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背景:半月板撕裂的概率逐渐增加,但目前为止,关于半月板撕裂与胫骨平台解剖形态之间关系的研究较少,且存在争议。目的:测量半月板损伤患者内外侧胫骨平台后倾角和内侧平台凹陷深度以及外侧平台的高度,研究其与半月板损伤的相关性。方法:选择徐州医科大学附属医院2019年9月至2022年6月收治的半月板损伤并行关节镜治疗患者164例,按照损伤情况分为内侧半月板损伤组(n=92)、外侧半月板损伤组(n=45)和内外侧半月板同时损伤组(n=27);选择78例同时期因膝关节痛就诊但无半月板损伤的患者作为对照组。通过MRI图像测量并比较各组内外侧胫骨平台后倾角、内侧胫骨平台凹陷深度和外侧胫骨平台凸出高度。结果与结论:(1)内侧半月板损伤组的内侧胫骨平台后倾角大于对照组(P <0.05),外侧半月板损伤组的外侧胫骨平台后倾角大于内侧半月板损伤组、对照组(P <0.05),内侧半月板损伤组和对照组的内侧胫骨平台后倾角显著大于外侧平台后倾角(P <0.05);内侧半月板损伤组的内侧胫骨平台深度小于外侧半月板损伤组、对照组(P <0.05),外侧半月板损伤组的外侧胫骨平台凸出高度大于内侧半月...  相似文献   

[摘要]目的 探讨关节镜下同种异体半月板移植治疗半月板撕裂损伤的临床疗效。方法 2011年5月~2014年5月,采用关节镜下同种异体半月板移植治疗6例半月板撕裂损伤患者,男5例,女1例。年龄分别为36、37、39、41、42、45岁。4例外侧半月板移植,2例内侧半月板移植。随访包括患者术后关节症状及体征,Lysholm评分、膝关节X线及MRI检查等。结果 随访时间12~24个月,5例均无关节疼痛、肿胀等,关节活动度正常。1例关节反复积液,效果不满意。MRI提示5例半月板存活良好,1例半月板退变严重。结论 关节镜下同种异体半月板移植是治疗半月板严重撕裂损伤较好的方法,可以显著缓解膝关节疼痛,临床疗效满意。  相似文献   

背景:生物力学实验有助于阐明为何半月板切除后会导致进行性的软骨病变。关节软骨退行性变的原因复杂,包括生物学、力学以及结构通路等。 目的:研究内侧半月板后角撕裂行半月板部分切除后胫股关节接触面积、压力及半月板应变的变化。 方法:取8具新鲜冷冻的混合品种的狗后肢膝关节标本,序贯进行以下半月板切除操作,采取百分比来计算每一样本半月板切除的范围:①内30%的内侧半月板后角撕裂。②内75%的内侧半月板后角撕裂。③内侧半月板后角完全切除。用双轴液压伺服生物材料测试实验机(MTS 858)进行生物力学测试。统计学比较采用SPSS 18.0软件进行组间比较。 结果与结论:半月板组织切除越多,内侧和外侧胫股关节接触面积下降越明显,内侧半月板后角切除75%和全切后,内侧接触面积差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);内侧半月板后角完全切除之后,外侧接触面积显著减少。内侧半月板后角切除75%和全切之后,内侧间室的接触压力显著升高,与对照组相比差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05),内侧半月板后角完全切除后外侧间室接触压力显著降低(P < 0.05)。因为半月板组织的切除,其相应的应变下降,但是各组间差异无显著性意义。说明半月板切除多少决定术后半月板的生物力学功能;对于半月板撕裂,尤其是“红区”损伤,应尽量选择半月板缝合术,减少半月板切除范围,以避免或者延缓膝关节的退行性变。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

背景:目前针对内侧半月板后根撕裂加速膝关节退变相关生物力学研究大多数仅限于在静态仿真设计的基础上对内侧半月板后根完全撕裂模型进行测试,而对内侧半月板后根部分撕裂在完整步态周期下的生物力学行为尚不清楚。目的:运用动态有限元分析的方法来比较正常膝关节模型与内侧半月板后根部分撕裂模型在完整步态周期下生物力学的差异。方法:以健康成年人右膝关节CT扫描数据为基础,建立包括骨、半月板、关节软骨在内的健康膝关节有限元模型,并在健康模型基础上进一步构建膝关节内侧半月板后根撕裂模型。分别在2种模型上施加ISO标准步态载荷进行仿真测试。比较2种模型对应部件在各时相下应力、位移和接触面积的差异。结果与结论:(1)在完整步态周期下,健康模型内侧半月板后根云图应力分布均匀,而病理模型则在损伤区出现应力集中表现,健康模型最大应力出现在30%时刻外侧半月板内缘,值为29.68 MPa,病理模型最大应力出现在50%时刻外侧半月板内缘,值为30.34 MPa;(2)在完整步态周期下,健康和病理模型胫骨软骨应力分布大体一致,2种模型承受最大应力分别出现在步态周围50%,20%时刻,值大小分别为5.11,6.85MPa;(...  相似文献   

文题释义:半月板撕裂:膝关节内半月型纤维软骨破裂,撕裂原因主要是由于膝半屈或全屈位下的扭转力所造成。半月板分为内侧半月板和外侧半月板,内侧半月板较大且固定,外侧半月板较小,实验主要研究外侧半月板撕裂对力学机制的影响。 动态有限元分析:将人体正常完整步态周期作为边界条件施加在膝关节半月板模型中,观察在完整步态周期下半月板以及胫骨软骨的应力变化趋势及所受应力值大小。 背景:目前国内外对膝关节半月板的生物力学分析十分广泛,但大多集中于对膝关节屈曲运动状态下的研究,针对完整步态周期下膝关节半月板生物力学的有限元分析还不完善。 目的:通过对比外侧半月板撕裂模型与健康半月板模型,了解完整步态周期下半月板损伤后的生物力学变化机制。 方法:以健康成年人膝关节CT扫描数据为基础,建立包括胫-股骨、半月板、关节软骨在内的健康膝关节有限元模型,并在健康模型基础上进一步构建膝关节外侧半月板撕裂模型,探究在完整步态周期下膝关节外侧半月板撕裂的生物力学机制,并与健康膝模型进行对比。 结果与结论:①两种模型完整步态周期内的胫骨软骨瞬时应力变化趋势一致,但半月板撕裂模型中胫骨软骨在每一个瞬时受到的应力值均大于健康半月板模型,半月板撕裂模型与健康模型中胫骨软骨所受最大应力值分别为30,20.5 MPa;②两种模型完整步态周期内的半月板瞬时应力变化趋势是一致的,但撕裂模型中完整步态周期内半月板受到的应力均大于健康模型,半月板撕裂模型与健康模型中半月板所受最大应力值分别为69.8,41.3 MPa;③在步态周期的前60%,半月板撕裂模型中的胫骨软骨最大应力分布远大于健康模型,且随着步态周期的增长,接触范围逐渐向软骨外部边缘蔓延;在步态周期的60%以后,作用在胫骨软骨上的应力较小,最大应力的分布范围也比较小;④两种模型中健康内侧半月板应力分布基本一致,而撕裂的外侧半月板最大应力分布范围较健康内侧半月板广,在裂纹周围出现了较严重应力集中现象,且随着步态周期的进行,应力集中区域逐渐向裂纹靠近半月板前角处偏移;⑤结果表明半月板是人体膝关节中重要的承重部件,从生物力学角度可以较为直观地观察到半月板损伤对人体膝关节的危害。 ORCID: 0000-0002-2155-0058(吴铮) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

背景:半月板根部损伤是半月板突出的重要原因。近年来,国外有许多关于半月板根部损伤和半月板突出关系的研究报道,而国内暂无相关的报道。 目的:探讨膝关节内侧半月板突出与内侧半月板后根部损伤的相关性。 方法:回顾性分析84例具有膝关节内侧半月板突出征象患者的MRI及关节镜表现,将半月板突出长度≥ 3 mm或半月板突出长度/半月板最大径≥10%定义为严重突出,采用卡方检验分析两种测量方法下的内侧半月板突出与后根部损伤之间的相关性。 结果与结论:MRI显示内侧半月板严重突出(半月板突出长度≥3 mm或半月板突出长度/半月板最大径≥10%)与关节镜检查显示半月板后根部损伤具有显著相关性(P < 0.05),比值比及95%可信区间分别为25.04 (3.07-204.44),6.96(1.38-35.19)。结果可见膝关节内侧半月板严重突出与内侧半月板后根部损伤密切相关,是半月板根部损伤的重要特征。  相似文献   

目的对损伤的外侧半月板后根部进行不同位置的修复固定,比较不同缝合方式时膝胫股关节的生物力学结果,探讨外侧半月板后根部损伤最佳缝合术式。方法使用8例人体尸体膝关节,胫腓骨固定装置维持膝关节在0°位,在1 k N压缩载荷下,采用Tek-scan压力感测片收集膝关节外侧半月板后根部完整、外侧半月板后根部断裂、将外侧半月板后根部分别缝合至中心点、中心点偏后5 mm、中心点偏前5 mm、中心点偏外5 mm位置下的平均接触压力、峰值压力以及接触面积。结果在外侧间室,与完整状态相比半月板后根部损伤断裂后会导致平均接触压力和峰值压力明显增加(P0. 01),接触面积减少(P0. 05)。4种缝合固定方法均可减少平均压力和峰值接触压力,接触面积较根部断裂时均有增加。在半月板后根部中心点偏外5 mm缝合时,生物力学结果更接近完整膝关节(P0. 05)。比较缝合位点在根部中心点和中心点偏后5 mm时,平均接触压力影响差别微小,峰值接触压力、接触面积均无统计学差异(P0. 05)。在内侧间室,生物力学指标各组间均无统计学差异(P0. 05)。结论外侧半月板后根部发生撕裂后会导致膝关节外侧间室的平均接触压力、峰值压力以及接触面积相比正常膝关节发生显著改变;半月板缝合位置在原根部中心点偏外5 mm时,其生物力学功能更接近完整膝关节。  相似文献   

目的 总结半月板根部的MRI解剖特点,确定半月板主体部分与根部的分界。方法 收集2012年10月—2014年2月保定市第一中心医院骨科24例经关节镜证实正常半月板根部的膝关节MRI资料和1例男性成人患者因下肢动脉硬化而截肢的新鲜膝关节标本,对半月板根部的MRI解剖行前瞻性研究,总结半月板根部MRI的形态、走行及附着点的位置,分析信号特点,并测量根部的长度、宽度、高度以及各根部走行角度。另在新鲜膝关节标本上确定半月板主体部分与根部的分界并用铜丝标示之,对标本行MRI扫描。结果 24例患者膝关节MRI显示:内侧半月板后根部呈梳状斜向下走行,信号较半月板主体部分稍高,附着于髁间后区;外侧半月板后根部较内侧半月板后根部明显长,走行于髁间隆起,附着于内侧髁间隆起的外侧面,信号与半月板主体部分类似;内侧半月板前根部较细,附着于髁间前区最前缘,为低或较低信号;外侧半月板前根部呈梳状稍向下向后走行,信号稍高,附着于髁间前区并稍向外下方倾斜的骨表面。各根部测量数据显示:横断面外侧半月板后根部最长,为(15.74±2.03)mm;冠状面内侧半月板后根部最短,为(7.88±1.57)mm;外侧半月板后根部走行与标准冠状面扫描线的夹角角度最大,为34.00°±9.24°。1例新鲜标本MR扫描图片清晰,半月板主体部分与根部分界标记显示清晰。结论 内外侧半月板前后根部各有其特点,MRI能够清晰显示半月板根部的形态、走行、信号特点及附着点位置。  相似文献   

目的    观测膝关节半月板的断面形态特征和变化规律,为诊断膝部病变提供更为详尽的形态学资料。  方法    正常成人尸体膝关节片厚5 mm的连续断面标本27例,其中矢状断面标本9例,冠状断面标本12例,横断面标本6例。通过三维断面标本,观察膝关节半月板的断面形态特征。  结果    内侧半月板矢径(40.36±4.73)mm,横径(33.99±3.77)mm;外侧半月板矢径(34.51±2.18)mm,横径(34.51± 3.25)mm。内、外侧半月板前、后角厚度分别为(4.98±1.83)mm和(4.45±1.44)mm、(3.54±1.24)mm和(6.15±1.43)mm。半月板后角高度外侧大于内侧,外侧半月板后角高度大于前角。内侧半月板后角宽度大于前角。板股韧带出现率为75%。  结论    ①半月板前、后角部在矢状面上,体部在冠状面上显示最好,横断面可见半月板全貌。②由于内侧半月板与关节囊紧密相连,且后角宽度大于前角,致使其易受损伤。③外侧半月板后角高度大于内侧半月板后角及同侧前角,可能是导致外侧半月板后角较易受损的因素之一。  相似文献   

目的探讨MRI分级诊断膝关节半月板损伤对手术的指导意义。方法选取经MRI诊断为膝关节半月板损伤患者101例(135膝)为研究对象,根据膝关节半月板损伤MRI诊断标准分级,与关节镜下探查结果比较。结果 MRI诊断结果为Ⅰ级20个半月板,关节镜下正常17个,退变3个;MRI诊断Ⅱ级38个半月板,关节镜下正常2个,退变29个,损伤7个;MRI诊断级77个半月板,关节镜下有7个退变,70个损伤。MRI分级诊断膝关节半月板损伤的准确率为85.93%(116/135)。MRI诊断Ⅰ级患者20膝均未接受关节镜下手术处理,MRI诊断Ⅱ级患者7膝(18.42%)接受关节镜下手术处理,MRI诊断级患者70膝(90.91%)接受关节镜下手术处理,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 MRI分级诊断与关节下诊断膝关节半月板损伤的准确性高,经MRI诊断为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级者可行保守治疗,MRI诊断为级者多需接受手术治疗。  相似文献   



There are many different methods of meniscal allograft measurements, which depend on individual tissue bank procedures. Due to the lack of a standardised method of dimensioning, measurement results may vary between individual cases. Consequently, allograft may be mismatched to the patient's knee anatomy. The purpose of this study was to measure four meniscal dimensions – two standard and two specific – and then compare them between sexes.


Fourteen cadaveric lateral menisci (seven male and seven female) were scanned using a microtomography scanner. The obtained three-dimensional (3-D) models of each meniscus were analysed, taking into account four dimensions: circumference, width, central meniscal concavity, and total meniscal volume. The computer researcher was not informed of the original data of the meniscal samples until the calculations were completed.


No statistical between-sex differences were found in the standard dimensions. The specific dimensions, in turn, presented statistically significant between-sex differences (P > 0.05). The mean difference between male and female total volume of the meniscus was equal to 36.59%, and the mean difference between male and female central meniscal concavity surface was equal to 31.22%.


This study found that sex should be taken into account as an important factor during a matching procedure performed by tissue bank staff.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether meniscal repair can protect the cartilage deterioration, changes in articular cartilage of the involved compartment were evaluated by reviewing the videotapes recorded at the time of operations (33 meniscal repairs, 18 meniscectomies) and second-look arthroscopies. Meniscal repairs gave marginally better results than meniscectomies but the articular cartilage was often deteriorated in cases that had the incompletely healed meniscus or the unhealed meniscus. Although completely healed menisci restore the meniscal function and protect the articular damage, unsuccessful meniscal healings sometimes provoke degeneration of the articular cartilage.  相似文献   

《The Knee》2020,27(4):1279-1284
BackgroundOne of the conditions constituting surgical indication for medial mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is that there is full-thickness cartilage in the lateral compartment under valgus stress radiography. However, it is unclear whether medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty should be performed if there is degeneration of the lateral meniscus on preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).MethodsThe records of 77 patients (77 knees) who underwent Oxford mobile-bearing UKA were retrospectively reviewed. Based on the status of the lateral meniscus in each knee using preoperative MRI with Stoller's classification system, the patients were divided into two groups; a normal group and a lateral meniscus degenerated group (grades 1–3). The preoperative personal data and the outcome data three years postoperatively were compared.ResultsThe normal group contained 31 knees while the lateral meniscus degenerated group comprised 46 knees. There was no difference in clinical outcome or knee function between the groups at three years after UKA. There was no difference in re-operation and revision rate between the groups with no revisions in either group.ConclusionsIt may not be necessary to exclude UKA indications for cases with degenerative findings in the lateral meniscus on preoperative MRI.  相似文献   



The anatomic and the kinematical relationships between the femur and the tibia have been previously examined in both normal and diseased knees. However, less attention has been directed to the effect of these relationships on the meniscal diseases. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the impact of femorotibial incongruence on both lateral and medial meniscal tears.

Materials and methods

A total of 100 images obtained from MRI of 100 patients (39 males and 61 females) were included in the study. Diameters of the medial and the lateral femoral condyles, thicknesses of the menisci, and diameters of the medial and the lateral tibial articular surfaces were measured.


The medial meniscus tear was detected in 40 (40 %) patients. However, no lateral meniscus tear was found. Significant relationships were found between the diameters of the posterior medial femoral condyle and the medial tibial superior articular surface and between the diameters of the posterior lateral femoral condyle and the lateral tibial superior articular surface. The mean values for the diameter of the medial condyle of the femur, the lateral condyle of the femur, the medial superior articular surface of the tibia, and the lateral superior articular surface of the tibia were found to be significantly higher in cases with meniscus tear compared to cases without meniscus tear. However, no significant difference was present regarding the thicknesses of the medial and the lateral menisci. A positive relationship between the diameter of the posterior medial femoral condyle and the tibial medial superior articular surface was found in cases with (n = 40) (r 2 = 0.208, p = 0.003) and without tear (n = 60) (r 2 = 0.182, p = 0.001). In addition, a significant positive relationship was found between the diameter of the posterior medial femoral condyle and the medial tibial superior articular surface in cases with and without tear.


The impact of femorotibial incongruence on the medial meniscus tear is important for the understanding of the lesions.  相似文献   

目的通过比较膝关节骨性关节炎(OA)病人定量动态负荷前后膝关节软骨T2时间变化情况,分析MRIT2mapping序列反映软骨基质生物力学变化的灵敏度.并验证高磁场条件下人体关节负荷装置的有效性。方法10例膝关节OA病人,其中男性3例.女性7例:年龄4l~66岁.平均年龄57-3岁。依托人体下肢关节力学负荷装置,对其施加膝关节动态负荷。负荷前后行膝关节MRIT2maDping成像,将膝关节轴向负荷区软骨分为4个部位:胫骨平台内、外侧软骨区及股骨内、外侧髁软骨区.分别测量各部位软骨负荷前后的T,时间。对负荷前膝关节内、外侧软骨分级评估进行卡方检验,对同一软骨区动态负荷前后的T2时间进行配对t检验。结果负荷前膝关节内外侧软骨分级差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。OA病人负荷前后T2值,胫骨平台内侧软骨区分别为(39.59±4.17)ms、(40.14±4.49)ms(f=0.426,P=0.680);胫骨平台外侧软骨区(38.85±6.72)ms、(41.25±6.54)ms(t=1.704,P=0.123):股骨内侧髁软骨区(36.44±5.72)ms、(40.63±4.90)ms(t=1.783,P=0.108);股骨外侧髁软骨区(39.30±5.78)ms、(46.14±5.03)ms(t=2.826,P=0.020)。结论OA病人负荷后膝关节局部区域软骨区T2时间延长.自行设计的动态加压装置适合在高磁场条件下完成加压及MRI检查,有一定推广意义。  相似文献   

The meniscal roots, or insertional ligaments, firmly attach the menisci to tibial plateau. These strong attachments anchor the menisci and allow for the generation of hoop stress in the tissue. The meniscal roots have a ligament-like structure that transitions into the fibrocartilagenous structure of the meniscal body. The purpose of this study was to carry out a complete analysis of the structure and tissue organization from the body of the meniscus through the transition region and into the insertional roots. Serial sections were obtained from the meniscal roots into the meniscal body in fixed juvenile bovine menisci. Sections were stained for collagen and proteoglycans (PG) using fast green and safranin-o staining protocols. Unstained sections were imaged used a backlit stereo microscope. Optical projection tomography (OPT) was employed to evaluate the three-dimensional collagen architecture of the root–meniscus transition in lapine menisci. Tie-fibres were observed in the sections of the ligaments furthest from the bovine meniscal body. Blood vessels were observed to be surrounded by these tie-fibres and a PG-rich region within the ligaments. Near the tibial insertion, the roots contained large ligament-like collagen fascicles. In sections approaching the meniscus, there was an increase in tie-fibre size and density. Small tie-fibres extended into the ligament from the epiligamentous structure in the outermost sections of the meniscal roots, while large tie-fibre bundles were apparent at the meniscus transition. The staining pattern indicates that the root may continue into the outer portion of the meniscus where it then blends with the more fibrocartilage-like inner portions of the tissue. In unstained sections it was observed that the femoral side of the epiligamentous structure surrounding the root becomes more fibrous and thickens in the inferior inner portion of the posterior medial root. This thickening changes the shape of the root to more closely resemble the meniscus wedge shape. These observations support the concept of root continuity with the outer portion of the meniscus, thereby connecting with the hoop-like structure of the peripheral meniscus. OPT identified continuous collagen organization from the root into the meniscal body in longitudinal sections. In the radial direction, the morphology of the root continues into the meniscal body consistent with the serially sectioned bovine menisci. Blood vessels were prevalent on the periphery of the root. These blood vessels then arborized to cover the anterior femoral surface of the meniscus. This is the first study of the structural transition between the insertional ligaments (roots) and the fibrocartilagenous body of the menisci. These new structural details are important to understanding the meniscal load-bearing mechanism in the knee.  相似文献   

Meniscal flounce on MR: correlation with arthroscopic or surgical findings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of the meniscal flounce on MR imaging in patients who underwent arthroscopy or open surgery due to symptoms related to internal derangement of the knee, and to investigate associated findings in patients with meniscal flounce by comparing and analyzing the findings from MR imaging and surgery. MR images obtained from 116 knees before surgery were reviewed retrospectively. Seven medial menisci showed buckled, wavy flounce on sagittal MR images. None of the lateral menisci showed flounce. We reviewed the surgical records of all seven patients and the videotapes of six of the patients undergoing arthroscopy or open surgery. The frequency of flounce on sagittal MR images was 6.0% in the medial meniscus and was completely absent in the lateral meniscus. On coronal MR images, the truncated appearance of the affected meniscus was demonstrated in five patients, and a valgus deformity was seen in three patients. Five patients showed a moderate to large amount of joint effusion. On MR imaging and in surgery, ligament injuries were found in six patients (six medial collateral ligament injuries, five anterior cruciate ligament injuries, and two posterior cruciate ligament injuries). Non-specific synovitis was found in the one remaining patient. In the surgery of all seven patients, no tears were found at the meniscus itself showing flounce. In conclusion, the meniscal flounce seen on sagittal MR imaging can be a rare appearance of a transient distortion of a normal meniscus due to a valgus deformity caused by a MCL tear and/or due to an external rotation induced by cruciate ligament injury or positioning of knee joint within the magnet. The meniscal flounce should be interpreted carefully because it frequently appears truncated on the coronal scan and can simulate a meniscal tear.  相似文献   

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