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目的 探讨梨状窝癌局部扩展的规律 ,为梨状窝癌的手术治疗提供病理学依据。方法 应用石蜡包埋大体标本连续切片的方法 ,对 2 6例梨状窝癌全喉及次全喉切除的标本进行了观察。结果 位于梨状窝外侧壁的肿瘤 ( 4例 )主要向外侧咽侧壁扩展 ,位于梨状窝内侧壁的肿瘤 ( 5例 )容易向喉腔及对侧梨状窝扩展。累及整个梨状窝 17例。声门旁间隙及甲状软骨是最易受侵犯的喉结构 ,环状软骨受侵较少 ;会厌及会厌前间隙的侵犯未见超过中线 ,声门旁间隙及会厌前间隙的侵犯途径有2个 ,肿瘤沿杓会厌襞向前及在甲状软骨板内侧直接向前侵犯声门旁间隙 ;肿瘤沿杓会厌襞向内上方及在甲状软骨板内侧上部侵入会厌前间隙。结论 会厌前间隙的受侵并不是喉部分切除的禁忌证 ,大部分位于梨状窝外侧壁的肿瘤及部分梨状窝内侧壁的肿瘤保留喉功能是可行的 ;位于梨状窝内侧壁及环后区的肿瘤易在环后区向对侧侵犯 ,对累及环后区的梨状窝癌 (Ⅰ ,Ⅲ型 ) ,应注意肿瘤在环后区粘膜下向对侧侵犯。  相似文献   

梨状窝内侧壁癌切除与喉功能保留   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 探讨梨状窝内侧壁癌切除喉功能保留犬的技术方法和临床疗效。方法 回顾分析手术治疗的梨状窝内侧壁癌71例。其中49例行喉功能保留术;22例未保存喉功能。喉功能保留手术方法:①切除范围:声带活动正常者行患侧水平上半喉+梨状窝内侧壁切除;声带活动受限者行同侧水平半喉+声门旁间隙+梨状窝内侧壁切除;声带固定者行患侧垂直半喉+梨状窝内侧壁和部分梨状窝外侧壁切除,梨状窝尖受累者切除范围扩大到环状软骨环和颈段食管;②修复:喉修复对利用会厌、甲状软骨膜、带状肌肌筋膜、颈前皮瓣修复喉缺损;梨状窝修复对缺损范围小者用下咽粘膜瓣或残缘粘膜后直接讨合,对缺损范围大者用胸大肌肌皮瓣转移及胸三角皮瓣修复;③颈淋巴结处理:71例中65例(91.5%)行颈清扫术,其中同侧颈清扫术39例,双侧颈清扫术26例;④术后全部病例予以辅助放射性治疗,剂量60-75Gy。结果 寿命表法统计3年、5年生存率:喉功能保留组分别为63.4%和49.6%;喉功能不保留组分别为52.4%和42.4%。喉功能保留组喉功能全部恢复者占71.4%(35/49),部分恢复者占28.6%(14/49)。结论 梨状窝内侧壁癌易侵入喉部,但多数病例在彻底切除肿瘤病灶的前提下保留喉功能是可行的。  相似文献   

梨状窝癌致半喉固定的机理及其意义   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
为了探讨梨状窝癌产生半喉固定的机理,对43例梨状窝癌全喉下咽切除标本进行了次连续切片的组织病理学研究。指出梨状窝癌产生半喉固定的主要原因是癌组织通过声门旁间隙侵犯喉内肌和构状软骨外上方。如梨状窝内侧壁有癌瘤存在,则癌易向喉内结构侵犯引起半喉固定,临床T3病变易侵犯喉软骨和邻近软组织而成为病理T4。随着声带活动受限程度的增加,保留喉手术的可能性逐渐下降,也说明半喉固定是梨状窝癌侵犯喉内结构的重要临床  相似文献   

由于功能性外科手术的发展,许多头颈外科医师在治疗梨状窝痛时尽可能采取保守性手术。为制订保存发音功能手术的合理应用标准,需要进一步了解梨状窝癌的组织病理学生长方式和扩散特点。作者将喉咽切除收集的42例标本固定及脱钙后,以平行于声带平面行全器官切片,片厚3~5min,个别标本片厚1mm。每一平面至少选取1张切片行HE染色及显微镜观察,分析梨状窝癌向喉和咽旁结构扩散的模式。结果发现,局限于梨状窝侧壁的癌向甲状软骨翼板外的外侧扩散,罕见有很内肌浸润者,因此许多患者(包括T4癌)都有可能施行保守性手术。肿瘤侵犯甲状软…  相似文献   

为了探讨梨状窝癌产生半喉固定的机理,对43例梨状窝癌全喉下咽切除标本进行了次连续切片的组织病理学研究。指出梨状窝癌产生半喉固定的主要原因是癌组织通过声门旁间隙侵犯喉内肌和杓状软骨外上方。如梨状窝内侧壁有癌瘤存在,则癌易向喉内结构侵犯引起半喉固定。临床T3病变易侵犯喉软骨和邻近软组织而成为病理T4。随着声带活动受限程度的增加,保留喉手术的可能性逐渐下降,也说明半喉固定是梨状窝癌侵犯喉内结构的重要临床标志。为彻底切除半喉固定的梨状窝癌,仍以全喉切除较为安全可靠。  相似文献   

梨状窝癌侵犯梨状窝尖的病理组织学观察及其临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨梨状窝癌侵犯状窝尖的临床意义。方法 对43例梨状窝癌全喉下咽切除标本的次连续切片进行病理组织学观察。结果 梨状窝尖是梨状窝下1/3部分,梨状窝癌侵犯梨状窝尖易侵犯邻近组织和器官,结果 梨状窝尖受侵是癌组织向下咽下方侵犯的初始部位和重要标本,因此,外科治疗应以全喉及病侧下咽切除为宜。  相似文献   

目的探讨梨状窝癌侵犯邻近组织的规律。方法对68例梨状窝癌全喉或部分喉及下咽切除整体标本连续切片进行组织病理学研究。结果68例梨状窝癌中室、声带水平声门旁间隙受侵分别为63、38例,其受侵频度差异有统计学意义(x^2=21.37,P〈0.01);甲状软骨受侵频度最高,为92.6%(63/68),喉软骨触压式侵犯89例次,浸润式51例次,浸润范围明显小于触压范围;环杓侧肌、环杓后肌、甲杓间和杓间肌受侵频度分别为63.2%(43/68),57.4%(39/68),55.9%(38/68),51.5%(35/68);环杓关节和环甲关节受侵频度分别为31.0%(21/68),17.6%(12/68)。喉上神经侵犯频度67.7%(44/65)多于喉返神经27.7%(18/65)。梨状窝内壁(为主)癌14例,外壁(为主)癌18例,内外壁癌36例;梨状窝尖受侵34例,正常26例,黏膜下浸润8例;梨状窝癌淋巴细胞轻度浸润为66.2%(45/68),最多见。梨状窝癌黏膜下侵犯24例和跳跃式浸润8例。结论梨状窝癌对喉内的侵犯首先通过声门旁间隙;喉软骨膜和喉软骨可抵抗癌侵犯;环杓侧肌、环杓后肌、甲杓间和杓间肌经常受侵;梨状窝内壁癌可侵犯喉内结构,外壁癌可沿甲状软骨内壁向上、下、外侵犯,内外壁癌可同时侵犯喉内、外结构,是最严重的梨状窝癌病变。梨状窝尖侵犯是癌向下咽下方及邻近组织侵犯的重要标志。  相似文献   

梨状窝内侧壁癌切除与喉功能保留   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨梨状窝内侧壁癌切除喉功能保留术的技术方法和临床疗效.方法回顾性分析手术治疗的梨状窝内侧壁癌71例.其中49例行喉功能保留术;22例未保存喉功能.喉功能保留手术方法①切除范围声带活动正常者行患侧水平上半喉+梨状窝内侧壁切除;声带活动受限者行同侧水平半喉+声门旁间隙+梨状窝内侧壁切除;声带固定者行患侧垂直半喉+梨状窝内侧壁和部分梨状窝外侧壁切除,梨状窝尖受累者切除范围扩大到环状软骨环和颈段食管;②修复喉修复对利用会厌、甲状软骨膜、带状肌肌筋膜、颈前皮瓣修复喉缺损;梨状窝修复对缺损范围小者用下咽粘膜瓣或残缘粘膜分离后直接对合,缺损范围大者用胸大肌肌皮瓣转移及胸三角皮瓣修复;③颈淋巴结处理71例中65例(91.5%)行颈清扫术,其中同侧颈清扫术39例,双侧颈清扫术26例;④术后全部病例予以辅助性放射治疗,剂量60~75Gy.结果寿命表法统计3年、5年生存率喉功能保留组分别为63.4%和49.6%;喉功能不保留组分别为52.4%和42.4%.喉功能保留组喉功能全部恢复者占71.4%(35/49),部分恢复者占28.6%(14/49).结论梨状窝内侧壁癌易侵入喉部,但多数病例在彻底切除肿瘤病灶的前提下保留喉功能是可行的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨切除梨状窝内侧壁癌并保留喉功能手术的可行性及疗效。方法: 1990~2001年共手术治疗122例梨状窝内侧壁癌,其中87例行保留喉功能的梨状窝内侧壁癌切除术, T1、T2期患者行梨状窝切除术,将声门旁间隙组织一并切除,T3、T4期患者行梨状窝切除+部分喉切除术,并根据肿瘤范围切除其他受累组织,以局部残留黏膜、胸大肌肌皮瓣、结肠上徙进行修复。35例未保留喉功能。术后均给予放射治疗。结果: 全部患者的3、5年生存率分别为67.2%(82/122)、45.1%(55/122),其中喉功能保留组3、5年生存率分别为71.3%(62/87)、48.3%(42/87),喉功能不保留组分别为57.1%(20/35)、37.1%(13/35)。喉功能保留组全部恢复呼吸、发音及吞咽保护者占71.3%(62/87),部分恢复发音及吞咽保护占28.7%(25/87)。结论:在彻底切除肿瘤的前提下,对梨状窝内侧壁癌患者行喉功能保留手术是可行的。  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT在诊断颈部肿瘤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)在颈部肿瘤病变中的应用价值。方法:应用Light Speed QX/i型MSCT检查32例颈部肿瘤患者(喉癌30例,颈段食管癌1例,甲状腺癌1例),行三维重建及仿真内窥镜成像。结果:MSCT图像清晰,矢状面图像可显示会厌癌侵犯会厌前间隙,声带及声门下的情况以及有无侵犯甲状软骨达颈前软组织,冠状面图像可显示声门旁间隙、杓会厌皱襞及梨状窝受侵情况,并可显示甲状腺癌压迫并侵犯喉及气管情况,多平面重组配合增强扫描可显示转移淋巴结大小、数目与颈部血管关系等。结论:MSCT对术前明确肿瘤范围,行TNM分期及正确选择手术式有一定帮助。  相似文献   

From 1964 to 1985 supracricoid hemilaryngo-pharyngectomy (SCHLP) was performed at the authors' institution for 34 selected pyriform sinus carcinomas staged as T2. Tumors involved the anterior part of the pyriform sinus, the lateral wall, the medial wall, and the whole aryepiglottic fold in all cases. Tumors with invasion of the apex of the pyriform sinus, of the retrocricoid region, of the posterior pharyngeal wall, or with fixation of the true vocal cord were excluded from the study. Such a technique was aimed at preserving physiologic phonation, respiration, and swallowing while achieving the same local control rate as pharyngolaryngectomy. Patients were monitored for at least 6 years or until death. No patients were lost to follow-up. The 5-year cause-specific survival rate was 55.8%. The main cause of death was second primary tumor. The 5-year actuarial local recurrence rate was 3.4%. The authors' experience with the SCHLP technique challenges the traditional teaching of pharyngolaryngectomy and establishes this technique as a safe method of voice preservation in selected cases of pyriform sinus carcinomas.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2022,49(4):652-657
ObjectivesDistributions of laryngeal spaces are important in understanding their functional significance. However, laryngeal spaces in the newborn larynx are enigmatic.MethodsFive normal human newborn larynges were investigated using whole organ serial section technique.ResultsThe chief newborn laryngeal spaces were the preepiglottic space, the paraglottic space and the cricoid area. They consisted of an areolar tissue area composed of brown adipose tissue (immature adipose tissue) and loose elastic and collagen fibers. The newborn preepiglottic space was immature and occupied a small area anterior to the epiglottis. The epiglottis lied on a somewhat horizontal axis and was partially obscured behind the hyoid bone. The hyoid bone overlapped the thyroid cartilage, partially obscuring the superior thyroid notch. The thyroid cartilage was present close to the hyoid bone and the thyrohyoid membrane ran between the superior surface of the thyroid lamina, and not the anteroinferior, but the posteroinferior surface of the hyoid bone. The preepiglottic space was located anterior, lateral and posterolateral to the thyroepiglottic ligament. However, the preepiglottic space was located anterior to the epiglottic cartilage. As seen in adults, the paraglottic space existed medial to the lamina of each bilateral thyroid cartilage. Each bilateral cricoid area was located along not only the superomedial but also the medial portion of the cricoid arch on both sides.ConclusionsAs the child grows, the preepiglottic space, occupying a small area anterior to the epiglottis, likely grows as the larynx descends and acquires the human adult vocal tract. From the functional histoanatomical point of view, the newborn laryngeal spaces appear to be favored for respiration and maintenance of a protective sphincter for the lower airway over phonation.  相似文献   

Nineteen patients with carcinoma of the larynges and 1 patient with carcinoma of the pyriform sinus were studied by comparing preoperative CT scannings with corresponding postoperative pathological findings obtained by serial sectioning of the laryngeal specimens. The results indicated that CT could clearly show the mucosa and deep tissues of the larynx including paraglottic space, preepiglottic space and subglottic region. The determination of cartilage invasion larger than 5mm was very accurate and reliable. It also significantly enhanced preoperative T-staging accuracy of medium and large laryngeal carcinomas and provided an important basis for selection of laryngeal conservative surgery. Nevertheless, CT scanning of the larynx has certain limitations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for partial laryngopharyngectomy followed by a one-stage reconstruction and its preliminary results. This surgery is indicated for carefully selected cases in which the lesion is confined to the ipsilateral piriform sinus, aryepiglottic fold, arytenoid eminence and paraglottic space at the level of the false fold. The hyoid bone, thyroid ala, arytenoid cartilage, epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, arytenoid eminence and false fold are removed on the affected side. Reconstruction is performed with the use of a pectoralis major myocutaneous (PMMC) flap. The surgery was performed on four cases: two were successful; one suffered from persistent postsurgical aspiration because the reconstructed hypopharynx was too wide; and one developed necrosis of PMMC flap and a secondary reconstruction procedure was performed.  相似文献   

Pyriform sinus carcinoma is a highly malignant carcinoma of the head and neck region as a result of its location and its potential for metastatic spread. Decisions regarding the operative procedure remain very difficult. In this paper, we present a modified partial laryngo-pharyngectomy in which, following extended vertical laryngectomy. the cancerous mass is removed from the involved pyriform sinus and the remaining hypopharynx is reconstructed by using the preserved outer perichondrium of the resected thyroid cartilage. This technique has been applied with adequate success during the last five years in five cases in our department. It is indicated when a pyriform sinus carcinoma does not extend to the pyriform apex and does not involve the anterior and posterior laryngeal commissures, paraglottic space, retrocricoid region and posterior pharyngeal wall beyond the midline. All patients treated were male and middle-aged. Our technique appears to be a reliable alternative for the operative treatment of pyriform sinus carcinoma.  相似文献   

Injection laryngoplasty is one of the procedures for treating unilateral vocal fold paralysis. This is a preliminary report on modified injection laryngoplasty, ie, injection of liposuctioned autologous fat into the larynx and hypopharynx of patients who have aspiration and voice disorders after vocal fold paralysis. Lipoinjection was performed in 3 patients with these complaints with the endolaryngeal microsurgical technique under general anesthesia. The locations of fat injection were the vocal fold, the false vocal fold, the aryepiglottic fold of the larynx, and the medial wall of the pyriform sinus of the hypopharynx. Lipoinjection into the vocal fold, false vocal fold, and aryepiglottic fold strengthened laryngeal closure. Lipoinjection, performed into the thyroarytenoid muscle lateral to the oblong fovea of the arytenoid cartilage, made arytenoid cartilage rotation possible, and consequently strengthened laryngeal closure. Lipoinjection into the medial wall of the pyriform sinus of the hypopharynx reduced its capacity; consequently, the amount of residual food retained in it was reduced and pharyngeal clearance on the affected side was improved. The longest follow-up among the 3 patients has been 24 months. Their aspiration and glottal incompetence have been improved by this operation. We conclude that modified injection laryngoplasty (laryngohypopharyngoplasty) is one of the surgical options for preventing aspiration after vocal fold paralysis.  相似文献   

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