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作者姓名:张延瑞  高珊珊  刘宾  冯常炜  王天佑  谢新纪  王虹  白永敏  岳文彬  范宗民  宋子博  齐义军  刘刚  郭花芹  庄则豪  郭瑞锋  安继业  陈虹  秦艳茹  孙超  李燕杰  李吉学  王启鸣  贺新伟  益新娜  谢冬玲  李吉林  焦新英  郭梅  王立东
作者单位:1. 郑州大学医学院癌症研究室,郑州,450052;河南省人民医院消化内科,郑州,450003
2. 郑州大学医学院癌症研究室,郑州,450052
3. 首都医科大学同仁医院消化内科,北京,100730
4. 郑州大学第二附属医院消化内科,郑州,450003
5. 林州市姚村食管癌医院,林州,456592
6. 安阳市肿瘤医院病理科,安阳,455000
基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金  3 0 0 2 5 0 16,河南省高校创新人才工程基金,河南省医药卫生创新人才工程基金资助项目
摘    要:目的:通过贲门癌高、低发区1975例无症状居民普查,进一步了解贲门上皮病变的特征及其与性别、年龄的关系,加深对贲门癌变多阶段演进的形态学变化特征的了解。方法:对食管癌高发区1006无症状居民,低发区208无症状居民进行纷纷内镜检查、粘膜活检和组织病理检查。结果:高发区1006例活检标本中,共发现9例早期贲门腺癌患者(GCA,0.9%),33例间变患者(DYS,3.3%),102例慢性萎缩性贲门炎患者(CAG,10.1%)和269例慢性浅表性贲门炎患者(CSG,26.7%),以及593例正常贲门上皮(NOR,58.9%)。9例早期GCA均发生在男性,间变患者男性明显高于女性;低发区:208例普查对象中,未发现早期GCA,但发现2例DYS(1.0%),7例CAG(3.4%),118例CSG(56.7%)和81例正常贲门上皮(38.9%)。男性CAG较女性常见,2例DYS中,男女各1例。结论:贲门癌高发区居民GCA、DYS、CAG的发现率明显高于低发区,进一步证实贲门癌的地域性分布特征,提示DYS和CAG是贲门癌重要的癌前病变。

关 键 词:河南  贲门癌  低发区  高发区  人群  贲门粘膜组织  活检  结果分析

Analysis on prevalence of gastric cardia precancerous lesions and early gastric cardia adenocarcinoma from the symptom-free subjects at high and low-incidence area in Henan
Abstract:Aim: To characterize the prevalence of gastric cardia lesions, to correlate these lesions with sex and age through mass survey on 1 975 symptom free subjects from the high and low incidence area and to expand the knowledge on morphological changes in multistage carcinogenesis of gastric cardia adenocarcinoma (GCA). Methods: Endoscopy, mucosal biopsy and histopathology were applied.Results: In high incidence area, of the 1006 biopsy samples examined, 9 cases were identified as early GCA (0.9%),33 cases,as dysplaisa(DYS,3.3%),102 cases,as chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG,10.1%), 269 cases,as chronic superficial gastritis(CSG, 26.7%), and 593 cases,as normal(NOR, 58.9%). The detection rates of DYS were higher in males than in females;In low incidence area, of the 208 biopsy samples examined, no early GCA was identified. But 2 cases were identified as DYS(1.0%),one in male, the other in female.seven cases were identified as CAG(3.4%), 118 cases as CSG(56.7%)and 81 cases as normal(38.9%).Conclusion:The results confirm the dramatic geographic distribution of GCA, and suggest that DYS and CAG may be the severe precancerous lesions of GCA.
Keywords:mass survey  gastric cardia neoplasm  adenocarcinoma  precancerous lesion  high and low  incidence area
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