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葛畅  席淑新 《护理学杂志》2020,35(10):86-89
目的探讨前庭功能障碍患者基于微信平台的个性化康复管理效果。方法将113例前庭功能障碍患者采用随机数字表法分为对照组(n=57)和干预组(n=56)。两组按常规治疗及护理,病情稳定后由治疗师指导行康复训练,对照组按常规进行电话随访;干预组在对照组基础上,利用微信平台开展个性化线上康复指导及管理。出院训练4周后(训练后)评价效果。结果训练后干预组平衡功能良好率及前庭康复获益得分显著优于对照组,眩晕程度得分显著低于对照组(均P0.01)。结论对前庭功能障碍患者实施基于微信平台的个性化康复管理,加强前庭康复训练的监管,可促进前庭功能恢复,改善患者眩晕症状。  相似文献   

目的:探讨对鼻前庭囊肿采用鼻前庭底部切口,行微波热凝治疗的效果.方法:取2004年1月-2009年12月入住我科,经CT扫描检查明确诊断为鼻前庭囊肿病人15例,年龄20岁-55岁,平均年龄38岁.所有患者均行鼻前庭底部切口,行微波热凝治疗.结果:所有患者均手术成功.讨论:应用微波热凝法治疗,方法简便,可在门诊进行,大大减轻患者的经济负担,节省了时间.  相似文献   

目的探讨前庭康复训练对良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)手法复位患者残余症状的影响。方法将90例手法复位治疗后有残余症状的BPPV患者随机分为三组,分别接受前庭康复训练(前庭康复组,n=29)、口服甲磺酸倍他司汀(药物组,n=30)及联合前庭康复训练及药物治疗(联合组,n=31),干预6周。于入组时及干预2、4、6周末进行眩晕残障程度评定量表(DHI)评分。结果干预后前庭康复组与药物组DHI评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);联合组DHI评分与另外两组比较,差异有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论前庭康复训练与甲磺酸倍他司汀对BPPV手法复位后伴残余症状患者治疗效果相当,两种方法联合可进一步提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻前庭肿物的诊断治疗原则,提高鼻前庭肿瘤的诊治水平。方法回顾性分析52例鼻前庭肿物患者的临床诊疗资料,并结合文献探讨鼻前庭肿物的发病规律,病理特点、诊治方法及预后。结果本组52例鼻前庭肿物患者中男女比例约为2:3。36例鼻黏膜下囊肿和14例良性肿瘤,均手术一次性完整切除,术中出血较少,术后随访无复发。恶性肿瘤2例中,1例右鼻前庭鳞癌(男)手术切除后放疗72Gy痊愈,但18个月后再次复发,经完整切除术后观察2 a未见复发。另1例外周型T细胞淋巴瘤,活检病理确诊后,患者拒绝治疗自动出院。结论鼻前庭肿物以囊肿和肿瘤良性居多,彻底手术切除预后良好。恶性肿瘤少见,需早期发现、综合治疗并密切跟踪观察。  相似文献   

寰枢段因素致颈性眩晕的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马明  周卫 《中国骨伤》2004,17(5):314-316
眩晕是临床常见症状,往往和颈椎因素相关。目前认为颈性眩晕的病因主要与前庭迷路缺血和颈反射异常两个方面相关。  相似文献   

目的 介绍鼻前庭三角瓣法修复Ⅱ度唇裂的手术方法及其优点。方法 鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术按直线法定点 ,根据鼻底部三角形大小设计鼻前庭三角瓣修复Ⅱ度唇裂 ,并充分考虑Ⅱ度唇裂特点 ,在延长患唇时只延长裂隙内侧而不延长外侧 ,保留和合理利用了上方 (鼻孔底部 )本该切除的等边三角形皮瓣 ,使手术效果更令人满意。结果  1993年 3月至 2 0 0 0年 12月行鼻前庭三角瓣法手术修复 2 0 8例唇裂患者 ,随访 136例 ,随访时间为 3个月至 6年零 5个月 ,优良率为 92 .6 %。结论 鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术既保留了直线法与上三角瓣法的优点 ,又克服了其他方法的不足 ,适用于Ⅱ度唇裂的修复  相似文献   

目的介绍鼻前庭三角瓣法修复Ⅱ度唇裂的手术方法及其优点.方法鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术按直线法定点,根据鼻底部三角形大小设计鼻前庭三角瓣修复Ⅱ度唇裂,并充分考虑Ⅱ度唇裂特点,在延长患唇时只延长裂隙内侧而不延长外侧,保留和合理利用了上方(鼻孔底部)本该切除的等边三角形皮瓣,使手术效果更令人满意.结果 1993年3月至2000年12月行鼻前庭三角瓣法手术修复208例唇裂患者,随访136例,随访时间为3个月至6年零5个月,优良率为92.6%.结论鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术既保留了直线法与上三角瓣法的优点,又克服了其他方法的不足,适用于Ⅱ度唇裂的修复.  相似文献   

目的探讨改良前庭大腺囊肿造口术治疗前庭大腺囊肿的效果。方法将72例前庭大腺囊肿患者随机分组对照组和改良组,每组36例。对照组以传统造口术,改良组实施改良前庭大腺囊肿造口术,比较2组患者手术时间、术中出血量、住院时间、术后止痛药使用例数等指标。结果改良组患者手术时间、术中出血量、住院时间、术后止痛药使用例数等均低于对照组,术后复发率及遗留瘢痕等指标均少于对照组,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论改良前庭大腺囊肿造口术创伤小,术后复发率低,效果满意。  相似文献   

36例穿刺+囊内置管术治疗前庭大腺囊肿疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前庭大腺囊肿为妇科常见疾病,治疗方法最初以手术切除、无水酒精囊内注射等为代表的破坏性治疗方法为主,其目的是彻底切除或破坏前庭大腺的分泌功能,从而避免前庭大腺囊肿的复发。近年来保留前庭大腺及其分泌功能的“造口”术已被大家广为接受,但传统造口术改变了前庭大腺开口的位置甚至改变了患侧小阴唇的形态,切口大、操作相对复杂,大多需住院治疗。我院采用穿刺 囊内置管的保守术式治疗前庭大腺囊肿患者36例,保留了前庭大腺的生理功能,只需门诊治疗,操作更简便,效果良好,现介绍如下:1资料与方法1.1临床资料:本组病例为我院2001~2004年妇…  相似文献   

鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 介绍鼻前庭三角辫法修复Ⅱ度唇裂的手术方法及其优点。方法 鼻前庭三角辫法唇裂修复术按直线法定点,根据鼻底部三角形大小设计鼻前庭三角瓣修复Ⅱ度唇裂,并充分考虑Ⅱ度唇裂特点,在延长患唇时只延长裂隙内侧而不延长外侧,保留和合理利用了上方(鼻孔底部)本该切除的等边三角形皮瓣,使手术效果更令人满意。结果 1993年3月至2000年12月行鼻前庭三角瓣法手术修复208例唇裂患者,随访136例,随访时间为3个月至6年零5个月,优良率为92.6%。结论 鼻前庭三角瓣法唇裂修复术既保留了直线法与上三角瓣法的优点。又克服了其他方法的不足.适用于Ⅱ度唇裂的修复.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the vestibular function status of cochlear implant patients using cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) testing and estimate the effects of cochlear implants on vestibular function. The cVEMPs of 50 cochlear implant patients were measured preoperatively, and at one and six months postoperatively. Then, implanted ears and non-implanted ears were compared in terms of p13/n23 wave response rates, latency, amplitude and threshold. Preoperatively, the binaural cVEMP response rate was 92%, while the cVEMP response rates of implanted ears vs. non-implanted ears at postoperative one and six months were 24% vs. 80% and 52% vs. 82%, respectively. No significant difference between implanted and non-implanted ears was found preoperatively, in terms of latent period, amplitude, or threshold. However, significant changes were found in amplitude and threshold for implanted ears after the operation, but not in latency. No significant postoperative change was found in amplitude, latent period, or threshold for non-implanted ears. Significant differences between implanted and non-implanted ears were found in both amplitude and threshold. Cochlear implants affect vestibular function, especially saccular function, and reduce the cVEMP amplitude and threshold of implanted ears.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Ablation of vestibular function is a highly efficacious option in the treatment of disabling vertigo arising from unilateral labyrinthine dysfunction. Regardless of the method used to ablate vestibular function, permanent posttreatment impairment of the balance function will develop in a number of treated patients. Many physicians who are involved in the care of the older patient with episodic vertigo are reluctant to recommend or perform a vestibular ablation procedure, because this treatment may result in permanent disequilibrium, which may be more detrimental to the older patient than the episodic vertigo. This study evaluates the outcome in older patients who underwent unilateral surgical labyrinthine ablation. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was done of the cases of 30 patients, all more than 60 years old, who underwent unilateral vestibular ablation because of disabling episodic vertigo by either transmastoid labyrinthectomy (n = 22) or transcanal labyrinthectomy (n = 8). RESULTS: Episodic vertigo was controlled in 95.5% of the patients in the transmastoid labyrinthectomy group and in 100% of those in the transcanal labyrinthectomy group. Postoperative imbalance was present in 22.7% of patients in the transmastoid labyrinthectomy group and in 62.5% of those in the transcanal labyrinthectomy group. CONCLUSIONS: Vestibular ablation is a viable option in the treatment of disabling vertigo in the older patient. A transmastoid labyrinthectomy may be preferable to a transcanal labyrinthectomy because the incidence of permanent posttreatment imbalance is less with a transmastoid labyrinthectomy. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;118:739-42.)  相似文献   

Perez R  Ducati A  Garbossa D  Benech F  Fontanella MM  Canale A  Albera R 《Acta neurochirurgica》2005,147(4):401-4; discussion 404
BACKGROUND: Vestibular nerve section is considered to be the most effective surgical procedure to control intractable symptoms secondary to Meniere's disease (MD). This study was developed to analyze the adequacy of retrosigmoid vestibular neurectomy in terms of vertigo control, hearing preservation and clinical complications of this procedure. METHODS: A retrospective review was carried out on 14 patients affected by definite unilateral MD who underwent vestibular neurectomy via the retrosigmoid approach. FINDINGS: One patient was lost from follow-up; another one had only a short postoperative observation. At follow-up performed on 12 cases, no patients reported any crisis of acute vertigo. Four patients were free from any vestibular symptoms, while 8 reported some slight gait disturbances. Hearing function was preserved in 10 patients and improved in 2. 1 year postoperative vestibular function was absent at the side operated on and unchanged on the other side in all the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Vestibular neurectomy via the retrosigmoid approach can be considered a safe and effective procedure in relieving medically refractory vertigo in Meniere's disease, while preserving hearing.  相似文献   

Wu CC  Young YH  Ko JY 《Head & neck》2003,25(6):482-487
BACKGROUND: This study aims to investigate the effect of irradiation on vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) survivors, because radiotherapy to NPC covers a column from the basal skull to the clavicle level. METHODS: Twenty-two irradiated NPC survivors and five fresh NPC patients were subjected to VEMP testing, which is evoked by short-tone burst (95 dBHL, 500 Hz) stimulation. Interactions among VEMPs and radiation effects, such as radiation dosage, postirradiation interval, radiation-induced otitis media, sensorineural hearing loss, or canal paresis, were then explored. RESULTS: The mean latencies of p13 and n23 in irradiated ears were significantly delayed compared with either pr-irradiated ears or normal control ears. Delayed VEMPs represented 50% in ears with a mean radiation dosage of 71 Gy, whereas it represented 100% in those with a mean radiation dosage of 123 Gy. Ears with radiation otitis media revealed higher occurrence (65%) of delayed VEMPs than those without radiation otitis media (29%, p <.05), possibly because of radiation sequela affecting the brainstem and neck. However, delayed VEMPs were unrelated to sensorineural hearing loss or canal paresis caused by irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed VEMPs in NPC survivors are possibly due to radiation-induced otitis media, a brainstem lesion, or neck fibrosis. Hence, VEMP testing may expand the test battery for clinicians to explore balance problems in NPC survivors after irradiation.  相似文献   

The advent of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (CVEMPs) marked a milestone in clinical vestibular testing because they provided a simple means of assessing human otolith function. The availability of air-conducted (AC) sound and bone-conducted vibration (BCV) to evoke CVEMPs and development of a new technique of recording ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (OVEMPs) have increased the complexity of this simple test, yet extended its diagnostic capabilities. Here we highlight the evidence-based assumptions that guide interpretation of AC sound- and BCV-evoked VEMPs and the gaps in VEMP research thus far.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We sought to correlate the severity of vertigo and handicap in patients with vestibular pathology according to measures of impairment. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We conducted a prospective assessment of patients with dizziness by means of caloric, rotatory test, and computerized dynamic posturography to estimate impairment. Handicap and severity of vertigo were determined with specific questionnaires (Dizziness Handicap Inventory and UCLA-DQ). RESULTS: A fair relationship were found between severity of dizziness and vestibular handicap. When impairment was taken into consideration, values were still fair and only moderate for a group of patients with an abnormal caloric test as the only pathologic finding. The composite score from the sensory organization test portion of the computerized dynamic posturography is fairly correlated to severity of vertigo and handicap in the whole population of patients, but no correlation was found when they were assigned to groups of vestibular impairment. CONCLUSION: To assess vestibular impairment, the results from several tests must be taken into account. However, vestibular handicap is not solely explained with measurements of impairment and/or severity.  相似文献   

Retrolabyrinthine section of the vestibular nerve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When symptoms of dizziness and episodic vertigo cannot be controlled through medical management or drainage procedures such as endolymphatic subarachnoid shunt operations, selective vestibular nerve section may be necessary. In the 1920s eighth cranial nerve sections were performed by neurosurgeons through the suboccipital approach but were frequently associated with hearing loss and facial paralysis. The middle fossa approach has been popularized by Dr. William House and others as a method of selectively sectioning the vestibular nerve and preserving facial and cochlear function. More recently the suboccipital retrolabyrinthine approach has been described as a method of selectively sectioning the vestibular nerve. We have reviewed 42 cases of suboccipital retrolabyrinthine selective section of the vestibular nerve performed at the Otologic Medical Group over the past 2 years. The shortest follow-up on these patients has been 6 months. Thirty-two patients had preoperative diagnosis of Meniere's disease, and of these patients 25 had had previous endolymphatic subarachnoid shunt surgery. Eighty-five percent (27 patients) experienced complete relief of vertigo following surgery, while 6% (two patients) stated they were improved. Three patients reported no relief. There were 10 patients with dizziness who had a diagnosis other than Meniere's disease. In this diverse group three experienced complete relief of vertigo, five were improved, and two reported no improvement of vertigo following surgery. None of the patients lost his hearing as a result of the surgery and there was no facial weakness. One patient had postoperative CSF rhinorrhea and another had meningitis.  相似文献   



To determine whether the first negative component (n10) of the ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP) to bone-conducted vibration (BCV) is due primarily to activation of the utricular macula.

Study Design

The n10 was recorded in response to brief BCV at the midline of the forehead at the hairline (Fz). If the n10 is due primarily to utricular activation, then diseases that affect only the superior division of the vestibular nerve in which all utricular afferents course (i.e., superior vestibular neuritis [SVN]) should reduce or eliminate n10 beneath the contralesional eye, whereas the n10 beneath the ipsilesional eye and the sacculo-collic cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) on the ipsilesional side should be preserved.


A prospective study at a tertiary neurotological referral center.

Subjects and Methods

The n10 component of the oVEMP was measured in 133 patients with unilateral SVN but with inferior vestibular nerve function preserved, as shown by ipsilesional cVEMPs.


The n10 to Fz BCV of 133 SVN patients was reduced beneath the contralesional eye relative to the ipsilesional eye so that there was an n10 asymmetry that was significantly greater than the n10 asymmetry in the 50 healthy subjects. In terms of predicting the affected side (shown by canal paresis), using an n10 asymmetry ratio (asymmetry ratio for the relative size of the n10 of the oVEMPs for the two eyes [AR]) of 46.5 percent, the n10 AR has a diagnostic accuracy of 94 percent.


The n10 component of the oVEMP to BCV is probably mediated by the superior vestibular nerve and so mainly by the utricular receptors. The n10 AR is almost as good as canal paresis in identifying the affected side in patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the applicability of vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) in the diagnostics, intraoperative monitoring, and postoperative follow-up of patients in otoneurosurgery. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective study of patients who underwent either cochlear implantation (CI, n = 18) or were diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma (AN, n = 9) or with neuro(micro)vascular compression of the VIIIth nerve (NVC, n = 27) in the period 2002 to 2004. The follow-up was 1 year for all patients. SETTING: A tertiary-referral unit. RESULTS: VEMPs could be recorded in 64% of all patients before CI and in 22% after surgery. The patients with AN had normal VEMPs in 22% of all cases when first diagnosed. Normal VEMPs were found in 37% of those patients with NVC. From the 5 AN patients who had to be operated, only 1 had intact VEMPs after surgery. In contrast, after microvascular decompression all patients (4) had normal VEMPs. CONCLUSIONS: VEMPs are helpful in diagnosing patients with vertigo to better identify saccular defects. They are highly sensitive in the early diagnosis of retrocochlear lesions. SIGNIFICANCE: VEMPs can help to reliably identify patients with a retrocochlerar lesion at an early stage and can be used in intraoperative, neurophysiological monitoring. EBM rating: C-4.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of different cochleostomy techniques on vestibular receptor integrity and vertigo after cochlear implantation. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SUBJECTS: A total of 62 patients (17 to 84 years of age) underwent implantation via an anterior or round window insertion approach. METHODS: Two groups of cochlear implant patients were compared with respect to their pre- and postoperative vestibular function and the occurrence of postoperative vertigo. The data were related to the different cochleostomy techniques. The patients were tested by a questionnaire (dizziness handicap inventory, DIH), caloric irrigation (vestibulo-ocular reflex, VOR) for the function of the lateral SCC and by vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) recordings for saccular function. RESULTS: Significant differences of postoperative VEMP responses (50% vs 13%) and electromystagmography (ENG) results (42.9% vs 9.4%) were found with respect to the 2 different insertion techniques. The number of patients with vertigo after the surgery as evidenced by DHI (23% vs 12.5%) was significantly different. CONCLUSION: The used round window approach for electrode insertion should be preferred to decrease the risk of loss of vestibular function and the occurrence of vertigo.  相似文献   

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