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We have constructed mice containing the human Vß3TCR gene from the influenza virus haemagglutinin specific humanCD4+ T cell clone HA1.7. Similar cell yields were obtained fromtransgenic and non-transgenic lymphoid tissue, with normal levelsof T cells and with no unusual bias of the CD4 or CD8 subpopulations.Immunostaining and FACS analysis of transgenic thymocytes, spleen,and mesenteric lymph nodes revealed that the majority of T cellsexpressed the human Vß3 TCR on the cell surface. Smallnumbers of cells expressing murine TCRßchain werealso detected. Polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed thatan extensive V TCR repertoire was used in the human Vß3transgenic mice. Lymphocytes from the spleen and bmesentericlymph nodes of transgenic mice were assessed for functionalactivity in vitro. Isolated cells were stimulated with mitogenor superantigen, as well as directly through the TCR-CD3 complex,and their ability to proliferate and secrete lymphokines analysed.Cells from transgenic mice responded well after stimulationwith phytohaemagglutinin, concanavalin A, anti-CD3 antibody,anti-CD3 antibody with phorbol ester, and Staphylococcus aureusenterotoxin B, and also showed alloreactivity in a mixed lymphocytereaction. Minimal levels of response were detected after stimulationwith murine TCRß antibody. Together, these data suggestthat a human TCRß chain is able to associate witha murine TCR chain, to form a fully functional surface TCR-CD3complex.  相似文献   

The present report describes developmental, phenotypic and functionalfeatures of unconventional CD4+ TCRß lymphocytes.In C57BL/6 mice, the majority of liver lymphocytes expressingintermediate intensity of TCRß (TCRßint)are CD4+NK1.1+ and express a highly restricted TCR Vßrepertoire, dominated by Vß8 with some contributionby Vß7 and Vß2. Although these cells expressthe CD4 co-receptor, they are present in H2-l Aß (Aß)+/–gene disruption mutants but are markedly reduced in ß2-microglobulin(ß2m)–/– mutant mice and hence are ß2mdependent. Thymocytes expressing the CD4+NK1.1+ TCR ßphenotype are also (ß2m) contingent, suggesting thatthese two T lymphocyte populations are related. The CD4+NK1.1+TCRßlymphocytes in liver and thymus share several markers such asLFA-1+, CD44+, CD5+, LECAM-1 and IL-2Rßa. TheCD4+NK1.1 + TCRßint liver lymphocytes were not detectedin athymic nuinu mice. We conclude that ß2m expressionis crucial for development of the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes and that thymus plays a major role. CD4+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes were also identified in NK1.1+ mouse strains,there lacking the NK1.1 marker. We assume that the NK1.1 moleculeis a characteristic marker of the CD4+TCR"int liver lymphocytesin NK1.1+ mouse strains, although its expression is not obligatoryfor their development. The liver lymphocytes from +2m+/–,but not from +2m–/–mice are potent IL-4 producersin response to CD3 or TCRß engagement and the IL-4production by liver lymphocytes was markedly reduced by treatmentwith anti-NK1.1 mAb. We conclude that the CD4+NK1.1+ TCRßintliver lymphocytes are capable of producing IL-4 in responseto TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

The use of HLA transgenic mice in models of immunity and diseaseassumes that human MHC molecules are able to contribute towardthe positive selection of the mouse TCR repertoire. As an initialstep towards analysis of this we have compared the relativeability of DR/Eß or E/Eß complexes to induceT cell receptor (TCR) positive selection in H-2Ea and HLA-DRAtransgenic mice lacking endogenous E. The results show that,like E/Eß, the hybrid DR/ß complexes arecapable of mediating positive selection of Vß2+;,Vß6+, and Vß10+ cells. However, differenceswere found between the effects of the two transgenes. Thus,while Vß6+ cells were efficiently selected in bothH-2Ea and DRA transgenic mice, positive selection of Vß10+cells was less apparent in the DRA transgenic mice. Variationbetween Ea and DRA transgenic mice is consistent with the notionthat this process is dependent on differential binding of endogenouspeptides to the E/Eß and DR/Eß complexes.Furthermore, contrary to expectations, in neither set of micewas positive selection limited solely to the CD4+ subset. Thus,examples were found in which Vß-specific positiveselection was confined to either the CD4+ or CD8+ subsets, andothers in which both subpopulations were concomltantly increased.In the case of Vß2 positive selection, H-2Ea transgenicmice showed expansion of these cells in both the CD4+ and CD8+subpopulations whlle in DRA transgenic mice this occurred predominantlyin the CD8+ subpopulatlon.  相似文献   

The enterotoxlns produced by Staphytococcua af1reus are potentmitogens. They stimulate T cells in an oligocional fashion thatIs dependent on the expression of particular variable regiongene elements in the ß-chaln of the TCR (Vß).The fourth hypervarlable loop of the TCR ß-chaln Isgenerally regarded as the site of contact for both viral andmlcroblal superantigens. Recently, residues 60 and 61 of staphylococcalenterotoxin B (SEB) have been highlighted as central to theinteraction of this toxin with the TCR. We have, therefore,analysed a series of toxins with mutations at these positionsto investigate how amlno add substitutions affect the abilityof mutant toxins to stimulate both human and mouse T cells.Each of the variant toxins induced proliferation in a murineVß8.3 T cell clone, whereas a Vß8.1 T cellclone only responded to native toxin. A panel of nine humanT cell clones expressing six different Vß elements,all of which responded to native SEB, was tested for reactivityto the variant toxins. Only one Vß19.1+ T cell clonewas found to be sensitive to substitution at positions 60 and61 In a manner analogous to the murine Vß8.1 T celldone. Seml-quantitatlve analysis of the TCR Vß expressionof human T cell lines expanded with native and mutant SEB revealedthat none of the variant toxins could stimulate T cells thatexpressed Vß19.1. Taken together, these results suggestthat the interaction of mouse Vß8.1 and human Vß19.1TCRs with SEB differs from other TCRs. Sequence comparisonsof the different TCR Vß chains indicated that residuesin the second complementarity determining region (CDR2) interactwith the 60–61 loop of SEB. Therefore, a minimum of twodistinct binding modules confer specificity to the interactionof the TCR with SEB.  相似文献   

Reactivity of murine T cells with viral or bacterial superantigensis clearly correlated with the expression of TCR Vßdomains. Thus, T cells responding to the minor lymphocyte stimulatorylocus (Mls-1a) or staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) expresspredominantly TCR Vß6 or Vß8.2 respectively.We have investigated the involvement of the other major variableelement of the TCR, the V domain, in these superantigen responses.Using a panel of anti-TCR V mAbs, It is demonstrated that theTCR V repertoire among superantigen stimulated Vß6+or Vß8.2+ blasts (responding to Mls-1a or SEB respectivelyin vitro) is altered in comparison with anti-CD3 stimulatedcells expressing the same V domains. Furthermore, the TCR Vrepertoire is strongly skewed in TCR Vß8.2 transgenicmice that have undergone extensive peripheral clonal deletionafter SEB injection. These data imply that the V domain influencessuperantigen recognition by sthe TCR.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of HgCI2 causes autoimmune manifestationsin susceptible rats and mice. We have, previously shown thatmercury is a unique molecule that can primarily activate murineT lymphocytoes to transformation and proliferation in vitro.To test whether a specific TCR repertoire predisposes the autoimmunedevelopment induced by HgCI2 and our hypothesis that mercurymay, function as a superantigen, we examined the TCR Vßrepertoire in HgCI2-stimulated T cells from the responder BALB/cor SJL mice and the non-responder DBA/2 mice. We found a selectiveactivation of T cells bearing a certain set of TCR Vßchains in response to HgCI2, e.g. Vß6, Vß8,Vß10, and Vß14 in the BALB/c strain. Moreover,depletion of Vß8+ T cells, a family predoininantlyexpanded in the BALB/c strain upon HgCI2 stimulation, profoundlyinhibited the response to HgCI2 in this strain. An alternativeselection of Vß segments, involving Vß6,Vß7 and Vß14, was observed in the SJL strainin which the Vß8 family is genetically deleted. Mechanism(s)whereby mercury modulates the immune system under a stringentgenetic control and a possible therapeutic regime against mercury-inducedautoimmune disease by administration of antibody specific tothe TCR Vß region are discussed.  相似文献   

A functionally rearranged TCRß (Tcrb) gene was isolatedfrom a cloned human T helper cell recognizing the CS.T3 epitopeof Plasmodium falciparum with HLA-DR2. Transgenic mice weregenerated by co-injection of the human gene together with themouse Tcrb enhancer. Analysis of transgenic mice shows thatthe functional Tcrb gene of xenogenic, i.e. human, origin exertsallelic exclusion of endogenous Tcrb genes. Cytofluorometricanalysis revealed expression of the human TCRß chainon virtually all thymocytes and peripheral T cells togetherwith endogenous TCRß chains and CD3 components. Nosurface expression of mouse TCRß chain or rearrangementof endogenous Tcr genes was detectable. Expression of the hybridreceptor causes a reduction in the number of thymocytes anda bias for CD4+CD8 T cells in the thymus as comparedwith non-transgenic littermates. Peripheral transgenic T cellsmount a normal prollferative response against allogenelc targetsin mixed lymphocyte reactions. These results show that a hybridmouse/human TCR is able to pass positive and negative selectionin the thymus, and is functional in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Small numbers of T cells have been isolated from the normalmouse liver and many of these are of the CD4CD8TCRß+phenotype. Larger numbers of such cells are present in the liversof mice homozygous for the Ipr mutation and the liver has beenproposed to be the site of an extrathymlc T cell developmentpathway that is expanded in Ipr/lpr mice. Using a modified separationprocedure that increases the liver T cell yield, we have beenable to characterize a subset of CD4CD8TCRßintermediateT cells that express the B220 epltope of the CD45 molecule,and resemble in this and many other ways the accumulating Tcells in Ipr lymph nodes. These cells are an actively dividingpopulation and even in healthy, unmanipulated mice a large proportionof them are undergoing apoptosis. We propose the model thatthe normal liver is a major site for T cell destruction andthat the Ipr defect results in failure of this process withleakage of B220+CD4CD8TCRß+ cells fromthe liver to peripheral lymphoid tissues, particularly lymphnodes.  相似文献   

An extensive comparison of TCRß V-reglon usage byCD8ß-CD4+CD8+ intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), CD4-CD8+IEL, and lymph node (LN) T cell subsets in three minor lymphocytestimulating (MIs)-disparate, MHC-ldentical mouse strains revealednovel TCR selection patterns. In cases where forbidden V regionswere expressed by CD8ß- CD4-CD8+ IEL, the same TCRswere deleted from CD8ß CD4+CD8+ IEL, Indicatingthat lack of CD8ß expression was not solely responsiblefor forbidden V-region expression. These results also suggestedthat CD4 may be involved in negative selection of CD4+CD8+ IELTCRs. In C57BR/cdJ (Mls-1b2b) mice, a major increase in Vß3+CD4+CD8+IEL but not in other IEL or LN subsets was noted suggestinga subset-specific expansion of Vß3+ cells. Negativeselection of Vß14+ cells in only the CD4+CD8+ IELsubset further supported the existence of intestine-specificTCR selection processes. Analysis of V-reglon expression ofCD8ß+ and CD8ßCD4CD8+ IELsubsets revealed that forbidden V-region expression was notstrictly confined to the CD8ß subset in allcases. Overall, the data point to a dynamic, gut-specific TCRselection process that may be antigen driven.  相似文献   

The site of negative selection in the thymus has been inferredfrom a range of different experiments. Analysis of thymic deletionof Vß5+, Vß11+ or Vß17a+ cellsH-2E transgenic mice led to the theory that negative selectionoccurs predominantly in the medulla (specifically, through presentationby medullary dendritic cells). Other experiments investigatedwhether transgenic TCR are deleted at the double-positive (DP)or single-positive stage following encounter with peptide ligand:by flow cytometric analysis deletion is generally found to occurat the DP thymocyte stage and as these cells are found predominantlyin the cortex, it has been inferred that this is the key siteof negative selection. The visualization of apoptotic thymocytesin situ has recently been reported for specific examples ofnegative selection. Using a panel of TCR transgenic lines inwhich negative selection occurs at different stages of thymocytedevelopment, we have used TUNEL staining to analyse the anatomicalsites of thymocyte apoptosis. For the first time we have beenable to compare directly the sites of deletion induced by theendogenous cognate peptides or by endogenous superantigen. Weshow that generalization from the medullary deletion of Vß5+,Vß11+ or Vß17a+ cells by the endogenoussuperantigens Mtv 8 and 9 and from limited examples of corticaldeletion by exogenous peptide administered to TCR transgenicmice is over-simplified. Apoptotic thymocytes in mice lackingMtv superantigens are indeed localized in the cortex. However,when deletion is induced by cognate self peptide, apoptosiscan occur in the cortex, the medulla or at the junction betweenthe two.  相似文献   

Previous studies have illustrated the importance of T cellsbearing ß TCRs in the induction and development ofcollagen induced arthritis (CIA) in mice. However, the scopeof TCR usage in CIA has yet to be clearly defined. Given theinherent diversity of the TCR repertoire, the relative flexibilityof the arthritogenic TCR repertoire specific for type II collagen(CII) is not clear. Therefore, we chose to examine the influenceof a highly skewed TCR repertoire on CIA. Arthritis susceptibleB10.Q (H-2q) mice were mated with C57L (H-2b) animals expressingan ovalbuminspecific Vß8.2 TCR transgene (Tg) andTg+ offspring were further backcrossed to B10.Q. HomozygousH-2a/q, Vß8.2 Tg+ mice displayed a high level of Vß8.2+T cells in peripheral blood. However, expression of some endogenousVß TCR, such as Vß14, was still detected.Upon immunization with bovine CII in adjuvant, Vß8.2Tg+ mice were highly resistant to CIA when compared with Tglittermates. Analysis of sera demonstrated a marked reductionin antibody specific for homologous mouse CII as well as heterologousbovine CII in Tg+ animals. Interestingly, Vß8.2 Tg+mice still mounted good antibody responses following immunizationwith human thyroglobulin, indicating that the skewed TCR repertoireaffected anti-CII but not antithyroglobulin responses. Thus,our findings show that constraints placed on the TCR repertoireInhibit pathogenic responses against CII and suggest that inH-2q mice the arthritogenlc TCR repertoire bears only limitedflexibility.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animalautoimmune disease mediated by CD4+ T cells. Analysis of TCRexpression revealed that limited TCR elements (Vß8.2,V2 or 4) were utilized by myelin basic protein (MBP) specificT cells In mice with H-2U haplotype and Lewis rats. The usageof a particular ß chain complementarity determiningregion 3 (CDR3) motif has also been shown. However, It remainsunclear to what extent these observations can be extrapolated.Here we studied the TCR sequences of MBP 89–101/1-As specificT cell clones derived from SJL/J mice, using the polymerasechain reaction on reverse transcribed mRNA. Although the Vßusage was less restricted than In H-2U mice, they predominantlyutilized vß17a and expressed LGG or related motifsin the Vß - Dß - Jß junctions.Furthermore, a single chain rearrangement between V1.1 andJBBM142 with no N region diversity was preferentially used.Concordantty, Immunization with a peptlde corresponding to the chain CDR3 was found to significantly alter the clinical courseof EAE. Comparison of the published TCR junctional regions demonstratesthat the CDR3 motifs (LGG in ß chain, CA*R*NY motifIn chains) are expressed by other encephalitogenic clones.Notably, the CA*R*NY was conserved in PL/J mice clones thatrecognize a distinct MBP–MHC determinant. It suggeststhat an antigen-independent mechanism may contribute to conservingthe a chain motif. The Implications of these observations arediscussed.  相似文献   

The CD2 molecule is normally expressed on nearly all murinelymphocytes, and is co-stimulatory in T cell activation viathe antigen receptor (TCR). A naturally occurring T lymphocytepopulation that is bimodal for CD2 expression was found in theintestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). TCRß+IEL contain CD2 and CD2+ cells of approximately equalproportion, while TCR+ IEL are predominantly CD2. Theproliferative response of IEL to stimulation with an anti-CD3mAb or with PMA plus ionomycin co-segregated with CD2 expression;the CD2+ subset proliferated vigorously under these conditionswhile the CD2 subset was much less responsive. The respondingCD2+ IEL contained both TCRß+ and TCR+ cells. However,activation of the CD2 IEL with anti-CD3 mAb resultedin only the expansion of TCR+ IEL, while activation with PMAplus ionomycin did not promote expansion of either the TCRß+or the TCR+ IEL. These findings parallel observations in theautoimmune lpr mouse, where massive numbers of peripheral TCRß+CD4CD8T cells that lack CD2 expression are also hyporesponsive tomltogenic stimulation. The apparent energy of CD2TCRß+IEL, as well as CD2 T cells from lpr mice, demonstratesthat the absence of CD2 on TCRß+ T lymphocytes co-segregateswith nonresponsiveness.  相似文献   

A novel T cell subset characterized by cell surface NK1.1+ TCRß+expression was investigated for its TCR usage, particularlythat of invariant V14 TCR, which was found to be preferentiallyused in peripheral CD4CD8T cells developed atextrathymic sites. We found that NK+ ß T cell subsetsaccount for 0.4% in thymocytes, 5% in the splenic T cells and40.5% in the bone marrow T cells. Among these NK+ ßT cells, two distinct subsets were detected; cell surface TCRV14+and V14 subpopulations. Almost all of NK+ ßthymocytes express V14 mRNA; however, only<20% were positive,while >80% were negative or undetectable for V14 TCR expressionon the cell surface in the thymus. Similarly,50% of NK+ ßT cells in spleen and bone marrow are V14+; as revealed by FACS.TCR repertoire analysis by nucleotide sequences on inverse PCRproducts demonstrated that most NK+ ß T cells expressan invariant TCR encoded by the V14J281 gene with a 1 base N-regionin all tissues. Thus, invariant V14 TCR is uniquely expressedon NK T cells, and can be a marker to distinguish NK, NK T andT cells.  相似文献   

Particular subsets of T cells expressing the NK1.1 antigen havebeen proposed to play an immune regulatory role by their fastand strong production of cytokines, in particular IL-4. We soughtto determine factors driving the functional differentiationof NK1.1+ T cells. Since NK1.1+ T cells are exquisitely sensitiveto IL-7 stimulation, we analyzed the development, selectionand IL-4 production of NK1.1+ T cells in IL-7 deficient mice(IL-7–/–mice). Besides a sharp reduction of allT cell subsets, NK1.1+ T cells develop at normal relative frequenciesin IL-7–/–;mice. They also undergo a normal selectionprocess, as revealed by the biased Vß TCR repertoireidentical to the one in IL-7+/+ mice. However, NK1.1+ T cellsfrom IL-7+/+ mice were found to be impaired in IL-4 and IFN-production in in vitro and in vivo models. In addition, IL-7was able to restore IL-4 production by NK1.1+ thymocytes fromIL-7–/– mice. Finally, IL-7 but not IL-4 was ableto maintain and increase IL-4 production by NK1.1+ thymocytesfrom normal mice. These data suggest that the functional maturationof NK1.1+ T cells requires a cytokine-driven differentiationprocess, in which IL-7 plays a major role.  相似文献   

Unlike meduilary thymic epithelial cells (TEC) of normal mice,meduilary TEC of TCR SCID mice are immature and disorganized.In order to assess directly the role of TCR+ cells in the developmentof medullary TEC, we bred mice which co-expressed the SCID geneticdefect and transgenes encoding clonotypic TCR chains. Immunohistologicexamination revealed that meduilary thymic epithelial cellsfrom TCRß transgenic SCID mice, whose thymocytes onlyexpress TCRß chains that inefficiently associate withCD3 and , components, remained immature and disorganized. Incontrast, meduilary TEC from TCRß transgenic SCIDmice, whose thymocytes express fully assembled CD3--TCRßcomplexes were mature and organized. Interestingly, the abilityof TCRß+-+-CD33 thymocytes to induce maturation ofmeduilary TEC appeared not to be related to the antigen specificityof the TCR as thyml from positively selecting, negatively selectingand non-selecting TCRß transgenic SCID mice all possessedinduced meduilary thymic epithelial cells. In addition, we foundthat induction of meduilary TEC cells was associated with thepresence of meduilary thymocytes, including those of the CD4-CD8-TCRß+phenotype. The present findings demonstrate that fully assembledCD3--TCR complexes are required to induce maturation of meduilarythymic epithelial cells and indicate that thymocyte inductionof meduilary thymic epithelial cells may result from signalingindependently of their clonotyplc chains.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro repertoire of CD3+CD4 CD8 thymocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CD4-CD8- thymocytes contain a cell subset which expresses thecomplete CD3-TCR complex (/ or /) of which the ontogeny andfiliation are unknown. One of the questions is whether thispopulation can be intrathymically selected, an obligatory stepfor the mature CD4+ and CD8+ cell differentiation pathway, orif the absence of CD4 and CD8 allows them to escape thymic selection.The repertoire of CD3 + CD4 - CD8 - (CD3 + DN) thymocytes wasanalyzed in different strains of mice with different combinationsof H-2 and Mls expression. The expression of Vß8.1in freshly isolated CD3+ DN cells is the highest in Mls-lb miceand the lowest in MIS-la and F1 mice, suggesting that selectionagainst this specificity can be achieved in vivo. By contrast,a low percentage of Vß6+ cells is found in all thestrains, with no correlation according to MIS expression. Invitro culture of DN thymocytes with IL-1 and IL-2 leads to theproliferation of CD3+ DN cells. In vitro culture amplifies thein vivo pattern of Vß8.1 expression, while Vß6+cells only expand in DN cells of 66 and 61002 Mls-lb mice withthe same genetic background. These results show: (i) CD3+ DNthymic cells can be intrathymically selected but the repertoireis different from that of mature T cells; (ii) Vß6and Vß8.1 selection do not follow the same pattern;(iii) this repertoire can be modified by In vitro culture, towarda more mature type; and (iv) comparison of DN cell repertoireof BALBlc, BALB.D2 (congenic for MLs), and other strains ofmice suggests a multigenic control for this selection, and aninvolvement of background genes.  相似文献   

Autoimmunity is known to increase in aging. A possible factorcould be an alteration in the T cell repertoire wIth advancingage. Antibodies to the variable region of the ß chainof the TCR activate T cells and can serve as probes for analysisof the T cell repertoire. We have used Vß3 and Vß17aantibodies to determine the presence and functionality of normallydeleted T cells bearing potentially self-reactive TCR in peripherallymphoid tissue and blood from aged (SJL/J x BALB/c) F1 LAF1and BALB/c mice. Although an occasional 20- to 24-month-oldmouse exhibited Vß3+ or Vß17a+ T cells intheir lymph nodes or peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) slightlyabove the range for normal young mice of these I-E+ strains,there was no striking ‘escape’ from the normal thymicdeletion process. However, responsiveness to anti-Vß3and anti-Vß17a was slightly higher In aged, and particularlyIn aged thymectomlzed (TX), than in young mice. This was incontrast to proliferative responses to stimulation with antibodyto the normally expressed Vß8 which were lower inthe lymph nodes from aged than from young mice. The PBL of some30- to 36-month-old mice were also examined. Enhanced numbersof ‘forbidden’ Vß bearing T cells wereseen more frequently at this age. In spite of the age-relateddecrease in overall CD4/CD8 T cell ratios in all organs, themice with relatively high Vß17a+ T cells exhibitedproportionally more CD4+ cells in that Vß population.We conclude that the ‘forbidden’ T cells that respondto anti-Vß stimulation in the 20- to 24-month-oldmice are most likely of extra-thymic origin, since they weremore readily detectable in aged TX mice. Potentially self-reactiveCD4 (and CD8) single-positive T cells were detectable in PBLonly in very aged (30–36 months old) euthymic mice.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor ß-chain (IL-2Rß), a specificity-determiningsubunlt In the IL-2R complex with a restricted tissue distributionpattern, Is essential for signal transductlon. Our previousstudies demonstrate that the continuous treatment of mice withanti-IL-2Rß) resulted in the complete disappearanceof NK cells and Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+ dEC),suggesting that signals through IL-2Rß are criticallyinvolved in development of these lymphocyte subsets. However,these lymphocyte subsets are reported to be apparently unaffectedIn the IL-2-deficient mice. To further examine the biologicalroles of the IL-2Rß, transgenic mice carrying theIL-2Rß transgene were generated. In these mice, highlevels of the cell surface expression of the IL-2Rßwere observed in essentially all hematopoietic lineage cells,and CD4+ T cells as well as CD8+ T cells showed vigorous cellproliferation upon IL-2 stimulation. Surprisingly, NK cellsmarked with a high expression of NK1.1 in the spleen and Thy-1+dEC in the skin were completely absent in transgenic mice. However,the development of other lymphocyte subsets Including conventionalßTCR + cells, TCR+ cells and B cells remained apparentlyintact. From these observations together with previous dataon IL-2-deficlent mice, we speculate that factors, other thanIL-2 that utilizes the IL-2Rß as its functional receptorsubunlt, may have a vital role in the development of NK cellsand Thy-1+ dEC. Implications for possible In vivo functionsof over-expressed IL-2Rß are discussed.  相似文献   

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