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宫内拟除虫菊酯类农药暴露对1岁幼儿神经发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Qi X  Zheng M  Wu C  Chang X  Wang G  Lu D  Zhou Z 《卫生研究》2011,40(6):693-697
目的 检测某地孕妇尿液中拟除虫菊酯类农药代谢产物水平并跟踪随访幼儿1岁时神经智力发育水平,探讨宫内拟除虫菊酯暴露对1岁幼儿神经发育的影响.方法 采集江苏省某妇产科医院301名孕妇产前尿液并检测其中拟除虫菊酯类农药主要代谢产物顺式-3-(2,2-二氯乙烯基)-2,2-二甲基环丙烷-1-羧酸(cis-Cl2 CA)、反式-3-(2,2-二氯乙烯基)-2,2-二甲基环丙烷-1-羧酸(trans- Cl2 CA)及3-苯氧基苯甲酸(3-PBA)水平;一年后随访测量1岁幼儿的身高、体重、头围、胸围等体格发育指标,并采用“0~6岁儿童发育筛查测验”(DST scale)对幼儿神经智力发育状况进行评估.结果 95%的孕妇尿中同时检出了三种拟除虫菊酯类农药代谢产物,且暴露水平高于国外相关数据;不同宫内拟除虫菊酯暴露水平之间幼儿1岁时神经智力发育水平有统计学差异,高暴露组幼儿的发育商显著低于低暴露组幼儿(P<0.05);多元线性回归的结果亦提示宫内拟除虫菊酯暴露水平与幼儿发育商之间存在联系(β=-0.1453,P<0.05).结论 宫内拟除虫菊酯类农药高暴露与幼儿神经智力水平发育之间存在负相关.  相似文献   

【目的】 研究宫内汞暴露对新生儿体格发育指数的影响。 【方法】 研究期间对本院分娩的新生儿生后即刻取脐带血,胎发进行汞含量测定。新生儿出生后分别测定体重、身长、头围。按娩出时胎龄对照我国15城市新生儿体格发育指数测量值,求出所在百分位区间,并将脐血汞、胎发汞值进行统计学分析。 【结果】 2 316例配对测定脐血汞为(2.02±1.94)μg/kg,胎发汞为(244.06±2.24)μg/kg。 按百分位区间(10,P10~P25,P25~P75,P75~P90,>P90)头围各组脐血汞值依次分别为2.50±1.88,2.05±1.92,1.88±1.96,1.50±1.76,1.77±1.49;胎发汞分别为360.91±2.12,262.97±2.15,201.65±2.22,205.31±2.18,208.50±1.49,差异有统计学意义(F1=15.47,P1=0.00;F2=42.53,P2=0.00)体重各组胎发汞值依次分别为195.07±2.13,227.25±2.19,247.69±2.18,252.29±2.32,246.89±2.32,各组间差异有统计学意义(F=2.57,P<0.05),但去除10组后,其余4组差异无统计学意义(F=0.91、P=0.44)。 【结论】 宫内汞暴露除影响胎儿日后智力发育外,还可能对新生儿头围产生不利影响。  相似文献   

尿中拟除虫菊酯类农药代谢物GC-MS测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的用GC-MS建立一种人体尿液中拟除虫菊酯类农药代谢物——顺式-3-(2,2-二氯乙烯基)-2,2-二甲基环丙烷-1-羧酸(cis-Cl2 CA)、反式-3-(2,2-二氯乙烯基)-2,2-二甲基环丙烷-1-羧酸(trans-Cl2 CA)和3-苯氧基苯甲酸(3-PBA)的生物监测方法。方法采用盐酸水解后用正己烷提取,硫酸-甲醇甲酯化后进行GC-MS分析。结果采用人工模拟尿样作为空白,配制基质匹配标准条件下,cis-Cl2CA、trans-Cl2CA和3-PBA检测限度(CCα)分别为:0.19、0.28和0.53μg/L,检测容量(CCβ)分别为:0.34、0.36和0.29μg/L;3个分析物日内和日间回收率范围均在在90%~110%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于5%;样品室温保存和冷冻保存时间分别至少为4天和30天;非暴露人群的监测值均小于1.5μg/L,而暴露人群普遍高于非暴露人群,有个别的cis-Cl2CA和3-PBA超过100μg/L,trans-Cl2CA超过10μg/L。结论通过方法验证确定该方法简单、便利,耐用性好,成本低,适合进行大规模常规人群的日常生物监测研究。  相似文献   

【目的】 调查上海市胎儿期砷暴露水平,分析新生儿体格生长指标与新生儿脐带血砷水平的关系。【方法】 调查2008年10月-2009年10月上海市10家医院足月分娩的产妇及新生儿,采集脐带血,测定脐带血砷浓度,分析脐带血砷与婴儿出生体重、头围、身长等体格生长指标的关系。【结果】 共收集了291名新生儿的脐带血,测定脐带血砷,最高值24.87 μg/L,最低值1.81 μg/L,几何均数(G±S)值为 (5.48±3.49) μg/L,中位数为5.42 μg/L。新生儿体重及身长与脐带血砷均无统计学意义的相关性,但脐带血砷在男婴中与头围呈正相关(r=0.25,P=0.004),但对女婴无影响。【结论】 上海市胎儿期砷暴露处于较低水平,该暴露水平对新生儿体重、身长未发现影响。  相似文献   

陈劲  马骏 《中国儿童保健杂志》2007,15(6):616-617,625
【目的】对早产低体重儿(PLBW)和足月小样儿(MLBW)生长速率比较及干预模式探讨。【方法】将12个月内定期随访5次的223例婴儿分为低出生体重组、足月小样儿组、正常出生体重儿组,分别比较12个月内体重、身高、头围和胸围的生长速率。【结果】生后9个月内,PLBW、MLBW一直在追赶生长,从4个月起,PLBW生长速度超过正常出生体重儿(NBW)和MLBW,前9个月长速PLBW>NBW和MLBW,差异具有非常显著性(P<0.01)。但周岁时,体重、身高、头围和胸围增长值,始终是NBW>PLBW>MLBW。出生时各项指标均高于PLBW的MLBW,周岁时无论是体重、身长、头围还是胸围均反较PLBW差,生长速度在正常低值范围内,差异具有非常显著性(P<0.01)。【结论】系统监测及干预是保证低出生体重儿身心健康,预防和减少营养性疾病,降低婴儿死亡率,尽早赶上生长的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的 研究父母参与发展性照顾联合袋鼠式干预措施对极低出生体重儿生长发育、神经行为及(胃饥饿素水平)Ghrelin的影响。方法 选择2017年5月-2019年6月在四川省妇幼保健院接受治疗的106例极低出生体重儿进行回顾性分析。行常规干预基础上加以父母参与发展性照顾的49例婴儿为对照组,观察组的57例婴儿在对照组基础上加以袋鼠式干预措施。比较两组婴儿生长临床情况、发育情况、并发症发生情况、神经行为及Ghrelin水平。结果 观察组婴儿达全肠喂养时间、恢复正常体重时间较对照组更短,观察组每日睡眠时间均明显较对照组更长(t=7.200、6.284、14.995,P<0.05)。干预前两组婴儿体重、头围及身长差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),干预后观察组婴儿体重、头围及身长均大于对照组(t=10.257、2.155、3.559,P<0.05)。观察组并发症总发生率为8.77%,低于对照组的24.49%(χ2=4.834,P<0.05)。干预前两组婴儿NBNA得分及Ghrelin水平差异无统计学意义(t=0.513、0.180,P>0.05),干预后观察组婴儿NBNA得分及Ghrelin水平均显著高于对照组(t=6.284、2.893,P<0.05)。结论 父母参与发展性照顾联合袋鼠式干预措施较袋鼠式干预措施可明显缩短极低出生体重儿达全肠喂养时间、恢复正常体重时间,延长每日睡眠时间,提高婴儿体重、头围及身长,改善其神经行为并提高Ghrelin水平。  相似文献   

【目的】对42 d婴儿体格发育调查,探讨喂养方式及社会因素的影响,为科学育儿提供依据。【方法】按照中国0~7岁正常儿童体格发育调查研究实施方案,对576名42 d婴儿进行体格发育指标测量,问卷调查了解出生情况、喂养方式及相关因素。【结果】42 d婴儿的体重、身长、坐高、头围、胸围、上臂围性别间差异有显著性。体重增加1.00~1.99 kg占80.8%,体重达中位数占92%,胸围≥头围占56.6%。纯母乳喂养率48.78%,部分母乳喂率46.01%,人工喂养率5.21%。【结论】42 d婴儿体格发育良好,不同性别的生长模式差异从婴儿开始。应加强纯母乳喂养指导,孕期要注意控制胎儿出生体重,降低婴儿超重率对儿童远期健康有益。  相似文献   

【目的】掌握城市婴儿生长速率纵向发育规律,获得本地区城市婴儿生长速率正常参考值及生长曲线图,建立城市婴儿生长轨迹数据模型。【方法】按分层整群随机抽样抽取2007年7月1日—2008年7月l日出生的192个正常婴儿,监测至2009年6月31日止,其中男婴97人,女婴95人,每个婴儿分16个月(周)龄组进行体重、身长、头围测量。【结果】男女婴儿16个月(周)龄组体重、身长、头围,除体重1周组外,均随月龄增长而增长,同一月(周)龄段,均表现为男婴均值大于女婴。【结论】男女婴儿体重、身长、头围与月龄呈对数曲线经验回归方程,为制定促进儿童健康、预防和控制儿童期成人病的相关预防策略提供科学依据。提示婴儿月(周)龄越小,生长速率越快,儿童保健工作应抓早、抓小。  相似文献   

目的 了解海南省儿童生长发育状况,建立海南省7岁以下儿童身高(身长)、体重与头围的区域生长参考值。方法 以海南省19个市县的0~6岁儿童(男童10 698人,女童9 452人)为调查对象,统一配置标准的测量工具于2020年12月至2022年6月直接测量身高(身长)、体重、头围4项体格发育指标并建立数据库。应用偏度系数-中位数-变异系数法(LMS)对海南省7岁以下儿童调查数据进行拟合,构建海南省儿童生长发育的百分位数及离差法参考值。结果 建立了海南省7岁以下儿童年龄别身高(身长)、体重和头围第P3、P10、P25、P50、P75、P90和P97百分位及±3、±2、±1倍标准差的生长参考值及生长曲线。海南省7岁以下儿童生长水平总体上低于2006年世界卫生组织(WHO)和2022年中国儿童生长水平。结论 海南省儿童体格发育与全球及全国水平存在差异,建议有关卫生部门提高重视,长期探索有效策略措施,提高海南省儿童的体格发育水平。  相似文献   

溴氰菊酯,化学名称右旋—顺式—2,2-二甲基—3—(2,2-二溴乙烯基)环丙烷羧酸—(S)—α-氰基—3—苯氧苄酯,分子式为C_(22)H_(19)Br_2NO_3,分子量为505.21,属拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂,人体每日允许摄入量是0.01mg/kg,溴氰菊酯中毒是主要通过消化道和呼吸道吸收,皮肤吸收甚微,吸收后迅速分布于全身,主要在  相似文献   

Pyrethroids are important insecticides used in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, and in the home. In humans, they are rapidly metabolized and renally eliminated. In numerous studies, pyrethroid metabolites have been detected in urine after occupational exposure to insecticides. In this study, we used a new, reliable, easy, and sensitive analytical method to assess the internal pyrethroid exposure of an urban population without exposure to pyrethoids at home or at work (children and adults). A total of 1,177 persons took part in this investigation, including 331 children under 6 years of age and 247 children between 6 and 12 years of age. None of them reported exposure to pyrethroids at home or at work. Accordingly, the levels of permethrin found in household dust from their homes were lower than expected (median < limit of detection; 95th percentile, 4.8 mg/kg; maximum value, 19 mg/kg). Urine specimens were analyzed for cis-3-(2,2-dibromo-vinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclo-propanecarboxylic acid (Br(2)CA), cis- and trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-carboxylic acid (cis-Cl(2)CA and trans-Cl(2)CA), and 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid (F-PBA) using a gas chromatographic method with mass-selective detection. The limit of detection for pyrethroid metabolites was between 0.1 and 0.2 microg/L. trans-Cl(2)CA was detected in 65% of the urine specimens tested, cis-Cl(2)CA was detected in 30%, and Br(2)CA and F-PBA were found in 19% and 16%, respectively, of the urine specimens. The urinary metabolite levels in children did not differ from those in adults, and there was no correlation between the levels of metabolites and indoor exposure to permethrin in household dust. Moreover, no seasonal correlations could be found. The 95th percentile levels in urine specimens were as follows: Br(2)CA, 0.30 microg/L; cis-Cl(2)CA, 0.51 microg/L; trans-Cl(2)CA, 1.43 microg/L; F-PBA, 0.27 microg/L. Background exposure to pyrethroids was found in the general population; it seems to be caused by the uptake of pyrethroids with the diet. This hypothesis needs to be tested in duplicate diet studies combined with biomonitoring. As long as representative data are lacking, however, the rounded 95th percentile values obtained in our study may be used as reference values for pyrethroid metabolites in urine samples from the population in Germany; 95th percentile values for children and adults are as follows: Br(2)CA, 0.3 microg/L; cis-Cl(2)CA, 0.5 microg/L; trans-Cl(2)CA, 1.5 microg/L; and F-PBA, 0.3 microg/L.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid insecticides have been used for disinsection of commercial aircrafts. However, little is known about the pyrethroids exposure of flight attendants. The objective of the study was to assess pyrethroids exposure of flight attendants working on commercial aircrafts through monitoring the urinary pyrethroids metabolite levels. Eighty four urine samples were collected from 28 flight attendants, 18-65 years of age, with seventeen working on planes that were non-disinsected, and eleven working on planes that had been disinsected. Five urinary metabolites of pyrethroids were measured using gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method: 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA), cis-/trans-3-(2,2-Dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclo-propane carboxylic acid (cis-/trans-Cl2CA), cis-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclo-propane-1-carboxylic acid (cis-Br2CA) and 4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzoic acid (4F-3-PBA). Flight attendants working on disinsected planes had significantly higher urinary levels of 3-PBA, cis- and trans-Cl2CA in pre, post- and 24-h-post flight samples than those on planes which did not report having been disinsected. Urinary levels of cis-Br2CA and 4F-3-PBA did not show significant differences between the two groups. Flight attendants working on international flights connected to Australia had higher urinary levels of 3-PBA, cis- and trans-Cl2CA than those on either domestic and other international flights flying among Asia, Europe and North America. Post-disinsection duration (number of days from disinsection date to flight date) was the most significant factor affecting the urinary pyrethroid metabolites levels of 3-PBA, cis- and trans-Cl2CA of the group flying on disinsected aircraft. It was concluded that working on commercial aircraft disinsected by pyrethroids resulted in elevated body burdens of 3-PBA, cis- and trans-Cl2CA.  相似文献   

Pesticides are widely used throughout the world in agriculture to protect crops, and in public health to control diseases transmitted by vectors or intermediate hosts. After the prohibition of organochlorines, such as DDT, today mainly pyrethroids and organophosphorous insecticides are used. With reliable and sensitive analytical methods for detecting metabolites of organophosphorous and pyrethroid insecticides in urinary specimens of the general population several studies have been published on internal exposure to these insecticides of the population in Germany. In total, data on levels of metabolites of organophosphorous acids in urine of about 1200 children and adults have been published, as well as data on levels of pyrethroid metabolites in urine of about 2100 children and adults. In Germany, reference values for environmental pollutants related to the population are established continuously by the Human Biomonitoring Commission of the German Federal Environmental Agency, preferably based on data gained by representative studies. Reference values are defined as the 95th percentile, rounded off within the 95% confidence interval of the population studied. Since there is a need for reference values to characterise the population's exposure to organophosphates and pyrethroids, and since there are different studies available from Germany that agree quite well with data from other industrialised countries, the Commission has derived reference values from the available data, though none of the studies had fulfilled criteria on representativity. Reference values for metabolites of organophosphorous acids are as follows: DMP 135 microg/l, DMTP 160 microg/l and DEP 16 microg/l and for metabolites of pyrethroids: cis-Cl2CA 1 microg/l, trans-Cl2CA 2 microg/l and 3-PBA 2 microg/l. As the volume-related concentrations of organophosphate and pyrethroid metabolites show no significant age-dependence, the reference values derived are not age-stratified. Though based merely on statistical and not on toxicological data, levels analysed above the reference levels, when reliably measured (verified several times), should prompt environmental health practitioners to search for sources, within the bounds of proportionality. In addition to accidental poisoning, possible sources include indoor contamination following improper pest control operations in homes as well as in pets and food products contaminated by these pesticides.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid pesticides are widely used throughout the world in agriculture to protect crops and in public health to control diseases. Of particular concern is exposure of pregnant women and their fetuses because little is known about the potential developmental hazards of such exposure. Several studies have detected internal pyrethroid exposure in urine both in adults and children, but few published data are available on metabolites in pregnant women. The present paper provides data on pyrethroid pesticides exposure based on questionnaire items and measurement of maternal urinary metabolite levels among 1149 pregnant women living in agricultural area of Jiangsu Province, China in 2009-2010, none of which reported occupational exposure to pyrethroid insecticides during pregnancy. To assess exposure to pyrethroid pesticides, urine specimens were analyzed for three main metabolites of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA), cis-and-trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (cis-DCCA and trans-DCCA) using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. The limits of detection for three pyrethroid metabolites were 0.1μg/L. All pyrethroid metabolites were found in more than 94.0% of the urine samples. Median unadjusted and creatinine-adjusted values for urinary pyrethroid metabolites in these females were 1.01μg/L and 1.55μg/g Cre for 3-PBA, 0.44μg/L and 0.69μg/g Cre for cis-DCCA, 1.17μg/L and 1.86μg/g Cre for trans-DCCA, respectively. About half (45.5%) of women reported that they or family members had applied commercially available indoor insecticides during pregnancy. Both the questionnaire and laboratory data revealed that exposure to pyrethroid pesticides was considerably widespread in our subjects. The median values of urinary metabolites in the present study were about 4-10 times higher as those of general population from the developed countries. Interestingly, we found there was a temporal season variation tendency in different months. Especially, the levels of urinary metabolites in summer were significant higher than those in winter. These data indicated the need to assess the potential adverse effects of pyrethroid pesticides exposure on fetuses and infants in order to take adequate measures to protect pregnant women from pesticide exposures during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Aim Pesticides are widely used throughout the world, in agriculture to protect crops and in public health to control diseases transmitted by vectors or intermediate hosts. After the prohibition of organochlorines such as DDT, today, mainly pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticides are used. Whereas many studies have been published on background exposure of the population to organochlorines, data on internal exposure of the population to pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticides are scarce. Here, we report on internal exposure of children and young people, in an urban area in Germany, to pyrethroids and organophosphorus acids, assessed by the analysis of urinary levels of their corresponding specific metabolites.Methods Approximately 673 children and adolescents took part in this voluntary investigation, including 331 children <6 years of age. Their parents stated that they and their children had never used pyrethroids or organophosphorus acids in their homes or for medical reasons. We analysed their spot urine samples for six metabolites of organophosphorus insecticides [dimethyl-phosphate (DMP), diethyl-phosphate (DEP), dimethyl-thiophosphate (DMTP), diethyl-thiophosphate (DETP), dimethyl-dithiophosphate (DMDTP) and diethyl-dithiophosphate (DEDTP)] and for four metabolites of pyrethroids [cis-3-(2,2-dibromo-vinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid (Br2CA), cis-3-(2,2-dichloro-vinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid (cis-Cl2-CA ), trans-3-(2,2-dichloro-vinyl)-2,2-dimethyl-cyclopropane carboxylic acid (trans-Cl2-CA) and 4-fluoro-3-phenoxy-benzoic acid (F-PBA)] using gas chromatographic methods with mass-selective detection. The limit of detection was 0.1–0.2 g/l for pyrethroid metabolites and 1 g/l for metabolites of organophosphorus acids; in DMP it was 5 g/l.Results The 95th percentiles of the urinary metabolite concentrations were, in microgrammes per litre, DMP 158, DMTP 180, DMDTP 12, DEP 17, DETP 8, DEDTP <1; Br2CA 0.30, cis-Cl2-CA 0.44, trans-Cl2-CA 1.22, F-PBA 0.30. There were no correlations between urinary metabolite levels and the age of the children.Conclusion Current background levels of internal exposure to pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticides in children and adolescents in Germany are shown. Exposure to these substances in the general population is thought to occur mainly via residues in the diet. The level of background internal pyrethroid exposure in the children is orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding acceptable daily intake (ADI) values published, but the level of internal organophosphate exposure may reach and even exceed ADI values. This observation demands further investigation.  相似文献   

Objectives  The ingestion of pesticides in the daily diet is assumed to be the main modality of pesticide exposure for most people. A widely used class of pesticides in agricultural or residential settings is pyrethroid. We have examined the relationship between the intake frequency of selected items of vegetables and fruits and urinary metabolites of pyrethroid pesticides in a healthy general population. Methods  A total of 535 residents (184 men and 351 women) who attended a healthcare checkup program conducted in a rural area of Hokkaido, Japan, in August 2005 provided informed consent for their spot urine samples to be used for the determination of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) levels. They also completed a self-administered questionnaire regarding the intake frequency of 12 food items. The concentrations of creatinine-corrected 3-PBA were predicted by the intake frequency of each item, using analysis-of-covariance models to adjust for age, sex, body mass index, and drinking and smoking status. Results  Both a significant association between the 3-PBA concentration and the frequency of tomato consumption and a significant positive linear trend was found in female subjects. In contrast, no such association was found in the male subjects. Conclusions  The frequency of tomato consumption was confirmed to strongly predict the urinary pyrethroid metabolite levels in the general population—presumably because tomatoes are most often consumed raw and unpeeled (more so than all other vegetables and fruits analyzed in the current study). However, it should be noted that the 3-PBA levels, even among those subjects with the highest consumption of tomatoes, were far below the levels of toxicological significance, although the health consequences from long-term low-level exposure to pyrethroid requires further exploration.  相似文献   

【目的】 获取我国城市母乳喂养婴儿纵向生长发育监测数据,全面了解我国营养良好人群婴儿生长发育现状和特点,为进行生长发育监测和营养指导提供参考依据。 【方法】 参考世界卫生组织2006年生长发育标准监测方案,在我国六省会城市营养良好人群进行抽样,共1 343名纯母乳喂养婴儿进行0~12月龄生长发育监测,包括体重、身长、头围测量和喂养情况调查,共完成16次随访。 【结果】 六省会城市母乳喂养婴儿生后3月龄体重达出生时2倍,12月龄体重达出生时3倍,12月龄身长为出生时1.5倍;各月龄点男婴体格发育指标均高于女婴,差异有统计学意义。男、女婴儿各月龄体格发育值均高于1987年纵向监测资料,婴儿生长发育潜力得到进一步发展。除生后7 d和14 d外,其他各月龄体格发育值均高于世界卫生组织2006年标准。 【结论】 我国母乳喂养婴儿生长发育水平良好,仍处于生长长期趋势中,生长发育水平已经超过世界卫生组织公布的2006年母乳喂养婴儿生长发育标准。  相似文献   

Urinary concentrations of pyrethroid metabolites were measured in the first void urine samples collected from 132 healthy people living in the Gdańsk region of Northern Poland in 2010 and 2011. Four metabolites of synthetic pyrethroids: cis- and trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acids (cis-, trans-Cl2CA), cis-3-(2,2-dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (Br2CA) and 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) were simultaneously liquid-liquid extracted, derivatized with hexafluoroisopropanol and analyzed by a gas chromatography ion-trap mass spectrometry. All the analytes were detected and quantified in the samples with various frequency, 3-phenoxybenzoic being the most often (80%) and the others less frequently (7–11%). Distribution of 3-PBA concentrations followed log-normal model, the mean concentration of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid: 0.393 μg/L (0.327 μg/g creatinine) is similar to those of the other general populations in various regions of the world. Neither sex nor age were predictors of urinary 3-PBA. Our findings suggest wide exposure to pyrethroid insecticides in the Polish general population. There is a continuous need to further study the exposure to synthetic pyrethroids among the general population since there is a strong, increasing trend in their usage.  相似文献   

【目的】 观察母亲ɑ1,2岩藻糖基转移酶(type α1,2 fucosyltransferase,FUT2)基因单核苷酸位点多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)对母乳喂养儿早期体格生长发育及常见疾病发病率的影响。【方法】 选取110对新生儿及母亲进入课题,产后2周收集母亲唾液用于提取DNA行SNP检测。每周记录小儿喂养及疾病情况至12个月,于小儿4、13、26、52周时行体格测量。【结果】 本组小儿感染性疾病发病率与文献相比明显降低;AT基因型母亲与AA、TT型母亲相比,小儿早期体格生长发育更快,13、26周及52周体重,26周及52周身高,52周头围Z分均较高(P<0.05),且中重度呼吸道感染发病率较低(P<0.05);母亲SNP基因型不同的小儿在12月龄内湿疹发病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),双亲均有过敏性疾病史的小儿湿疹发病率高于双亲无过敏史者(P<0.05)。【结论】 母乳喂养有助于降低小儿12月龄内常见感染性疾病发病;AT基因型母亲的母乳更利于小儿早期生长;家族遗传风险会影响小儿湿疹发病率。  相似文献   

Children are exposed to a wide variety of pesticides originating from both outdoor and indoor sources. Several studies were conducted or funded by the EPA over the past decade to investigate children's exposure to organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides and the factors that impact their exposures. Urinary metabolite concentration measurements from these studies are consolidated here to identify trends, spatial and temporal patterns, and areas where further research is required. Namely, concentrations of the metabolites of chlorpyrifos (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol or TCPy), diazinon (2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinol or IMP), and permethrin (3-phenoxybenzoic acid or 3-PBA) are presented. Information on the kinetic parameters describing absorption and elimination in humans is also presented to aid in interpretation. Metabolite concentrations varied more dramatically across studies for 3-PBA and IMP than for TCPy, with TCPy concentrations about an order of magnitude higher than the 3-PBA concentrations. Temporal variability was high for all metabolites with urinary 3-PBA concentrations slightly more consistent over time than the TCPy concentrations. Urinary biomarker levels provided only limited evidence of applications. The observed relationships between urinary metabolite levels and estimates of pesticide intake may be affected by differences in the contribution of each exposure route to total intake, which may vary with exposure intensity and across individuals.  相似文献   

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