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目的了解麻风不良反应的发生特征及相关因素。方法对贵州省81例登记麻风不良反应的麻风患者病历资料进行回顾性分析。结果 81例不良反应麻风患者中,Ⅰ型麻风反应12例(14.81%),Ⅱ型麻风反应41例(50.62%),混合型麻风反应9例(11.11%),单纯神经炎19例(23.46%)。40例(49.38%)麻风反应发生在联合化疗治疗前,26例(32.10%)发生在联合化疗中,15例(18.52%)发生在完成联合化疗后;Ⅰ型麻风反应、单纯神经炎发生多在开始MDT治疗1年内,Ⅱ型麻风反应多发生在MDT治疗结束后。神经损害均以双侧为主,尺神经炎发生率最高,为53.85%,麻风不良反应的发生与细菌指数有关(P0.05)。结论需进一步提高麻风不良反应的早期诊断水平,BI≥2.0的麻风患者、MDT治疗期间及治完后都要密切监测麻风不良反应的发生以减少麻风残疾的发生。  相似文献   

用氟嗪酸治疗1例伴Ⅱ型麻风反应的BL型麻风复发者,效果令人满意。该病人复发后曾给予长达23年的氨苯砜单疗,后改为联合化疗。在联合化疗过程中,出现大小不等的斑块、结节、神经肿胀、高热等症状,诊断为Ⅱ型麻风反应,经二年联合化疗和抗麻风反应治疗,皮疹未见  相似文献   

111例Ⅰ型麻风反应的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨WHO/MDT方案治疗中Ⅰ型麻风反应的发生率、临床特点及治疗.方法对111例Ⅰ型麻风反应的发生率、与型别关系、临床表现、反应出现时间及持续时间进行分析.结果2 004例麻风患者中出现Ⅰ型反应者111例,占5.54%,其中界线类(BT、BB、BL)麻风占反应病人总数的77.49%.仅有皮损者4例,占3.06%,皮损伴神经损伤者93例,占83.78%,仅神经损伤者14例,占12.61%.疗前、疗中出现反应者102例,占91.89%,MDT疗后1年内出现反应者58例,占52.25%,持续6月左右者69例,占62.16%.结论麻风患者采用MDT治疗的Ⅰ型麻风反应发生率为5.54%,多在疗后1年内初治界线类麻风产生,易引起神经损伤且持续时间长,要及早采用皮质类固醇治疗,以避免产生畸形.  相似文献   

2例均系男性,年龄分别为50岁和44岁,因患多菌型麻风病而进行联合化疗(MDT),分别在完成疗程10个月、4个月后出现Ⅱ型麻风反应,用抗麻风反应药物治疗效果不好,而且皮肤查菌细菌指数升高,但(加)用联合化疗药物后,麻风反应被控制,皮肤查菌也渐转阴,达到或接近临床治愈标准。  相似文献   

东台市1983年以来63例麻风用MDT,其中男48例,女15例;新发39例,复发24例;TT 4例,BT 15例,BB 8例,BL 23例,LL 13例。发生麻风反应的37例;Ⅰ型23例,Ⅱ型15例,混合型7例;Ⅰ型34次,Ⅱ型31次,混合型7次;最常侵犯腓总神经和尺神经(各50条),其次为耳大(12条)及  相似文献   

了解贵州省麻风受累者的畸残现状及相关影响因素.采用统一的调查表,对截止2008年底贵州省所有存活的麻风病人及治愈者进行入户调查.共调查麻风病人27 544例,其中10 429例存活麻风病人中,畸残病人5655例,占存活病人54.22%,麻风畸残率随年龄增加而升高;少菌型患者的Ⅱ级畸残比明显高于多菌型患者(P<0.001);不同职业之间畸残有差异(P<0.001),以农民的畸残率最高54.91%;麻风村病人的眼、手、足Ⅱ级畸残率均明显高于家庭治疗病人(P<0.001);麻风Ⅱ级畸残者使劳动及生活自理能力部分丧失或完全丧失.贵州省10 429例麻风受累者中畸残率较高,与年龄、麻风型别、职业等因素有关,提示需加强病例的早期发现,规则进行抗麻风联合化疗,控制麻风反应、神经炎,推广麻风康复技术,仍然是贵州省降低麻风畸残率主要措施.  相似文献   

目的:探讨联合化疗(multidrug therapy,MDT)病人麻风反应相关危险因素。方法:对本地区登记的226例MDT麻风病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:226例麻风病人中Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型麻风反应的发生率分别为10.2%和17.7%。47.8%的麻风反应发生在MDT前,39.1%的Ⅰ型麻风反应发生在MDT开始后的1年内,47.5%的Ⅱ型麻风反应发生在MDT开始后的2年内。MDT前细菌指数〉4.0和皮损≥5块是Ⅱ型麻风反应的危险因素。结论:MDT治疗的2年内是麻风反应的高峰期,应重点监测。  相似文献   

3例多菌型患者,经正规抗麻风治疗数年,全部症状及体征均已消退、细菌阴转(1例阴转5年,1例3年,1例半年)后,并未停药就又发生了临床症状活跃,但实验室及病理切片反复查麻风菌均为阴性。这较少见,可能是麻风治愈后所出现的麻风反应。例1为Ⅰ型反应,例2、3为Ⅱ型反应,按抗麻风反应治疗,症状均得以缓解终至消失。例1,女54岁,界线类麻风。1978年12  相似文献   

麻风患者166例统一联合化疗后2年随访   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨6个月麻风统一联合化疗方案对各型麻风患者的疗效。方法 对166例各型麻风患者采取世界卫生组织多菌型方案治疗6个月,观察临床和细菌学方面的疗效。结果 在166例患者中因各种原因退出31例,完成治疗并随访2年的患者135例。135例疗前查菌阴性者为45例(33.3%),其余90例患者细菌指数从0.1 ~ 6.0不等,细菌指数疗前平均为2.91 ± 1.45,在停止治疗第2年末,45例细菌阴性患者显示总的皮损消退和改善率达到93.3%。神经体征改善率达80.0%。在90例查菌阳性患者中,皮肤损害消退和改善率达95.6%,神经改善率达77.8%。疗前细菌阳性的90例患者中有49例患者细菌阴转,占54.4%,平均细菌指数降低为0.66 ± 0.99。从开始治疗后的2.5年中,平均每年下降 0.9。在完成治疗停药随访满2年的135例患者中有25例发生麻风反应。其中Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型反应分别为13例和12例。在166例患者中,有1例多菌型患者在停止治疗后13个月复发。结论 统一联合化疗的近期疗效与常规MDT方案治疗2年的结果相似,其反应发生率差异以及远期复发率尚待观察。  相似文献   

目的:分析多菌型麻风患者经过6个月联合化疗后停药,随访7年的结果。方法:对新发或复发未经治疗的多菌型麻风患者给予WHO联合化疗多菌型方案治疗6个月,停药后观察7年,评价临床和细菌学疗效。结果:共收录多菌型麻风患者114例,中途退出43例,71例纳入分析。疗前患者平均细菌指数为2.93±1.39,停药满7年时所有患者细菌指数阴转,平均年下降0.42。7年中共观察到麻风反应38人次,反应频率为53.5%。有1例在停药13个月时复发,复发率为0.05/100人年。结论:多菌型麻风患者6个月联合化疗有效。联合化疗6个月患者的细菌指数变化和麻风反应与报告的经1年或2年联合化疗的多菌型患者情况相似。  相似文献   

目的:了解联合化疗(MDT)中发生麻风反应患者的临床特征及相关因素,为麻风防治工作提供依据。方法:收集2006-2020年在全国麻风病防治管理信息系统(LEPMIS)中登记并终审通过的山东省所有完成MDT且在此期间发生麻风反应的患者的相关信息,应用SPSS 23.0软件进行一般描述性统计分析和非参数Spearman秩相关系数检验,评估MDT中麻风反应特点及相关因素。结果:2006-2020年完成MDT治疗的患者314例,期间43例发生麻风反应(13.7%)。43例患者中新发病例39例(90.7%),复发病例4例(9.3%)。其中BT 3例(7.0%), BL 14例(32.5%),LL 26例(60.5%)。43例患者MDT中共发生麻风反应69例次,平均每例1.6次,15例(34.9%)患者至少发生过两次反应。9例(20.9%)发生I型反应,27例(62.8%)发生II型反应,3例(7.0%)发生混合型反应。26例(60.4%)患者首次反应发生在MDT的前8个月内。Spearman分析显示MDT中麻风反应发生次数与文化程度(rs=0.383, P=0.011)成正相关,与麻风诊断时间(rs=-0.323, P=0.035)呈负相关。结论:MDT中麻风反应的发生率较高。反应多见于LL,可反复发生;II型反应较常见,多发生于MDT的前8个月内。反应发生次数与文化程度和诊断时间相关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨WHO/MDT方案治疗中I型麻风反应的发生率,临床特点及治疗。方法:对111例I型麻风反应的发生率,与型别关系,临床表现,反应出现时间及持续时间进行分析。  相似文献   

目的:以麻风反应、神经炎、药物不良反应的发现率和救治率,以及现症病例新畸残发生率为评价指标,评价我省现症病例管理措施的成效。方法:近十年来,我省采取常规麻风现症病例管理措施有人员培训、耐药监测、病例管理信息化、工作督导和技术指导等,我省的特色管理措施包括氨苯砜(DDS)超敏综合征(DHS)精准预防、病例省级管理、麻风反应神经炎和药物不良反应的省级确认与救治。结果:2011-2020年期间,我省共有麻风现症病例328例,失访20例,死亡26例,外迁2例,判愈224例,截止到2020年底,尚有现症患者56例。全省共救治麻风反应312人次,神经炎106人次,药物不良反应8例,救治率均达到100%。规划期间,共有新发及重症麻风现症患者41例接受了住院治疗,救治神经炎34人次,麻风反应41人次。通过实施现症病例管理措施,我省麻风现症病例的麻风反应、神经炎和药物不良反应早期发现和及时救治率达到100%。联合化疗期间新畸残发生率为1.3%,明显低于国家规划不超过10%的控制目标。山东省皮防所首先成功定位了DHS的风险位点,为2015年以来全国21省份的3197例新发麻风病例进行疗前监测,阳性者避免服...  相似文献   

This study was done by collecting the retrospective data from 1994 to 2009 of patients attending the urban leprosy centre attached to the department of dermatology, STD & leprosy of PGIMER & Dr. R M L Hospital, New Delhi. The data was analysed according to age, sex, type of leprosy, leprosy reactions, deformities and relapse and compared with the national figures by comparison of proportions after taking the national data per 10,000 population. A total of 3659 patients attended our ULC (Urban Leprosy Centre) among which 2741 were male and 945 females (M:F-3:1). 669 patients (18.2%) were children. The data analysed show a gradual decline in new case detection rate with a marginal rise in 2005 and 2008. Percentage of MB cases was falling consistently till 2005 after which it showed an abrupt rise. The incidence of type 1 reaction varied from 21% in 1994 to 10% in 2009 in PB patients and from 6% in 1994 to 8% in 2009 in MB patients. The trend of type 2 reactions in MB patients showed a slow declining trend. MDT completion rate showed an impressive improvement from 56% in 1994 to 90% in 2009. The number of patients revisiting the ULC with features of relapse also showed a decrease in number. The pattern of visible deformities showed an almost constant trend similar to national figures. Improved MDT completion rate helps in reducing the disease transmission, severity, reactions and disabilities.  相似文献   

The different clinical forms of leprosy are mainly related to the variety of immunological responses to the infection. Thus, lepromatous leprosy occurs in patients with a poor cell-mediated immunity to Mycobacterium leprae, whereas tuberculoid leprosy is associated with a high resistance to leprosy bacillus. Intermediate forms, including borderline tuberculoid leprosy, borderline lepromatous leprosy, and borderline leprosy, are a continuous and unstable spectrum of the disease. Leprosy reactions are rare and not well-known states that interrupt the usual chronic course and clinical stability of patients with leprosy. They are expressions of immunological perturbations. Attending to the clinical and histopathological manifestations, leprosy reactions may be separated in 2 or 3 different variants: reverse reaction (type I), erythema nodosum leprosum (type II), erythema polymorphous (type II) and Lucio's phenomenon, mainly considered a type II reaction, but sometimes designated type III. Type I leprosy reaction, also named "upgrading reaction," occurs in borderline leprosy states and is associated with a shift toward the tuberculoid pole. Type II reaction usually occurs in lepromatous leprosy, and there are 3 different clinical variants, including erythema nudosum leprosum, erythema polymorphous-like reaction, and Lucio's phenomenon.  相似文献   

A twenty-year-old man with borderline tuberculoid leprosy with lesion on the penile shaft is reported. The lesion was detected when the patient developed an upgrading reaction after MDT. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. Leprosy lesions are uncommonly reported on the penis and interestingly, some seem to have been detected during reactional episodes only. It appears that like facial lesions, genital patches may also be more prone to develop a type 1 reaction.  相似文献   

This study analyses retrospectively some of the risks associated with the use of WHO-multidrug therapy (MDT) in Sri Lanka. Case records of 3,333 new cases of leprosy attending the Central Leprosy Clinic in Colombo during 1991-1995, were analysed for adverse drug reactions involving the liver and blood. There were 81 reports of suspected hepatic or haematological adverse reactions associated with the use of MDT, of which 39 were classified as haemolytic anaemia, 25 as toxic hepatitis, 2 as methaemoglobinaemia and 15 as anaemia. Dapsone, was incriminated in the majority of adverse reactions (72%). Adverse drug reactions were more common in female than male subjects (55% vs 45%; P < 0.5), but there was no significant differences between the age groups. Majority of adverse reactions was seen within the first three months of initiation of MDT. This study in no way undermines the benefits of MDT but highlights the risks and suggests measures to minimize these risks.  相似文献   

A vaccine based on autoclaved Mycobacterium w was administered, in addition to standard multidrug therapy (MDT), to 157 untreated, bacteriologically positive, lepromin negative multibacillary leprosy patients, supported by a well matched control group of 147 patients with similar type of disease, who received a placebo injection in addition to MDT. The MDT was given for a minimum period of 2 years and continued until skin smear negativity, while the vaccine/placebo was given at 3-monthly intervals up to a maximum of eight doses. The incidence of type 2 reaction and neuritis during treatment and follow-up showed no statistically significant difference in the vaccine and placebo groups. The incidence of type 1 reaction (mild in most cases), however, was higher in the vaccine group (P = 0.041, relative risk ratio 1.79), considering LL, BL and BB leprosy types together, and considerably higher (P = 0.009) in LL type, probably because of confounding due to higher number of patients with previous history of reaction in this group. The occurrence of reactions and neuritis in terms of single or multiple episodes was similar in the vaccine and placebo groups. The association of neuritis and reactions, as well as their timing of occurrence (during MDT or follow-up), was also similar in the two groups, with more than 90% of occurrences taking place during MDT. The incidence of reversal reaction was significantly higher among the males in the vaccine group (34.5% versus 8.3%, P = 0.019). Patients with high initial BI (4.1-6.0) showed higher incidence of reactions (70.3%) as compared to those with medium (2.1-4.0) and low (0.3-2.0) BI where the reactions were observed with a frequency of 56.1% and 38.8%, respectively. However, unlike reactions, neuritis incidence did not seem to be affected by initial BI to the same extent in the vaccine group, with frequencies of 35.3%, 36.3% and 25.9% in the three mentioned BI ranges. Overall, the vaccine did not precipitate reactional states and neuritis over and above that observed with MDT alone.  相似文献   

目的:了解贵阳市2005-2020年麻风的流行病学特征。方法:通过全国麻风防治管理信息系统(LEPMIS)收集整理贵阳市2005-2020年新、复发麻风患者的详细资料,采用SPSS 18.0软件对麻风病例的一般情况和就诊次数、麻风反应、残疾情况、传染源、发现方式和型别等相关因素进行χ2检验和非条件logistic多因素分析。结果:贵阳市2005-2020年共发现新、复发麻风169例,年均发现率0.260/105,总体呈下降趋势,复发病例7例,其中3例是联合化疗后复发(42.86%),4例为DDS单疗后复发(57.14%)。169例患者平均年龄(41.88±16.75)岁,儿童病例(14岁及以下)6例,占新发病例的3.55%,MB∶PB=2.13∶1,平均2级残疾比为32.54%,发现方式以皮肤科就诊为主,占31.36%。影响畸残的主要因素为麻风患者的文化程度高低、不同传染源、不同的发现方式和麻风型别。结论:贵阳市麻风流行状态总体呈下降趋势,但2级残疾发病率高并且还有儿童病例(14岁及以下)出现,麻风疫情依然严峻。  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty-three paucibacillary (PB) leprosy patients were treated with WHO-recommended multidrug therapy (MDT) and followed up for over 7 1/2 years. The paucibacillary MDT regimen (PBR) was well accepted and tolerated. Complete clinical regression was attained in 61.2% patients after 6 doses of PBR. Persistence of clinical activity after 6 months of therapy was associated with occurrence of type I upgrading reaction, presence of six or more patches and more than two thickened major nerve trunks. Reversal reactions were encountered in 15.9% patients, one third of which were accompanied by severe neuritis. Delayed upgrading reaction occurred in six patients, two patients had relapse one and two years after stopping of PBR. The WHO recommended MDT regimen for paucibacillary cases needs careful evaluation and it may be necessary to extend the treatment beyond six months in certain situations.  相似文献   

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