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【摘要】 本共识由国家中医药管理局重大疑难疾病-中西医临床协作项目-肝癌项目组牵头撰写,该项目建立了早期肝癌微创根治性消融和中晚期肝癌TAE/TACE序贯微创介入消融,联合中医辨证整体施治,形成了介入栓塞标记肿瘤,序贯微创局部消融及解剖模式消融术,去除影像学可见肿瘤,建立了以肝段消融术为代表的肝脏消融体系;应用中医扶正去邪提升机体免疫功能,重塑不适合肿瘤生长的微环境,去除影像学不可见的微小肿瘤,探索出了“中西医结合临床协作治疗肝癌”的整体解决方案。本共识以中医药微环境调理和微创消融相结合为特色,充分发挥中医扶正、辨证施治的整体治疗优势与微创消融精准灭活肿瘤,同时保留正常解剖结构、生理功能和免疫功能的局部治疗特点,采用整体治疗与局部消融治疗相结合,中医药调理与微创消融相结合,开创了肝癌中西医结合微创诊疗新模式。该共识的实施使BCLC A期肝癌达到了与开放性手术相同的根治性治疗效果,使以往开放式手术不能治疗的BCLC B/C期肝癌也获得了根治性效果,使肝癌治疗进入到人文化诊疗新模式,是卫生经济学效应最大化实施方案。  相似文献   

采用经皮氩氦刀(ECS)冷冻消融治疗肝癌(HCC)是近年来开展的一项局部微创治疗新技术,疗效较好。但随着治疗例数的增多,特别是复杂及重症病例治疗的开展,其严重并发症的诊治逐渐被业内人士所重视。其中肝癌破裂出血是氩氦刀治疗后的严重并发症之一,临床处理十分棘手。  相似文献   

肝脏切除目前仍然是肝癌治疗的首选方法,但射频消融(RFA)对直径<3cm的小肝细胞癌(HCC)可获得相当效果.由于肿瘤大小、位置、技术等诸多因素,射频消融治疗仍存在缺陷,若要突破此瓶颈,达到外科切除的效果,则应遵循外科的治疗原则,一次性对肿瘤进行完全消融是非常必要的.目前,在腹腔镜辅助下,对一些位置特殊及直径较大(>3cm)的HCC已能实现一次性完全消融,且无痛、安全、微创.把微创外科与外科消融两种理念相结合,有可能促进HCC治疗的进一步提高和发展.  相似文献   

肝癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,手术切除是首选的治疗手段。但是,多数肝癌患者就诊时已属中晚期,手术难以完全切除。因此,肝癌的微创治疗成为近年来研究及临床应用的热点.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌(HCC)发病率逐渐上升,占消化系统恶性肿瘤的第2位。肝癌的临床治疗首选手术切除,但部分患者到医院就诊时已丧失了手术切除的最佳时机。目前医学界所肯定的非手术疗法中,首选肝动脉栓塞化疗术(TACE)。介入放射手术以其微创和高效的特点代表了现代医学的发展方向,因此,TACE术后的护理工作也越来越重要。现对我院自2004年1月-2008年1月收治的行TACE134例肝癌患者的护理体会报告如下。  相似文献   

肝癌是我国最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其病程短、进展快、病死率高,大多数患者就诊时已失去了手术时机。介入治疗因具有微创、定位准确、可操作性强、重复性好等优点在临床上得到广泛应用,但各种介入疗法因原理的差别而各有不足,因此多种介入疗法的综合运用将有助于发挥各种治疗方法的最大疗效,并提高肝癌患者的总体疗效。本文就经导管动脉化疗栓塞、射频消融、微波消融、无水酒精注射这4种介入疗法及序贯综合治疗方面的研究进展进行简要综述。  相似文献   

原发性肝癌起病隐匿,临床发现时多已为中晚期,失去了手术切除的机会,非手术治疗肝癌成为研究热点。肝动脉化疗栓塞(transarterial chemoembolization,TACE)和无水乙醇瘤内注射(percutaneous ethanol injection,PEI)是目前临床最为广泛应用的非手术疗法,疗效明显。然而,实践表明单独应用均有一定的局限性,联合应用可提高疗效,因而肝癌综合治疗成为趋势。我们针对TACE治疗后残存活性肝癌病灶,采用CT引导下弯针穿刺无水乙醇消融治疗,取得了满意疗效,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

随着微创治疗观念及技术的不断进步,射频消融(RFA)、微波固化、激光治疗等微创治疗方式在肝癌治疗中的作用日益重要,尤其是RFA,已引起临床高度重视。本文回顾性分析我院近年应用RFA治疗肝癌的临床病例,旨在探讨其治疗原发性与继发性肝癌的临床疗效,现报告如下。  相似文献   

肝细胞癌(HCC)是起源于肝细胞的恶性肿瘤,中国HCC患者80%发生于乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染后。HCC通常是一种富血供肿瘤,经动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)治疗一方面阻断肿瘤血供,同时在肿瘤局部聚集高浓度的化疗药物,对肿瘤细胞发挥最大限度的杀伤作用,被公认为HCC非手术治疗最常用方法之一,但TACE本身目前尚缺乏标准。为此,中国医师协会介入医师分会专家们共同编写了《中国肝细胞癌经动脉化疗栓塞治疗临床实践指南》,内容包括概述、适应证与禁忌证、围手术期处理、设备器械与药物准备、伦理与知情同意、患者术前准备、围手术期治疗、手术操作、并发症与处理、疗效评价与随访、综合治疗等,本指南旨在促进我国肝癌TACE技术的规范化、专业化和个体化整体水平的提高,促进并推动我国肝癌诊疗研究的发展。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 基于肝细胞癌(HCC)患者微创治疗后复发的相关危险因素,建立复发评分系统,并进行验证。方法 选取2016年1月1日至2017年12月31日接受经导管动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)联合局部消融治疗的HCC患者160例,根据2年内肿瘤是否复发,分为非复发组(n=79)与复发组(n=81)。通过Cox回归模型分析肿瘤复发的影响因素,根据危险比(HR)构建复发评分系统,并将患者分为低、中、高风险复发组,进行组间临床病理特征及预后比较。结果 性别、肿瘤数目、甲胎蛋白(AFP)、纤维蛋白原、白蛋白与前白蛋白比值(APR)是HCC患者肿瘤复发的独立危险因素(均P<0.05)。低风险复发组HCC患者1年、2年、3年累积无复发生存率(RFS)分别为91.4%、77.1%、68.2%,高于中风险复发组的 86.2%、58.6%、48.5%及高风险复发组的50.0%、28.9%、22.3%,组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.156,P<0.001)。结论 该复发评分系统是TACE联合局部消融治疗HCC患者肿瘤复发的有效预测指标,有利于临床医师做出诊疗决策。  相似文献   

It is an era of diagnostic and interventional ultrasound (US).Various new techniques such as three-dimensional US(3D US),interventional US,and contrastenhanced US(CEUS)have been introduced into clinical practice.Dr.Xu and his colleagues have taken advantage of these techniques and carried out a series of relevant studies.Their use of 3D US in the liver,gallbladder,liver tumor volumetry,guidance for ablation,and 3D CEUS has widened the application of 3D US in the clinic.They found that prognosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)after thermal ablation with curative intent was determined by treatment response to ablation,pretreatment serum AFP,and liver function reserve.Tumor response to treatment was the most predictive factor for long-term survival.They compared the use of percutaneous microwave ablation and radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of HCC and found that both are effective methods in treating HCCs.The local tumor control,complications related to treatment, and long-term survival were equivalent for the two modalities.They first compared the enhancement patterns of HCC and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma(ICC)and proposed the diagnostic clues for ICC,liver angiomyolipoma(AML),gallbladder cancer,renal carcinoma,and renal AML,which have greatly enhanced the role ofCEUS in the clinic.They also evaluated the diagnostic performance of CEUS in characterizing complex cystic focal liver lesions and the agreement between two investigators with different experience levels;and found that CEUS is especially useful for the young investigator.They assessed the effect of anti-angiogenic gene therapy for HCC treated by microbubble-enhanced US exposure and concluded that gene therapy mediated by US exposure enhanced by a microbubble contrast agent may become a new treatment option for HCC.  相似文献   

小儿肿瘤近年来发病率越来越高,但小儿实体肿瘤的相关研究明显滞后。小儿实体肿瘤以神经系统肿瘤的比例较高,其他实体肿瘤主要为骨肿瘤、肾脏、肝脏等相关肿瘤。神经系统的介入治疗仍未广泛应用,接受介入治疗比例最高的肿瘤为肝细胞癌。介入治疗能够抑制癌组织的生长,联合手术治疗能够明显提高患者的生存期。介入治疗为不能接受手术治疗的患者提供了新的治疗思路,让更多的患者有了更多治疗选择。但是介入治疗在小儿肿瘤的应用中仍有许多问题需要我们在临床工作中继续努力,不断创新。  相似文献   

Surgical resection is the standard of care for colorectal metastases isolated to the liver. However, only 10-25% of the patients are eligible for resection because of extent and location of the disease in the liver or concurrent medical conditions. Image-guided radiofrequency (RF) ablation is a minimally invasive technique that is emerging as a viable alternate treatment of nonsurgical patients with limited hepatic metastatic disease. Several series have shown that RF ablation can result in complete tumor eradication in properly selected candidates and have provided indirect evidence that the treatment improves survival. In a recent multicenter trial including 423 patients, overall survival of RF-ablation treated patients reached 47% at 3 years and 24% at 5 years. RF ablation technology is undergoing continuous improvement, and its clinical application has been successfully expanded to the treatment of colorectal metastases to the lung. Randomized trials comparing RF ablation with either surgical resection or chemotherapy protocols, however, are still missing. In this article, we review technique, indications, clinical results, and future prospects of RF ablation in the therapeutic management of metastatic colorectal cancer patients.  相似文献   

Actual role of radiofrequency ablation of liver metastases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pereira PL 《European radiology》2007,17(8):2062-2070
The liver is, second only to lymph nodes, the most common site for metastatic disease irrespective of the primary tumour. More than 50% of all patients with malignant diseases will develop liver metastases with a significant morbidity and mortality. Although the surgical resection leads to an improved survival in patients with colorectal metastases, only approximately 20% of patients are eligible for surgery. Thermal ablation and especially radiofrequency ablation emerge as an important additional therapy modality for the treatment of liver metastases. RF ablation shows a benefit in life expectancy and may lead in a selected patient group to cure. Percutaneous RF ablation appears safer (versus cryotherapy), easier (versus laser), and more effective (versus ethanol instillation and transarterial chemoembolisation) compared with other minimally invasive procedures. RF ablation can be performed by a percutaneous, laparoscopical or laparotomic approach, and may be potentially combined with chemotherapy and surgery. At present ideal candidates have tumours with a maximum diameter less than 3.5 cm. An untreatable primary tumour or a systemic disease represents contraindications for performing local therapies. Permanent technical improvements of thermal ablation devices and a better integration of thermal ablation in the overall patient care may lead to prognosis improvement in patients with liver metastases.  相似文献   

肝癌治疗的微创观念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微创 (minimallyinvasive)是在任何疾病的临床治疗中都应当遵循的一个原则[1] ,肝癌治疗也不应例外。近年来已将内镜、介入等与手术相比较具有低创特征的治疗 ,与腹腔镜外科纳入同一范畴 ,形成了微创外科这一新的概念。事实上 ,当我们提出肝癌治疗的“微创观念”这一命题时 ,许多微创化或具有微创特征的治疗方法已在肝癌临床上应用了很多年 ,并且随着医学和相关高新科技的发展 ,这类临床方法会不断涌现 ,越来越多。1 肝癌治疗的微创观念1 1 减小创伤在肝癌治疗中具有特殊重要的意义 肝癌是我国高发的恶性肿瘤 ,但至今其…  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequently diagnosed tumour diseases throughout the world. In the vast majority of cases those affected are high-risk patients with chronic viral hepatitis and/or liver cirrhosis, which means there is a clearly identifiable target group for HCC screening. With resection, transplantation, and interventional procedures for local ablation, following early diagnosis curative treatment options are available with which 5-year survival rates of over 60% can be reached. Such early diagnosis is a reality only in a minority of patients, however, and in the majority of cases the disease is already in an advanced stage at diagnosis. One of the objects of HCC screening is diagnosis in an early stage when curative treatment is still possible.Precisely this is achieved by screening, so that the proportion of patients treated with curative intent is decisively higher. There is not yet any clear evidence as to whether this leads to a lowering of the mortality of HCC. As lower mortality is the decisive indicator of success for a screening programme the benefit of HCC screening has so far been neither documented nor refuted.Nonetheless, in large regions of the world it is the practice for high-risk patients to undergo HCC screening in the form of twice-yearly ultrasound examination and determination of AFP.  相似文献   

CLINICAL ISSUE: Primary and secondary liver tumors often limit patient outcome and only a minority of patients are eligible for potential curative surgery. Minimally invasive treatments, such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA), microwave ablation (MWA) and cryoablation are alternative treatment options in a curative and palliative setting. One major limitation of RFA and MWA is the limited size of tumor ablation. Furthermore during the procedure the ablation size can only be roughly estimated using RFA and MWA. STANDARD TREATMENT: RFA is the standard modality of minimally invasive tumor therapy. In comparison cryoablation is rarely used despite its advantages. TREATMENT INNOVATIONS: Argon-helium-based cryoablation systems of the newest generation combine the advantage of small diameter applicators comparable with those of RFA and MWA systems with intrinsic advantages. ACHIEVEMENTS: Cryoablation is a minimally invasive treatment option with advantages, such as virtually unlimited ablation size, real-time visualization using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound and intrinsic analgesic effects. On the other hand it is not very time-efficient in comparison to MWA. Especially in liver metastases RFA is the preferred treatment option. PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS: Cryoablation is a fascinating treatment option in minimally invasive tumor treatment. It demonstrates good results in hepatocellular carcinoma within the Milan criteria and T1a renal cell carcinoma. Furthermore it is a well-established treatment modality for palliative pain management in bone tumors.  相似文献   

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of renal tumors is a promising technique that plays a unique and increasingly important role in urologic oncology practices. RFA is appealing as a minimally invasive therapy that may be performed on an outpatient basis. It enables treatment of an area 3 to 5 cm in diameter, with relatively low morbidity and mortality rates. Most interventional radiologists (IRs) are familiar with RFA of liver tumors, and several principles and techniques used in the liver may be extrapolated for use in the kidney. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that local tumor ablation in the kidney presents unique challenges, secondary to the kidney's unique anatomic and physiologic features. Clinical and technical considerations, risks, and complications pertaining to RFA of renal tumors are reviewed here, including approaches commonly used in our practice.  相似文献   

Experimental research involving animal models plays a critical role in the development and improvement of minimally invasive therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). As a large animal, the pig is commonly used for surgery and interventional radiology research. In this study, liver multicentric HCC with cirrhosis was induced in six China Taihu pigs by intraperitoneal injection of 10 mg/kg of N-nitrosodiethylamine once a week for 3 months, followed by a period of 10–12 months without N-nitrosodiethylamine treatment. All pigs were in generally good health until the end of the study. The tumor nodules appeared hyperattenuating in the arterial phase of a dynamic computed tomography (CT) scan. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and CT angiography demonstrated that the tumors derived their blood supply mainly from the hepatic artery system. Lipiodol-CT showed Lipiodol retention in tumor areas. The histology and electron microscopic ultrastructure of the chemically induced liver HCC in this study resembled human HCC with a cirrhosis background. An immunohistochemistry study confirmed that the tumors were of hepatocyte origin. All highly, moderately, and poorly differentiated HCC tumors were identified in this study. Cholangiocarcinoma was not seen in any of the animals. Due to its comparable size to human anatomy, the pig liver HCC model would give a better scope for interventional and surgical manipulations than small animal models.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a major source of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population and the number of patients will increase by 30% in future decades. Surgery and endocrine therapy could be considered as the standard treatment in elderly breast cancer patients, but anaesthesia for surgery requires a specific approach taking into account physiological and psychological alterations secondary to ageing. In cases with major alterations of performance status, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) could be substituted for the surgical treatment. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of this technique. Five tumours in four consecutive patients (aged 79-82 years) contraindicated for surgery with symptomatic cT1-2N0M0, positive oestrogen receptor status, low grade were treated by percutaneous radiofrequency-lump ablation under local analgesia, using percutaneous ultrasound guidance. Thermal lesions were produced with RF power 30 W, at a frequency of 500 kHz. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy of the RF treated breast was performed during the follow-up. We report a successful RFA lump ablation experience in the treatment of four tumours (4/5). One local recurrence occurred within 4 months after RFA. The other biopsies taken during the follow up showed all fat necrosis within the oil cyst and no malignant cells. One abscess occurred at 9 months within the treated area. After a mean follow up of 29.4 months, all the patients are still alive without any other signs of recurrence or metastases. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous RFA is safe and feasible in the management of breast cancer in elderly patients. Nevertheless, further large comparative studies are needed in order to validate such a minimally invasive procedure in current practice.  相似文献   

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