Combination of online teaching and BOPPPS model to promote sticky learning
中文关键词:  学习黏性  在线教学  BOPPPS模式  以学生为中心
英文关键词:Learning stickiness  Online teaching  BOPPPS model  Student-centered
龚张斌 1上海中医药大学基础医学院上海 201203 zhangbingong@126.com 
张宇奇 1上海中医药大学基础医学院上海 201203  
于胜君 2上海中医药大学教务处上海 201203  
许言午 1上海中医药大学基础医学院上海 201203  
康湘萍 1上海中医药大学基础医学院上海 201203  
张丽娜 1上海中医药大学基础医学院上海 201203  
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      如何增强学习黏性,改善在线教学的课程低完成率,促进教学质量最优化,成为解决在线教学矛盾的关键。本文以生物化学教学为例,基于黏性学习的触发机制、维持机制、迁移机制,以"知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观"的三维目标为导向,将BOPPPS教学模式与在线教学相结合。根据课程学习空间中的交互行为,应用SPSS 18.0软件进行Spearman秩相关分析,综合评价学习黏性程度。实践发现,BOPPS教学模型[导入(bridge-in)、学习目标(objective)、前测(pre-assessment)、参与式学习(participatory-learning) 、后测(post-assessment)、总结(summary)]具有"微而见精、结构紧凑、以学生为中心"的特点。其结合在线教学,有效弥补了线下教学的时空限制和线上教学的过于宽泛,"梳""导"结合,在"纳入、吸引、产出"各角度产生效益,促进学生主动性学习,切实提高学习黏性,为打造网络金课提供了新思路。
      To enhance the learning stickiness, improve low completion rate of online teaching, and promote teaching quality has become the key to solve the contradiction in online teaching. In this paper, taking the teaching of biochemistry as example, based on the trigger mechanism, maintenance mechanism and migration mechanism of sticky learning, guided by the three-dimensional goal of "knowledge and skills, process and method, emotional attitude and values", the BOPPPS (bridge-in, objective, pre-assessment, participatory-learning, post-assessment, summary) teaching model was combined with online teaching. According to the interactive behavior in the course learning space, the Spearman rank correlation analysis was performed by SPSS 18.0 software to comprehensively evaluate the learning stickiness degree. The research has found that, due to its "micro but refined, compact structure and student-centered" characteristics, BOPPPS combining with online teaching can effectively make up for the time and space limitations of offline teaching and the excessively broad online teaching, bring benefits from the perspectives of "inclusion, attraction and production", promote students' active learning, and practically improve learning stickiness. The research provides a new idea for creating online "golden" courses.
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