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介绍了当前户外广告存在的问题,说明户外广告要生存必须占用城市空间资源,必须强化城市空间是一种资源的意识,政府要把这一资源用好,管好,并建立城市空间资源有偿使用制度。运用与市场经济相适应的手段引导户外广告市场健康发展。  相似文献   

LED(Light Emitting Diode)意为发光二极管,是一种半导体固体发光器件。而LED照明是一项新技术,已广泛用于建筑物环境亮化工程中,最常见的是建筑物的轮廓彩灯、户外广告灯,也经常能看到用LED制作的庭院灯、草坪灯,以及楼道、走廊和车库的公共照明。  相似文献   

目的了解武汉市社区人群获取结核病防治知识的实际途径与期望途径,并探讨其中的影响因素。方法采用横断面现况调查方法,随机整群抽取武汉市2个社区15岁以上的居民进行获取途径问卷调查。结果共回收有效问卷2515份,有效率为91.4%。社区人群实际获取结核病防治知识的途径主要为影视媒体(53.8%)、报刊(44.2%)、亲友聊天(16.9%)以及户外广告(14.3%);而调查对象期望的知晓途径主要为电视(63.1%)、报刊(37.5%)、广播(20.1%)和户外广告(18.7%)。且不同性别、年龄、文化程度、职业背景及收入状况对各知晓途径的选择均有不同程度的影响。结论社区人群获取知识的途径随人群社会经济特征的不同而异,在今后的结核病防治健康教育中,应采取有针对性的、科学高效的宣传教育方式。  相似文献   

最近,名为“人体世界”的科普展览被称为“国内首次大规模专题展览”,其承办单位有两个——大连医大生物塑化有限公司与北京中海尚达广告有限公司。由于广告公司的介入,展览在宣传方面非常高调,包括展览正式开幕之前的新闻发布会、大量的户外广告投放、宣传页的制作等,显示出成熟的商业运作模式。  相似文献   

在开展讲文明、树新风活动中,邯郸市市容环卫局认真计划,精心组织,搞好落实。l是加强领导。市局副科级以上干部深入一线办公,每人承包一条街路,现场解决问题。城管大队中队长以上干部实行定点定岗制,巡回执勤,解决难点问题;2是扩大宣传。城管大队出动宣传车3辆、摩托车8辆,人员30人,各区市容环卫局组织了多支宣传小分队,连续7天上街宣传,宣讲讲文明、树新风活动的意义和卫生治理工作内容。市局还翻印了3000份市人民政府《关于户外广告、霓红灯设置管理的通告》,向沿街各单位发放,提高了市民的环卫意识、参与意识和配合治理工…  相似文献   

《化妆品卫生监督条例》(简称《条例》)第十四条对化妆品广告的内容作了明确规定。但是由于种种原因 ,目前化妆品卫生监督检查很少涉及这方面的内容 ,这方面的文献也罕见报道。为了解目前化妆品广告的基本情况及存在问题 ,我们对200例各种形式的化妆品广告进行了调查分析 ,报告如下。1调查内容与方法1.1广告类别为了便于分析 ,我们将化妆品广告归纳为电视、报刊、户外和散发4类。其中户外广告指的是交通工具、街道路牌设置的广告 ;散发广告指的是商场化妆品柜台散发的化妆品宣传资料。1.2调查方法电视和报刊广告通过观看电视、…  相似文献   

目的:了解珠海市社区居民对电视、报纸、互联网等大众媒体的关注情况。方法采用分层随机抽样方法抽取调查对象,运用自行设计的调查问卷进行调查。结果珠海市社区居民最关注的大众媒体是电视(89.06%),其次分别是互联网(64.88%)与报纸(48.12%);再次是杂志(26.58%)、公交媒体(12.55%)、户外广告(11.97%)以及电台广播(11.90%)。随着年龄的增长,居民对电视、报纸的关注呈递增趋势;关注互联网比例最高的是18~25岁的居民,且随着年龄增长关注减少。结论在今后利用大众媒体对公众进行健康教育宣传及健康知识传播时,应以电视、互联网、报刊为主,其他手段为辅,开展多渠道立体式宣传,结合目标人群关注的传播渠道不同制定不同的健康教育宣传方案,以达到最佳、最广覆盖的传播效果。  相似文献   

由于旅游过程中生活不规律,气候、环境的改变,加之长途跋涉、车船劳顿,难免会发生晕车、失眠、便秘、腹泻、感冒、中署等小毛病,或不小心发生扭伤或跌伤。有人将这些统称为"旅游病"。为了使旅游顺利进行,增添更多乐趣,动身前最好准备些药品,以备应急之用。晕车药有些人坐车、乘船或乘飞机时,会感到头晕目眩、恶心呕吐、面色苍白,可在动身前半小  相似文献   

"晓月过残垒,繁星宿故关";"明月如霜,清景无限"等古诗句,道出了人类与月亮的不解之缘。16世纪时,德国医生帕拉策尔苏斯就认识到:满月时,精神错乱的人数就会增加。因为在满月和新月时,太阳和月亮位于一条直线上,用联合的力量拉地球,大潮就是这时发生的。现代科学研究表明,满月时产生的"生物潮汐",使暴躁的人变得更加神经过敏,忧郁的人变得更加消沉,爱寻欢作乐的人更加喜欢采取异常行动。20世纪70年代,北尼  相似文献   

美国科学家做了这样一个实验:将200只猴子分为两组,每组100只;甲组吃饱为止,乙组只吃七八分饱。经过10年喂养,甲组猴子患高血脂、脂肪肝、高血压、冠心病的多,100只猴子中死亡了50只(50.0%);乙组猴子苗条健康,精力充沛,100只中死亡了12只(12.0%)。结论是低热量的饮食是健康的法宝。洪昭光  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省青少年烟草广告和促销暴露现状,为控制青少年烟草使用提供科学有效的依据。 方法 采取多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,在河南省抽取16个调查点,48所初中,共7 789名在校学生进行问卷调查。 结果 47.00%的调查对象在过去30天内有过烟草广告和促销暴露,不同性别、年级、父母和朋友吸烟情况、每周零花钱数量的学生,有不同的烟草广告和促销暴露率;电视是学生获取烟草广告和促销的最主要途径(20.10%),其他途径依次是户外广告牌(18.87%)、烟草零售点(16.91%)、互联网(15.71%)、报纸杂志(12.53%)等。 结论 河南省初中学生烟草广告和促销的暴露情况非常严重,应严格按照新《广告法》的要求,全面禁止烟草广告和促销,保护青少年免受烟草危害。  相似文献   

目的 了解合肥市区户外烟草广告和传播媒体烟草广告的发布情况 ,为加强对烟草广告的管理与限制提供依据。方法 现场沿街巡查广告牌、查阅报纸、随机收听收看广播电视节目。结果 合肥市区的 7条主要交通干道中 ,有 6条干道设置有巨幅户外烟草广告 ;影响较大的省、市级 14家传播媒体中 ,有 11家报纸、电视台和广播电台刊播烟草广告或“软广告” ;部分烟草广告的内容违反了有关规定的要求。结论 控烟工作及创建无烟草广告城市活动应从事实上的部门行为逐步走向政府行为 ,在控烟的同时必须严控烟草广告 ;各有关部门要切实履行相关职责 ,并有所作为 ;国家立法机关应加快控烟综合立法建设 ,进一步限制并逐步全面禁止烟草广告及各种烟草促销活动  相似文献   

了解江苏省2013年青少年烟草广告暴露情况及其与吸烟易感性的关系,为更有效地禁止青少年过早养成吸烟习惯提供基础数据.方法 2013年9-11月,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法在江苏省14个监测点抽取5 697名初中在校学生进行自填问卷调查,对烟草广告暴露情况进行加权分析估计率及其95%CI,非吸烟学生易感性与烟草广告之间的关系采用多因素非条件Logistic回归分析.结果 过去30 d内,青少年烟草广告暴露率为46.7%(95% CI=44.0% ~49.3%),男生(48.5%)大于女生(44.4%)(x2=9.63,P=0.04).烟草广告渠道暴露前3位的分别为电视(19.3%)、户外广告牌(19.1%)和烟草零售店(17.4%).在非吸烟青少年中,暴露于烟草广告者烟草易感性(10.4%)高于未暴露者(4.9%)(x2=54.6,P<0.01).暴露的烟草广告媒介越多,吸烟易感性就越高,暴露于4种以上广告渠道者未来烟草易感的OR值为3.67(95%CI=2.65~5.09).结论 青少年广泛暴露于烟草广告中,烟草广告暴露会增加不吸烟青少年的吸烟易感性.  相似文献   

Children’s exposure to unhealthy food marketing is recognised by leading international health organisations as a probable causal factor for obesity. Outdoor advertising near schools embeds commercial food messages into children’s everyday lives and acts as a cue for food purchases. This project aimed to describe food advertising in the area around schools in two demographically and culturally disparate cities in the Asia Pacific Region. Data on outdoor food advertising were collected from the area within 500?m of 30 primary schools in each of two cities: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Manila, The Philippines. For each food advertisement, information was collected on: distance from the school (within 250 or 500?m); size, setting, type and position of the advertisement; and the food/drink product type promoted (core/healthy, non-core/unhealthy and miscellaneous). Density of advertisements was calculated per 100?m2. The density of food advertising was twice as high in the area closest to schools compared to the area further from schools (.9 vs. .5 in Ulaanbaatar and 6.5 vs. 3.3 advertisements per 100?m2 in Manila). Almost all food advertisements were for non-core/unhealthy foods/drinks (92% in Ulaanbaatar and 85% in Manila), and soft drinks were most frequently promoted. Children in Ulaanbaatar and Manila are exposed to large numbers of advertisements for unhealthy foods/drinks on their way to and from school, and these are particularly clustered within the immediate vicinity of schools. Clear directions for policy development are outlined to reduce children’s exposure to this marketing, including restricting the placement and content of outdoor advertising.  相似文献   

Recent policy initiatives call for restricting food marketing to children, yet little is known about children's current exposure to outdoor advertisements. This paper describes the prevalence and characteristics of food- or beverage-related advertisements surrounding 25 public elementary and secondary schools in Vancouver, Canada and assesses whether the informational food environment differs by neighbourhood or school characteristics. All but four schools had at least one food- or beverage-related advertisement within 400 m (median: 18, range: 0–96) and approximately 90% of food or beverage advertisements were for items not recommended for frequent consumption by provincial school food guidelines. After controlling for commercial density, secondary schools were associated with more outdoor food and beverage advertisements overall in comparison with elementary schools. The presence of an additional limited-service food outlet within 400 m was associated with a 7% increase in the number of overall advertisements (p < 0.001) while an additional grocery store was associated with fewer advertisements (IRR: 0.69, p < 0.001), controlling for commercial density. Findings suggest the need to consider the informational food environment as part of broader assessments of the school and retail food environments.  相似文献   

Few studies of the food environment have collected primary data, and even fewer have reported reliability of the tool used. This study focused on the development of an innovative electronic data collection tool used to document outdoor food and beverage (FB) advertising and establishments near 43 middle and high schools in the Outdoor MEDIA Study. Tool development used GIS based mapping, an electronic data collection form on handheld devices, and an easily adaptable interface to efficiently collect primary data within the food environment. For the reliability study, two teams of data collectors documented all FB advertising and establishments within one half-mile of six middle schools. Inter-rater reliability was calculated overall and by advertisement or establishment category using percent agreement. A total of 824 advertisements (n=233), establishment advertisements (n=499), and establishments (n=92) were documented (range=8–229 per school). Overall inter-rater reliability of the developed tool ranged from 69–89% for advertisements and establishments. Results suggest that the developed tool is highly reliable and effective for documenting the outdoor FB environment.  相似文献   

Objectives : We investigated young people’s exposure to alcohol advertising, their intentions to consume and purchase alcohol products following the viewing of advertisements, and whether they perceived the actors in the advertisements as being under the age of 25 years. Methods : Face‐to‐face interviews were completed with 351 risky drinking 16–19‐year‐old Australians, with a sub‐sample (n=68) responding to a range of alcohol advertisements in an in‐depth interview. Results : Participants were exposed to alcohol advertisements from an average of seven specific contexts in the past 12 months, with younger adolescents more likely to recall TV and outdoor billboards (n=351). Positive perception of advertisements was associated with increased intention to use and to purchase advertised products (n=68). A liqueur advertisement actor was perceived by 94% as being under 25 years‐old, and almost 30% thought the advertisement was marketed at people younger than 18 years of age. Conclusions : Young people’s perceptions of alcohol advertising are not necessarily in line with expert/industry assessment; products are sometimes marketed in a way that is highly appealing to young people. Greater appeal was associated with increased intention to consume and to purchase products. Implications for public health : These results indicate deficiencies in the effectiveness of current advertising codes in regard to protecting the health and wellbeing of adolescents.  相似文献   

Objective: Food marketing is linked to childhood obesity through its influence on children's food preferences, purchase requests and food consumption. We aimed to describe the volume and nature of outdoor food advertisements and factors associated with outdoor food advertising in the area surrounding Australian primary schools. Methods: Forty primary schools in Sydney and Wollongong were selected using random sampling within population density and socio‐economic strata. The area within a 500m radius of each school was scanned and advertisements coded according to pre‐defined criteria, including: food or non‐food product advertisement, distance from the school, size and location. Food advertisements were further categorised as core foods, non‐core foods and miscellaneous drinks (tea and coffee). Results: The number of advertisements identified was 9,151, of which 2,286 (25%) were for food. The number of non‐core food advertisements was 1,834, this accounted for 80% of food advertisements. Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages were the food products most commonly advertised around primary schools (24% and 22% of food advertisements, respectively). Non‐core food products were twice as likely to be advertised close to a primary school (95 non‐core food advertisements per km 2 within 250 m vs. 46 advertisements per km 2 within 250–500 m). Conclusions: The density of non‐core food advertisements within 500 m of primary schools, and the potential for repeated exposure of children to soft drink and alcoholic beverage advertisements in particular, highlights the need for outdoor food marketing policy intervention. Implications: Outdoor advertising is an important food marketing tool that should be considered in future debates on regulation of food marketing to children.  相似文献   

通过分析美国虚假医疗广告的管理模式与我国在医疗广告的审准和医疗广告监督管理方面存在的差异,探讨卫生行政部门在虚假医疗广告管理中的责任,提出应加强对医疗虚假广告的事后检查和监督、发动消费者进行虚假医疗广告的监督、坚持严格的医疗广告事前管理,引导并组织建立独立的医疗广告自律机构,从而实现虚假医疗广告的有效管理。  相似文献   

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