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正静脉血栓栓塞(venous thromboembolism,VTE)通常包括深静脉血栓形成(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)、肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE),是脊柱外科手术后比较常见的并发症~([1]),会显著影响患者的生活质量,严重者甚至导致死亡~([2])。Sebastian等~([3])在样本数量为43777例的回顾性分析中指出,行胸腰椎手术的患者30d内PE和DVT的发生率分别为0.5%和0.7%,而行椎体次全切除手术的患者发生  相似文献   

脊柱外科病人围手术期血栓预防及相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨脊柱外科病人围手术期肺栓塞(PE)和下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)的预防方法.方法 回顾性分析1330例行脊柱外科手术的病人,发生有症状PE 9例,DVT 32例.其中干预组760例,发生DVT 10例,PE 2例;对照组570例,发生DVT 22例.PE 7例,两组比较发生率;两组随机选取行脊柱外科4种手术者各50例.记录手术出血量和术后24 h伤口引流量,应用SPSS 10.0软件进行X2和t检验.结果 干预组DVT和PE发生率由3.86%和1.23%分别降至1.32%和O.26%,差别有显著性(DVT X2=8.976,P=0.003;PE X24.512,P=0.034).手术出血量方面,两组差别无显著性(P>0.05);术后24 h伤口引流量方面,干预组大于对照组,差别有显著性(P<0.05).两组并发上消化道出血各1例,差别无显著性(X20.042,P=0.838).结论 对于脊柱外科病人,围手术期规范化血栓监测和预防性治疗是安全和必要的.  相似文献   

[目的]分析人工髋、膝关节置换术后症状性静脉血栓栓塞性疾病(venous thromboembolism,VTE)发生的危险因素。[方法]2013年5月~2013年12月行人工髋、膝关节置换术患者602例,这些患者在术后出现下肢疼痛、肿胀、周径发生改变、Homans征阳性时行双下肢深静脉彩超(ultrasonography,USG)检查是否发生下肢深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT),同时记录入组患者肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE)事件的发生,分析患者年龄、性别、BMI、手术类型、单双侧、糖尿病史、术前血糖、术前胆固醇、术前甘油三酯、术前D-dimer等与症状性VTE发生风险的相关性。[结果]人工髋、膝关节置换术后共发生症状性VTE 19例(3.16%),其中远端DVT 18例(3.00%),近端DVT 4例(0.66%),PE 2例(0.33%)。症状性VTE患者的平均年龄为(66.74±9.04)岁,显著高于其余患者人群(OR=1.065;95%CI=1.001~1.133;P=0.047)。[结论]症状性VTE是人工髋、膝关节置换术后不容忽视的问题,尽管进行常规的预防,其发生率仍不低。年龄是人工髋、膝关节置换术后发生症状性VTE的危险因素。对于年龄大的患者,应进行及时有效的VTE预防措施。  相似文献   

正随着人口老龄化不断进展和心血管疾病发病率上升,血栓栓塞性疾病的防治和处理逐渐受到各学科关注和重视。静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism,VTE)包括肺血栓栓塞症(pulmonary embolism,PE)和深静脉血栓形成(deep vein thrombosis,DVT),PE和DVT是同一疾病不同阶段和不同部位的两种临床表现,二者统称为VTE。外科病人术前活动减少、术中制动和术后长期卧床均  相似文献   

静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism, VTE)是骨科手术比较常见的并发症,包括深静脉血栓(deep venous thrombosis, DVT)与肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism, PE),其中急性肺动脉血栓栓塞症(acute pulmonary thromboembolism,...  相似文献   

背景:常规药物抗凝预防全膝关节成形术(total knee arthroplaty,TKA)后静脉血栓症(venous thromboembolism, VTE)已被众多指南推荐。尽管症状性VTE较无症状性VTE少见,但其临床意义更大。目前国人TKA术后常规预防抗凝后症状性VTE发生率的数据仍缺乏。 目的:调查遵照指南推荐预防措施后初次TKA后症状性VTE的发生率。 方法:2007年1月至2012年5月在北京协和医院接受初次TKA的1160例(1351膝)患者进入此前瞻性队列研究。男184例,女976例;对术后有症状患者应用Wells评分进行评判,符合条件者行下肢静脉超声检查。记录症状性静脉血栓栓塞症患者的一般资料、手术资料、放射学结果、处理与转归。 结果:共39例(56膝)患者出现症状性VTE,发生率3.36%。其中症状性深静脉血栓形成(deep vein thrombosis, DVT)37例(3.19%),症状性肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism, PE)2例(0.17%);近端DVT 6例,远端DVT 31例;男2例,女37例;年龄54-81岁,平均68.4岁。原发病均为骨关节炎。症状性VTE发生中位时间为术后7 d(3-14 d)。预后均良好,无围手术期死亡病例。 结论:本研究报道初次TKA后常规抗凝后症状性VTE发生率较国外文献报告略高。对无症状患者无需常规筛查VTE。  相似文献   

<正>静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)包括深静脉血栓栓塞症(DVT)和肺动脉血栓栓塞症(PE)。DVT是指深静脉腔内血液的病态凝结,这种血块可留在原位,或移至肺动脉导致PE。DVT和PE是VTE在不同部位和不同阶段的2种临床表现形式。VTE是骨科术后常见的并发症,有较高的致残率及致死率。VTE在脊柱手术后发生率与关节手术相似~([1])。确定围手术期VTE的危险因素将有助于评估患者形成VTE的风险程度。术前进行风险评估和危险分层,筛选  相似文献   

目的关节镜术后静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thrombo embolism,VTE)的预防尚无指南及专家共识可遵循,本研究旨在回顾性研究膝关节镜手术患者术后VTE的发病情况,并对其术后VTE的风险因素及预防措施讨论分析。方法本研究为单中心回顾性研究,对我科于2015年1月至2015年12月收治的膝关节镜手术患者进行随访。共收治慢性退行性及低能量创伤性膝关节镜手术患者400例,男性270例,女性130例,年龄(38±15.2)岁。手术均为择期常规手术,手术时间(55±21)min。术后常规应用VTE物理预防措施,不采用抗凝药物预防。术后6周内,根据患者随访时的临床症状、体征决定进一步行血管超声及肺动脉造影检查,分别了解症状性下肢深静脉血栓(deep venous thrombosis,DVT)及肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE)的发病率,并对发生VTE患者的潜在风险因素进行分析评估。结果术后6周内出现症状性DVT 4例,发生率为1%;其中近心端DVT 1例,远心端DVT 3例;无症状性PE发生。在VTE风险因素中,年龄60岁、手术时间60min可能增加VTE发生的风险。结论常规慢性退行性及低能量创伤性膝关节镜手术患者术后症状性DVT发生率很低,且主要发生于远心端,不建议对所有关节镜手术患者均采取常规药物抗凝措施。但是,需对膝关节镜手术围术期患者VTE风险因素进行个性化评估、筛查,对存在高风险患者可采取更加积极的抗凝预防措施。  相似文献   

目的分析采用多模式血栓预防措施后,老年初次髋、膝关节置换术后静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)的发生和转归情况。 方法回顾性收集2015年1月至2017年6月行初次单侧髋、膝关节置换的老年患者375例(年龄≥60岁),所有患者均接受抗凝药物、足底小腿静脉气压泵、加强踝泵和早期下地等康复预防以及减少围手术期脱水等多模式血栓预防措施,术后采用彩色多普勒超声检查双侧下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)的发生情况,对有症状患者行肺动脉CT造影排查肺动脉栓塞(PE)。 结果共349名患者获完整随访,随访率92.5%。随访期间无症状性PE,DVT共38例,总发生率为10.9%,均为远端DVT。手术同侧DVT 38例,双侧3例。症状性DVT共27例(27/38,71.1%),无症状性DVT 11例(11/38,29.0%)。单纯腓肠肌间静脉血栓29例,单条小腿静脉血栓3例,混合静脉血栓6例。接受不同手术方式的患者DVT发生率差别有统计学意义(χ2=0.000,P<0.001),其中接受全膝关节置换手术患者DVT的发生率为16.3%,显著高于单髁关节置换手术组的4.7%。单纯腓肠肌间静脉血栓未予药物治疗,其他DVT口服利伐沙班抗凝治疗4 w。术后8 w,有26例(26/38,68.4%)血栓完全消融,12例(12/38,31.6%)血栓未完全消融,但所有DVT相关临床表现均消失,无残留血栓后遗症,且无血栓进展或新发PE。 结论采取多模式预防措施后,老年关节置换术后VTE发生率低,且均为远端DVT,经观察或短程抗凝治疗,症状消失并无后遗症。  相似文献   

正统计表明北美症状性静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism,VTE)的发病人数每年超过60万;而欧洲症状性VTE发病人数每年超过150万;亚洲的统计也表明深静脉血栓形成(deep vein thrombosis, DVT)的发生率约为17.1/10万,肺动脉栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE)约3.9/10万;全世界范围内VTE的发生率呈明显增加的趋势[1-4]。VTE严重危害人类健康,其主要危害为致死性PE、深静  相似文献   

The incidence of venous thromboembolic (VTE) events (deep vein thrombophlebitis [DVT] or pulmonary embolism [PE]) in foot and ankle trauma has been low, and the risk/benefit ratio associated with chemoprophylaxis is controversial. We compared the 90-day incidence of VTE events in 3 cohorts: group 1, tendo-Achillis (TA) ruptures managed with full weightbearing in a walker boot; group 2, ankle fractures immobilized non-weightbearing in a below-the-knee cast; and group 3, ankle fractures managed surgically, followed by non-weightbearing in a below-the-knee cast. Data were extracted from 2 prospectively collected trust databases for acute TA ruptures and ankle fractures. VTE risk was assessed using a U.K. national assessment tool. Chemoprophylaxis was prescribed for high-risk patients. The 90-day incidence of symptomatic VTE events was drawn from a trust-wide radiology database. In group 1 (n?=?291), the incidence of VTE events was 4.8% (11 [3.8%] DVT, 3 [1.0%] PE) at a mean of 16.1?±?6.8 days. In group 2 (n?=?227), the incidence of VTE events was 2.2% (5 [2.2%] DVT) at a mean of 33.4?±?11.3 days. In group 3 (n?=?199), the incidence of VTE events was 3.0% (5 [2.5%] DVT, 1 [0.5%] PE) at a mean of 37.2?±?14.2 days. Patients with symptomatic VTE events presented significantly earlier after acute TA rupture compared with after ankle fracture (p?=?.002). We found the overall incidence of VTE events in foot and ankle trauma was low, with a relatively greater incidence of symptomatic VTE events, which occurred earlier, in acute TA ruptures compared with ankle fractures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was performed to determine the role of duplex scanning in preventing pulmonary embolism (PE), the correlation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk score with the incidence of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), and patients who may benefit from surveillance duplex scanning. METHODS: Age, sex, Injury Severity Score (ISS), VTE score, length of stay, diagnoses, and bleeding risk were recorded from the trauma registry in patients who had a duplex scan from 1995 to 2000. RESULTS: There were 1,513 duplex scans obtained (10,141 trauma admissions), 253 (2.5%) cases of DVT (52% above-knee, 8% upper extremity), and 30 cases of PE (0.3%). Only 5 of 21 duplex scans were positive in PE patients. DVT patients were older (52.9 vs. 46.7 years), with higher ISS (24.0 vs. 20.8) than patients without DVT. Regression analysis showed poor correlation between VTE score and DVT incidence (r2 = 0.27). Univariate analysis identified age, ISS, and VTE score as risk predictors for DVT. CONCLUSION: Adherence to an evidence-based VTE prophylaxis protocol is more important than surveillance duplex scanning in preventing VTE in trauma patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The true incidence of symptomatic deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients undergoing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is unknown. Our aim was to determine the incidence of symptomatic DVT and PE and the risk factors for these complications. METHODS: Fourteen surgeons from 13 referral institutions from both Europe and the United States provided retrospective data for all 5951 patients treated with laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP), with or without robotic assistance, since the start of their institution's experience. Symptomatic DVT and PE within 90 d of surgery were regarded as venous thromboembolism (VTE). DVT was diagnosed mostly by Doppler ultrasound or contrast venography and PE by lung ventilation/perfusion scan or chest computed tomography or both. Statistical analysis included evaluation of incidence of symptomatic DVT and PE and risk factors as determined by exact methods and logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 5951 patients in the study, 31 developed symptomatic VTE (0.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.4%, 0.7%). Among patients with an event, 22 (71%) had DVT only, 4 had PE without identified DVT, and 5 had both. Two patients died of PE. Prior DVT (odds ratio [OR]=13.5; 95%CI, 1.4, 61.3), current tobacco smoking (OR=2.8; 95%CI, 1.0, 7.3), larger prostate volume (OR=1.18; 95%CI, 1.09, 1.28), patient re-exploration (OR=20.6; 95%CI, 6.6, 54.0), longer operative time (OR=1.05; 95%CI, 1.02, 1.09), and longer hospital stay (OR=1.05; 95%CI, 1.01, 1.09) were associated with VTE in univariate analysis. Neoadjuvant therapy, body mass index, surgical experience, surgical approach, pathologic stage, perioperative transfusion, and heparin administration were not significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of symptomatic VTE after LRP is low. These data do not support the administration of prophylactic heparin to all patients undergoing LRP, especially those without risk factors for VTE.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo determine the efficacy and safety of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters in preventing pulmonary embolism (PE) in high-risk patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty.Methods2857 hip or knee arthroplasty procedures between January 2013 and December 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with a preoperative history of venous thromboembolism (VTE), either PE or deep venous thrombosis (DVT), were categorized as high-risk patients. The incidence of overall VTE, PE, and DVT were compared between patients with filters and those without. The subgroup analysis was also performed by patient risk, and filter status and the incidence of VTE, PE, and DVT were compared. Variables such as filter placement, history of hypercoagulability etcetra were evaluated as risk factors for the development of postoperative VTE.ResultsIn the high-risk group, the use of IVC filters was significantly associated with a lower incidence of pulmonary embolism (0.8% vs 5.5%, P = .028). When compared with the low-risk group, the high-risk group had significantly higher incidence of PE (3.8% vs 2.0%, P = .038), DVT (11.6% vs 5.3%, P < .001), and overall VTE (15.0% vs 6.8%, P < .001). The history of VTE was associated with postoperative VTE (P < .001), PE (P = .042), and DVT (P < .001). There was no significant correlation between filter placement and postoperative VTE, DVT, or PE in the low-risk group. Filter retrieval was successful in 100% (96/96) of attempted patients with no complications.ConclusionThe use of IVC filters is significantly associated with a lower incidence in pulmonary embolism in high-risk arthroplasty patients. High-risk patients demonstrated an incidence of postoperative VTE over two times greater than other patients. Prophylactic placement of IVC filters in hip/knee arthroplasty is safe.  相似文献   

目的调研了解上海市二级甲等及以上医院普痛外科有关静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)院内防控体系建立情况、医生相关知识掌握,住院病人发病情况。方法2019年9月1—12日以上海市普通外科临床质量控制中心为平台,设计问卷并以质量控制中心官方邮件及微信平台共同推送二维码形式对上海市二级甲等及以上医院普通外科进行电子问卷调查。问卷内容设计严格按照国内外普通外科领域VTE防治指南为标准。结果共69家医院普通外科参与调研,回收有效问卷112份,肺动脉栓塞(PE)确诊例数占住院手术例数的0.06%(5/7843),深静脉血栓形成(DVT)确诊例数占1.02%(80/7843)。上海市二级及以上医院已有88.39%(99/112)的科室建立VTE防控体系;84.82%(95/112)的科室有VTE和PE的联合会诊团队;96.43%(108/112)的科室入院时为病人做VTE风险评估,74.11%(83/112)的科室在病人手术后评估VTE风险,38.39%(43/112)的科室出院前为病人评估VTE风险。有53.57%(60/112)的科室为VTE高风险病人进行术前抗凝,至术前12 h停药。34.61%(18/52)的科室因顾虑出血,以及23.07%(12/52)的科室认为外科手术前无须抗凝,而术前不予抗凝治疗。在术后抗凝治疗中,对良性疾病病人,43.75%(49/112)的科室对予术后抗凝3~5 d,23.21%(26/112)予抗凝至出院前,4.46%(5/112)予抗凝至可自由行走,2.68%(3/112)予抗凝至术后28 d,25.89%(29/112)术后未予常规预防性抗凝;对于恶性疾病病人,47.32%(53/112)科室予抗凝至出院前,23.21%(26/112)予术后抗凝3~5 d,仅有8.04%(9/112)根据规范推荐抗凝至术后28 d。院内预防中有96.43%(108/112)的科室选择低分子肝素;院外预防中有43.75%(49/112)的科室使用阿司匹林,16.07%(18/112)使用低分子肝素,24.11%(27/112)使用新型口服抗凝药,15.18%(17/112)使用华法林。结论与2年前对比,上海市普通外科VTE防治的理念和实践有了很大的进步,但对照先进国家的防治实践,存在较大差距,尤其在为病人选择正确用药及恶性肿瘤等VTE高危病人的预防上仍有改善空间。  相似文献   

Orthopedic surgery is associated with a significant risk of postoperative pulmonary embolism (PE) and/or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This study was performed to compare the clinical presentations of a suspected versus a documented PE/DVT and to determine the actual incidence of PE/DVT in the post-operative orthopedic patient in whom CT was ordered. All 695 patients at our institution who had a postoperative spiral CT to rule out PE/DVT from March 2004 to February 2006 were evaluated and information regarding their surgical procedure, risk factors, presenting symptoms, location of PE/DVT, and anticoagulation were assessed. Statistical analysis was performed using an independent samples t test with a two-tailed p value to examine significant associations between the patient variables and CT scans positive for PE. Logistic regression models were used to determine which variables appeared to be significant predictors of a positive chest CT. Of 32,854 patients admitted for same day surgery across all services, 695 (2.1%) had a postoperative spiral CT based on specific clinical guidelines. The incidence of a positive scan was 27.8% (193/695). Of these, 155 (22.3%) scans were positive for PE only, 24 (3.5%) for PE and DVT, and 14 (2.0%) for DVT only. The most common presenting symptoms were tachycardia (56%, 393/695), low oxygen saturation (48%, 336/695), and shortness of breath (19.6%, 136/695). Symptoms significantly associated with DVT were syncope and chest pain. A past medical history of PE/DVT was the only significant predictor of a positive scan. Patients who have a history of thromboembolic disease should be carefully monitored in the postoperative setting.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn revision total knee arthroplasty (rTKA) and revision total hip arthroplasty (rTHA), venous thromboembolism (VTE) has been reported to be a relatively common and potentially serious complication. To mitigate this risk, strategies such as rapid recovery programs and thromboprophylaxis guidelines have been utilized. This study sought to identify the annual incidence and recent trends of VTE (defined as the presence of deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and/or pulmonary embolism [PE] in the same patient), DVT, PE, and mortality in the 30-day period after rTKA and rTHA.MethodsWe identified 30,406 rTKA and rTHA patients from 2008 to 2016 using the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. Thirty-day incidences for VTE, DVT, PE, and mortality for each year and the overall study period were calculated. Bivariate and multivariate regressions were performed using patient demographics and comorbidities to assess trends in the outcomes of interest.ResultsThe overall incidences of 30-day VTE, DVT, PE, and mortality for rTKA were 1.2%, 0.9%, 0.4%, and 0.5%. Bivariate analysis revealed no significant change over the study period for VTE (P = .137), DVT (P = .406), PE (P = .121; 99% confidence interval 0.112-0.129), and mortality (P = .463). The incidences over the study period of VTE, DVT, PE, and mortality in rTHA were 1.0%, 0.7%, 0.4%, and 0.7%. Bivariate analysis revealed no changes in VTE (P = .393), DVT (P = .376), and PE (P = .602). However, bivariate analysis revealed significant decrease in mortality (P = .010) over the study period.ConclusionWithin 30 days of surgery, approximately 1 in 83 rTKA patients and 1 in 100 rTHA patients experienced a VTE. Furthermore, the rates of VTE remained largely unchanged from 2008 to 2016. Further research regarding the optimal individualized prophylaxis algorithm in rTKA and rTHA is warranted to prevent this complication. This study represents the first investigation of thromboembolic events in rTHA and rTKA.  相似文献   

目的探讨骨科医护一体化静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)防控体系的临床应用价值。 方法收集暨南大学附属顺德医院2015年10月至2019年3月收治的骨科患者临床病历资料,纳入受伤至入院时间≤24 h、于骨科行手术治疗且病历资料完整、年龄≥ 18岁的患者;排除入院前已患有VTE、正在使用抗凝药物、有严重精神障碍的患者、以及有VTE药物和物理防治禁忌的患者。选取2017年12月至2019年3月实施VTE防控体系后收治的215例患者作为研究组,选取2015年10月至2017年11月实施VTE防控体系前收治的180例患者作为对照组,所有患者均获得3个月以上的随访,对两组患者VTE防治的依从性,下肢深静脉血栓形成(DVT)、肺血栓栓塞症(PTE)的发生率和死亡率,大出血事件的发生率,与VTE相关的医疗纠纷发生率均采用χ2检验进行比较分析;住院时间采用t检验进行比较分析。 结果研究组VTE防治的依从性为93.0%,对照组为5.0%(χ2=304.680,P<0.05)。研究组DVT、PTE发生率、死亡率分别为2.8%、0、0,对照组DVT、PTE发生率、死亡率分别为16.1%、3.3%、2.8%(χ2=21.526、5.219、4.030,P<0.05)。研究组大出血事件的发生率两组比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.106,P>0.05)。研究组VTE相关的医疗纠纷发生率为0,对照组为2.8%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.030,P<0.05)。研究组患者住院时间(14.0±3.0)d少于对照组的(15.7±3.4)d(t=2.622,P<0.05)。 结论骨科医护一体VTE防控体系的实施可有效提高患者VTE防治的依从性,降低VTE、PTE发生率、死亡率及VTE相关的医疗纠纷发生率,缩短住院时间,不增加大出血事件的发生率,具有良好的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

Hamad GG  Choban PS 《Obesity surgery》2005,15(10):1368-1374
Background: Obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery are at significant risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE). We performed a multicenter, retrospective survey to evaluate the safety and efficacy of enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis in patients with morbid obesity undergoing primary bariatric surgery. Methods: From January to December 2002, 668 patients who underwent primary bariatric surgery at 5 centers were analyzed retrospectively. Baseline patient demographics, objectively diagnosed cases of VTE, and bleeding events were recorded. Patients received enoxaparin preoperatively (30 mg) or postoperatively (40 mg) every 12 or 24 hours or upon discharge (30 mg every 24 hours for 10 days). Results: Overall, there were 6 (0.9%) pulmonary embolisms (PE) and 1 (0.1%) occurrence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT); all but 1 occurred after the cessation of thromboprophylaxis. The highest incidence of VTE was at Center B, which did not administer perioperative thromboprophylaxis (1 DVT and 2 PEs). There were 6 (0.9%) severe bleeding complications: 3 at center D and 3 at center E. In Center B, 2 deaths were recorded (0.3%): 1 due to sepsis and 1 due to bleeding, with both occurring after thromboprophylaxis was discontinued. Conclusion: The administration of enoxaparin, in various dosing regimens, is safe for thromboprophylaxis in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Fewer events occurred with perioperative prophylaxis initiated in the hospital. Because all thromboembolic events occurred after the cessation of thromboprophylaxis, extended thromboprophylaxis may be of value.  相似文献   

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