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作者姓名:李爱玲  余虎  周岳君  许笑笑  陈慧芝  周晓凤  王晶晶
摘    要:失眠病因病机复杂,皆与五脏六腑有关。《黄帝内经》言"胃不和则卧不安",概括了胃不和导致不寐的病理机制。内伤脾胃,百病始生。若忧思劳倦过度伤脾,脾胃亏虚,运化失调,精微化生无源,气血虚衰,意不入舍,心失所养或宿食痰火内停,胃失和降,浊邪上扰均可导致阴不涵阳,阳不入阴,心神不安,从而导致不寐。笔者通过探讨脾胃与失眠的关系,明晰从脾胃论治失眠的机制,进而更好地指导临床治疗用药。

关 键 词:失眠症  脾胃  病因病机  辨证论治

Preliminary Analysis on Treating Insomnia from Spleen and Stomach
LI Ailing,YU Hu,ZHOU Yuejun,XU Xiaoxiao,CHEN Huizhi,ZHOU Xiaofeng,WANG Jingjing.Preliminary Analysis on Treating Insomnia from Spleen and Stomach[J].New Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2020,52(5):190-193.
Authors:LI Ailing  YU Hu  ZHOU Yuejun  XU Xiaoxiao  CHEN Huizhi  ZHOU Xiaofeng  WANG Jingjing
Abstract:Insomnia has complexetiology and pathogenesis,which are both related to the five Zang-organs and six Fuorgans. As Huangdi Neijing writes,disharmony in stomach causes restless sleep. It generalizes the pathological mechanism of insomnia attributed to the discomfort in stomach. The internal injury in spleen and stomach leads to numerous diseases.Excessive worries and fatigue do harm to spleen, resulting in spleen-stomach deficiency. Such factors as imbalance of transportation and transformation, no origin for generating and transforming fine essence, qi-blood deficiency, no spirit housed in spleen,no nourishment in heart or phlegm-fire internal retention due to undigested food,disharmony in stomach and turbid evil pathogens up-invading can cause yin not accommodating yang, yang not entering yin and upset mind,eventually leading to insomnia. By discussing the relationship between spleen-stomach and insomnia,the authors clarified the mechanism of treating insomnia from spleen and stomach,thus to instruct clinical therapy and medication better.
Keywords:Insomnia  Spleen and stomach  Etiology and pathogenesis  Treatment based on syndrome differentiation
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