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当今世界,各种思想文化交流、交融、交锋日益频繁,我国思想文化领域的变革也日趋广泛而深刻,目前大学生文化自信有缺失和弱化的倾向,思想政治教育面临着前所未有的挑战。分析思想政治教育与大学生文化自信之间的逻辑关联并在这种逻辑关联基础上,提出从弘扬社会主义先进文化、传承中华文化血脉、深入整合革命文化精神、理性审视西方文化等方面培育大学生文化自信。这是实现高校思想政治教育的文化价值目标,也是提升高校思想政治教育实效性,进一步发挥高校思想政治教育文化育人功能的内在要求。  相似文献   

法学教育模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法学教育是以传授法律知识、训练法律思维、培养合格法律专业人才为内容的一种教育。她既是一种职业教育,更是一种素质教育。笔借鉴世界各国法学教育模式,从法学教育观、人才培养模式、教学内容和教学方法等方面,探讨适合我国国情的法学教育模式。  相似文献   

厉红  王淑清 《医学研究杂志》2007,36(12):121-122
我们从“法律的虚无主义”时代走出来,对民主与法制的向往与追求,对历史与现实的思考,直接催生和完善了一部部法律,也使法律意识直接在人民群众中生根。“非典”和“禽流感”使卫生法规在人民群众当中得以实施。卫生法学是生物学、医学、卫生学、药物学等自然科学和法学相结合,  相似文献   

我国高等院校校方与学生的法律关系,近年来引起教育界和法律界的关注,这是由于人们越来越习惯于用法律来调整各种社会关系,校方与学生之间法律纠纷有所增加,使学校的管理层感觉到了压力.校方与学生法律关系是以现行的法律规范为前提而形成的一种社会关系,其核心是法律责任问题.高等医学院校这种法律关系有其特殊性,比其他高校更复杂,也就更值得研究探讨.  相似文献   

中国古代哲学和《黄帝内经》的人体生命构成论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于构成人的要素,中国古代哲学不但有气本体论之一分的见解,而且有精神与肉体二分的思想,还有精、气、神或形、气、神三分的思想,这些思想对《内经》都有影响。《内经》主要采用一分、二分的人体生命构成论,此外,还有三分、四分、五分的人体生命构成思想,笔者认为四分、五分的构成论就是二分、三分的构成论的延伸,三分论是结合一分论和二分论的,二分论是渊源于一分的构成论的,即都本源于气一元论。又笔者认为《内经》的气包含物质的特性与精神的特性,因此气就是精神和肉体的共同基础,并可使两种要素协调统一的媒介体。于是笔者把这种人体生…  相似文献   

医事法学着重探讨医事活动涉及法律规范的理论体系以及司法实务及立法兴废等问题,应当有其独立的法律体系;但其尚未被正式列入专业目录,与医学法学、卫生法学之间定位存在的模糊性也在一定程度上阻碍其教学改革与学科发展。通过廓清其内涵,分析国外经验,建议医事法学教学改革应顺应社会发展的需求,从内容和方法两个方面进行改革,完善医事法学理论体系。  相似文献   

乱伦是指发生于有亲密血缘关系的家族成员之间的性交。广义而言,它包括发生于一些正式或正式亲属(即使没有血缘关系之]司的性交,这种性文在文化上是被禁止的,如继父母与继子女,或继同胞之间的性关系。人们一直普遍地认为乱论行为是动物的本性,也是人类的天性,对乱伦的抑制或禁止是由文化决定的。然而,近年来这种观点受到了挑战。在观察动物寻找配偶的行为时,人们发现乱伦行为并非普遍现象,如同窝长大的狼成年后不发生性交。而且,人类学资料也很清楚地显示,若有一个正常的发育环境人就会厌恶乱伦。l乱伦禁忌的生物学观点苏格兰…  相似文献   

目的:分析我国高职护理专业卫生法学与伦理学课程设置现状与社会需求,探索如何科学设置该课程;方法:选择浙江省内外开设护理专业的学院共18所,调查其培养计划中有关卫生法学、护理伦理学课程开设情况。设计并发放政治法律类课程开设意向调查表,征求护理学生和实习医院的意见,提出最愿意学或最希望加强的政治法律类课程,对有关资料进行对比分析。结果:卫生法学课程职业技术学院开设率高于综合性大学(P〈0.01)。一年级学生最愿意学的三门政治法律类课程是法律基础、毛泽东思想概论,邓小平理论,“三个代表”重要思想、卫生法学与伦理学,三年级则为卫生法学与伦理学、法律基础、哲学。三年级学生学习卫生法学与伦理学的意向明显提高于一年级(P〈0.01)。医院最希望加强的课程是卫生法学与伦理学、法律基础和思想品德。结论:鉴于医疗护理工作的需要,为减少因护理因素导致的医疗纠纷,高职护理专业应进一步加强卫生法学与伦理学教学,可考虑整合护理学导论、护理学基础、护理伦理学或法律基础知识等课程,新开《卫生法学与伦理学》课程,总课时40~50学时。  相似文献   

而中国人尊尊有序,亲疏有别的宗法伦理思想却被作为“人道之大者”.从宗教道德来分析,差等的人道是非人道,中西人道的含义也大相径庭.至于功利主义,中外宗教差异最为明显,伦理精神以道义为核心的纲常就是儒教的最高价值.用道德理性克服个人欲望,加之道家寡欲、佛家去欲、儒家的无欲构成了中国普遍的传统社会心理.“君子喻于义,小人喻于利”,“饿死事小,失节事大”;重义轻利的价值观表面似乎对人的理性精神保持不沦为物,但却忽视道德与物质的统一,不讲价值,不顾效益,与当代医学社会所不容.马克思指出,基督教是一种人与神的等价交换作为信仰基础,‘救赎论’就是一种利益交换,它与‘金钱作商品维  相似文献   

析医科院校卫生法学教学实践与改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医科院校卫生法学教学要顺应时代的要求来加强和发展,在注重实践环节的基础上深化教学改革,从师资、教材、内容上优化教学资源,从案例教学、诊所式教学、对象式教学方式的探索上增强教学效果,从而造就出有良好法律素养的医药卫生人才。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To collect information on the involvement, legal understanding and ethical views of preregistration house officers (PRHO) regarding end-of-life decision making in clinical practice. DESIGN: Structured telephone interviews. PARTICIPANTS: 104 PRHO who responded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Information on the frequency and quality of involvement of PRHO in end-of-life decision making, their legal understanding and ethical views on do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order and withdrawal of treatment. RESULTS: Most PRHO participated in team discussions on the withdrawal of treatment (n = 95, 91.3%) or a DNR order (n = 99, 95.2%). Of them, 46 (44.2%) participants had themselves discussed the DNR order with patients. In all, it was agreed by 84 (80.8%) respondents that it would be unethical to make a DNR order on any patient who is competent without consulting her or him. With one exception, it was indicated by the participants that patients who are competent may refuse tube feeding (n = 103, 99.0%) and 101 (97.1%) participants thought that patients may refuse intravenous nutrition. The withdrawal of artificial ventilation in incompetent patients with serious and permanent brain damage was considered to be morally appropriate by 95 (91.3%) and 97 (93.3%) thought so about the withdrawal of antibiotics. The withdrawal of intravenous hydration was considered by 67 (64.4%) to be morally appropriate in this case. CONCLUSIONS: PRHO are often involved with end-of-life decision making. The results on ethical and legal understanding about the limitations of treatment may be interpreted as a positive outcome of the extensive undergraduate teaching on this subject. Future empirical studies, by a qualitative method, may provide valuable information about the arguments underlying the ethical views of doctors on the limitations of different types of medical treatment.  相似文献   

我国各级医疗卫生政策法律种类繁多,引入知识管理模型可以进行有效梳理,对于实现全民健康提供政策法律保障意义重大。在研究医疗卫生政策法律基本结构基础上,利用本体技术建立的医疗卫生政策法律知识库,包括后台和前台系统两个部分。该系统的知识管理功能完善,能使决策者更便捷、充分地获取相关医疗卫生政策法律知识,帮助和支持其制定政策。  相似文献   

论加强医学生法律素质教育的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏 《西北医学教育》2009,17(5):874-875
医学生不仅应具备较高的医学专业知识和能力,而且还要具有厚重的人文素养。提升医学生法律素质是当前医学教育的重要内容之一。因此,在医学教育中必须渗透法律教育,促进医法结合。要转变传统的医学教育观念,建设医法结合的师资队伍,利用医学教学的主渠道,发挥临床教学优势,从多方面入手加强医学生医事法律素质教育。  相似文献   

Advances in life-saving technologies in the past few decades have challenged our traditional understandings of death. Traditionally, death was understood to occur when a person stops breathing, their heart stops beating and they are cold to the touch. Today, physicians determine death by relying on a diagnosis of 'total brain failure' or by waiting a short while after circulation stops. Evidence has emerged, however, that the conceptual bases for these approaches to determining death are fundamentally flawed and depart substantially from the established biological conception of death. We argue that the current approach to determining death consists of two different types of unacknowledged legal fictions. These legal fictions were developed for practices that are largely ethically legitimate but need to be reconciled with the law. The considerable debate over the determination of death in the medical and scientific literature has not informed the public that vital organs are being procured from still-living donors and it seems unlikely that this information can remain hidden for long. Given the instability of the status quo and the difficulty of making the substantial legal changes required by complete transparency, we argue for a second-best policy solution: acknowledging the legal fictions involved in determining death to move in the direction of greater transparency. This may someday result in more substantial legal change to directly confront the challenges raised by life-sustaining and life-preserving technologies without the need for fictions.  相似文献   

The terms "competency" and "decision making capacity" (DMC) are often used interchangeably in the medical setting. Although competency is a legal determination made by judges, "competency" assessments are frequently requested of psychiatrists who are called to consult on hospitalised patients who refuse medical treatment. In these situations, the bioethicist is called to consult frequently as well, sometimes as a second opinion or "tie breaker". The psychiatric determination of competence, while a clinical phenomenon, is based primarily in legalism and can be quite different from the bioethics approach. This discrepancy highlights the difficulties that arise when a patient is found to be "competent" by psychiatry but lacking in DMC by bioethics. Using a case, this dilemma is explored and guidance for reconciling the opinions of two distinct clinical specialties is offered.  相似文献   

Withholding life prolonging treatment,and self deception   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES: To compare non-treatment decision making by general practitioners and geriatricians in response to vignettes. To see whether the doctors' decisions were informed by ethical or legal reasoning. DESIGN: Qualitative study in which consultant geriatricians and general practitioners (GPs) randomly selected from a list of local practitioners were interviewed. The doctors were asked whether patients described in five vignettes should be admitted to hospital for further care, and to give supporting reasons. They were asked with whom they would consult, who they believed ought to make such decisions, and whether the relatives' preferences would influence their decision making. MAIN MEASURES: To analyse the factors influencing the doctors' decisions not to admit otherwise terminally ill patients to hospital for life prolonging treatment. RESULTS: Seventeen GPs and 18 geriatricians completed the interview. All vignettes produced strong concordance in decision making between both groups. Ten per cent of the doctors would provide life prolonging treatment to patients with severe brain damage. Most would admit a surgical patient regardless of age or disability. Medical reasons were largely used to explain decision making. The wishes of relatives were influential and resource considerations were not. There was variability regarding decision making responsibility. CONCLUSIONS: Little attempt was made to link decision making with ethical or legal concepts and there may have been non-recognition, or denial, of the ethical consequences of failure to admit. The process of decision making may involve deception. This may be conscious, because of the illegality of euthanasia, or unconscious (self deception), because of deepseated medical and societal reluctance to accept that intentionally withholding life prolonging treatment may equate with intentionally causing death.  相似文献   

R F Weir  L Gostin 《JAMA》1990,264(14):1846-1853
The lives of hopelessly ill patients often are prolonged because physicians are uncertain of the legal consequences of discontinuing life-sustaining treatment, particularly when a patient lacks decision making capacity. Physician uncertainty may increase in the light of the U.S. Supreme Court's Cruzan decision, which upheld Missouri's refusal to support a family's request to discontinue tube feeding a patient in a persistent vegetative state. Weir, an ethicist, and Gostin, an attorney, examine the body of case law through Cruzan related to the issue of abating life-sustaining treatment for nonautonomous patients, including decisions on the right to refuse treatment, the role of surrogate decision makers, types of treatment that may be abated, and the threat of legal liability. They conclude that physicians need not fear the legal consequences of discontinuing life-sustaining treatment if an appropriate decision making process has been followed.  相似文献   

在善治理论的背景下,政府与公民社会之间应构建一种合作的关系,政府职能是适应社会需要、为社会提供公共服务等。新一轮医药卫生体制改革以来,政府职能主要体现在社会管理、社会服务和社会平衡三个方面。医改中实现善治,还需要健全信息公示制度,完善政府和社会、公众之间的沟通机制;加强政府信息资源建设,实现行政透明;建立法律保障和约束机制,明确各利益相关方的责权;培育第三部门,推进政府与公民、政治国家与公民社会的良好合作.  相似文献   

病案复印存在问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的通过对复印病历资料的人员结构进行分类,了解复印病历存在的问题并对现状进行分析,为制定对策提供依据.方法对本院复印的病案数据进行统计分析.结果复印病案中外地户籍人口占多数为62.3%,部分人员证件不全对复印制度理解不全面;复印人员中病人本人及家属占多数为50.6%.结论加强病案复印知识的宣传,加强病案管理,提高书写质量,为病人提供完整可靠的病历资料.  相似文献   

一项好的法律原则 ,须有好的法律制度来支撑 ,才能使其发挥真正的功效。当依法行政已深入人心 ,行政公开原则已被广为认可后 ,如何实现行政公开便成了关键。行政程序法制建设中 ,行政公开原则要通过公布制度、说明理由制度、教示制度、行政信息公开制度、行政决定送达制度和行政救济制度等机制实现 ,以便使行政主体在行使行政权活动中压缩恣意和专横的空间 ,切实维护行政相对人的合法权益。  相似文献   

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