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本文报告六年来所治疗的22例颅内静脉窦血栓形成(不包括脑瘤侵犯静脉窦),兹分述如下: 病因与部位:1.外伤(11例)一位于上矢状窦者5例,侧窦者3例,窦汇者3例。2.服复合雌孕激素避孕的(7例)—位于上矢状窦者6例,直窦与大脑内静脉者1例。3.感染(3例)—位于上矢状  相似文献   

骑跨静脉窦硬膜外血肿24例报告   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 提高骑跨静脉窦硬膜外血肿的诊疗水平。方法 回顾性分析总结24例骑跨静脉窦硬膜外血肿的诊疗过程。血肿跨矢状窦19例,跨横窦5例,均伴有窦上颅骨骨折。急性型9例,亚急性型13例,慢性型2例,均经CT诊断。保守治疗2例,开颅血肿清除22例。结果 获完全恢复19例,轻瘫、生活尚能自理者2例,完全性偏瘫(重残)2例,死亡1例(该例同时合并有脑挫伤、出血性休克),无植物生存。结论 骑跨静脉窦硬膜外血肿,只要重视跨窦颅骨骨折或骨折线向窦延伸这一线索,尽早进行影像诊断,及时予以血肿清除和有效止血,可获得较满意的疗效。  相似文献   

外伤性静脉窦血流受阻临床影像观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、资料与方法 1.一般资料:2007年6月至2010年5月收治外伤性静脉窦血流受阻患者,男4例,女2例.年龄28~68岁,平均48岁.直接暴力加速性损伤2例,受伤机制复杂性减速伤4例.上矢状窦区损伤4例,1例窦汇区损伤,左横寞区损伤1例.除1例患者伤后缄默外,其余均神志清醒.4例上矢状窦区损伤的患者中,四肢瘫痪1例,伤后缄默1例;2例后颅窝静脉窦区损伤的患者中均有明显的凹陷骨折及大于15 ml的硬膜外血肿.4例上矢状窦区损伤的患者均有不同程度的骨折,而伴发硬膜外血肿均为少量血肿,2例粉碎骨折,1例线性骨折,1例轻微凹陷骨折.  相似文献   

目的总结外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿的临床特点及手术治疗及其疗效。方法回顾性分析2006年6月至2012年6月收治的32例外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿患者的临床资料,其中血肿位于单侧17例,过中线15例;骑跨枕窦15例,骑跨横窦10例。结果2例保守治疗;30例行骨瓣开颅血肿清除术,术中见枕骨骨折25例,骨缝分离3例。术后复查头部CT见血肿清除彻底,骨瓣原位对合良好。无脑脊液漏及假性脑脊膜膨出病例。出院时GOS评分5分29例,4分2例,3分1例。结论外伤性后颅窝硬膜外血肿治疗效果主要与能否早期诊断及手术有关。通过积极的骨瓣开颅手术清除血肿及彻底止血,可以避免术后静脉窦梗塞及由于颅骨缺损造成假性脑膨出的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨骑跨横窦的硬膜外血肿的形成机制及临床治疗方法和疗效。方法对2007年1月至2011年1月间26例颅脑外伤致骑跨横窦的硬膜外血肿患者的临床表现、受伤机制、影像学资料、手术方式及疗效进行分析。手术清除血肿采用幕上骨瓣、幕下骨窗、保留骨桥,幕上、下骨窗和幕下骨窗三种手术方式。结果 26例患者有23例行手术治疗,2例血肿量少而保守治疗,1例家人放弃治疗。26例患者按GOS评分,23例手术患者中有22例恢复良好,中残1例,2例保守治疗的患者恢复良好,1例放弃治疗患者死亡。结论骑跨横窦的硬膜外血肿重在早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗,有手术指征,尽早手术,预后较好。  相似文献   

颅脑损伤术后迟发性颅内血肿的形成机制   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10  
目的 探讨颅脑损伤术后非手术区迟发性颅内血肿的临床特征及形成机制。方法 回顾性分析29例颅脑损伤术后经CT扫描或再次开颅探查证实为飞黄腾达这发性血肿的发生部位,发生时间,及其与脑挫裂伤,颅骨骨折等原发伤的关系。结果 血肿发生部位与手术部位关系;邻近型8例,远隔型12例,对侧型9例;发生在脑内9例,硬膜外12例,硬膜下7例。脑室内1例;12例术后硬膜外血肿中有9例可见颅骨骨折;9例术后脑内血肿中有7例可见脑挫裂伤。结论 颅脑损伤术后迟发性颅内血肿中,硬膜外,硬膜下与脑内血肿形成机制不尽相同,颅骨骨折,脑挫裂伤,脑膜或皮质血管破裂,桥静脉断裂等局部损伤影响不同类型血肿的形成,脑血管麻痹,低氧血症等是非手术区迟发性血肿形成的病理基础。  相似文献   

目的探讨可调压引流治疗颅内肿瘤切除术后并发远隔部位急性硬膜外血肿的疗效。方法回顾性分析12例颅脑肿瘤术后出现远隔部位急性硬膜外血肿病例的临床资料,均采用可调压引流系统治疗。结果 11例在引流术后即刻复查头颅CT,残余血肿量均在35 ml以内;术后14 d血肿大部分清除。1例钻孔引流术后复查头颅CT提示:血肿较术前扩大,立即开颅清除血肿。随访3个月,12例病人均恢复良好,GOS评分均达5分。结论可调压引流系统应用于颅内肿瘤切除术后并发远隔部位急性硬膜外血肿,手术效果好,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨非外伤病人术后出现远隔部位出血的原因以及防治方法。方法回顾7例非外伤性开颅术后的病人出血的时间和类型、治疗方法及预后,分析出血的原因以及预防方法。结果对出血量大并伴意识障碍甚至昏迷的4个病人行开颅血肿清除术,术后恢复良好,而2例蛛网膜下腔出血和1例小脑引部出血的病人给予保守治疗后亦恢复良好。结论颅内压的改变、血管损伤、血管调节功能改变、血压的改变及凝血功能障碍是非外伤性开颅手术后远隔部位出血的主要原因,及时发现、早期治疗是患者预后良好的关键。我科自2001年1月至2010年5月,共开展非外伤性开颅手术252例,术后出现远隔部位出血7例,现将其治疗情况及病因分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组男4例,女3例;年龄20~70岁,平均51岁。右额部蛛网膜囊肿1例,脑室-腹腔分流手术1例,左、右侧小脑血管网织细胞瘤各1例,左额部脑膜瘤1例,右额叶和左颞顶叶胶质瘤2例。所有患者术后24h复查头颅CT示颅内非手术区出血,其中3例术后4h神志由清楚变昏迷,复查头颅CT示非手术区巨大硬膜外血肿;1例术后12h出现昏迷,复查头颅CT示顶枕部硬膜外巨大血肿;2例蛛网膜下腔出血,1例小脑引部小血肿,详见表1。1.2临床表现7例出现非手术区出血的患者都在术后出现头部难以缓解的疼痛,并逐渐加重;脑室-腹腔分流术后的病人还出现同类手术后难以解释的疼痛或其它症状;4例术后意识清醒后又出现烦躁不安,意识渐模糊,至昏迷及一侧瞳孔散大,详见表1。1.3治疗方法4例发生较大硬膜外血肿伴意识障碍的患者,行开颅血肿清除术;2例蛛网膜下腔出血和1例小脑引部小血肿患者给予保守治疗,详见表1。  相似文献   

高血压性脑出血手术治疗22例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨手术治疗高血压脑出血的临床疗效和意义。方法 回顾性分析自2000年以来人住我科并行手术治疗的22例高血压脑出血患者的临床资料。其中8例行微创血肿清除术,14例行小骨窗开颅血肿清除术。结果 微创血肿清除术8例.治愈7例,死亡1例,死于术后脑内再出血。小骨窗开颅血肿清除术14例,治愈11例,死亡3例。3例中,1例术后中枢性高热,一周后家属放弃治疗死亡;1例死于肺部感染;1例死于多器官功能衰竭。结论 对于高血压性脑出血的治疗,应根据患者的具体情况,仔细辩别手术适应证,在恰当的手术时机(超早期或早期)合理地选择手术方法,这是提高治愈率的基础,而且术后积极的综合治疗至关重要。  相似文献   

小儿重型颅脑损伤临床特点分析   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
目的 分析总结小儿重型颅脑损伤的临床特点。方法 回顾性研究小儿重型颅脑损伤患的致伤原因、损伤类型、临床表现,以及救治方法和预后状况。结果 本组共458例,男性317例,女性141例。年龄1个月~15岁。车祸伤185例,坠落伤159例,二合计占75.1%。闭合性颅脑损伤357例,开放性颅脑损伤101例。合并颅内血肿162例(35.4%);并发颅骨骨折221例,其中凹陷骨折82例。全组均有不同程度的意识障碍,有生命体征变化253例(55.2%);癫痫发作107例(23.4%)。367例施行血肿清除、去骨瓣减压、凹陷骨折复位术等手术治疗,另外91例保守治疗。恢复良好337例(73.6%);中残27例(5.9%);重残12例(2.6%);植物生存7例(1.5%);死亡75例(16.4%)。结论 小儿重型颅脑损伤的主要临床特点是原发性脑损伤表现重;生命体征紊乱明显;颅骨凹陷骨折和颅缝分离多见;囟门闭合前后临床特征不同;对冲性颅内血肿发生率低;癫痫发生率高;预后较成人好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨外伤性颅内静脉窦血栓形成的诊断及治疗方法。 方法 回顾性分析经临床和影像学方法确诊的13例外伤性颅内静脉窦血栓形成患者资料,其中行血肿清除及去骨瓣手术3例,采取早期抗凝、静脉溶栓2例,静脉窦接触性溶栓介入治疗2例,病程较长、保守治疗效果不理想者行侧脑室—腹腔分流手术1例,余5例横窦栓塞患者没有症状或者症状轻微,行保守治疗。 结果 13例患者中10例治愈,2例存在局灶性症状,1例轻度智力障碍。术后3d~6个月8例复查DSA,3~6个月5例复查MRV,均通畅。结论外伤性颅内静脉窦血栓形成一旦确诊应尽早积极治疗,抗凝和溶栓治疗是目前主要治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨“S”形切口+跨窦骨瓣开颅术治疗跨上矢状窦硬膜外血肿的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2017年12月至 2019年12月收治的19例跨上矢状窦硬膜外血肿的临床资料。术前行颅脑冠状位、矢状位CT及颅骨三维重建,根据影像学所示行“S”形皮瓣+跨窦骨瓣开颅术。结果 术中见顶骨凹陷性骨折7例,颞顶骨骨折15例,其中骨折线跨上矢状窦12例;上矢状窦出血12例,骨折板障出血3,导静脉及硬膜血管出血4例;术后24~72 h多次复查头部CT,显示硬膜外血肿完全清除,无再出血。出院时按GOS评分评估预后:恢复良好14例,中残3例,重残1例,植物生存1例。术后随访3~24个月无血肿复发。结论 采用“S”形切口+跨窦骨瓣开颅术治疗跨上矢状窦硬膜外血肿,能有效地止血并处理上矢状窦损伤,同时避免上矢状窦受压,术后再出血风险低,并发症少,疗效好。  相似文献   

Dural sinus thrombosis (DST) usually involves the sagittal, transverse and sigmoid sinuses and is more common in women due to pregnancy, puerperium and oral contraceptive use. Other etiologies include coagulopathies, infection and head injury. We have present two DST cases following head injury. The first case was a 35-year-old man hospitalized because of one-week history of headache and repeated vomiting after a mild head injury. Thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus, right transverse and sigmoid sinuses and right jugular vein was determined on angiography. The second case was a 25- year-old man operated on for epidural hematoma at the posterior fossa. Meningitis developed and an abducens palsy was determined. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated thrombosis of the right transverse and sigmoid sinus. Low molecular weight heparin was administrated for three months. Both cases had good recovery, but one had recanalisation of the thrombosis. Intracranial hematomas, depressed skull fracture or skull fracture that cross the sinus can obstruct the blood flow in the sinus. Moreover, closed head injury may cause to DST. Because of undefinitive pathophysiology, a consensus was not obtained on overall strategy concerning conservative, radiosurgical, or surgical therapy yet.  相似文献   

目的探讨额叶挫伤合并隐匿性跨上矢状窦硬膜外血肿的诊断与治疗原则。 方法回顾性分析山东省千佛山医院神经外四科自2012年11月至2017年11月收治的额叶挫伤合并跨上矢状窦硬膜外血肿患者12例,术前行颅脑冠状位及矢状位CT及三维重建,根据影像学所示颅内出血损伤程度制定相应治疗方案,观察临床疗效。 结果12例患者术后恢复GOSⅤ级6例(包括4例保守治疗),GOSⅣ级3例,GOSⅢ级2例,GOSⅡ级1例。 结论早期准确诊断额叶挫伤合并跨上矢状窦硬膜外血肿并选择合理的处理方式对患者的预后有重要意义。  相似文献   

Paget's disease of skull usually causes neurological complications such as basilar invagination, cranial neuropathies, etc. Occurrence of extradural hematoma in association with Paget's disease of skull is rare. A 48 year old man presented with headache and right upper limb weakness, two days after a fall from scooter. CT Scan of brain showed a large extradural hematoma at the vertex with the cranial vault showing features of Paget's disease. At surgery, no skull fracture or injury to the superior sagittal sinus was evident. There was diffuse oozing from the inner table of the skull, which showed features of Paget's disease. The extradural hematoma was evacuated and the patient made good recovery. He deteriorated a few hours after surgery. Follow up CT Scan showed diffuse brain swelling with minimal recollection of hematoma. Re-exploration showed a small recollection which was evacuated and the part of the oozing diseased skull was excised. The patient recovered completely. This is the first reported case of vertex extradural hematoma in association with the Paget's disease of skull. The unusual features are the absence of skull fracture and injury to the superior sagittal sinus. The increased vascularity of the skull due to Paget's disease has caused the hematoma by diffuse oozing from the inner table.  相似文献   

骑跨横窦硬膜外血肿58例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨骑跨横窦硬膜外血肿的临床处理、手术指征及方法. 方法 收集自2001年9月至2007年12月收治住院的58例骑跨横窦硬膜外血肿患者的临床资料,其中门诊第一次常规头颅CT平扫发现血肿者42例,迟发性血肿者10例,开颅手术中出现迟发性血肿者6例.所有患者均采用16排螺旋CT行冠状面、矢状面三维重建,计算血肿总量、幕下和幕上血肿量,其中血肿总量≥30 mL或幕下血肿≥15 mL者有42例,均采取手术治疗,方法为依据血肿范围,跨过横窦一次性骨瓣成形,血肿清除后骨瓣复位,蛇牌颅骨锁同定;对伴有其他部位血肿或严重颅高压者8例行另外部位血肿清除或去骨瓣减压术. 结果 本组54例患者术后恢复正常,3例生活能自理,1例重残,无死亡病例. 结论 对血肿总量<30 mL或幕下血肿<15 mL者可采取保守治疗,血肿总量≥30 mL或幕下血肿≥15 mL者应积极手术治疗.应用跨过横窦一次性骨瓣成形方法安全可行,骨瓣复位后要采取牢固的内固定.  相似文献   



Ligation and division of anterior third (AT) of superior sagittal sinus (SSS) is presumed to be safe and is commonly used for approaching anterior skull base tumors and distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms (DACA). Contrary to this belief we found complications secondary to this procedure more often than described and we have described them along with probable etiology.

Materials and methods

A total of 62 patients who underwent bifrontal or extended bifrontal craniotomies with ligation and division of the proximal end of SSS were studied retrospectively. The clinical profiles and postoperative CT scans were studied to look for venous edema and hemorrhages. Venogram (digital subtraction) was done in one of the patients who had developed this complication.


Five patients developed bifrontal venous hemorrhagic infarcts (4 patients with anterior skull base tumors and 1 with DACA aneurysm). These patients had a morbid postoperative hospital stay with memory disturbances and urinary incontinence in the follow up period. Two patients died. The venogram done in one patient revealed complete occlusion of the AT-SSS. The morbidity and mortality that can be attributed to ligation of AT-SSS was 8.06% and 1.6% respectively.


The safety of ligation and division of the AT-SSS is questionable, contrary to traditional teaching. Though only the proximal end of SSS is ligated, the occlusion extends upto the distal craniotomy edge possibly due to reflection of the dural leaf with AT-SSS that causes kinking and thrombosis. It is more often seen in patients with anterior skull base lesions, probably because of already compromised basal venous drainage. A preoperative venogram could possibly predict the safety of this procedure.  相似文献   

目的 探讨静脉窦插管溶栓加导丝疏通治疗颅内静脉窦闭塞性颅内压增高的治疗效果。方法 经上矢状窦插人导管鞘,滴注尿激酶溶栓的同时,在DSA下用导丝机械疏通上矢状窦、左右横窦。结果 12例病人颅内压增高症状全部缓解。无1例死亡,无并发症发生。有7例视力逐渐恢复,1例术前失明术后未能复明。结论 在DSA下进行静脉窦插管溶栓加导丝疏通,是治疗颅内静脉窦闭塞性颅内压增高的一个安全有效、创伤较小的方法。  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe present our experience with surgery of parasagittal and falcine meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinus with special consideration of the surgical complications and the incidence of tumour recurrence.Materials and methodsThe analysis included 37 patients with parasagittal and falcine meningiomas invading the superior sagittal sinus. In 13 cases, the sinus was ligated and resected with tumour. In 14 cases, the sinus was entered with the goal of tumour resection and the sinus was reconstructed, while in 10 patients the sinus was not entered and the remaining residual tumour was observed for growth.ResultsOut of 13 patients after radical resection of the tumour and invaded part of sinus, 9 revealed haemodynamic complications: venous infarction (4), significant brain oedema (3) and hypoperfusion syndrome (2). 2 out of 14 patients after resection of the tumour from the lumen of the superior sagittal sinus with subsequent sinus repair developed venous infarction after surgery. Among 27 patients after radical tumour excision the remote follow-up revealed recurrence in 2 patients. There were no significant haemodynamic complications in none of 10 cases, in which the residual tumour was left after surgery in the superior sagittal sinus. In this group, 3 cases were subjected to early post-operative radiotherapy and local recurrence was observed in 4 patients.ConclusionsThe aggressive surgical treatment of meningiomas infiltrating the superior sagittal sinus is associated with a high surgical risk. The incidence of recurrence of these tumours increases significantly in the case of non-radical excision of the tumour.  相似文献   

Depressed fractures that occur on the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) cause stenosis or thrombosis of the sinus in 11.5% of cases. Despite this, the appearance of signs and symptoms derived from high intracranial pressure is an infrequent event. So far, only 17 cases of venous sinus injury causing intracranial hypertension have been documented. It is necessary to establish treatment immediately before clinical suspicion. Surgical treatment by craniectomy is a fast, effective and safe alternative according to the series. However, it is necessary to anticipate the possibility of haemorrhage in the operating room.The case of a 7-year-old girl admitted for traumatic brain injury (TBI) with the diagnosis of a left parasagittal occipital sinus fracture that stenosed the posterior third of the superior sagittal sinus is presented. Upon arrival, she was asymptomatic, and conservative management was selected. Subsequently, the patient began to present with headache, nausea, vomiting and diplopia associated with bradycardia and apnoea pauses of central origin. She underwent surgery with a craniectomy with satisfactory clinical and radiological evolution and normalization of the intracranial pressure (ICP) registry.  相似文献   

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