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针对三七产业存在的技术瓶颈,本文聚焦三七新品种选育、连作障碍克服、标准体系建立等方面,采用生物技术、信息技术等手段,从产区选择、田间管理、收获储藏等过程实现数字化、网络化,解决三七种植中精准选址、品种选育、土壤改良、施肥管理、病害防控等关键问题,实现三七栽培的精准化及最优化,建立了三七 持续种植复合技术体系,该体系包括:三七抗病新品种的选育、土壤复合改良技术、三七栽培技术及质量追溯技术。获得首个三七抗病新品种,为其持续种植提供可行性前提。建立三七连作土壤复合改良技术并应用于大 田,连作土壤的修复及改良为三七持续种植提供保障。发布了首个无公害三七质量标准,为其高品质树立规 范。完成了品质溯源体系,保障了三七的质量可控。该复合技术体系为其它中药材精细栽培提供借鉴。  相似文献   
以9个不同基因型啤酒大麦品种(系)为供试材料,比较了籽粒灌浆特性及产量性状等指标。结果表明:不同基因型啤酒大麦品种(系)籽粒灌浆过程均呈“S”型曲线变化,开花后天数与千粒重的关系均符合Logistic方程,籽粒灌浆速率变化均呈“慢—快—慢”规律;高秆、旗叶宽大的品种(系)粒重增加时间较早;分蘖能力强或旗叶宽大的品种(系)灌浆速率峰值显现较早,且为单峰,其他品种(系)则为双峰;株高、分蘖能力、旗叶适中的品种(系)保持较高灌浆速率的持续时间较长;在各灌浆特征参数中,最大灌浆速率(Rmax)与产量的灰色关联度最大,平均灌浆速率(R)与千粒重的灰色关联度最大,起始生长势(C0)对前期贡献率的灰色关联度最大。旗叶宽大、分蘖能力和抗旱性较强的品种(系)穗长和穗粒重最大,穗粒数最多,具有一定的产量优势,可作为育种选择目标。0110-16和甘啤7号品种(系)单位面积产量较高,可在生产上推广应用。  相似文献   
目的:从分子水平上研究玄参3种栽培类型的遗传关系和遗传多样性.方法:对玄参3种不同栽培类型的92个单株进行SRAP分析.运用POPGENE version 1.31软件计算相关参数,采用UPGMA聚类法进行聚类分析.结果:①20个SRAP引物共扩增出227条带,其中有119条呈多态性.②玄参3种不同栽培类型的遗传多样性居中等水平.在物种水平上,多态位点百分率PPB=52.42%,平均每个位点的有效等位基因数N_e=1.281 2,Nei's基因多样性指数H=0.167 1,Shannon's多样性信息指数H_(sp)=0.252 6.在栽培类型水平上,PPB=21.44%,N_e=1.121 6,H=0.072 5,shannon's多样性信息指数H_(pop)=0.108 3.③Nei's基因多样性指数计算的栽培类型间遗传分化系数(0.562 5)与shannon's栽培类型分化系数(0.571 3)基本一致,均说明大部分遗传变异存在于栽培类型间.④栽培类型间基因流为0.388 9,说明栽培类型间基因流动较少,遗传分化程度较高.⑤两两栽培类型间的Nei's遗传一致度(Ⅰ)的范围为0.808 2~0.913 3.根据Nei's遗传距离进行各类型间的UPGMA聚类,基于SRAP分子标记的聚类结果与形态分类基本一致.结论:栽培玄参的遗传多样性居中等水平,且栽培类型间的遗传差异大于栽培类型内的遗传差异.  相似文献   
药用白菊花4个栽培类型农药与重金属残留的比较研究   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6  
目的 :通过对药用白菊花 4个栽培类型重金属与农药残留的比较研究 ,为药用白菊花品种选择提供依据。方法 :采用原子吸收分光光度计、原子荧光分光光度计和高效色谱仪对药用白菊花 4个栽培类型重金属与农药残留进行了比较分析。结果与结论 :农药与重金属残留因栽培类型不同而存在明显差异 ,但均符合国家外经贸部颁布的《药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》(2 0 0 1年 )。  相似文献   
目的:研究药用菊花不同栽培类型花粉形态特征,以便为药用菊花的孢粉学研究提供资料,并为优质品种的建立和规范化种植(GAP)提供参考依据。方法:利用扫描电镜对药用菊花12个栽培类型的花粉形态进行观察和比较。结果与结论:花粉粒长球形,赤道面观椭圆形,极面观3裂圆形,具3萌发沟,外壁表面具刺状雕纹,但不同栽培类型之间存在差异,这为优质品种的筛选提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
道地药材江枳壳品种遗传学关系的ISSR证据   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
左云娟    朱培林  刘强  陈春华  周世良 《中国中药杂志》2005,30(18):1416-1419
1.中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学重点实验室 北京100093; 2.汇仁集团有限公司 江西南昌330052; 3.江西省宜春市中药材技术中心 江西宜春336000; 4.云南大学生命科学学院 云南昆明650091; 5.中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学重点实验室 北京100039  相似文献   
吴志刚  李小侠    范传颖    陶正明 《中国药学杂志》2013,23(9):681-686
 目的评价山药资源的多样性,为山药品种鉴定及亲缘关系的研究提供科学依据。方法以8个山药栽培居群中的21个山药品种为试材,进行相关系列扩增多态性(SRAP)分析,Popgene1.32软件计算遗传参数,UPGMA方法构建亲缘关系聚类图。结果相关系列扩增多态性引物共检测到309条清晰条带,其中多态性条带289条;Nei基因多样性指数(H)为0.2881、Shannon信息指数为(I)0.4416、居群间基因多样性(Ht)为0.2891,阐明了山药居群间具有很高的多样性;居群内以河南温县薯蓣居群多样性最高,PPB为35.92%,而福建三明(FJSM)和浙江高楼(ZJRG)山薯居群多样性最低(PPB=0%);居群间基因分化系数Gst为0.8658、基因流(Nm)为0.0775,揭示山药居群间遗传变异大于居群内遗传变异;8个居群间的遗传距离在0.0498~0.4879,因栽培物种的不同被聚为4类;相关系列扩增多态性标记可将21个山药品种分别归属到薯蓣、参薯、褐苞薯蓣、山薯种内。结论山药品种呈现较高遗传多样性,4种基原山药种间遗传差异较大,相关系列扩增多态性是鉴别我国山药品种的有效方法。  相似文献   
目的: 分析江苏地产2种杭菊花栽培类型(红心大白菊、黄菊)挥发油的化学成分,为其质量评价提供科学依据。方法: 采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取红心大白菊和黄菊挥发油,用GC毛细管色谱柱进行分析,归一化法测定其相对含量,GC-MS法鉴定化学成分并进行比较。结果: 从红心大白菊、黄菊挥发油中分别检出217,167个色谱峰,分别鉴定出73,64个化合物,分别占挥发油总量的67.36%,62.75%。2种杭菊花栽培类型挥发油中共有成分为2-蒈烯、顺式罗勒烯、松油烯、樟脑、冰片、反式石竹烯、姜烯、金合欢烯、石竹烯氧化物和桧脑;其中桧脑含量最高,分别占挥发油总量的12.64%,10.87%,为2种栽培类型杭菊花挥发油中最具特征的成分;其次是反式石竹烯,分别占挥发油总量的6.45%,4.38%。结论: 杭菊花栽培类型不同,挥发油中化学成分在数量上和在种类上都有明显区别,结果为江苏地产杭菊花栽培类型的确立提供了化学方面的佐证,亦为其质量评价提供了物质基础。  相似文献   

Ethnopharmacological relevance

Artemisinin (AN) is produced by Artemisia annua, a medicinal herb long used as a tea infusion in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fever; it is also the key ingredient in current artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) effective in treating malaria. Recently we showed that dried leaves from the whole plant Artemisia annua that produces artemisinin and contains artemisinin-synergistic flavonoids seem to be more effective and less costly than ACT oral malaria therapy; however little is known about how digestion affects release of artemisinin and flavonoids from dried leaves.

Material and methods

In the current study we used a simulated digestion system to determine how artemisinin and flavonoids are released prior to absorption into the bloodstream. Various delivery methods and staple foods were combined with dried leaves for digestion in order to investigate their impact on the bioavailability of artemisinin and flavonoids. Digestate was recovered at the end of the oral, gastric, and intestinal stages, separated into solid and liquid fractions, and extracted for measurement of artemisinin and total flavonoids.


Compared to unencapsulated digested dried leaves, addition of sucrose, various cooking oils, and rice did not reduce the amount of artemisinin released in the intestinal liquid fraction, but the amount of released flavonoids nearly doubled. When dried leaves were encapsulated into either hydroxymethylcellulose or gelatin capsules, there was >50% decrease in released artemisinin but no change in released flavonoids. In the presence of millet or corn meal, the amount of released artemisinin declined, but there was no change in released flavonoids. Use of a mutant Artemisia annua lacking artemisinin showed that the plant matrix is critical in determining how artemisinin is affected during the digestion process.


This study provides evidence showing how both artemisinin and flavonoids are affected by digestion and dietary components for an orally consumed plant delivered therapeutic and that artemisinin delivered via dried leaves would likely be more bioavailable if provided as a tablet instead of a capsule.  相似文献   
Native grapevine cultivars are important for viticulture production in Croatia, especially in the Dalmatian wine-growing region. Their evaluation for wine production has been intensively studied in recent decades. Tartaric, malic and citric acids are the most important organic acids in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars and these play an important role in the wine-making process, affecting some of the most important characteristics of wine. For this reason, the organic acid composition of the seven most important Dalmatian native grapevine cultivars was determined using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Trial cultivars were planted, ensuring uniformity of the environmental conditions that can largely influence the concentration of organic acids. Significant differences in the content of tartaric, malic and citric acid were determined between cultivars over the three years of the study. Tartaric acid ranged from 4.5 to 7.18 g/L, malic acid from 0.31 to 3.40 g/L, and citric acid from 110 to 368 mg/L depending on the year of study, but with clear differences between the cultivars studied. The effects of crop levels and climatic conditions over the three years of study are also discussed.  相似文献   
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