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在分析了印度尼西亚医疗卫生服务提供系统和卫生系统绩效基础上,展示了印度尼西亚卫生系统面临的主要问题和挑战。其中,包括慢性病疾病负担沉重、医疗服务和资源分配不均、农村卫生服务可及性较差以及政府卫生筹资比例较低等。目前印度尼西亚卫生系统的改革取向是实现公平和自治目标,通过社区和私立部门以及公民的参与,实现公平的卫生服务和卫生资源的可得性,增强卫生服务体系,改善公民健康。  相似文献   

20世纪全球卫生发展的回顾与展望(三)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前面两篇分别概括了全球卫生与发展的进步及挑战。本篇则总结卫生体制改革的经验,提出“新的普及性”概念,重申卫生系统发展目标。提高卫生服务的效率及覆盖率始终是各国政府的责任,依此指导21世纪的卫生系统改革。  相似文献   

在欧洲,人人享有卫生保健的理念已经纳入了各国政府经济社会发展的战略目标。2008年6月,WHO欧洲委员会部长级会议通过了"增加财富与促进健康的卫生系统——塔林宪章"(The Tallinn Charter:HealthSystems for Health and Wealth)的卫生改革战略性框架文件,提出了投资于健康就是投资于人类发展、社会和谐与财富增长的卫生发展战略,进一步强调卫生系统必须要满足日益增长的卫生保健需求与健康期望。围绕重组初级卫生保健服务体系,增加政府卫生投入,整合卫生服务资源与模式,提高卫生系统反应性,改善卫生服务质量,加强公共卫生、疾病预防和健康促进,建立基于问责机制的卫生系统绩效评估模式,加强卫生部门治理,以及实施卫生技术评估等问题,一些国家采取了一系列改革措施,完善卫生筹资机制,改革政府卫生投入方式,明确卫生改革优先领域等,促进了卫生服务供给模式转变与卫生服务绩效改善,这也为我国进一步深化医药卫生体制改革提供了许多借鉴。本期首先介绍《塔林宪章》的主要内容,今后将陆续推出关于欧洲卫生改革发展的文章,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

保加利亚卫生系统在共产主义时期就取得了一些的成绩,包括保证了免费和可及的卫生服务,但随着政治经济的改革及发展,其卫生系统的矛盾也不断显现,因此也进行了一系列的改革.特别是1998年政府推出了激进的卫生体制改革措施,改革取得了一定的成效且发展势头良好.对保加利亚卫生体制改革进行了回顾和分析.  相似文献   

研讨会上主要就我国经济环境与卫生改革的关系、医疗卫生服务中市场问题、政府与市场在卫生系统中的作用、卫生部门政府职能的调整、卫生改革与国情、国外经验等7方面进行了研讨,不同的意见进行了充分地交流。国外专家对我国的卫生改革提出了4点进言。  相似文献   

加强卫生系统的重要性和必要性是国际共识.但无论是西方发达国家援助机构对非卫生援助项目,还是中非卫生合作的重点领域,都较少涉及加强非洲国家的卫生系统.由于卫生系统的整体缺陷,阻碍了非洲大陆实施卫生千年发展目标.新中国成立以来,在建立健全卫生系统、改善人民健康方面取得了显著成绩.针对非洲卫生系统发展面临的突出问题和需求,在中非卫生合作中应本着尊重非洲国家自主选择卫生发展道路的原则,制定中非加强卫生系统合作的策略,更多地开展加强卫生系统,尤其是在农村地区建立基层卫生服务网络体系和覆盖全民的基本医疗保险的经验分享和试点项目.  相似文献   

如果从某种意义上说卫生系统改革仅仅停留在理论上的探索,没有实质性的突破,那么,其重要原因就在于卫生系统的人事制度改革的举步维艰。因此,卫生系统改革的成败关键取决于卫生系统人事制度改革的进程。 2000年,国家人事部和卫生部在搞好试点和深入调查研究的基础上,制定了卫生事业单位人事制度改革方案。这是卫生系统人事制度改革的政策性依据,必将大大促进和推动卫生改革的进程,也必将为卫生事业的健康发展注入新的生机和活力。  相似文献   

卫生领域中政府管制作用的探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的:探讨卫生领域中政府的管制作用。方法:通过文献复习进行理论探讨。结果:当前,我国卫生系统正面临着严重的信任危机。问题的根源是制度的缺陷,政府治理和监管的不足是关键。卫生系统改革中存在的诸多问题需要通过发挥政府的主导作用和充分利用市场的竞争机制来解决。医生的职业道德、伦理观、诚信及对患者的尊重和反应性在医患关系中处于主导的地位。对政府管制的认识应该是“管办分离,政事分开,分类管理”。政府部门将从“办卫生”转变为综合运用经济、法律和行政等手段来“管卫生”。卫生政策的制定要“以人为本”,要有及时性。结论:我国卫生改革成功的标志应该是:(1)要达到卫生服务的可及性和可承受性。解决和缓解“看病难、看病贵”问题;(2)要有公正的卫生筹资机制,建立全民的医疗保障制度是今后努力的方向;(3)具有良好的健康状况(4)要有一个创新的卫生体制和机制。  相似文献   

新医改背景下乡镇卫生院综合改革说明政府对基层卫生投入的长效和保障机制正逐步形成,研究提高财政投入绩效具有重要意义。卫生系统是复杂性系统,本研究运用卫生系统绩效框架和机构治理模式理论,结合对广东省15个县市的现场调研,对乡镇卫生院政府投入绩效可能存在的机构效率、县域三级卫生服务体系整体效率和政府卫生投入方式等问题和原因进行了剖析。最后提出系统性提升乡镇卫生院政府卫生投入绩效,应高度重视县域农村医疗卫生服务体系改革的顶层设计;政府各职能部门间的政策制定应相互契合良性互动;要建立基于县域医疗卫生均等化下的符合卫生规律的财政卫生转移支付模式。  相似文献   

卫生发展是伴随着人类历史发展而延伸的过程。因此,卫生发展必然会满足许多动力学规律。分析、总结和掌握这些规律,用以推动卫生事业的发展,对卫生改革具有重大意义。卫生系统结构分解按照广义的卫生概念,卫生系统可分解为职能性(functional)与自身发展性(self-developmental)两个子系统。职能性子系统担负着向社会和公众提供卫生服务的任务,是卫生系统联系社会的根本途径。职能性子系统的活动满足生产动力学规律。自身发展子系统主要指卫生系统的科学  相似文献   

该文介绍了典型的4个国家和地区的医疗体系、卫生筹资和改革过程,借鉴其经验与教训,阐述了其对上海医疗体系改革的启示。  相似文献   

最近,美英两国医改都有了一些新的进展,在各自国内产生了极大影响和震动。美国医改的主攻方向是以扩大医保覆盖面、实现全民医保为目标,英国医改主要是在医疗费用风险承担上进行改革,在医疗服务体系中实行进一步的管办分离。尽管两国医改的侧重点不同,但医改的基本方向一致,即在筹资和医疗卫生体制的宏观管理上,增强政府的组织领导功能,而政府放手和退出医疗卫生的实际生产和微观管理过程。英美两国医改关于政府职能的双重调整,对于中国新医改具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Patient and public involvement has been at the heart of UK health policy for more than two decades. This commitment to putting patients at the heart of the British National Health Service (NHS) has become a central principle helping to ensure equity, patient safety and effectiveness in the health system. The recent Health and Social Care Act 2012 is the most significant reform of the NHS since its foundation in 1948. More radically, this legislation undermines the principle of patient and public involvement, public accountability and returns the power for prioritisation of health services to an unaccountable medical elite. This legislation marks a sea‐change in the approach to patient and public involvement in the UK and signals a shift in the commitment of the UK government to patient‐centred care.  相似文献   

美国医疗保健制度的改革措施与成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对美国医疗保健制度改革的原因、措施以及取得的成效的研究 ,旨在探讨美国医疗保健从自由企业性的卫生服务系统向政府组织多种医疗保健项目等方式进行宏观管理的过程和对各项制度的成效与利弊进行分析 ,以求对我国从计划经济向市场经济转轨后 ,医疗保健制度的改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Background After the fall of communism, Poland implemented one of the widest reaching programmes of socio-economic reforms. However, in comparison health system reforms were less radical. At the end of the 1990s a change process had been started, but the political fight for power has heavily influenced the health reforms and led to two different reform concepts being implemented over a period of a few years. Aim The paper assesses the chances of implementation of the reform proposed in 2001 to recentralise health financing and organisation by replacing regional sickness funds by a National Health Fund. A hypothetical model is proposed which is placed at the start of the reforms and compares the model to the actual political course observed. Methods PolicyMaker software was used for a political mapping analysis. The policy content (goals and mechanisms) was based on official political documents as well as verbal declarations made by key policymakers in the media, newspapers and magazines. Results The analysis showed that the political situation was in favour of the government implementing a single National Health Fund. Nevertheless, this generated a strong resistance by the political opposition, experts and health care workers which could be a substantial obstacle for the realisation and effectiveness of the implemented model. The feasibility of the project could have been increased by implementing a number of strategies aimed at modifying the attitude of key stakeholders and by introducing the proposed reform as part of an overall improvement of the work environment for health professionals. Conclusions The concept of a National Health Fund generated important opposition against the proposed changes in the health care system. With its majority in Parliament, the government was nevertheless able to establish the new system. The actual course of the reforms however contained a large number of formal errors, which led the Constitutional Court to rule the reform as unconstitutional. Substantial imperfection of the reform caused a destabilization of the whole health care system. In addition, defeat of the reform caused a decrease of electoral support for the governing coalition.  相似文献   

In 2017, the Estonian government addressed the longstanding challenge of financial sustainability of the health system by expanding its revenue base. As a relatively low-spending country on health, Estonia relies predominantly on payroll contributions from the working population, which exposes the system to economic shocks and population ageing. In an effort to reduce these vulnerabilities, Estonia will gradually introduce a government transfer on behalf of pensioners, although long-term sustainability of the health system could still prove challenging as the overall health spending as a percentage of GDP is not expected to substantially increase. Estonia has rolled out the reform according to plan, but it has led to debate about the need to achieve universal population coverage (currently at about 95%). Moreover, the Estonian experience also holds important lessons for other countries looking to reform their health system. For example, policymakers should recognize that reforms require extensive preparation using consistent messaging over a long period of time, also to prevent prioritising short term and popular fixes over structural reforms. Additionally, collaboration between the health and financial ministries throughout the reform increases the buy-in for the reform and likelihood of adoption. Furthermore, health professionals play a significant role in advocacy, and seeking support from this group can smooth the path towards health system reform.  相似文献   

China's market-oriented health reforms since the early 1980s created a range of problems in its healthcare system. By mid-2000 healthcare costs had increased to a level which was too expensive even for average income families without any form of healthcare subsidy. On realising the severity of health related problems, China's central government launched its large-scale, expensive health reform in April 2009, intending to re-establish the universal healthcare system which would provide affordable basic health care to everyone in the country.Using unformatted, in-depth interviews with multiple stakeholders of health care in China, this study aimed to provide the latest research-based evidence about access to health care for ordinary citizens in China two years into the April 2009 health reform. It aimed to find out what implications could be drawn for the English NHS (National Health Service) Foundation Trusts reform pursued by the UK Coalition Government from China's experience of health reforms.The study provided evidence that, two years into the April 2009 health reform, there was a newly re-established, public health insurance based healthcare system in China. The new system was providing affordable basic health care to even the most remote and poorest of our participants who were among the most remote and poorest in China in July–August 2011. Given the geographical and population size of China, this is an enormous achievement.The Chinese experience implies that if there is no effective and powerful regulatory system, the UK Coalition Government's policy to abolish the arbitrary private patient income cap on the amount of income NHS Foundation Trusts may earn from privately funded patients could have some negative impacts, for instance, on tackling health inequalities and ensuring good provider behaviour.  相似文献   

中美医疗卫生体制改革对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗卫生体制改革是国家重大的民生问题。分析了中美两国医改的背景,就两国医改的动因、理念、内容等进行了比较,为我国新医改提出以下建议:医疗安全是医改关注的焦点;医改必须因地制宜;医改必须兼顾公平与效率;医改应坚持公共卫生服务体系的公益性质不动摇;医改应以提升卫生服务可及性为基础,以广覆盖为目标;应建立完善的费用支付方式等。  相似文献   

石光 《中国卫生经济》2005,24(11):51-53
从制度经济学“交易”的概念入手,分析了买卖交易和限额交易的特点,并用不同形式的交易理论,解释了以限额交易为特征的英国国家卫生服务体制、以买卖交易为特征的美国医疗服务市场体制,在医疗费用控制等制度绩效方面的差异.这对我国的卫生改革具有参考价值.  相似文献   

以人为本的整合型卫生服务体系是当前国际卫生体系发展的重要方向。鉴于英国卫生体系综合绩效在发达国家中的领先地位,在"购买与提供分开"的框架下政府同时负责筹资和服务组织的结构,这与我国卫生体系具有相似性,本文根据文献研究和现场调查,分析英国近年建设以人为本整合型卫生服务体系的内在逻辑和实践进展,并探讨其对我国的启示。研究发现,改革主要体现在三个层面:区域层面推动卫生部门内部各机构与跨部门服务的统一规划,并辅以转型基金、绩效考核和整合式的预算分配与决策机制;地方层面以公共卫生和医疗服务的筹资整合推动服务围绕人群健康进行协调,应对人群层面的健康问题;社区层面通过对全科医生执业模式进行再组织,在基层卫生网络基础上结合社区服务,综合应对个体和社区层面的健康决定因素。根据英国经验,本文提出:整合改革涉及多个层面,应当明确各自权责;统一的决策问责、协调的资源分配是推动整合的关键抓手;基层卫生发展需要在专业化基础上进行组织化。  相似文献   

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