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目的:探讨逆向入路支架植入治疗肠系膜上动脉(SMA)闭塞的技术。方法:回顾2017年2月1例于复旦大学附属中山医院血管外科行逆向开通SMA闭塞的患者临床资料。结果:患者为47岁女性,诊断为SMA闭塞引起的慢性肠系膜缺血(CMI),行腔内治疗再通SMA。由于SMA开口处完全闭塞性,无残端,经肱动脉和股动脉双侧入路均无法开通病变部位。利用腹腔干和SMA之间的胃十二指肠弓,通过此通路逆向开通SMA闭塞处;肱动脉入路导管和导丝对接后顺利正向通过病变,完成球囊扩张和支架植入术。术后患者CMI症状消失,3个月后随访CTA显示,支架定位良好,远端血管通畅。结论:对于常规血管内介入治疗方法失败的SMA闭塞患者,通过有效的侧支通路进行逆行开通是可行的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经腘动脉入路逆行内膜下血管成形术/支架置入术处理常规入路腔内顺行开通失败的股浅动脉长段硬化性闭塞症的疗效及可行性。方法:50例股浅动脉长段硬化性闭塞症患者行股动脉病侧顺行或健侧逆行推进导丝、导管时无法通过病变动脉到达闭塞段远端的真腔,遂行经腘动脉逆行入路完成内膜下血管成形术。结果:手术即刻支架置入成功率100%,12个月一期通畅率48.0%,二期通畅率92.0%。与术前比较,患者术后踝肱指数(ABI)明显升高,Rutherford分级明显改善(均P0.05)。5例患者术后出现肢体肿胀,3例患者于术后3个月出现腘动脉假性动脉瘤,经治疗均好转。术后1年,再狭窄患者16例(32.0%)。结论:常规入路腔内顺行开通失败的股浅动脉长段硬化性闭塞症患者转行经腘动脉入路逆行内膜下血管成形术/支架置入术有效、可行。  相似文献   

目的探讨双向内膜下血管成形术作为股动脉顺行导丝开通下肢动脉闭塞性病变失败时的补救方法的价值。方法对32例下肢动脉闭塞性病变经股动脉顺行导丝开通失败患者,采用经患侧胭动脉、胫前动脉、胫后动脉以及腓动脉逆行穿刺导丝开通闭塞血管,再行球囊扩张术(PTA)和支架植入术。结果32例手术均获得成功,血管开通后下肢缺血症状即刻得到改善,患肢踝肱指数较术前明显增加[(0.83±0.17)vs(0.31±0.12),P〈0.01],无严重围术期并发症发生。结论双向内膜下血管成形术可以作为下肢动脉闭塞性病变顺行导丝无法开通时的一种补救方法,可明显提高介入手术成功率。  相似文献   

目的:评估俯卧位超声引导腘动脉穿刺入路治疗复杂股浅动脉慢性闭塞性(CTO)病变的安全性和有效性。方法:回顾性分析2016年1月至2019年1月采用俯卧位超声引导腘动脉逆行穿刺入路进行血管腔内治疗的复杂股浅动脉CTO病变患者的临床资料。符合条件的126例患者中男性81例,女性45例,平均年龄(65.3±9.7)岁,共178条股浅动脉,平均闭塞长度(17.3±7.8)cm。所有患者均采用俯卧位超声引导腘动脉穿刺入路,导丝配合导管逆向开通股浅动脉闭塞段,必要时行对侧腘动脉穿刺使用SAFARI双向开通技术,建立轨道导丝并全身肝素化后行球囊并支架置入。结果:178条股浅动脉CTO病变中172条血管开通成功,技术成功率96.6%。术后踝肱指数(ABI)较术前明显提高(0.93±0.21 vs0.38±0.19,P0.01),提高幅度0.15;随访1年ABI值均明显高于术前(P0.05)。191处穿刺点共31处(16.2%)发生并发症,均不需要手术或介入处理。随访1年累计一期通畅率82.8%,辅助通畅率93.1%,二期通畅率97.4%。结论:俯卧位超声引导腘动脉穿刺入路治疗复杂股浅动脉CTO病变安全有效,可作为股动脉的替代入路选择。  相似文献   

腹腔动脉和肠系膜上动脉狭窄的介入治疗   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Wang MQ  Wang ZJ  Liu FY  Wang ZP 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(17):1132-1135
目的评价介入技术治疗腹腔动脉(CA)和肠系膜上动脉(SMA)狭窄的安全性和临床疗效。方法对8例CA/SMA局限性狭窄患者进行了经皮穿刺经腔球囊血管成型术(PTA)和支架置入术,单纯CA狭窄2例、单纯SMA狭窄4例、CA和SMA均有狭窄2例。4例患者有典型进餐后腹痛,5例有上腹部血管杂音,8例于发病后均有不同程度的体重下降(平均8kg)。7例患者病因为动脉硬化,1例为膈肌中脚压迫综合征(MALS)所致。结果PTA和支架置人均成功,其中治疗CA狭窄3例、SMA狭窄5例,7例用1个支架,1例用2个支架。治疗结束时复查造影显示置人支架的血管血流通畅,管径接近正常。术后于穿刺侧腹股沟区出现小血肿2例,无须外科处理、自行吸收。术后腹痛完全消失5例、有所减轻2例、无改善1例;术后3个月时,体重恢复至发病前水平者6例。8例患者随访6-72个月(平均42个月,中位值28个月),复查Doppler超声波无明确再狭窄证据。5例无症状、1例仍然有间歇性腹痛,2例分别于术后14个月、24个月死于其他原因。结论PTA和支架置入术是治疗CA、SMA局限性狭窄的安全有效方法,尤适宜于存在外科治疗高风险的患者。  相似文献   

目的探讨介入性再通术治疗下肢动脉平齐闭塞病变的方法和疗效。方法17例经CT血管造影(CTA)或MR血管造影(MRA)诊断的下肢主要动脉起始部平齐闭塞患者,病变分别位于髂总动脉(4例)、髂外动脉(2例)、股浅动脉(8例)、胫后或胫前动脉(3例),临床表现为静息痛等下肢严重缺血症状。经同侧、对侧股动脉或右肱动脉等途径,主要使用内膜下血管成形方法对平齐闭塞端血管进行顺行开通治疗。结果17例患者中,12例成功使导丝和导管经平齐闭塞端进入并通过闭塞端,完成再通治疗,其中11例(11/12)使用了内膜下血管成形技术,在髂、股动脉共植入支架19枚;1例髂总动脉、2例股浅动脉和2例胫(胫前、胫后)动脉平齐闭塞病变因无法使导管导丝嵌入闭塞起始部而终止再通操作,再通成功率为70.59%(12/17)。未发生与介入操作相关的并发症。再通术后临床症状明显改善或消失,踝臂指数(ABI)平均值从0.47上升至0.71。6个月近期随访无症状复发,8、12和24个月各有1例患者症状加重,其中1例复查CAT显示支架内完全闭塞。结论使用内膜下血管成形术对下肢动脉平齐闭塞病变进行再通治疗可以获得安全而良好的临床疗效,拓展了介入治疗对于复杂、严重下肢缺血病变的适用范围。  相似文献   

血管腔内支架成形术治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症45例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的探讨血管腔内支架成形术治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的疗效。方法采用经皮穿刺股动脉或切开动脉直视下穿刺,造影明确病变动脉部位及病变长度后,利用导丝或超声消融导管开通闭塞段,球囊导管行扩张成形后置入血管内支架。结果45例(53条患肢)血管腔内支架均释放成功,踝肱指数由0.36±0.14增至术后7 d 0.77±0.21(t=2.397,P=0.021),45例随访6~54个月,平均23个月,一期肢体通畅率90.6%(48/53)。结论血管腔内支架成形术操作简便、微创、安全是治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的有效方法。  相似文献   

股浅动脉全程闭塞的腔内治疗是一个挑战。如果从近端无法开通其闭塞段,不少医生采用穿刺足背动脉或者胫后动脉逆行穿刺技术,帮助开通闭塞的股浅动脉或膝下动脉闭塞病变,但通过腓动脉逆行穿刺很少使用。2013年4月我们成功穿刺腓动脉开通股浅动脉全程闭塞,现报道如下。  相似文献   

肠系膜血管性疾病包括扩张性、狭窄性血管病及闭塞性血管病两类。前者主要指肠系膜上动脉瘤(SMAA),表现为因瘤体引起的压迫或破裂,以及分支血管的栓塞,进而导致肠管病变;后者主要指肠系膜上动脉或静脉的狭窄或闭塞,表现为慢性和急性小肠的缺血性改变。慢性肠系膜血管缺血性病变(CMI)主要包括肠系膜上动脉狭窄或闭塞以及慢性肠系膜上静脉血栓形成。急性肠系膜血管缺血性病变(AMI)主要包括肠系膜上动脉栓塞(SMAE)、肠系膜上动脉血栓形成(SMAT)、非闭塞性肠系膜缺血(NOMI)和肠系膜上静脉血栓形成(SMVT)。由于腹腔内脏循环存在广泛的解剖学沟通,肠系膜上血管缺血的转归不仅与病变形式、部位、诊断与治疗有关,还与腹腔动脉、肠系膜下动脉、门一体静脉之间彼此沟通有密切的关系。多种因素决定肠系膜血管缺血的后果,可呈现肠道功能异常、黏膜坏死或肠梗死、坏疽。不同形式的肠系膜血管性疾病在病因学、流行病学、病理生理学、诊断治疗学等多个方面存在极其复杂的共性和个性,本文仅对这些病变的诊断和治疗状况做简要综述。  相似文献   

探讨肠系膜上动脉闭塞的早期诊断与合理治疗.回顾性分析1999~2010年收治的1 2例肠系膜上动脉(SMA)急性闭塞患者的临床资料,其中1 1例有明显的诱因,包括心房纤颤、高血压、糖尿病等;2例行导管溶栓、支架植入,8例行坏死肠管切除术,2例放弃手术.术后均行肝素抗凝治疗.死亡8例,病死率为66.7%.及时诊断合理治疗是提高SMA急性闭塞治愈率的关键.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) caused by arterial occlusive disease requires prompt diagnosis and revascularization to avoid the high mortality associated with this disease. In an attempt to minimize the magnitude of operation for arterial occlusive AMI, we have developed a new technique of endovascular recanalization and open retrograde stenting of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) during laparotomy so that the bowel can also be assessed and resected if necessary. METHODS: All emergent mesenteric revascularizations for arterial occlusive AMI performed at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center from 2001 to 2005 (n = 13) were retrospectively reviewed. Outcomes were analyzed with respect to the method of revascularization and other perioperative variables. Restenosis was evaluated with duplex ultrasound imaging. RESULTS: Three different revascularization methods were used: surgical bypass (n = 5), antegrade percutaneous stenting (n = 2), and retrograde open mesenteric (SMA) stenting (ROMS, n = 6). Satisfactory revascularization was achieved in all cases and all methods. ROMS was successfully accomplished in three of six patients after antegrade attempts to cross the SMA from the arm were unsuccessful. At 17%, the ROMS group had the lowest hospital mortality compared with bypass at 80% (P = .08) and percutaneous stent at 100% (P = .11). All five of the surviving patients treated with ROMS were discharged to home after a mean hospital stay of 20 days (range, 6 to 38 days). During a mean follow-up of 13 +/- 7 months, three patients died of unrelated causes, of which two were being followed with asymptomatic recurrent SMA stenosis detected by duplex scan. The two surviving patients are alive and well, but one has required percutaneous SMA stenting of a progressive asymptomatic restenosis. CONCLUSION: Retrograde open SMA stenting during laparotomy for AMI has a high technical success rate and provides an attractive alternative to surgical bypass in these often critically ill patients. Because it is combined with open laparotomy, it honors the essential surgical principles of evaluating and resecting nonviable bowel. Restenosis rates appear to be high, so that patients must be followed closely. Further study and development of this new hybrid technique is warranted.  相似文献   

Revascularization for acute mesenteric ischemia can be challenging in patients with bowel gangrene, peritoneal contamination, and no good source of inflow for a bypass graft. A 70-year-old female patient presented with acute-on-chronic mesenteric ischemia, flush superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occlusion, and diffuse aorto-iliac occlusive disease. This study describes the technique of hybrid retrograde SMA recanalization and stent placement using a midline laparotomy is described. The mid-portion of the SMA was exposed and jejunal branches were controlled with silastic vessel loop. Retrograde access was established under direct vision and the occluded SMA segment was crossed, pre-dilated, and stented using a balloon-expandable stent. The SMA was flushed through a longitudinal arteriotomy, which was closed using a saphenous vein patch. Retrograde hybrid SMA stenting is an expeditious option to revascularize patients with acute on chronic mesenteric ischemia who have peritoneal contamination and no other good source of inflow to the mesenteric arteries.  相似文献   

Endovascular approaches have replaced open surgical revascularization in most patients with mesenteric ischemia; however, flush ostial occlusions may not be amenable to traditional antegrade access. Retrograde mesenteric stenting has been previously described, but this technique requires a formal laparotomy and dissection of the proximal superior mesenteric artery. We present here a modification of this technique that requires only a “mini-laparotomy” and no open vascular repair of the superior mesenteric artery as well as a review of our initial institutional experience with this procedure. Our approach differs from previously described work by minimizing mesenteric dissection, avoiding the need for repair of an arteriotomy, and limiting the size of the laparotomy incision in this population of profoundly comorbid patients.  相似文献   

A 79-year-old woman with a complaint of persistent upper abdominal pain was admitted to our hospital for the treatment of thrombosed acute type B aortic dissection. Computed tomography showed the complete static occlusion of the celiac artery. Because of progressive symptom with elevation of liver enzymes and metabolic acidosis 11?h after admission, endovascular revascularization was attempted on an emergent basis. After a failed catheterization of the celiac ostium in an antegrade fashion due to a hard occlusion, we succeeded in a retrograde recanalization through the pancreaticoduodenal arcade via the superior mesenteric artery with stent placement using a pull-through technique. This technique is useful and safe when an antegrade approach seems difficult.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old female presented with pain in her bilateral upper extremities. Angiogram demonstrated occlusion of her left subclavian and innominate arteries (IAs). The patient's left subclavian occlusion was successfully treated with percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy, angioplasty, and stenting. One month later, endovascular revascularization of the IA was performed. Initially the lesion could not be directly transversed from neither an antegrade nor a retrograde approach. Wires were passed from the brachial and femoral arteries into the right common carotid artery where the femoral wire was snared and brought out through the right brachial access. Over this through-and-through wire access, angioplasty and stenting of the IA was performed with an excellent angiographic result. In follow-up, the patient remained free of upper extremity symptoms. Occlusive lesions of the aortic arch vessels can be successfully managed with antegrade and retrograde endovascular techniques.  相似文献   

The endovascular treatment of patients with bulky iliofemoral occlusions usually requires a femoral endarterectomy, coupled with iliac recanalization. This requires crossing the occlusions with a guidewire, which is usually attempted in a retrograde fashion. If this fails, then a surgical inflow procedure is necessary. Antegrade crossing of an iliac occlusion either from the contralateral femoral or transbrachial approach and retrieval of the guidewire during the ensuing femoral endarterectomy obviates the need for luminal reentry, ensures inflow by endovascular recanalization of the iliac artery, and avoids the need for surgical bypass. This underused technique should be considered in such situations, and its details are described.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old woman, with history of asymptomatic isolated superior mesenteric artery (SMA) dissection was admitted for acute abdominal pain. Computed tomography showed ruptured isolated SMA dissection. Endovascular treatment was chosen over surgical repair because of prior abdominal surgeries. Because an angulated SMA trunk and compressed true lumen by the dilated false lumen prevented the insertion of a guidewire into the SMA via the transfemoral artery, transmesenteric approach under laparotomy was selected. After creating a pull-through condition from the SMA to the left brachial artery, a successful stent graft placement with adequate hemostasis was achieved. The aneurysm shrunk remarkably, with no complication at follow-up.  相似文献   

血管内介入治疗腹腔内脏动脉瘤11例经验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的评价介入治疗腹腔内脏动脉瘤的安全性和疗效。方法用介入技术治疗腹腔内脏动脉瘤11例,包括脾动脉瘤5例,胃-十二指肠动脉瘤5例,肠系膜上动脉(SMA)瘤1例。5例以假性动脉瘤破裂出血就诊,3例表现为上腹部疼痛和搏动性包块,3例无自觉症状。10例用血管内栓塞术,1例发自SMA的动脉瘤用联合动脉内栓塞和被覆膜支架置入术治疗。结果11例均治疗成功,无并发症。5例以出血为首发症状者,术后出血立即停止。1例SMA动脉瘤术后被完全封闭,主干及分支显影正常。3例术前有症状者术后腹痛逐渐消失、包块缩小。随访4~52个月(平均25.5个月),未发生与动脉瘤相关的并发症,超声波检查无动脉瘤复发表现。结论血管内介入技术是治疗腹腔内脏动脉瘤的安全有效方法。  相似文献   

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