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血液病患者HBV和HCV感染现况调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对144例血液病患者HBV和HCV感染状况进行调查,HBsAg、抗-HBc和抗-HCV检出率分别为9.72%、36.81%及24.31%,而健康对照组分别为12.03%、46.30%和0.93%。HCV感染率与年龄、性别无关,但与受血史,受血次数密切相关。抗-HCV阳性者血清ALT水平明显高于抗-HCV阴性者,HBV/HCV重叠感染时ALT升高尤为明显,本组调查提示输血及应用血液制品是血液病患者感  相似文献   

河北省固安县北斜村HCV感染者三年随访研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
笔者对42例抗0HCV阳性者进行了三年随访研究,发现血清ALT异常者占18.1% ̄26.2%,HCV RNA阳性率为80%。三年间抗-HCV年阴转率仅0.95%,抗-HCV抗体几何平均滴度160左右,1991年1994年检测结果表明抗-HCV GMT值无明显差异,抗体滴度与血清ATL水平以及HCV RNA无关。  相似文献   

广西百色地区肝病患者及受血者HCV感染现状调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
笔者应用ELISA法对广西百色地区179例各类肝病患者及41例受血者血清进行了抗-HCV检测。结果各类肝病抗-HCV阳性率为17.9%,受血者抗-HCV阳性率为31.7%。在急性肝炎(急肝)、慢性肝炎(慢肝)、肝硬化和肝癌中,抗-HCV阳性率各为4.3%(1/23)、12.8%(10/78)、28.6%(12/42)和25.0%(9/36)。抗-HCV阳性率有随肝病慢性比而增高的趋势,肝硬化的抗-HCV阳性率明显高于急肝或慢肝(P<0.05),而肝癌的抗-HCV阳性率与急肝或慢肝相差不显著(P>0.05或0.1),且发现HBsAg阴性肝病者的抗-HCV阳性率明显高于HBsAg阳性患者(P<0.5),肝病患者抗-HCV的检出率与ALT活性无关(P>0.05)。在受血者中,抗-HCV的检出率与受血次数、ALT活性关系非常密切。因此,加强对HCV的检测是当前预防输血后肝炎的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

用套式PCR法检测HCVRNA,对比研究了HCV再感染与初次感染。10例初次感染HCV者,9例为临床型肝炎,1例亚临床型,首次AI/T升高距输血的时间为15~60天(平均37.9±13.9);抗-HCV和HCV-RNA阳性1年以上分别为10/10和7/10。5例再感染者,4例为临床型肝炎,1例亚临床型,ALT首次升高距输血时间为30~46天(平均34.8±6.h),抗-HCV和HCVRNA阳性1年以上分别为5/5和3/5。结果表明,HCV再感染与初次感染在临床表现、ALT异常。抗-HCV和HCVRNA阳性持续时间等均无明显差异,提示HCV感染后诱发的免疫力较差,再感染仍可发病。  相似文献   

1992年随机抽取329名健康人进行流行病学调查,抽血检测ALT和抗-HCV。结果抗-HCV阳性8人,标化阳性率为4.64%,均无输血史。男性抗-HCV标化阳性率为2.43%,女性标化阳性率为4.16%,差异无显著性意义。检测10岁以前儿童83人,无1人抗-HCV阳性;以后随年龄增长抗-HCV阳性率升高,提示HCV感染主要发生在成长过程中,垂直传播的意义较小。ALT均正常。检测丙种球蛋白8批、白蛋白10批和血浆1批,抗-HCV阳性率分别为100%、27.27%和1/1,流行病学意义值得重视。  相似文献   

1989~1990年对太原地区的输血者及其对照进行随访,在输血前或对照入院一周内采血。输血或对照采首份血后2周、4周、12周、和24周采血,检测血清ALT、HBV感染标志和抗-HCV。结果,发生输血后肝炎9例,发病率为10.46%,输血后乙型和丙型肝炎的发病率各为6.97%和2.32%,未定型为1.16%;对照组无病发生。HBV、HCV感染以及ALT异常与输血量有关。10份HBsAg阳性血输给10名受血者,仅1例输入HBsAg和HBeAg双阳性血后HBsAg阳转、ALT异常。6份抗-HBc阳性血的受血者,无异常反应,仅1例输入抗-HBc和和HBeAg双阳性血后,ALT升高至57单位,现有结果显示抗-HBc阳性血未引起发病。3例抗-HCV阳性血的受血者中,1例-HCV阳转,但ALT正常。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎流行地区不同人群的HCV感染状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对发生丙型肝炎流行的固安县不同人群的HCV感染状况进行了调查和随访。1986年献浆血员、全血血员和非献血成人的肝炎现患率分别为17.4%、1.5%和1.1%;ALT异常率分别为31.9%、7.8%和5.0%;抗-HCV阳性率分别为79.7%、12.4%和7.2%。1990年随访以上三类人群,抗-HCV阳性率分别为43.9%、6.7%和1.0%;调查献浆为主村、献全血为主村和基本不献血村全人群,抗H  相似文献   

作者应用ELISA法对新乡铁路管辖地区620例不同人群进行了丙型肝炎病毒抗-HCV检测,平均阳性率为27%,其中正常人群抗-HCV阳性率为2.8%(13/456),门诊肝病患者抗-HCV阳性率为4.8%(4/84),献血员阳性率为0(0/80),结果表明新乡铁路管辖地区正常人群丙型肝炎感染率低于全国3.2%[1],门诊肝病患者HCV感染率高于正常人群,门诊肝病患者中ALT异常者抗-HCV阳性率明显高于ALT正常者(P<0.01)。管辖区三家医院血源来自各地中心血库,因对献血员采取了严格体检,有效阻止了丙型肝炎在输血过程中的传播。  相似文献   

本文对各型病毒性肝炎、肝癌200例进行血清抗-HCV检测,阳性率为20.5%,以重型肝炎和肝硬化检出率为高,分别为42.86%、46.15%,二者与其他型肝炎相比,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。输血后肝炎抗-HCV阳性率为67.5%,健康献血员抗-HCV阳性率为20.47%,而输血后己型肝炎仅占2.5%。说明输血是造成丙型肝炎传播的重要途径,因此,对献血员应进行严格筛选。观察表明,HBV与HCV双重感染,可能是形成慢性肝炎,肝硬化以及促使肝炎向重型发展的重要原因之一。抗-HCV阳性的慢性肝炎,血清ALT50%在正常范围内,余者仅轻度升高,说明HCV感染所致的肝损伤可能是一个较慢的过程  相似文献   

河北省某农村丙型肝炎病毒感染的随访研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对河北省某农村的全体人群进行了丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的半年随访调查,随访率为83.42%。在随访期间,该人群抗-HCV阴性者的阳转率为0.45%(2/441),抗-HCV阳性者的阴转率为4.26%(2/47),表明抗-HCV阴性人群处于HCV低危感染状态。抗-HCV阳性者持续阳性率高(95.74%,45/47),且在随访期间ALT异常率显著高于抗-HCV阴性人群。2名抗-HCV阳转者的妻子均为抗-HCV阳性,无近期献血及其它经血暴露史,提示可能为性传播。  相似文献   

本文报告单采浆献血员中丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的流行病学和血清学研究结果。通过对5个自然村3 496人流行病学调查表明,单采浆献血员肝炎现患率和单项ALT异常率分别为17.10%和23.23%,二者均显著高于全血献血员和非献血员成人。经排除法证明,上述肝炎患者绝大多数为肠道外传播的非甲非乙型肝炎。后将部分单采浆献血员肝炎病例和单项ALT异常者的血清标本,送美国疾病控制中心检测,抗-HCV阳性率分别为97.06%和100%。证实为HCV感染。流行病学调查表明,单采浆献血员HC流行是由单采浆还输血球过程中交叉感染引起的。  相似文献   

Recently a recombinant polypeptide of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been developed by the Chiron Corporation in California. This antigen has been used to develop an ELISA test (Ortho Diagnostic Systems) for serum anti-HCV antibodies. Preliminary data have shown that this virus is the major cause of NANB hepatitis in the world. We examined differences in anti-HCV prevalence among subgroups of blood donors (total sera examined 639) classified for past or present exposure to HBV or not, and for ALT levels. The anti-HCV prevalence found in regular blood donors with normal ALT levels and no antibody to HBcAg was 1.2%. No significant difference in the anti-HCV prevalence was found among other subgroups of blood donors except that a higher prevalence (10%) was found in a group with both elevated ALT and HBV markers.These preliminary findings suggest that the policy of blood supply should take into account the advent of HCV antibody test.  相似文献   

目的研究献血感染丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)人群16年后的转归。方法对该人群问卷收集一般情况,肝脏B超检查;采集5ml静脉血,进行丙型肝炎病毒抗体、RNA、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)和血清生化指标(透明质酸、Ⅲ型前胶原肽、Ⅳ型胶原)检测。结果162名研究对象尚未出现晚期肝病患者。抗-HCV阳性率95.68%,RNA阳性率77.78%,ALT异常率20.37%。不同急性期症状感染者,16年后抗-HCV阳性率、ALT异常率和RNA阳性率差异无统计学意义。经性别分层分析,女性感染年龄〉40岁抗体较易阴转(χMH^2=8.26,P=0.04)。结论HCV感染16年后,不同急性期症状感染者转归无差异,病毒清除与性别和初始感染年龄有关。  相似文献   

The authors investigated the prevalence of antibody to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) in 404 female prostitutes, 428 clinic patients with a history of at least one episode of sexually transmitted disease, and 8,944 blood donors who served as the controls. All subjects were Japanese, and all studies were carried out in Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan, in 1989. The prevalence of anti-HCV was significantly higher in the prostitutes (6.2%), in the female patients with sexually transmitted diseases (6.1%), and in the male patients with sexually transmitted diseases (2.9%) than in the controls (1.5%). Prevalence of anti-HCV increased with age in prostitutes and in the controls. The prevalence of anti-HCV in those who had been involved in prostitution for 1 year or more (8.1%) was higher than in those who had been involved in prostitution for less than 1 year (1.4%), but the difference was not statistically significant. One of the 152 anti-HCV negative prostitutes seroconverted between 1 and 2 years later. Among the subjects with sexually transmitted diseases, patients with a history of at least one episode of syphilis had a significantly higher prevalence of anti-HCV (4.4%) than the controls. Patients with acute urethritis and cervicitis also showed a high prevalence of anti-HCV (3.6% and 6.7%, respectively). These data support the possibility of sexual transmission of hepatitis C virus.  相似文献   

Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of transfusion-associated hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The present study was conducted with an objective to evaluate the prevalence of anti-HCV antibody in New Delhi, India using a large number of healthy voluntary blood donors. A total of 15,898 healthy voluntary blood donors were subjected to anti-HCV testing (using a commercially available third generation anti-HCV ELISA kit) and 249 were found to be reactive for anti-HCV antibody, yielding an overall prevalence of 1.57%. No significant difference was found between the HCV positivity rate of male (1.57%; 238/15,152) vs. female (1.47%; 11/746) donors, family (1.58%; 213/13,521) vs. altruistic (1.51%; 36/2377) donors and first-time (1.55%; 180/11,605) vs. repeat (1.61%; 69/4293) donors. The age distribution of anti-HCV reactivity showed a maximum prevalence rate of 1.8% in the age group of 20–29 years. In addition, there was a clear trend of decreasing positivity for anti-HCV with increasing age and this trend was statistically significant. The results of the present study show that the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies in the healthy voluntary blood donors of New Delhi, India is considerably higher than the reported seroprevalence of HCV in majority of the industrialized nations and this represents a large reservoir of infection capable of inflicting significant disease burden on the society. In addition, donors of New Delhi, India showed a trend of decreasing seroprevalence with increasing age, possibly implying a higher exposure rate to HCV in younger subjects.  相似文献   

A Pár 《Orvosi hetilap》1991,132(18):955-959
Serum samples from 1185 individuals (blood donors, health care workers, patients on haemodialysis or from other high risk groups or with non-A, non-B [NANB] hepatitis and other liver diseases) were examined for antibody to a recombinant antigen of hepatitis c virus (anti-HCV). A new ABBOTT HCV EIA system was used and a parallel study with ORTHO HCV ELISA was also done for 380 samples to compare the two anti-HCV tests. A confirmatory neutralizing ABBOTT ELISA probe was also performed in 45 cases. Anti-HCV seropositivity was found in 1.60% of accepted healthy blood donors, while among subjects excluded from donation for elevated aminotransferase the rate was 8.95%. In patients on haemodialysis 47.15% anti-HCV prevalence was found, in other high risk group subjects 32.5%. Patients with acute post-transfusion (PT) NANB hepatitis showed 40% prevalence, this rate in chronic PT-NANB was 77.8%. The two ELISA tests revealed 95% agreement in the parallel determinations. Serial dilution studies of anti-HCV positive sera showed that ABBOTT test was of superior sensitivity. The results of the confirmatory test suggest that reactive (positive) samples of low optical density near to the cut-off value require a confirmation with the neutralization test. In conclusion HCV infection in Hungary seems to be a common aetiologic factor in PT-NANB hepatitis and the screening of blood donors for anti-HCV may be useful. However, because of financial difficulties, cost/benefit calculations are recommended before the introduction of this preventive measure.  相似文献   

目的 了解乌鲁木齐地区无偿献血者HCV感染及合并感染状况及流行病学特点,为减少HCV经血液传播,预防和控制HCV输血风险提供依据。 方法 收集2008年1月1日-2010年12月31日在乌鲁木齐血液中心献血者的一般资料及五项指标ALT、HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV、抗-TP血液检测结果。 结果 调查自愿无偿献血者共计140 665名,其中男性86 179名(61.27%),女性54 486名(38.73%),年龄范围18~55周岁。在所调查的140 665名无偿献血者中, 5 971名献血者血液检测不合格,不合格检出率为42.45‰,血液五项检测指标不合格率分别为HBsAg(4.55‰)、ALT(26.82‰)、抗-HCV(5.52‰)、抗-HIV(2.34‰)、抗-TP(4.09‰)。抗-HCV阳性率在性别、年度、学历、年龄分布上差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。HCV与ALT、HBV、HIV、TP的合并感染率分别为0.66‰、0.11‰、0.05‰、0.06‰。logistic回归分析显示献血者HCV感染影响因素有职业、性别及重复献血次数等。 结论 在今后献血工作中,要加大对男性、初次以及未婚无偿献血者的筛查力度,建立一支固定、重复的无偿献血者队伍,才能不断提高血液安全。  相似文献   

We have studied the prevalence of hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) serologic markers in female blood donors and in female prostitutes and the relationship of antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) and of antibodies to HCV (anti-HCV) with the presence of treponemal antibodies (FTA-ABS) in non-intravenous drug using female prostitutes. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was found in 1.0% of the female blood donors, anti-HBc in 15.6% and anti-HCV in 0.7%. In the prostitutes, the prevalence of HBsAg was 6.1%, anti-HBc was positive in 29.0% and anti-HCV in 8.8%. No significant statistical association between the prevalence of anti-HBc or anti-HCV and the age of prostitutes (p = 0.9111 and p = 0.8254 respectively) or the length of time as prostitutes (p = 0.3583 and p = 0.5770) was found. FTA-ABS positive prostitutes had a significantly higher prevalence of anti-HCV than FTA-ABS negative prostitutes (p < 0.001). No statistical association was found between anti-HBc antibodies and positive FTA-ABS prostitutes (p = 0.336).Corresponding author.  相似文献   

A serological survey of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections was carried out on a random sex- and age-stratified sample of 1006 individuals aged 25-64 years in the Seychelles islands. Anti-HBc and anti-HCV antibodies were detected using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), followed by a Western blot assay in the case of a positive result for anti-HCV. The age-adjusted seroprevalence of anti-HBc antibodies was 8.0% (95% CI: 6.5-9.9%) and the percentage prevalence among males/females increased from 7.0/3.1 to 19.1/13.4 in the age groups 25-34 to 55-64 years, respectively. Two men and three women were positive for anti-HCV antibodies, with an age-adjusted seroprevalence of 0.34% (95% CI: 0.1-0.8%). Two out of these five subjects who were positive for anti-HCV also had anti-HBc antibodies. The seroprevalence of anti-HBc was significantly higher in unskilled workers, persons with low education, and heavy drinkers. The age-specific seroprevalence of anti-HBc in this population-based survey, which was conducted in 1994, was approximately three times lower than in a previous patient-based survey carried out in 1979. Although there are methodological differences between the two surveys, it is likely that the substantial decrease in anti-HBc prevalence during the last 15 years may be due to significant socioeconomic development and the systematic screening of blood donors since 1981. Because hepatitis C virus infections are serious and the cost of treatment is high, the fact that the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies is at present low should not be an argument for not screening blood donors for anti-HCV and eliminating those who are positive.  相似文献   

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