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农村妇女避孕方法使用及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文使用的数据来源于1986年在江苏省进行的“农村已婚育龄妇女使用避孕方法的变异”的调查。本次调查的目的是对已婚育龄妇女避孕方法使用的类型及动力学进行综合研究。调查的数据表明,江苏农村已婚育龄妇女的避孕率为85%,其中,宫内节育器和女性绝育术为最普遍使用的方法。在使用避孕方法的妇女中,宫内节育器和女性绝育术的使用比例分别为46.6%和36.4%。妇女对正在使用的避孕方法的评价和希望使用新方法的意愿都存在着差别。从这些差别的分析中不难看出,面对广大育龄妇女的避孕要求,我们应提供较为先进的避孕方法的信息及咨询服务,从而扩大避孕方法的可选择范围,避免一些方法的错误使用,提高使用者的满意程度。  相似文献   

中国少数民族避孕现用率、效果及影响因素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
方可娟 《生殖与避孕》1995,15(5):366-372
本文应用国家计划生育委员会1988年组织的全国2‰生育节育抽样调查资料,分析中国少数民族避孕现用率、避孕效果及其影响因素。1988年全国少数民族避孕现用率为59.41%,低于汉族避孕现用率73.18%,在十五个主要少数民族中满族现用率最高,为73.45%,高于汉族现用率;维吾尔族的现用率最低,仅为17.6%。少数民族中各种方法的现用率,宫内节育器为最高,在使用者中占49%;而汉族以绝育为最高,在使用者中占48.38%。居住在城市的少数民族避孕现用率高于农村中的避孕现用率。年龄30~44岁已婚育龄少数民族妇女中,约有85%避孕,其中35~39岁妇女的避孕现用率最高,为91.89%。文化程度高者避孕现用率高,文化程度低者避孕现用率较低。无论宫内节育器、绝育、口服避孕药或避孕套,意外妊娠、副反应和宫内节育器的脱落,为少数民族终止某种避孕方法的主要原因,其中意外妊娠占的比例较高。这说明避孕失败仍是终止使用的最重要的原因。经比例风险模型分析,发现宫内节育器失败妊娠受放器时年龄、居住地城市或农村、放器医院、有无副反应、孩子性别和成活孩子数等多种因素的影响。同样,绝育失败妊娠受妇女文化程度、医院手术水平和成活孩子数的影响?  相似文献   

天津市18~49岁已婚者避孕情况的心理因素调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文调查了1211名18~49岁已婚成年人包括工人、干部和科技人员对避孕问题的心理活动。其中男性601人,女性610人。结果显示:80%已婚成年人至少知道五种避孕方法如避孕套、口服避孕药、宫内节育器、男性绝育和女性绝育。3.8%的人知道埋植和输卵管粘堵。只有0.7%的人对避孕方法一无所知,这些人多为新婚夫妇。研究还表明,最受欢迎的避孕方法是宫内节育器、避孕套和安全期。工人偏爱宫内节育器,科技人员偏爱避孕套。口服药是最不受欢迎的方法,多由于它的副作用影响。93.6%的被调查者对绝育持否定态度。仅6.4%的人主张这一方法,他们主要是科技人员和干部。  相似文献   

云南白族、贵州苗族已婚育龄妇女节育模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索少数民族计划生育工作现状和节育模式,调查了云南白族、贵州苗族地区2026例已婚妇女,结果显示白族、苗族计划生育工作成绩显著,育龄妇女节育比例均高于80%,云南白族以宫内节育器为主要避孕方法(62.03%),贵州苗族以男女绝育为主(76.62%)。Logistic多元回归分析显示夫妇的生育意愿、性别偏好、计生干部作用均影响是否采用绝育措施本道避孕方法较少、曾用避孕方法较多者倾向于绝育。两地相比,云南白族地区的计划生育工作较好,妇女避孕知识较多,自觉节育比例更大。鉴于今后计划生育全程服务和“知情选择”的推广,建议少数民族地区在继续推行现行的长效避孕方法(绝育和宫内节育器)的同时,积极宣传避孕知识,加强对群众生育观念的正确引导,增强基层计生技术力量,逐步向知情选择过渡。  相似文献   

目的 :了解拉萨地区已婚育龄妇女正在使用中的避孕方法概况。方法 :对拉萨市、区、局各单位已婚育龄妇女进行计划生育、生殖健康普查 ,将调查结果填表 ,并进行统计分析。结果 :该地区所应用的避孕法共 6类 ,其中绝育术、宫内节育器、药物 (口服、针剂、皮埋剂 )及阴道药具避孕法为主要避孕措施。不同年龄组妇女应用避孕方法的种类不同 ,35岁以上妇女绝育术的应用率呈升高趋势 ;30~ 35岁年龄组妇女的宫内节育器应用率高 ;而小于 35岁的妇女多选用药物和阴道药具避孕法。结论 :反映了该地区和国内其他地区一样 ,避孕方法的选用呈多种类、高质量的发展趋势  相似文献   

对不同时期作绝育术的评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对不同时期作绝育术的评价300052天津医科大学总医院李敬之输卵管绝育术是最常用的节育措施,在全世界广泛应用。绝育术无论在发达国家或发展中国家,均成为主要节育方法之一。在我国,它仅次于宫内节育器的应用。输卵管绝育术的方法很多,依手术途径可分为经腹壁小...  相似文献   

使用宫内节育器是我国妇女计划生育的主要手段之一.据报道,我国十二个省市农村放置各类节育器妇女为已婚妇女总数之41%,而放金属单环者占各种节育器的55%.目前腹部透视是随诊单环的主要方法,但有一定 X 线损害.为探讨带金属单环者 X 线透视频率的现状及 B 超检查避孕环代替透环的可能性,本文对北京市郊区562例带金属单环妇女进行了调查.  相似文献   

目的:探索我国农村已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染(RTI)的影响因素。方法:在我国8个省调查农村已婚育龄妇女RTI发生水平及相关影响因素,用多水平Logistic回归模型进行数据分析。结果:31.1%的农村已婚育龄妇女过去1年出现RTI症状,以外阴瘙痒和阴道异味分泌物最常见。多水平Logistic回归模型结果表明,经济条件差、使用茅厕、盆浴、大龄、文化程度低、务农、绝育或使用宫内节育器、人工流产、烟酒习惯等与RTI高发有关。随机系数模型显示,不同村之间,职业、人工流产、避孕方法及烟酒习惯对RTI感染的影响存在显著差异(P<0.01)。结论:家庭和个人因素是农村育龄妇女RTI感染的影响因素,部分因素在村间的影响程度不同。RTI干预应因地制宜。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市已婚育龄妇女宫内节育器(IUD)使用率的变化趋势并分析其影响因素。方法:对2004~2012年上海已婚育龄妇女避孕节育数据进行加权、单因素分析及多因素分析。结果:上海已婚育龄妇女的IUD使用率从2004年的71.3%下降至2012年的43.9%;年龄45岁的妇女IUD使用率是30岁者的2.63倍;初中文化妇女IUD使用率是大学以上妇女的2.15倍。结论:年龄越大、文化水平越低的妇女IUD使用率越高;IUD使用率逐年下降可能与上海近年来加大避孕套宣传和符合生育二孩条件妇女比例增加有关。  相似文献   

在我们农村自70年代至今,使用宫内节育器避孕,是农村妇女的主要避孕措施,约占已婚妇女数的95%左右。宫内节育器避孕优点是:长期、有效、方便、经济、可逆性,但是,带器绝经后妇女取器困难又是老年妇女所关注和担心的问题。本文谈谈我在临床中对287例绝经后妇女的取器手术操作体会分析取器时间、方法等有关问题。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to identify the perceptions of working Muslim Jordanian women regarding the efficacy and safety of their contraceptive methods, and whether these perceptions affected method choice or discontinuation. METHODS: A prospective study on 207 married working women of reproductive age was conducted between March and June 2002. RESULTS: The majority of women were using an intrauterine device (IUD), fewer were using traditional methods and oral contraceptive pills. Effectiveness was the main reason for choosing IUD and pill methods, while concerns about safety were the main reason for discontinuation. Safety was the main reason for choosing traditional methods and poor efficacy was the reason for discontinuation. CONCLUSION: Health-care professionals need to increase the use of proper contraceptive methods and compliance by providing counseling services and correcting any misperceptions regarding birth control methods before and during use.  相似文献   

Objectives  This study aims to explore the current status of married women in regard of their use of contraceptive methods (permanent methods versus non-permanent methods) and to find out factors that affect the use of contraceptive methods in rural areas of Anhui Province of China.
Design  Survey.
Setting  Anhui, China.
Population  A total of 53,652 married women aged 18–49 years.
Methods  A multistage probability sampling method was used to identify a representative sample of 53,652 married women aged 18–49 years. All women were asked to provide detailed information by completing detailed questionnaires.
Main outcome measures  Contraceptive prevalence and influence factors.
Results  The total birth control rate of the sample was 95.2%. Samples choosing the permanent and nonpermanent contraceptive methods have taken up 46.7 and 48.5% respectively. Female sterilisation was the first choice with a usage rate of 43.6%, followed by intrauterine device (IUD), which was used by 41.1% of samples. Single-variable analysis showed that the choice of contraceptive methods was associated with age, education level, parity, frequency of sex intercourses in a month, contraceptive knowledge, RTI symptom and the gender of the last child of rural married women.
Conclusions  A significant increase in contraceptive use of rural married women in Anhui Province of China. Female sterilisation and IUD still play the dominant role. Effective family planning methods should be advocated through adequate counselling on the correct use and proper management, with consideration of the background of custom and belief.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was conducted to identify the perceptions of working Muslim Jordanian women regarding the efficacy and safety of their contraceptive methods, and whether these perceptions affected method choice or discontinuation. Methods: A prospective study on 207 married working women of reproductive age was conducted between March and June 2002. Results: The majority of women were using an intrauterine device (IUD), fewer were using traditional methods and oral contraceptive pills. Effectiveness was the main reason for choosing IUD and pill methods, while concerns about safety were the main reason for discontinuation. Safety was the main reason for choosing traditional methods and poor efficacy was the reason for discontinuation. Conclusion: Health-care professionals need to increase the use of proper contraceptive methods and compliance by providing counseling services and correcting any misperceptions regarding birth control methods before and during use.  相似文献   

Objective of this study was to investigate the influence of IUD use on the psychoaffective evolution of the wearers. 200 women answered a questionnaire and 48 were personally interviewed 6 months after insertion. Most women were between 31-35, catholics, and of urban residence; they all had been using several contraceptive methods prior to IUD insertion, and behavioral methods had been used more often than the pill; 58% had had previous abortion experience. Information about the IUD had come from a doctor in 73.5% of cases, and from friends in 33% of cases. Most women seemed to be pleased with their present choice; only 3% felt the device as a foreign body; sexual side effects were positive; 42% of wearers declared to now take the initiative for intercourse, as compared to 14% before IUD insertion; sexual satisfaction was increased for 57% of wearers.  相似文献   

上海市已婚妇女初产后避孕方法的选择和转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛丽  袁伟 《生殖与避孕》1999,19(1):34-41
本文对上海市3701名已婚妇女初产后15个月内避孕方法的选择和转换进行了分析,分析结果表明:产后15个月内,95.46%的妇女采取过避孕方法。产后首次采取的避孕方法城市以避孕套(50.72%)和IUD(29.09%)为主,农村以IUD(56.65%)和避孕套(30.60%)为主,其它方法较少。首次避孕选择避孕套者,终止向IUD的转换率较高;而选用IUD者终止向其它方法的转换率较低。15个月随访时,94.54%的妇女正在使用某种避孕方法,其中60.76%的城市妇女71.07%的农村妇女正在使用IUD。多项分类Logistic回归分析结果表明不同特征的妇女对避孕方法的选择存在很大差异,城市、文化程度高的妇女倾向于选用避孕套和安全期,较少选用口服药;年龄大的妇女使用避孕套和安全期的人要多些;正在哺乳的妇女不愿用口服药;单位或计划生育部门对产后选用何种避孕方法有推荐意向的妇女使用IUD的比例较高。提示计划生育管理部门应根据妇女的不同特征耐心、细致、客观地向她们说明各种避孕方法的优点和缺点,需纠正社会上对一些避孕方法的偏见。应充分尊重妇女的避孕选择,使妇女自觉满意地实行计划生育。  相似文献   

李瑛  周国华 《生殖与避孕》1998,18(5):301-306
本研究将180名已婚、一孩、年龄33±5岁,需要使用避孕措施的健康妇女随机分成6组,即IUD组、绞股蓝总甙加IUD组、1号OC片组、40mg、60mg、80mg绞股蓝总甙分别与1号OC片复合的3个试验组.用双盲法给药,连续服用6个月观察脂类代谢和血压的变化.结果显示:以IUD组和1号OC片组的数据为参比值.服用不同剂量绞股蓝总甙复合口服避孕药后无升高TG和TC的趋势,有显著升高HDL-C作用和使APOA_1水平上升的趋势;亦存在降低收缩压的趋势,对舒张压无明显影响,但在服药后3个月时HDL-C水平曾发生暂时性下降.  相似文献   

3101 women aged 20-44 were surveyed in Flanders in 1982-83 concerning their perceptions of the contraceptive methods they used. The survey was part of a larger longitudinal study of changes in family formation in Belgium. Traditional and modern contraceptive methods were perceived very differently. Withdrawal/periodic abstinence and the condom were regarded as effective by 61% and 79% of respondents, while the IUD, pill, and female sterilization were believed by 99% of respondents to be effective. Traditional and intermediate contraceptive methods were believed to be less convenient to use, to be more frustrating sexually, but to be more natural. The IUD and pills were associated with higher risks of secondary effects, but oral contraceptive (OC) users believed their method to be much more harmful to their health than did IUD users. IUD users complained of physical secondary effects, while OC users complained of physical, psychic, and sexual secondary effects. Fewer IUD users than OC users believed their method to be highly effective. Considerable proportions of withdrawal, periodic abstinence, and condom users appeared to overestimate the efficacy of their method. Sterilization users believed the accessibility of their method to be significantly lower than did users of other methods, perhaps because sterilization has become accepted and widely available in Flanders only in the past few years. The most frequently cited advantages of withdrawal/periodic abstinence and the condom were naturalness, innocuity, and lack of secondary effects, while the most frequently cited advantage of OCs and sterilization was their efficacy. Ease of use and efficacy were both cited as advantages by IUD users. A large number of women, especially those using modern methods, stated their method had no major disadvantages. The principle disadvantages cited by withdrawal, abstinence, and condom users were low efficacy and inconvenience for sex life, while the principle disadvantages for the pill and IUD were health worries and secondary effects. Perception of the attributes of the contraceptive method used was influenced more by prior contraceptive use than by age, educational level, ideology or completeness of the family. As in other countries, users of modern methods seem to be more satisfied with their choice. Reasons for terminating use of different methods used in the past were directly related to their perceived disadvantages. Secondary effects and health worries were the major reasons for terminating OC and IUD use. A nonnegligible proportion who terminated IUD use cited its lack of efficacy.  相似文献   

The prevalence rates of atypical cervical cytology among two groups of contraceptive choosers were determined. Choosers of the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) and the oral contraceptive pill with no reported history of contraceptive use and choosers of the IUD and pill with a prior history of use of methods of contraception other than the pill were found to have small differences in screening rates of cervical cytologic atypicality. When the cervical cytology atypicality rate is described by both current and past reported methods of birth control, it is evident that contraceptive history is associated with differential rates of cervical cytology atypicality among choosers and that any comparison between choosers should control for past use of all major methods of birth control. The similarity in atypical cervical cytology rates may reflect a similar sexual history in IUD and pill choosers, but a study which includes more specific cytologic designations and detailed measures of contraceptive history and behavioral variables is necessary to evaluate this hypothesis. A prospective study which includes these variables in evaluating the relative rates of atypical cervical cytology among choosers of various methods of birth control is described.  相似文献   

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