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目的:通过锥形束CT影像分析无症状人群上颌窦底壁与上和后牙根尖位置关系,为上颌后牙区临床治疗提供理论依据。方法:选取53例98侧无症状人群的上颌窦锥形束CT影像,三维重建后在选取的截面上测量784个根尖与上颌窦底壁的距离,上颌后牙根尖的位置据此分为4类,并将各例上颌窦底壁与上颌后牙根尖距离的均值进行95%置信区间估计。结果:上颌第一磨牙远中颊根根尖距离上颌窦底壁的平均距离最短,为(0.44±0.61) mm(置信度95%).上颌磨牙根尖广泛存在于上颌窦底壁密切接触的情况,其中上颌第二磨牙与上颌窦底壁的关系最为密切。结论:上颌磨牙根尖与上颌窦底壁位置关系密切,锥形束CT可精确了解上颌后牙区的解剖情况,从而降低医源性上颌窦炎发生的概率。  相似文献   

刘毅赓  卢云 《口腔医学》2022,42(10):889-894
目的 利用CBCT分析上颌第一、第二磨牙各牙根根尖及其牙槽嵴顶与上颌窦底壁位置关系,为临床诊断和治疗提供可靠的参考依据。方法 选取大连医科大学口腔医学院附属口腔医院锥形束CT(CBCT)数据库中初诊180例,分为6~12岁、13~18岁和19~35岁三组,每组各60例。利用CBCT测量上颌第一、第二磨牙各牙根根尖与上颌窦底壁的距离、上颌磨牙牙槽嵴顶与上颌窦底壁距离,分别进行左右两侧与性别差异对比,记录上颌第一、第二磨牙各牙根根尖与上颌窦底壁的位置关系分型,并进行统计学分析。结果 上颌第一磨牙在6~12岁组距离上颌窦底壁平均距离最短的为近颊根(1.21±3.09)mm, 13~18岁组根尖均在上颌窦内,19~35岁组的腭根为(0.41±2.73)mm;上颌第二磨牙在13~18岁组与19~35岁组距离上颌窦底壁平均距离最短的均为近颊根,为(0.36±2.37)mm和(0.43±2.21)mm。随着年龄增长,牙槽嵴顶至上颌窦底壁的平均距离逐渐降低(P<0.05)。水平关系中,上颌第一磨牙13~18岁组、19~35岁组牙根根尖至根分叉区域观察到上颌窦最常见;垂直关系中,6~12岁组与19...  相似文献   

目的 通过对锥形束CT影像资料的回顾性研究,分析在冠状位上上颌后牙根与上颌窦底的垂直向关系.方法 对162例成年患者锥形束CT的影像资料进行回顾性研究,在冠状位上将根尖与上颌窦底的垂直向位置关系进行分型统计.结果 上颌前磨牙主要是0类关系,上颌磨牙有20%左右根尖突入上颌窦底,磨牙的各个牙根与上颌窦底的关系各不相同.结论 上颌后牙根尖突入上颌窦底的比例不同,以第一磨牙的腭根和第二磨牙的近中颊根比率最高.  相似文献   

上颌窦底与上颌磨牙牙根关系的锥形束CT研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用锥形束CT分析上颌窦底与上颌磨牙牙根的关系,为临床治疗提供参考。方法:收集具备上颌后部锥形束CT扫描数据的患者资料,应用CT配套软件观察上颌窦底与上颌磨牙牙根的关系并测量上颌磨牙牙根与上颌窦底间距离。结果:共收集40例,男26名,女14名,平均年龄35.5岁(19~55岁)。12例牙根根尖与上颌窦底在同一水平;16例牙根根尖水平高于上颌窦底水平,平均距离为(3.62±0.52)mm;12例牙根根尖水平低于上颌窦底水平,平均距离(3.16±0.42)mm。在距离上颌窦底最近的牙根方面,上颌第一磨牙腭根最为多见(20/40)。结论:锥形束CT在判断上颌窦底与上颌磨牙牙根关系方面有较高应用价值。上颌窦底与上颌磨牙牙根关系密切,其中,与第一磨牙腭根关系最为密切,临床治疗中应预防上颌窦穿孔或上颌窦炎的发生。  相似文献   

目的 测量上颌磨牙根尖与上颌窦底距离并分析是否与年龄、骨面型存在相关关系.方法 按照纳入标准选择91例患者的颌面部CBCT,测量根尖与上颌窦底的距离以及患者的SNA、SNB、ANB、SN-MP、FH-MP,记录患者年龄、性别.结果 牙根根尖与上颌窦底的距离为-7.1~14.1mm,各牙根和上颌窦底接触或嵌入上颌窦的比例在48%~73%.除右上第二磨牙腭根外,各牙根根尖与上颌窦底距离和年龄有关.右上第一磨牙远颊根、左上第一磨牙近颊根和远颊根与SN-MP相关系分别为0.207、0.222、0.232,P值均小于0.05.结论 根尖与上颌窦底关系密切.根尖与上颌窦的距离与年龄存在正相关关系.右上第一磨牙远颊根、左上第一磨牙近颊根和远颊根均与SN-MP发现微弱正相关趋势.  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 利用锥形束CT三维成像分析上颌后牙区牙槽骨高度以及牙根与上颌窦底位置关系,为临床诊断和治疗提供可靠的参考依据。方法 选取500例患者的锥形束CT影像资料,测量上颌前磨牙和磨牙的牙槽骨高度、牙根至上颌窦底距离、磨牙牙根与上颌窦的位置关系(垂直和水平关系),按照牙位和年龄将这些数据分组,分析在不同牙位和年龄段的差异。结果 上颌前磨牙的牙槽骨高度分别为(11.31±7.39)和(9.52±7.98)mm,显著高于上颌磨牙区,随着年龄的增长牙槽骨高度降低。上颌第二磨牙近颊根至上颌窦底距离最短,其平均值为(1.73±3.63)mm;第一前磨牙牙根至上颌窦底的平均值为(9.53±5.79)mm,至上颌窦底距离最长,随着年龄的增长,牙根与上颌窦底间距离变短。在牙根与上颌窦的垂直关系中,三个牙根均不与上颌窦下壁接触的情况显著高于其他分类;水平关系中,在根尖至根分叉水平观察到上颌窦最为常见;随诊年龄的增长牙根与上颌窦的关系更加密切。结论 不同年龄和牙位牙根与上颌窦的关系差异较大,利用锥形束CT可精确分析上颌后牙区解剖结构,制定个性化治疗方案,降低医源性问题的发生。  相似文献   

目的 通过CBCT研究单侧第二磨牙正锁(牙合)患者双侧上颌后牙与上颌窦底间的关系,为正畸临床诊疗提供参考。方法 将2019~2021年就诊于山西医科大学第一医院口腔科的单侧第二磨牙正锁(牙合)患者作为实验组,同期就诊的后牙发育正常的患者作为对照组,每组各30例。分别测量上颌后牙各牙根根尖至上颌窦底之间的距离,以及磨牙牙根与上颌窦底之间的垂直关系及水平关系。结果 (1)正锁(牙合)患者86.6%的上颌磨牙与上颌窦存在不同程度的接触,其中牙根穿入上颌窦的比例占70%;(2)正锁(牙合)侧的第一磨牙腭根、第二磨牙近颊根、远颊根距上颌窦底的距离与对照组比较明显变短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);正锁(牙合)侧的第二磨牙远颊根至上颌窦底的距离较非锁(牙合)侧更短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);(3)实验组正锁(牙合)侧上颌窦底的最低点在上颌第二磨牙处更多位于上颌骨的颊侧。结论 单侧第二磨牙正锁(牙合)患者患侧86.6%的上颌磨牙牙根与上颌窦底接触,上颌窦底位置较低,且上颌窦底气化过程中的延伸方向更偏向颊侧。  相似文献   

目的 探讨锥形束CT检查结合显微根管技术治疗上颌磨牙颊侧根管口下方分叉病例的临床效果.方法 选取需进行根管治疗的上颌磨牙304颗(上颌第一磨牙159颗,上颌第二磨牙145颗),开髓后记录髓室底根管口数目及位置,对术前X线片怀疑为颊侧根管口下方分叉的患牙,先在肉眼下探杳疏通根管,再根据牙科锥形束CT结果 在根管显微镜下在...  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用锥形束CT研究上颌第一磨牙牙根及根管形态的价值。方法选取70例患者83颗上颌第一磨牙的锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomogaphy,CBCT)影像,分析其牙根数目、根管数目及根管系统的解剖结构。参照Vertucci分类法对根管形态进行分类,统计近中颊根第二根管(the seconal mesiobuual canal, MB2)率。结果83颗上颌第一磨牙均为3个独立牙根,其中MB2的发生率为38.6%,近中颊根根管VertucciⅠ型(1?1)、Ⅳ型(2?2型)、Ⅱ型(2?1)、Ⅲ型(1?2?1)所占百分比分别为61.4%、18.1%、15.7%和4.8%。结论上颌第一磨牙根管系统复杂,CBCT影像可反映真实根管形态,为根管治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

上颌第一恒磨牙髓室底及根尖孔的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究上颌第一恒磨牙的髓室底形态,根管口的形态,根管口及根尖孔的数目和位置分布。方法 106颗离体上颌第一恒磨牙,暴露其髓室底,并用苏木素将根尖区染色,用肉眼观察法结合用光滑髓针、15号根管扩大器等探查以明确根管口数,根尖孔数及其位置分布。结果 上颌第一恒磨牙的髓室类似一个底在颊侧的三角形,38.68%为三根管口,61.32%为四根管口,左右分布无差异,四根管口者含一个远中颊侧根管口,一个腭侧根管口,近中颊侧根管又分偏颊、偏腭侧两根管口;远中颊、腭根的根尖均为单孔,近中颊根的双根尖孔率为51.8%,61.54%的根尖孔为侧方开口。结论 上颌第一恒磨牙的开髓洞形应为偏向近中的圆三角形,近中颊根的双根管检出率较高。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of root fenestration or oroantral communication by evaluating the distance from root apex to the sinus floor and buccal cortex in maxillary posterior teeth using cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. The study included 2182 roots of the maxillary posterior teeth from 219 patients after reviewing CBCT images of 462 patients according to the location of roots by two endodontists. The distances from each root apex to the maxillary sinus floor and buccal and palatal cortices were evaluated according to sex and age, and the mean values were compared by one‐way analysis of variance and Mann–Whitney U‐test. The distance between root apex and maxillary sinus floor was the greatest in maxillary first premolars and shortest in the mesio‐buccal roots of maxillary second molars. The distances from root apex to the buccal and palatal cortical bones were significantly greater in male patients than those in female patients (< 0·05). The palatal roots of maxillary first molars exhibited the highest incidence as well as the greatest mean length (1·96 mm) of protrusion into the maxillary sinus. The distance from root apex to the sinus floor was found to increase with age, except in case of maxillary second premolars. Understanding the relationship of maxillary posterior teeth with the sinus floor and buccal cortex could provide clinicians valuable information to help reduce iatrogenic damage.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the prevalence of molar roots protruding into the maxillary sinus and to determine the panoramic radiographic signs as correlated with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). CBCT images of 354 roots were assessed and classified into three types, according to the relationship between the root and maxillary sinus. The prevalence of root protrusion into the maxillary sinus was calculated then the panoramic images assessed. After excluding some unidentified roots on the panoramic images, 200 were investigated for panoramic signs, including (i) projection of the root apex into the sinus cavity, (ii) interruption of the maxillary sinus floor’s cortex, (iii) absence of periodontal ligament space, (iv) darkening of the involved root region, and (v) upward curving of the sinus floor. The respective correlation between the panoramic signs and CBCT types was assessed. Forty-six percent of roots showed protrusion into the sinus with the palatal root of the first molar having the greatest prevalence (33/200 roots). The panoramic signs ‘projection of the root apex in the sinus cavity’ and ‘darkening of the involved root apical region’ both strongly indicated root protrusion into the maxillary sinus (P < 0.05).  相似文献   



The present study investigated the position and relationship of the maxillary third molars to the maxillary sinus. These molars were detected to have a close relationship with the maxillary sinus based on panoramic images, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).


This retrospective study evaluated 162 impacted third molars from 100 patients that showed a superimposed relationship between the maxillary sinus and third molars on panoramic images obtained from CBCT. CBCT images were used to assess the horizontal (buccopalatal) and vertical positions of the maxillary sinus relative to the maxillary third molars, proximity of the roots to the sinus, and angulation and depth of the third molars. The associations among the angulation, depth of third molars, and horizontal and vertical positions of the maxillary sinus relative to the third molar findings were examined using Chi square tests.


Based on the winter classification, the most frequent tooth position was vertical (59.9 %), followed by mesioangular (14.2 %), distoangular (9.9 %), and others. Most impacted teeth were at the level between the occlusal and cervical levels of the adjacent second molar. Regarding the relationships of the maxillary third molars with the maxillary sinus examined on CBCT, vertical type III (buccal root related with maxillary sinus) (34 %) and horizontal type 2 (maxillary sinus located between roots) (64.8 %) were seen most frequently.


The relationship between the maxillary sinus and third molar roots should be considered during extraction. When a risk of sinus perforation is predicted in an extraction, a presurgical CBCT examination could be valuable.

目的 运用锥形束CT (CBCT)研究牙源性因素对上颌窦黏膜增厚的影响,同时,通过对上颌窦黏膜增厚的随访,研究口腔治疗的作用。方法 回顾性分析2017年8—12月四川大学华西口腔医院就诊的患者,通过CBCT图像筛选出上颌窦最大黏膜厚度>2 mm的患者,评估上颌窦底及上颌窦黏膜增厚与患牙的关系,同时,记录患牙及其治疗的情况,观察随访前后上颌窦黏膜增厚的变化。结果 黏膜厚度与炎症距窦底的距离呈极弱负相关(P<0.05,r=-0.154),而根尖距窦底的距离与黏膜厚度无直接相关性(P>0.05)。在治疗组中,窦底破坏组的黏膜厚度变化较窦底连续组大,黏膜厚度变化与根尖距窦底的距离呈弱负相关(P<0.01,r=-0.382),黏膜厚度变化与炎症距窦底的距离呈中等程度负相关(P<0.001,r=-0.524)。结论 上颌窦炎的严重程度可能更大程度上取决于根尖周炎症边缘距窦底的远近而与单纯的根尖位置没有明显的关系。但从治疗效果来讲,炎症病变离上颌窦越近,上颌窦底越易被破坏,上颌窦炎受牙源性因素影响越大,口腔治疗的效果也越好。  相似文献   

显微根尖手术是临床上保存牙髓根尖周病患牙的有效手段之一,也是治疗其疑难病例的必备技术。但由于位置靠后操作空间狭小、根尖与上颌窦毗邻,导致在上颌后牙区进行根尖外科手术仍存在一定挑战。本文就上颌窦与上颌后牙解剖关系、对显微根尖手术影响以及辅助技术如:3D打印手术导板、超声骨刀等在上颌后牙区手术中的应用进行总结。文献复习结果表明,上颌后牙根尖与上颌窦空间关系通常分3类:根尖突进上颌窦底;根尖与上颌窦底相接触;根尖和上颌窦底之间有间隙或空间。术前CBCT检查后结合患牙根尖周和上颌窦状态以及根尖病损到上颌窦距离评估手术难度,术中应用导板、内窥镜、超声骨刀等以使手术更加安全可靠和精准微创,但后者在临床上的普及仍需进一步推广。目前尚缺乏高质量的上颌后牙区现代显微根尖手术长期疗效的临床研究。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the relationship between the root apex and the inferior wall of the maxillary sinus are crucial for diagnosing and treating a sinus pathosis as well as in assisting in dental implantation. Therefore, identifying the proximity between the root apex and the inferior wall of the sinus and clarifying the cortical thickness of the inferior wall of the sinus is essential for determining the topography of a spreading dental infection into the maxillary sinus. Accordingly, knowledge of the topography between the root apex and the inferior wall of maxillary sinus is important for diagnosing and planning dental implantation, endodontic procedures, and orthodontic treatment. This study was undertaken to clarify the morphological and clinical characteristics of the maxillary sinus, particularly the inferior wall of the sinus in Koreans, and to identify the relationship between the inferior wall of the maxillary sinus and the roots of the maxillary teeth. Twenty-four sides of the maxillae of hemi-sectioned Korean heads were used in this study. All specimens were decalcificated and sectioned coronally. On the sectioned specimens, 21 items were measured using an image analyzing system. The distances between the each root apex and the inferior wall of the maxillary sinus were measured. The distance from the root apex to the inferior wall of the sinus was the shortest in the second molar area and the longest in the first premolar area. The thickness of the cortical plate of the inferior wall of the maxillary sinus was thinnest in the first premolar area but it was thickest in the second premolar area. The vertical relationship between the inferior wall and the roots of the maxillary molars was classified into five types. Type I (the inferior wall of the sinus located above the level connecting the buccal and lingual root apices) dominated (54.5% in the first molar area, 52.4% in the second molar area). The horizontal relationship between the inferior wall of the sinus and the root apex was classified into three types. Type 2 (the alveolar recess of the inferior wall of the sinus was located between the buccal and lingual roots) was most common (80% in the first and second molar area). Overall, this study demonstrated the many anatomical characteristics and determined the relationships between the maxillary sinus and their surrounding structures. These findings may have an impact on the clinical management of patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide further information on the morphology of the root canals and pulp chambers of 100 maxillary first and 100 maxillary second molars, with particular reference to the anatomical relationship of the root canal patterns and the distance between mesiobuccal (MB) and mesiolingual (ML) orifices. Each transverse section was digitally imaged to measure the interorificial distance using a stereomicroscope. The angles of primary curvatures were determined in both buccolingual (clinic view, CV) and mesiodistal (proximal view, PV) directions and the canal configuration of the MB root was classified according to the Weine classification. The rhomboidal pulp chamber floor morphology predominated in each tooth type. The mean interorificial distance in both maxillary first and second molars was significantly shorter in type II compared with type III (P < 0.05). The interorificial distance was correlated with the primary curvature of MB canal in PV in maxillary first molars (P < 0.05), whereas the primary curvature of ML canal in CV was correlated with the primary curvature of ML canal in PV in maxillary second molars (P < 0.01). The evaluation of interorificial distance in both types of maxillary molars and the curvature of ML canal in CV in maxillary second molar can give valuable information to the clinician.  相似文献   

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