分析描述和统计。结果发放问卷200份,回收200份,回收率100%,有效率100%。139例愿意在离世后进行遗体器官捐献,61例不愿意;但绝大多数医务人员没有进行器官捐献意愿登记;175例没有移植亲属;108例支持家人进行遗体器官捐献;我国当前尚处于捐献体系的初步建立中,应扩充器官捐献协调员队伍、建立健全器官捐献分配体系、加大器官移植与捐献知识的宣教力度、完善法律法规,从而推动器官移植事业的发展。结论作为医务工作者,应在器官移植与捐献上做出榜样,丰富自身的器官移植与捐献的知识,为器官移植与捐献的宣传做出贡献,促进器官移植与捐献事业的发展。  相似文献   

目的 了解温州市茶山高教园区在校大学生对器官捐献的认知现状,分析其影响因素,为相关部门采取措施提供依据.方法 采用偶遇抽样方法,对温州市茶山高教园区279名大学生进行了关于器官捐献认知现状的问卷调查.结果 绝大多数大学生对器官捐献有所了解,但对具体知识、流程、用途及相关法规等知晓程度较低;有22.9%的大学生表示从来没有捐献器官的意愿,且仍有66.9%的人还未做决定;大学生整体器官捐献态度呈正向态度,但不同年级、性别、科系类别、风俗习惯及献血习惯者的器官捐献认知水平存在差异.结论 政府、高校和社会应加强对器官捐献知识和价值的宣传,采取多种形式,通过提高大学生的器官捐献的知识水平,促进器官捐献态度的改善和器官捐献意愿的提升。  相似文献   

目的:了解济宁在校大学生对器官捐献相关知识的认知程度及对此的态度意愿,探讨制约器官捐献的认知因素。方法:以调查问卷形式,对济宁医学院与山东理工职业技术学院的578名学生进行调查。结果:基本上所有学生(99.6%)听说过器官捐献,但在具体政策和捐献程序上,了解的人不到十分之一,关于器官捐献的常见知识的了解率基本上可迭50%;愿意捐献自己身体器官的也达到一半以上(53.3%),影响大学生对器官捐献的因素主要是家属的感情、个人信仰和传统观念等。在获得捐献知识教育意愿方面,大学生人群显现出强烈的愿望。结论:大学捐献知识课程亟待建立和加强,法律法规有待完善。  相似文献   

目的了解宁夏银川地区在校大学生对打鼾相关知识的认知状况,为进一步开展打鼾健康教育提供参考数据。方法采用分层随机抽样的方式,2010年1月-2010年3月,抽取宁夏银川地区十一所大学共4630名在校大学生在知情同意的情况下进行面对面的问卷调查。结果总抽样调查人数4630人。医学专业学生认为打鼾是病的占75.80%,其中76.70%认为需要治疗;非医学专业学生认为打鼾是病的占65.15%,其中74.30%认为需要治疗。打鼾者认为打鼾是病的占58.27%,其中73.43%认为需要治疗;非打鼾者认为打鼾是病的占70.41%,其中79.43%认为需要治疗。结论宁夏银川地区在校大学生中,医学专业学生对打鼾相关知识的知晓率比非医学专业学生高,应加强对非医学生宣传打鼾的相关知识的宣传,以便使他们更清楚地认识到打鼾对人体的危害。  相似文献   

目的了解宁夏银川地区在校大学生对打鼾相关知识的认知状况,为进一步开展打鼾健康教育提供参考数据。方法采用分层随机抽样的方式,2010年1月-2010年3月,抽取宁夏银川地区十一所大学共4630名在校大学生在知情同意的情况下进行面对面的问卷调查。结果总抽样调查人数4630人。医学专业学生认为打鼾是病的占75.80%,其中76.70%认为需要治疗;非医学专业学生认为打鼾是病的占65.15%,其中74.30%认为需要治疗。打鼾者认为打鼾是病的占58.27%,其中73.43%认为需要治疗;非打鼾者认为打鼾是病的占70.41%,其中79.43%认为需要治疗。结论宁夏银川地区在校大学生中,医学专业学生对打鼾相关知识的知晓率比非医学专业学生高,应加强对非医学生宣传打鼾的相关知识的宣传,以便使他们更清楚地认识到打鼾对人体的危害。  相似文献   

目的:了解医学生对遗体器官(组织)捐献意愿,为医学生遗体器官(组织)捐献知识宣教及科普活动提供依据。方法自制调查表,采用分层整群抽样的方法对某医学院校的1323名在校大学生实施问卷调查,问卷有效回收率为100%。结果76.19%的医学生赞成遗体器官(组织)的捐献,不同年级、专业的医学生对遗体器官(组织)捐献态度差别有统计学意义;仅有1.13%的医学生家庭中有已捐献遗体的成员,有1.51%的医学生家庭中有已登记遗体捐献的成员;愿意到遗体器官(组织)接受站进行登记注册的医学生仅有23.73%,有意愿但犹豫不决的医学生占51.10%。结论大学生对遗体器官(组织)捐献认知水平和行为较低,需要在医学教育过程中有针对性地加大宣教力度。  相似文献   

目的 分析医学生外周血造血干细胞捐献知识、态度、意愿及其影响因素,为有效推动造血干细胞捐献知识普及、志愿者招募工作提供参考。方法 对湖北省485名在校医学生进行问卷调查。结果 58.40%的医学生听说过外周血造血干细胞捐献,外周血造血干细胞捐献知识问卷得分为(7.53±2.43)分,67.63%的医学生愿意捐献造血干细胞,其中56.40%的人愿意捐献给大众,91.46%的人捐献时会参考家人意见。挽救他人生命是医学生首要捐献积极动机,消极动机主要是对捐献过程感到恐惧、害怕疼痛。捐献意愿的影响因素有外周血造血干细胞捐献知识了解情况、是否愿意捐献器官、自评健康状况、父亲文化程度。结论 医学生外周血造血干细胞捐献知识、态度及意愿处于中等水平,医学院校及相关机构应采取合适的宣传方式,引导医学生积极参与外周血造血干细胞捐献公益事业。  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市在校大学生和研究生对身后捐献角膜的态度.方法:对重庆市三所大学的部分大学生和研究生进行问卷调查,共设置了10个问题,每个问题有3~4个选择答案,了解对身后捐献角膜和遗体的意识和态度、对有关捐献知识的了解程度以及实际参与性.结果:311份问卷调查,有效答卷288份.愿意身后捐献角膜者占53.82%,支持捐献占77.08%,但大多数不愿意现在办理捐献手续、也不知道怎样办理捐献手续;近三分之二的人不知道重庆市已经成立了眼库;77%赞成尽快立法或制定地方性条例.结论:大学生中存在相当数量的志愿捐献者,但实际参与者较少,眼库需要加强宣传,让大学生们了解捐献知识,使更多的大学生加入志愿者行列.  相似文献   

目的调查医学院校新生对尸体器官捐献的态度及其影响因素。方法随机抽取辽宁省某医学院校大一20个班的学生为研究对象,发放问卷600份进行问卷调查。利用∥检验进行统计分析。结果回收有效问卷564份。其中对尸体器官捐献持赞成态度的为60.64%,表示反对的为20.57%,回答“不知道”的为18.79%。医学院校新生对尸体器官捐献态度与家庭、相关利他行为、尸体器官接受意愿及尸体器官捐献相关教育等因素有关。结论大多数医学院校新生赞同尸体器官捐献。在器官捐献问题上增进与家人的交流、积极参与公益活动有助于提高其尸体器官捐献意愿。此外,医学院校加强对尸体器官移植与尸体器官捐献、利他主义以及思想道德修养等方面的教育对提高尸体器官捐献意愿具有积极作用。  相似文献   

大学生对器官移植和器官捐献认知状况及态度的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对保定市5所高校学生进行关于器官移植和器官捐献认知状况及态度的调查分析,结果显示:大学生对器官移植及身后器官捐献知识的了解甚少,医学生掌握得较好,但仍不容乐观,回答完全正确的比例仅为28.81%;未能充分利用学校教育、报刊杂志、广播电视等媒体进行宣传;影响捐献器官的主要因素是对器官捐献知识及社会意义的了解程度。因此,建议充分利用各种媒体加强有关知识的宣传。  相似文献   

目的 了解医学院校在校大学生对无偿献血的态度和认知,分析其中的影响因素,提高大学生无偿献血的参与度。 方法 于2016年5月4日—2016年11月10日在南京中医药大学、南京医科大学等几所南京地区医学院校自制问卷,问卷内容包括基本信息、献血经历、献血态度及影响因素、对献血及其相关法律的认知。对在校大学生随机发放调查问卷,采取不记名方式填写,最后回收问卷并进行统计分析。 结果 调查结果显示,参与本次调查的在校大学生中,有献血经历的占19.36%。其中,男同学献血的参与度显著高于女同学(P<0.001)。进行年级分析发现,献血率最高的为研究生及以上的同学(42.1%),其次为大三(27.5%)和大二(22.4%)的同学。大学生献血动机各不相同,最重要的原因是认为自己身体好,应该去帮助别人。近八成的学生认为公民无偿献血是有必要的,并且对有无偿献血经历的人群产生敬佩感(67.54%)。但大部分学生对于无偿献血存有顾虑,主要是担心自己的安全和对献血机构的不信任,部分学生是由于没有合适的献血机会。无献血经历的学生表示,在安全和其他条件允许的情况下,愿意无偿献血(86.1%)。部分学生对无偿献血事业缺乏足够认识,61.1%的同学认为家人或自己受益能提高自己献血积极性。学生对无偿献血知识的了解主要来源于网络媒体,而绝大部分非医学专业的学生对血液循环、血液再生以及献血对人体的益处不了解。 结论 调查结果表明,医学院校在校大学生对无偿献血的态度是积极的,部分学生对无偿献血有关知识的了解与认识不足,安全便捷的献血环境也是影响大学生参与无偿献血积极性的重要因素。   相似文献   

Public awareness of organ donation.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A telephone survey of public attitudes toward organ donation and transplantation was conducted in a community in southwestern Ontario. The subjects were selected at random; the response rate was 57%. Of the 50 respondents 62% stated that they had signed the organ donor card accompanying their driver's licence. These respondents were more likely than those who did not sign it to have discussed organ donation with their families. At least 80% of the respondents said they would agree to donate their organs and those of their next-of-kin, and 80% said that the organ donor card should be considered a legal document. Organ transplantation was regarded by all but one respondent as an acceptable medical procedure. Also discussed were concerns about organ donation and possible strategies to improve the availability of organs for transplantation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONHealthcare professionals (HCPs) working in critical care areas play an important role in the organ donation (OD) process. We studied HCPs’ own willingness to be organ donors and its association with sociodemographic factors as well as their knowledge and attitudes about OD and transplantation.METHODSA cross-sectional survey of HCPs working in four critical care units in a major transplant centre in Malaysia was undertaken using a validated structured questionnaire. Responses were analysed using multivariable analysis with willingness to donate as the dependent variable.RESULTSOf the 412 respondents (response rate 98.1%), the majority were nurses (60.4%), Malay (71.1%) and female (77.2%). Overall, 68.0% were willing to donate. The independent predictors of willingness to donate were profession (p < 0.001) and the Hindu religion (p = 0.001). Ethnicity (p = 0.003), religious belief (p < 0.001), knowledge (p = 0.016), belief in brain death (p = 0.018) and confidence in transplantation (p < 0.001) also independently correlated with willingness to donate, while attitudes to OD did not. Of those willing to donate, only 37.3% were carrying a donor card and only 63.1% had informed their family of their intention to donate.CONCLUSIONAlthough willingness to donate was higher in critical care HCPs than HCPs in general, significant knowledge gaps as well as certain beliefs and perceptions that could pose a barrier to OD were identified in this group. Measures to improve OD rates in Malaysia should include targeted educational programmes for HCPs working in critical care areas.  相似文献   

Public attitudes and behavior regarding organ donation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
D L Manninen  R W Evans 《JAMA》1985,253(21):3111-3115
Organ transplantation has been the subject of much attention; unfortunately, relatively little has been published about public attitudes toward organ donation. To better document public perceptions on organ donation, a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of 2,056 respondents was conducted. We found that nearly 94% of the population had heard about organ transplantation, but only 19% of these people carried donor cards. The results indicated that people are somewhat more likely to donate the organs of a relative who had just died (53%) than they are to donate their own organs (50%). People were most likely to donate kidneys (50%) and least likely to donate skin (40%). Most respondents (58%) felt that next of kin should not be able to override a person's desire to donate organs as signified by an organ donor card. Few people (7%) supported the concept of presumed consent. We conclude that while the public is supportive of organ transplantation, it is not overly enthusiastic about organ donation. Awareness of this paradox on behalf of the public may actually facilitate organ donation.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Transplantation has become the therapy of choice for patients with organ failure. However, the low rate of consent by families of donor-eligible patients is a major limiting factor in the success of organ transplantation. OBJECTIVE: To explore factors associated with the decision to donate among families of potential solid organ donors. DESIGN AND SETTING: Data collection via chart reviews, telephone interviews with health care practitioners (HCPs) or organ procurement organization (OPO) staff, and face-to-face interviews with family for all donor-eligible deaths at 9 trauma hospitals in southwestern Pennsylvania and northeastern Ohio from 1994 to 1999. PARTICIPANTS: Family members, HCPs, and OPO staff involved in the donation decision for 420 donor-eligible patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Factors associated with family decision to donate or not donate organs for transplantation. RESULTS: A total of 238 of the 420 cases led to organ donation; 182 did not. Univariate analysis revealed numerous factors associated with the donation decision. Multivariable analysis of associated variables revealed that family and patient sociodemographics (ethnicity, patient's age and cause of death) and prior knowledge of the patients' wishes were significantly associated with willingness to donate (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 7.68; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.55-9.01). Families who discussed more topics and had more conversations about organ donation were more likely to donate (adjusted OR, 5.22; 95% CI, 4.32-6.30), as were families with more contact with OPO staff (adjusted OR, 3.08; 95% CI, 2.63-3.60) and those who experienced an optimal request pattern (adjusted OR, 2.96; 95% CI, 2.58-3.40). Socioemotional and communication variables acted as intervening variables. CONCLUSIONS: Public education is needed to modify attitudes about organ donation prior to a donation opportunity. Specific steps can be taken by HCPs and OPO staff to maximize the opportunity to persuade families to donate their relatives' organs.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生对捐献造血干细胞(即捐献骨髓)的认知程度、态度与行为,探讨影响造血干细胞捐献行为的因素,为推广捐献造血干细胞的宣传教育提供科学依据。方法采用自编问卷,通过方便抽样的方法对广州市暨南大学、华南师范大学、广州医学院、中山大学的461名本科生进行问卷调查。结果大学生对捐献造血干细胞的认知平均得分为(3.25±1.074)分,其中医药类学生(3.42±1.053)、父亲有大学以上文化程度的学生(3.63±1.049)得分较高;78.2%的学生表示愿意捐献造血干细胞;Logistic回归结果显示,性别、认知得分、是否愿意参加捐献造血干细胞宣传活动、对无偿捐献造血干细胞行为的态度以及亲人对其捐献行为的态度等都是影响大学生捐献行为的主要因素;大学生认为捐献造血干细胞行为难以推广的原因主要是宣传力度不够、信息不透明和社会舆论误导等;46.8%的大学生认为加强宣传教育是鼓励造血干细胞捐献行为的最主要措施。结论应提高大学生对捐献造血干细胞的认知。加强捐献造血干细胞的宣传教育,是推广捐献造血干细胞行为的重要举措。  相似文献   

Background  Organ transplantation represents an important advance in modern medical science, and it has benefited many patients with organ failure; however, the severe deficiency of organ sources has been a bottleneck that has limited the benefits this technology can bring. The aim of this study was to show the results of a survey on Chinese people’s awareness and attitudes toward organ donation.
Methods  We designed a questionnaire regarding organ donation consisting of 20 short questions, which were distributed to 10 groups. Most of the questions were multiple-choice; the core question related to people’s attitudes to organ donation and the development of organ donation. The survey was held in the outpatient hall of Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, a commercial district, and four professional colleges. Participants were randomly selected, and answered questions about gender, age, educational background, profession, and study major.
Results  In all, 2930 valid responses were received. Male:female ratio was nearly 1:1.2 (mean age 38 years). Over 90.0% of participants knew about organ transplantation and which organs could be transplanted; more than 95.0% knew about organ donation, but the time they had been aware of it varied. Nearly 90.0% of the participants approved of deceased organ donation; 73.0% indicated they would like to donate their organs post mortem. Participants who knew more about organ failure and organ transplantation were more likely to support organ donation. College students were very positive about organ donation, though as they gain professional knowledge their attitudes may change. Altogether, 65.3% of participants approved of living organ donation, which was obviously lower than the figure for deceased organ donation (P <0.05). In all, 85.7% of participants approved of compensation to the deceased donor’s family. To promote organ donation in China, 62.9% of participants indicated that the public’s knowledge about organ donation should be increased via the media and various kinds of education. Only 20.0% of the participants believed that legislation was required.
Conclusions  We conclude that at present the Chinese public has a basic understanding about organ transplantation and donation. The majority respondents were in favor of deceased organ donation and were willing to donate their own organs after death.

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