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波动性肌无力临床病例讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
病例资料介绍 现病史患者男性,22岁,住院号483130,因“双小腿活动后无力、酸胀3个月余”于2006年3月20日收住我院。患者于2005年12月中旬起无明显诱因下出现活动后下肢无力,平地行走20min后出现双下肢无力、酸胀,伴小腿后部发僵和疼痛,稍作休息后可好转,当时未予任何处理。之后病情逐渐加重,至2006年1月底,行走10min后即出现双下肢无力、酸胀,休息后好转。入院前行走数分钟后便出现双下肢无力、酸胀,但休息后仍可好转。患者自起病以来无食欲下降、恶心、呕吐、头痛、头胀、关节肿痛和肢体水肿等表现,大小便正常。  相似文献   

正1病例报告患者1,男性,64岁,因"进行性双下肢活动障碍3年"于2013-09-11入作者医院。患者于入院3年前无诱因出现双下肢膝盖远端麻木、乏力,伴双下肢发作性不自主抖动,伴尿频、尿急,可基本正常行走,未予特殊治疗;2个月后乏力感明显加重,且逐渐向肢体近端发展,伴疼痛;6个月后进展至仅能缓慢行走,予营养神经等治疗后症状仍进行性加重,无力感延至腰部,遂于外院行肌电图  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,35岁 ,因对称性四肢无力伴双下肢浮肿 1年余于 1999年 9月 7日入院。患者于 1998年 6月 14日受凉后出现发热 (体温达 38.5℃ ) ,继之出现双下肢浮肿 ,麻木无力 ,仍能行走 ,10天后双下肢麻木无力加重 ,不能行走 ,双手持物困难 ,指间关节痛 ,伴双口角下垂 ,流涎 ,无视觉障碍 ,饮水呛咳 ,吞咽困难等。急入当地医院行腰穿检查 ,脑脊液示“蛋白 -细胞分离”诊断为 Guillain- Barre综合症 ,给予激素和脑活素等治疗一周后 ,上述症状好转 ,能独立行走 ,口角下垂、流涎症状消失 ,出院后继续服用激素并缓慢减量至停药。停药后即出现四肢无…  相似文献   

肝性脑病为慢性肝病晚期最常见的神经系统并发症,肝性皮质盲和肝性脊髓病(HM)少见。现报告1例如下。1病例男,29岁。因"双下肢无力、行走困难3个月"于2008年7月14日入院。3个月前,患者无明显诱因出现双下肢无力、僵硬,行走困难,高蛋白饮食后出现双手不自主颤抖。  相似文献   

患者 男,56岁.因双下肢乏力伴头晕5年余,加重伴嗜睡3个月入院.患者5年前因梗阻性脑积水在外院行脑室-腹腔分流术(凤凰中压管),术后3个月再次出现下肢无力伴行走困难,在当地医院行腰大池持续外引流3d后,症状改善,拔管后无加重,4年后再次出现上述症状,仍行腰大池持续外引流后好转,但1个月后出现头痛、倦怠,时有意识模糊,进食差,行走不能,小便失禁,进行性加重,转入我院.既往史:8年前因血小板减少性紫癜行脾切除术.查体:嗜睡,行走困难,头部及腹部可见手术瘢痕,双上肢肌力Ⅳ级,肌张力正常,双下肢肌力Ⅲ级,肌张力明显增高,腱反射亢进,病理反射(++).  相似文献   

颈段硬脊膜动静脉瘘1例报告及临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硬脊膜动静脉瘘 (spinalduralarteriovenousfistula,SDAVF)是一种常见的脊髓血管畸形 ,常发生于胸腰段 ,罕见于颈段。现将我科收治的 1例颈段SDAVF报告如下。1 资料  患者男性 ,4 5岁 ,农民 ,2 0 0 3年 2月下旬起 ,患者无明显诱因出现双下肢麻木感 ,逐渐由脚向上发展 ,同时伴双下肢力弱 ,但仍能行走 ,无二便障碍。遂于 2 0 0 3年 3月 2 5日在当地医院就诊 ,当日在行腰穿术后立即出现双下肢不能活动 ,并双上肢力量减退 ,大小便失禁。当地诊为“脱髓鞘性脊髓病” ,给予激素治疗 2 0余天 ,好转出院。出院后半月 ,在搀扶下能够行走。 2 0…  相似文献   

<正>1病例报告患者女,61岁。因"反应迟钝、步态异常异常6年,加重伴双下肢肿10余天"于2017年07月入院。6年前无明显诱因逐渐出现反应迟钝,吐词费力,言语欠流利,伴不明发笑,行走迟缓,无明显震颤,能独立行走。6年来上述症状逐渐加重,逐渐出现吐词不清,步态呈剪式步态。入院前10余天,患者自服中成药(具体成分不详)后出现双下肢乏力,行走拖步,伴有双下肢肿胀。入院查体:意识清楚,反应可,无故发笑,定向正常,计算力减退(100-7  相似文献   

腺垂体机能减退症合并Guillain-Barre综合征(GBS)临床少见,现报告1例如下. 1 病例 男,48岁.因"双下肢无力、麻木3个月"于2012年9月12日入院.患者3个月前无明显原因出现双下肢无力、酸痛、麻木,伴头昏、心慌、活动后气促,渐出现行走无力.无明显吞咽困难、饮水呛咳及呼吸困难,大小便正常.查体:神志清楚,精神萎靡,全身皮肤苍白,颜面浮肿,双上肢肌力V级,双下肢肌力Ⅳ级,四肢肌张力减低、腱反射消失,病理征(-),腓肠肌压痛,四肢手套-袜套样痛觉减退.  相似文献   

临床资料 患者男性,41岁.因"左下肢疼痛1年,双下肢麻木乏力半年"于2009年6月入院.患者入院前1年出现左大腿后外侧发作性钝痛,负重时明显.入院前半年开始出现双下肢麻木、水肿,穿鞋困难,行走不稳,症状进行性加重.并且双手背、双足背部出现皮肤色素沉着,后面积扩大到面部、腰背部、四肢.患者既往除乙型肝炎外,无其他特殊病史.体检:血压126/84 mm Hg(1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa),醉酒样步态.双下肢水肿,足背动脉可触及.左下肢肌力Ⅴ级,其余肌力Ⅳ级,双下肢膝关节以下痛温觉减退,四肢肌张力减退,腱反射减弱.  相似文献   

临床资料 女性,34岁,湖南岳阳县人,渔民。因“双下肢疼痛12d.排尿困难3d,行走不能1d”于2006年4月13日入院。患者于12d前无明显诱因双下肢疼痛,大腿外侧明显,持续性胀痛,开始时下肢活动尚可,亦无尿便障碍,3d前出现排尿困难,伴双下肢麻木,入院前1d出现双下肢无力,不能行走。大便4d未解。查体:心、肺、腹无特殊,肝脾不大。脑神经、双上肢(一)。  相似文献   

Fine structural characteristics of synapses in the spiral organ of Corti were examined, with reference to differences between inner and outer haircell systems, and to location of neurons of origin of efferent axons. Surgical interruption of crossed olivocochlear bundle, of vestibular nerve, of facial nerve, and excision of superior cervical ganglia were used to determine the pathways of efferent axons. Interruption of the vestibular nerve near the brainstem results in degeneration of all efferent terminals on outer hair cells. Mid-line lesions at, and caudal to, the facial colliculus result in degeneration of about half of these efferent terminals. Efferent synaptic bulbs to the inner hair-cell system are small, of the order of one micron, and form type 2 junctions with afferent dendrites. They tend to have more large dense-core vesicles (about 80 nm) than the large efferent terminals of the outer hair-cell system, and appear to be the terminals of axons in the habenula perforata, which exhibit varicosities laden with large dense core vesicles. The varicosities are unaffected by excision of the superior cervical ganglia. So far as our material can reveal, it appears that the varicosities in the habenula perforata do not survive vestibular root interruption, nor do the efferent processes in the internal spiral bundle or at the base of inner hair cells. Most interestingly, the afferent processes of the inner hair-cell system, as identified for example by their relation to pre-synaptic bodies in the inner hair cells, are subject to a trans-synaptic reaction after severance of the vestibular root. They undergo a dramatic cytological transformation, characterized by increase of volume, engorgement with microtubules, microfilaments, microvesicles of various sizes, and clusters of lysosomes. Thus, both the efferent and afferent terminals of the inner hair-cell system show marked cytological differences from the corresponding terminals of the outer hair cell system.  相似文献   

Macaque retinal ganglion cells whose receptive-field center recieves input from blue-sensitive cones show an overt asymmetry of the frequency of ON-center and OFF-center varieties, an asymmetry not present in ganglion cells whose center receives input from the other two cone types. A similar asymmetry of ON/OFF responses is found in the local electrotetinogram (d-wave) mediated by signals from blue-sensitive cones. ‘Blue-ON-center’ ganglion cells have larger receptive-field centers and shorter conduction latencies than other opponent-color varieties, suggesting an appreciable degree of receptor convergence and presumably large cell bodies. Intracellular stainings of these neurons with Procion Yellow show that they correspond to diffuse stratified (Parasol) ganglion cells whose flat-topped dendritic arborization stratifies in the sclerad half of the inner plexiform layer. In view of the known characteristics of macaque bipolar cells and of the ON/OFF asymmetry, it is proposed that these ganglion cells are postsynaptic to cone-specific flat bipolars possibly mediating sign-inverting synaptic contacts. The results also indicate a reversal, for the blue-cone pathway, of the ON/OFF lamination of the inner plexiform layer that has recently been described in other species.  相似文献   

Tubocurarine (Tc) effect on membrane currents elicited by acetylcholine (ACh) was studied in isolated superior cervical ganglion neurons of rat using patch-clamp method in the whole-cell recording mode. The "use-dependent" block of ACh current by Tc was revealed in the experiments with ACh applications, indicating that Tc blocked the channels opened by ACh. Mean lifetime of Tc-open channel complex, tau, was found to be 9.8 +/- 0.5 s (n = 7) at -50 mV and 20-24 degrees C. tau exponentially increased with membrane hyperpolarization (e-fold change in tau corresponded to the membrane potential shift by 61 mV). Inhibition of the ACh-induced current by Tc (3-30 microM/1) was completely abolished by membrane depolarization to the level of 80-100 mV. Inhibition of ACh-induced current was augmented at increased ACh doses. It is concluded that the open channel block produced by Tc is likely to be the only mechanism for Tc action on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in superior cervical ganglion neurons of rat.  相似文献   

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