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患者女,72岁,因腰痛2月余,双下肢麻木无力16d入院治疗。入院前2个月因扭伤腰部致双侧臀部疼痛、腰痛。为持续性疼痛,但能行走,仍能坚持日常劳作,大小便正常。2周后出现右下肢麻木乏力,3周后左下肢亦出现麻木疼痛乏力,呈进行性加重。逐渐向上延伸至脐部。在我院理疗科行当归注射治疗无效。入院前16d双下肢不能自主活动、站立和行走,伴大小便困难。查体:双下肢驰缓性瘫痪,脊柱无畸形,L4,5、L5S1椎旁有压痛、放射痛。双下肢肌张力减低,右下肢腹股沟以下、左下肢膝以下痛温觉消失。左下肢小腿部肌力(伸屈肌)0级,股四头肌力Ⅲ级。右下肢肌力…  相似文献   

患者,男,56岁,因腰痛伴双下肢痛16年,进行性加重伴双下肢及会阴区麻木1个月,于2003年5月6日入院.患者自1987年夏季开始感觉腰部疼痛并向双下肢放射,以右下肢为重,于外院诊为“腰椎间盘突出症“并断续保守治疗10余年,病情无明显好转,亦无明显加重,于1个月前感觉腰痛加重,双下肢麻木区域扩大,且力量减弱,病情逐渐进展,肛周感觉迟钝,出现大便失禁症状.体检:全身皮肤无色素斑,皮下未扪及肿块.脊柱L2~5棘突两侧均压痛,且向脊柱上方及双下肢放射,肛周皮肤感觉减退,双上肢无异常,双下肢自双膝以下痛温触觉减退,左下肢股四头肌、伸肌及胫后肌肌力Ⅳ级,右下肢上述诸肌肌力Ⅲ级.双侧直腿抬高试验阳性,股神经牵拉试验阳性.……  相似文献   

硬膜外脂肪瘤内痛风石形成致脊髓压迫症1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吕龙龙  陈龙  黄琦  徐声鸣  牛丰 《中国骨伤》2018,31(3):279-280
正患者,男,38岁。因"双下肢麻木、无力1个月,加重5 d"入院。平车推入病房。T7、T8棘突压痛及叩击痛,伴双下肢放射痛,耻骨联合水平以下感觉减退;左下肢肌力(3+),右下肢肌力(3-),双下肢肌张力减弱,双上肢肌力5级,肌张力正常。右腕关节及右踝关节处肿胀明显,压痛阳性。双下肢直腿抬高试验及加强试验阴性。双侧Hoffmann征、克氏征阴性,  相似文献   

患者 男性,43岁。因腰背部隐痛12年,疼痛加重伴双下肢麻木无力3个月就诊。检查:胸腰段脊柱棘突压痛明显,叩击痛阳性,无放射痛,双下肢痛、温觉减退,震颤觉,关节位置觉正常,股四头肌、拇长伸肌、趾长伸肌、小腿三头肌肌力Ⅳ级,膝腱反向及踝反向减弱。  相似文献   

患者,男,56岁,因腰痛伴双下肢痛16年,进行性加重伴双下肢及会阴区麻木1个月,于2003年5月6日入院。患者自1987年夏季开始感觉腰部疼痛并向双下肢放射,以右下肢为重,于外院诊为“腰椎间盘突出症”并断续保守治疗10余年,病情无明显好转,亦无明显加重,于1个月前感觉腰痛加重,双下肢麻木区域扩大,且力量减弱,病情逐渐进  相似文献   

正患者,男,49岁,因腰痛6个月、加重伴双下肢放射痛2个月入院。患者于入院前6个月因重体力劳动后出现腰痛,无双下肢放射性疼痛及麻木,无低热、盗汗,于当地医院给予止痛药物对症治疗,腰痛无缓解。2个月前腰痛加重,伴双下肢放射性疼痛及活动受限,无发热、盗汗。患者曾院外诊断为脊柱结核,给予四联抗结核药物治疗。否认结核病史,长期从事畜牧业工作。查体:体温  相似文献   

正1案例报告患者男,35岁,以"腰痛伴双下肢疼痛、麻木10月余"主诉入院,10个月前无明显诱因下出现腰部疼痛,伴双下肢疼痛、麻木,左腿为著,久坐后加重,活动休息可缓解,小便费力,性功能障碍。患者于外院行针灸等保守治疗后,症状未见明显缓解。体格检查:脊柱生理曲度存在,无畸形,L4-5棘突及棘旁压痛,腰椎活动度正常,鞍区皮肤浅感觉减退,双下肢皮肤浅感觉正常,肌力V级,双侧直腿抬高实验50°(+),加强试验(+),病理征(-)。辅助检查:腰椎MRI示L1-4椎  相似文献   

<正>1病例介绍患者,男,51岁,因"腰痛伴双下肢放射痛、麻木5个月"以"腰椎管狭窄症、腰椎间盘突出症"入院。患者入院检查见:腰痛伴双下肢放射痛,卧床休息后缓解,行走、站立时疼痛加重,右小腿外侧及足背麻木。查体:腰椎曲度正常,活动无受限,L3、4间隙压痛(+),棘突旁无压痛,双侧直腿抬高试验  相似文献   

<正>笔者于2016-05诊治腰椎巨大髓核游离至硬膜背侧1例,报道如下。1病例报道患者,男,47岁,因"反复腰痛6个月,伴肛周麻木及双下肢感觉运动障碍加剧2 d"入院。既往无肿瘤、结核病史。入院前6个月无明显诱因出现腰痛,劳累、活动后加重,无潮热、盗汗,无夜间疼痛加重,休息后缓解。2 d前无明显诱因腰痛症状加重,伴双下肢麻木、疼痛,发病第2天即出现右下肢无力,大  相似文献   

1 病例介绍患者 ,女 ,70岁。因腰痛伴右下肢放射痛 2年 ,加重 2个月 ,于 2 0 0 1年 3月19日入院。 2年前无明显诱因出现腰部疼痛 ,劳累后症状加重。 3个月后出现右侧臀部及右下肢放射痛 ,伴有大腿及小腿外侧感觉麻木。 2个月前上述症状明显加重 ,并右下肢无力不能站 ,在他人挽  相似文献   

多椎体结核内固定与非内固定疗效的比较   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
目的 探讨多椎体结核内固定与非内固定疗效的差异 ,比较二者的优缺点。方法 总结 1990年~ 2 0 0 1年采用脊柱前路病灶清除植骨术与同时用饶氏椎体钉、Ventrofix、Z -Plate钢板、USS等器械内固定治疗胸腰椎结核病人共 12 4例。其中非内固定 6 8例 ,内固定 5 6例。观察术后植骨融合、神经恢复、畸形纠正情况及治愈率。结果 经平均 2 5年的随访证实 ,内固定植骨融合速度快于非内固定组 ,有显著性差异 ;神经功能Frankel分级二组全部得到改善 ;畸形纠正内固定组后弓角较术前平均改进 2 9°、非内固定组平均改进 5°,有显著性差异。内固定组治愈率为 10 0 % ,非内固定组治愈率为 87% ,有显著性差异。结论 脊柱结核内固定可早期重建脊柱稳定性并加速植骨融合 ;有明显改善畸形的作用 ;减少结核复发 ,在治疗多椎体结核中有重要意义  相似文献   

An animal model of anterior and posterior column instability was developed to allow in vivo observation of bone remodeling and arthrodesis after spinal instrumentation. Various combinations of spinal fusions and instrumentation procedures were performed after an initial anterior and posterior destabilizing lesion was created at the L5-L6 vertebral levels in 35 adult beagles. After 6 months of postoperative observation, there was improved probability of achieving a spinal fusion if spinal instrumentation had been used. All biomechanical testing was performed after removal of instrumentation to test the inherent stiffnesses and quality of the spinal fusions. The fusions performed in conjunction with instrumentation (group V = Harrington instrumentation and posterolateral fusion; group VI = Luque instrumentation and posterolateral fusion) demonstrated the greatest axial rotation stiffnesses (group V, p less than .05); axial compressive stiffness (group V, p less than .05); and flexural stiffness (group VI, p less than .05). The results show that a spinal fusion can be more reliably achieved and will be more rigid if it is accompanied by spinal instrumentation.  相似文献   

Purpose This research investigated whether the Sprotte needle causes less leakage of CSF than the Quincke needle in the artificial spinal cord. Methods The changes in intradural pressure, extradural pressure, and leaked volume of CSF were evaluated following puncture with Sprotte and Quincke needles in the artificial spinal cord. Results The decrease in intradural pressure was 9.7±1.8 mm H2O with the Sprotte needle and 20.5±2.7 mm H2O with the Quincke needle (P<0.05). The volume of leakage of artificial CSF was 2.0±0.3 ml with the Sprotte needle and 3.3 ±0.3 ml with the Quincke needle (P<0.01). The extradural pressure increase was 166.1±8.2 mm H2O with the Sprotte needle and 186.8±13.2 mm H2O with the Quincke needle (P<0.05). Conclusion The Sprotte needle produces less CSF leakage than the Quincke needle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Current well regarded thoracic and lumbar spine injury classifications use mechanistic and anatomical categories, which do not directly rely on quantifiable management parameters. Their clinical usefulness is not optimal. PURPOSE: Formulate an injury severity based classification. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: This retrospective investigation studied patients who suffered thoracic and lumbar spine injuries, and examined the following three quantifiable parameters: 1) neurologic function grade; 2) spinal canal deformity; 3) biomechanical stability. These parameters are the primary clinical indications for management decisions. PATIENT SAMPLE: One hundred twenty-six consecutive patients with spinal trauma admitted to a level 1 tertiary trauma center from January 1997 to November 2005 were enrolled in this study. OUTCOME MEASURES: Spine injury severity was independently scored on three parameters: 1) neurologic function impairment grade according to the modified Frankel grading method and the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) function scale; 2) spinal canal deformity from translation and intrusion, measured as percent canal cross-sectional area compromise; 3) failure of five possible biomechanical functions in Denis's three anatomic columns, and a sixth group of unstable deformities. All three columns contribute to tensile function. Only the anterior and middle columns provide compression load-bearing function. A combination of three or more column biomechanical function failure or an unstable deformity renders the injury unstable. METHODS: Five fellowship-trained spine surgeons from one institution took part in the study. Hospital medical records, including admission history and physical examination, discharge summary, and operative report (if surgery was performed), were examined for neurologic deficit. Plain radiographs, computed tomographic scans and magnetic resonance imaging were assessed for canal compromise and biomechanical function status. RESULTS: Injuries were located from T3 to L5, 58% of which were at the thoracolumbar junction (T11-L2). Neurologic impairment occurred in 45% (57/126) of patients, with 19 complete paraplegias (Frankel grade A). The average spinal canal cross-sectional area compromise was 56.1% in neurologically impaired and 14.2% for patients who where neurologically intact. The number of tensile element failure patients in neurologically impaired versus intact are as follow: tri-columns 22/4; two columns 16/8; one column 11/17; all columns intact 8/40. Load-bearing element failed in 55/57 neurologically impaired and 63/69 intact patients. Sixty-seven patients had spinal reconstructive surgery. Their average instability profile score was 4.4 out of 6, and canal compromise score was 3.3 out of 5. CONCLUSIONS: A clinically useful thoracic and lumbar spine injury classification should be based on parameters that are the primary indications for management decisions. The same parameters should be injury severity quantifiable as to guide treatment. In this study we introduced spinal canal deformity and column biomechanical functions as quantifiable parameters in thoracic and lumbar injury severity classification. Validation of this method is beyond the scope of this preliminary study.  相似文献   



We report a case of purely extradural spinal meningioma and discuss the potential pitfalls in differential diagnosis.


Spinal meningiomas account for 20–30% of all spinal neoplasms. Epidural meningiomas are infrequent intraspinal tumors that can be easily confused with malignant neoplasms or spinal schwannomas.


A 62-year-old man with a previous history of malignant disease presented with back pain and weakness of the lower limbs. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well-enhanced T4 intraspinal lesion. The intraoperative histological examination showed a meningioma (confirmed by postoperative examination). Opening the dura mater confirmed the purely epidural location of the lesion. The postoperative course was uneventful with no recurrence 12 months after surgery.


Purely extradural spinal meningiomas can mimic metastatic tumors or schwannomas. Intraoperative histology is mandatory for optimal surgical decision making.  相似文献   

Extensive spinal epidural abscesses (SEAs) carry a high mortality rate. Traditionally they are treated non-operatively with longterm antibiotics and/or surgical decompression, but there is a continuing debate as to whether they should be managed by emergency surgical decompression. However, such decisions are made in the light of the clinical setting. We report the successful management of a female patient who presented with features of upper cervical cord compression and later developed septic shock and multisystem failure. Surgical decompression of the cervical spine and irrigation of the epidural space with a paediatric catheter was performed followed by tricortical strut grafting and plating. At review, 36 weeks after surgery, the patient remained asymptomatic, having made full neurological recovery. The purpose of this report is to highlight the importance of emergency surgical intervention for extensive SEA in the presence of progressive neurological loss associated with multisystem failure.  相似文献   

扩大半椎板切除术治疗颈脊髓损伤   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Xu S  Liu S  Sun T  Liu Z 《中华外科杂志》1999,37(10):607-609,I037
OBJECTIVE: To treat cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) accompanied with narrowing spinal canal by expanded hemilaminectomy. METHODS: From 1995 January to 1998 April 51 patients of cervical SCI were treated by expanded hemilaminectomy. Spinal injury classified in to 3 types: no fracture-dislocation (39 patients) fracture dislocation at the lower cervical spine (11), and burst fracture (1). The types of SCI included central cord injury (18 patients) incomplete cord injury (19), and complete cord injury (14). MR imaging in 23 patients showed degenerative changes with normal intensity of the cord in 14 patients, multiple level hyperintensity in 3, cystic changes in 3, myelomalasia in 3, and cord brocken in 1. Expanded hemilaminectomy was performed in 24 hours in 3 patients, in 48 hours in 9, in one week in 2, after one week in 35, and after one year in 2. The left or right laminae were removed from C(7) to C(3) in 42 patients, C(3) - T(1) in 3, C(2) - C(7) in 2, C(3) - C(6) in 3 and C(4) - C(7) in 3. Hemilaminectomy was expanded lateral to the inner of apophyseal joint and medial to the inner lamina beneath the spinal process. RESULTS: Follow-up lasted for 1 year and 7 months. Six patients with complete cord injury had of the no recovery lower extremity but recovery of the brachialis and extensor radial longus. 12 patients of central cord injury had full recovery except intrinsic muscles of the hand (5). They operated were on 2 weeks after injury. 17 patients of incomplete cord injury recovered to Frankel IV. CONCLUSIONS: Expanded hemilaminectomy is indicated for patients of cervical SCI with narrowing spinal canal or without fracture dislocation. Best results can be obtained in patients of central cord injury, and incomplete cord injury. Even in complete cord injury, 1 - 2 forearm muscle may recover (24.8%), securing a pinch grip reconstruction.  相似文献   

张功林  章鸣 《中国骨伤》2005,18(7):443-445
脊柱骨折伴脊髓损伤的治疗,一直是脊柱外科关注的课题,随着对神经损伤的病理生理研究深入和手术方法的改进,对其治疗方法和观点也有了进一步的发展。本文就胸腰椎骨折伴脊髓损伤治疗方面的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

胸腰椎肿瘤全脊椎切除术后的重建方式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨胸腰椎肿瘤全脊椎切除术后脊柱稳定性的重建方式。方法:1993 ̄2003年我院治疗各类胸腰椎(T5 ̄L5)肿瘤患者72例,其中全脊椎切除、随访2年以上、没有肿瘤复发和转移且有完整影像学资料者12例,骨巨细胞瘤9例,单发浆细胞性骨髓瘤2例,非何杰金氏淋巴瘤1例。一期前后路联合全脊椎切除11例,次全脊椎切除1例,以5种不同方式重建,分别为前路内固定加后路短节段经椎弓根内固定(ASP)5例、前路内固定加后路多节段Luque环内固定(AMP)4例、单纯后路短节段经椎弓根内固定(SP)1例、单纯后路多节段经椎弓根内固定(MP)1例、单纯前路内固定(A)1例。观察术前、术后即刻及末次随访时矢状面Cobb角度变化、植骨融合情况、有无植骨骨折及下沉等并发症。结果:随访2.5 ̄13年,平均6.6年。ASP方式重建的5例患者矢状面Cobb角丢失0°~7°,平均2.4°,植骨全部融合,无植骨骨折,1例因术中损伤终板而出现人工椎体轻度下沉。AMP方式重建的4例患者矢状面Cobb角丢失0°~9°,平均5°,植骨全部融合,无植骨骨折或下沉;其中1例术后1.5年植骨融合后取出后方固定,仅保留前方固定,出现植骨骨折及后凸畸形。SP或MP方式重建的2例患者矢状面Cobb角分别丢失12°和13°,植骨块均骨折。次全脊椎切除A方式重建的1例患者矢状面Cobb角无丢失,植骨融合且无植骨骨折及下沉。结论:本组病例较少,但初步可以看出ASP和AMP是全脊椎切除后坚强的重建方式,能够使植骨顺利融合,防止Cobb角度丢失。但ASP能够减少固定节段、保留运动单元,是更好的固定方式。SP和A不宜单独应用于全脊椎切除后稳定性重建。  相似文献   

Two recent observations of spinal epidural hematomas (SEH) are presented: one of them was associated with iatrogenic coagulopathy, the other, apparently spontaneous, required reoperation for early recurrence and was finally attributed to ruptured epidural arteriovenous malformation missed during the first procedure. Both patients underwent complete recovery. Although modern neuroimaging provides quick, noninvasive, and sensitive assessment of spinal epidural bleeding, we believe that preoperative spinal angiography is indicated in spontaneous SEH with subacute clinical course. Demonstration of underlying vascular anomaly would allow better surgical planning, complete obliteration of abnormal vessels, and prevention of recurrences. Essential epidemiological, pathogenetical, and clinical aspects of SEH are reviewed.  相似文献   

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