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病例资料患者 ,女 ,15岁 ,左跟部跌伤 1h入院。既往有多次骨折史 ,其母为脆骨症患者。检查 :身体矮小 ,蓝巩膜 ,周身关节松驰。左前臂掌侧成角畸形 ,右肘内翻。左跟部皮肤青紫、畸形 ,摸到向后上移位突出的骨块。X线片示 :左跟骨结节大块撕脱骨折 (见图 1)。手法闭合复位失败 ,立即在单侧腰麻下行切开复位克氏针内固定(见图 2 )。术后短腿石膏托固定。 6周去除外固定 ,拔除克氏针。 2个半月开始负重。半年随访 ,踝关节跖屈背伸如常 ,站立跟骨无疼痛 ,走路无影响1 左跟骨术前X线片  图 2 左跟骨术后X线片  术后 2年 ,右跟骨跌伤…  相似文献   

目的探讨延期切开复位结合植骨三叶草钢板内固定治疗Pilon骨折的疗效。方法 26例Pilon骨折患者,6例为开放性骨折,20例为闭合性骨折,对闭合性骨折先行跟骨牵引治疗,待肿胀消退后行切开复位结合植骨三叶草钢板内固定治疗。结果 26例均获术后随访,随访时间842个月。骨折临床愈合时间为1628周,患肢力线正常。术后有3例伤口感染,3例皮肤坏死,5例踝关节功能障碍;未见有骨折不愈合或畸形愈合,无窦道形成及骨髓炎。临床疗效按美国足与踝关节协会踝与后足功能评分:优6例(90100分),良14例(7589分),可3例(5074分),差3例(小于50分)。结论正确评估局部软组织条件,根据Pilon骨折的类型和软组织损伤程度选择合适的手术方式和手术时机,三叶草钢板内固定维持骨折复位和下肢力线,干骺端缺损区充分植骨,修复关节面,早期功能锻炼,晚负重,可使P ilon骨折术后达到良好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

正笔者于2014-09诊治左跟骨骨折内固定术后骨折愈合但钢板断裂1例,报道如下。1病例报道患者,男,61岁,职业矿工,于工作时受伤导致左跟骨骨折,在本院行左跟骨骨折切开复位内固定+同种异体骨植骨,术后切口一期愈合。术后4周拆除外固定后复查X线片显示内固定稳定,骨折复位良好,术后3个月复查X线片无异常。  相似文献   

患者资料 男性患者,35岁,因"左踝扭伤后疼痛肿胀活动受限3h"来我院急诊就诊,左踝X线片和CT检查示完全性距骨后突骨折,关节面部分塌陷(图1a,b),遂收治入院.入院后第7天,左踝肿胀消退后,在全身麻醉下行距骨后突骨折切开复位内固定术.手术采用内踝后方弧形切口,经趾长屈肌腱与神经血管束之间进入,牵开(足母)长屈肌腱后即可暴露距骨后突,撬拨复位塌陷的骨折块后用2枚直径为4.3 mm的空心加压钛钉(Newdeal,法国)固定(图1c,d).术后2周拆线后踝关节行非负重屈伸功能锻炼,术后8周复查X线片示骨折已愈合(图1e),踝关节背屈约25°、跖屈约40°,并可以负重行走.  相似文献   

外固定支架结合有限内固定和植骨治疗Pilon骨折   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨外固定支架结合有限内固定和植骨治疗Pilon骨折的疗效。方法36例Pilon骨折患者,7例开放性骨折者行急诊清创有限内固定加外固定架治疗;29例闭合性骨折者中26例肿胀消退后行切开复位有限内固定和植骨结合外固定架治疗,3例骨筋膜室综合征者二期行同样术式。结果36例均获随访,时间6~46个月。骨折临床愈合时间14~26周,患肢力线正常。4例伤口感染,4例皮肤坏死,6例踝关节功能障碍;无针道感染和松动,未见骨折不连或畸形愈合,无窦道形成及骨髓炎。临床疗效按美国足与踝关节协会(AOFAS)踝与后足功能评分:优19例(90~100分),良11例(75~89分),可5例(50~74分),差1例(〈50分)。结论正确评估局部软组织条件,根据Pilon骨折的类型和软组织损伤程度选择合适的手术方式和手术时机,合理使用外固定支架结合有限内固定维持骨折复位和下肢力线,干骺端缺损区充分植骨,整复关节面,适当功能锻炼,晚负重,术后可达到良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

病历摘要 患者,男性,53岁,因高处坠落伤致左足跟部疼痛、活动受限2 h于2009年8月26日入我科就诊.急诊查体:患者痛苦面容,左后足肿胀,足弓消失,跟骨增宽,足跟部压痛明显,可闻及骨擦音,踝关节活动受限.急诊摄左跟骨侧位和轴位X线片示:左跟骨粉碎性骨折,B(o)hler角为5°,Gissane角为146°,跟骨增宽(图1).CT扫描示左跟骨关节内骨折,骨块分离(SandersⅡ型)(图2).  相似文献   

距骨骨折术后异位骨化致踝管综合征1例   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
患者,男,41岁,车祸致左踝关节肿痛2h入院,行左距骨内踝粉碎性骨折切开复位钢板内固定(图1a-1f),手术顺利,术后预防感染消肿补液治疗,术后2周创口拆线,愈合良好。术后摄片提示:左距骨左内踝骨折对位对线良好,内固定物位置正确(图1e-1f)。  相似文献   

目的探讨采用延期切开复位内固定治疗C3型Pilon骨折的临床效果。方法对23例C3型Pilon骨折采用延期切开复位内固定并植骨治疗,术后延期非负重状态下早期踝关节活动。结果所有病例随访8~56个月,骨折均愈合,愈合时间11~30周,平均13.8周,无内固定松动及断裂现象。根据AOFAS踝与后足评分标准:优9例,良11例,可2例,差1例;优良率87%。结论采用延期切开复位内固定并植骨治疗C3型Pilon骨折,能显著减少并发症并提高踝关节功能。  相似文献   

正患者,男,17岁,因左股骨骨折内固定术后3个月就诊。3个月前打篮球时跌倒致左大腿肿痛伴畸形,于当地医院摄X线片显示左股骨下段骨折,给予左股骨骨折切开复位钢板内固定治疗。2个月前左膝关节疼痛,左股骨内侧肿胀不适,皮温增高。考虑术后血块瘀积,给予康复锻炼20 d后复查CT,显示左股骨  相似文献   

病历摘要 患者,男性,53岁,因高处坠落伤致左足跟部疼痛、活动受限2 h于2009年8月26日入我科就诊.急诊查体:患者痛苦面容,左后足肿胀,足弓消失,跟骨增宽,足跟部压痛明显,可闻及骨擦音,踝关节活动受限.急诊摄左跟骨侧位和轴位X线片示:左跟骨粉碎性骨折,B(o)hler角为5°,Gissane角为146°,跟骨增宽(图1).CT扫描示左跟骨关节内骨折,骨块分离(SandersⅡ型)(图2).  相似文献   

The incidence of talar fractures is relatively low affecting usually young patients, while recent epidemiological studies have shown that talar body fractures represent a significant proportion of the total number of talar fractures. Talar body fractures are usually high-energy injuries and often a combined talar neck and body fracture is noted. An association between talar body fractures and ankle fractures has also been recorded involving the medial or lateral malleolus. The only report of a talar fracture combined with a bimalleolar ankle fracture that was found in the literature is referred to a talar neck fracture. In this report, a combination of a talar body fracture and bimalleolar ankle fracture in a polytraumatised young patient is presented. This combined injury pattern seems to be very rare, since a similar case was not found in the literature. An open reduction and internal fixation of the talar body fracture as well as the bimalleolar fracture, followed by a prolonged non-weight bearing, led to a fracture healing with no evidence of osteonecrosis. Minimal osteoarthritic changes of the tibiotalar joint were noted at 3 years follow-up with satisfactory functional results.  相似文献   

魏新锁  杨彪  郭书章 《中国骨伤》2021,34(9):861-865
目的 :探讨手术治疗伴有Tillaux-Chaput骨折块的成人踝关节骨折的临床疗效。方法:2014年1月至2018年12月采用手术治疗15例伴有Tillaux-Chaput骨折块的成人踝关节骨折患者,其中男9例,女6例;年龄27~67(45.6±14.3)岁;左侧8例,右侧7例。观察患者骨折愈合及并发症情况,采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS)踝与后足评分标准评价踝关节功能恢复情况。结果:15例患者均获随访,时间18~70(38.1±9.9)个月。所有切口Ⅰ期愈合。X线片复查示骨折愈合良好,无内固定物松动、断裂等并发症发生。2例患者有腓浅神经损伤症状,经营养神经治疗后逐步恢复;3例患者踝关节屈伸活动轻度受限。末次随访AOFAS评分(85.6±7.9)分,其中优9例,良4例,可2例。结论 :齿状钢板固定Tillaux-Chaput骨折块,操作方便,固定牢靠,有利于踝关节功能恢复。下胫腓联合无须常规使用螺钉固定。  相似文献   

正2011年1月~2014年1月,我科手术治疗20例胫骨中下段骨折合并后踝骨折患者,效果满意,报道如下。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组20例,男14例,女6例,年龄20~65岁。左下肢8例,右下肢12例。致伤原因:摔伤10例,扭伤4例,车祸伤6例。螺旋形骨折15  相似文献   

2001年1月~2005年3月,笔者收治31例三踝骨折患者,均进行了手术治疗,疗效满意。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组31例,男21例,女10例,年龄18~40岁。右侧18例,左侧13例。所有病例均为新鲜骨折且骨折移位明显。按Weber的AO分型,B型19例,C型12例。1.2治疗方法硬膜外麻醉。如骨折片位于胫  相似文献   

正2010年4月~2012年4月,我们手术治疗35例三踝骨折患者,效果满意,报道如下。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组35例,男23例,女12例,年龄20~58岁。骨折按Lauge-Hansen分型:旋后外旋型16例,旋后内收型4例,旋前外展型7例,旋前外旋型8例。均为新鲜闭合骨折。待肿胀消退后手术,伤后至手术时间5~  相似文献   



Stress fractures (SF) occur when healthy bone is subjected to cyclic loading, which the normal carrying range capacity is exceeded. Usually, stress fractures occur at the metatarsal bones, calcaneus, proximal or distal tibia and tends to be unilateral.


This article presents a 58-year-old male patient with bilateral posterior longitudinal tibial stress fractures. A 58 years old male suffering for persistent left calf pain and decreased walking distance for last one month and after imaging studies posterior longitudinal tibial stress fracture was detected on his left tibia. After six months the patient was admitted to our clinic with the same type of complaints in his right leg. All imaging modalities and blood counts were performed and as a result longitudinal posterior tibial stress fractures were detected on his right tibia.


Treatment of tibial stress fracture includes rest and modified activity, followed by a graded return to activity commensurate with bony healing. We have applied the same treatment protocol and our results were acceptable but our follow up time short for this reason our study is restricted for separate stress fractures of the posterior tibia.


Although the main localization of tibial stress fractures were unilateral, anterior and transverse pattern, rarely, like in our case, the unusual bilateral posterior localization and longitudinal pattern can be seen.  相似文献   

Nutcracker fractures of the cuboid (compressed) are rare and often missed at an initial visit. We report a 21-year-old patient presented with a 9 months old cuboid fracture. He presented with a localized pain around his left foot. Radiograph revealed the shortening of the lateral column with old cuboid fracture. The lateral column of foot was reconstructed. The patient remained symptom-free and no radiographic evidence of recurrence was observed 1 year postsurgery.  相似文献   

Introduction:To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports in the orthopaedic and trauma literature of true segmental fracture of the scaphoid bone. We present such a case with a brief discussion of the morphology and mechanisms of injury of scaphoid fractures and the problems they present, particularly in diagnosis. Case history: A 43-year-old male with polytrauma sustained in a motorcycle road traffic accident was treated at our hospital. His injuries included a fracture initially thought to involve the waist of the scaphoid. Because he had bilateral upper limb injuries, we elected to treat the fracture surgically to facilitate rehabilitation. At the time of surgery, the fracture was noted to be truly segmental, an unsuspected and rare finding. The fracture was internally fixed, with a satisfactory result. Discussion: Scaphoid fracture patterns are generally consistent and predictable, occurring most commonly through the waist of the bone. Mechanism for injury is thought to be hyperextension of the wrist. Comminution, with or without a butterfly fragment, is occasionally seen, as are simultaneous tuberosity fractures. We suggest that the mechanism in this case may have been multiple or secondary trauma, or an effect of loaded rotation. We highlight the need for careful imaging of the scaphoid bone prior to choosing treatment.  相似文献   

《Foot and Ankle Surgery》2021,27(6):677-680
BackgroundDancer’s fracture is a spiral, oblique fracture of the diaphysis of the fifth metatarsal. Although it is a well-known fracture in high performance athletes, it is less studied in a general population. The article investigates the epidemiology within an adult population consulting a regional trauma and orthopedic center in the United Kingdom.MethodsStudy population included all patients older than 16 years presenting with a dancer’s fracture. Recorded data were age, sex, side and energy of trauma mechanism, applied treatment and time of healing.ResultsOf all fifth metatarsal fractures, 25% was found to have a dancer’s fracture. About 80% were women, and about 80% was older than 40 years. In the +40 y age group, all patients had a low energy trauma mechanism, where in the −40y age group this was only 27%. All patients were treated conservatively and no correlation was found between type of treatment (walker boot, stiff soled shoe) and time of healing. The time of healing was similar in both age groups and in general 1 out of 3 patients needed longer than 6 weeks to heal.ConclusionThere is an increased incidence of dancer’s fracture observed in the female general population +40y age. A strong correlation was found between the +40y age group and low-energy trauma mechanism. This shows the importance of treating dancer’s fracture as a fragility fracture.Level of evidenceRetrospective cohort study: level 3.  相似文献   

Hoffa骨折的临床特点及治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨Hoffa骨折的临床特点及治疗方法。方法对5例Hoffa骨折患者1例保守治疗、4例切开复位内固定治疗。结果5例均获随访,时间13—31个月。功能恢复参照Letenneur方法进行评估:优良3例,可2例。结论Hoffa骨折的临床特点以膝关节屈曲外翻位损伤多见,外髁发生率较高。X线对诊断价值有限,多借助CT检查。治疗原则是解剖复位,坚强内固定,早期功能康复锻炼。  相似文献   

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