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Many trainees think about research towards the end of clinical training, but at that stage, it may be too late to get the most from the limited opportunities that remain. Ideally, trainees should consider research early in their career. For some, a career in academic paediatrics may be attractive, in which case following the clinical academic pathway as outlined by the National Institutes of Health Research may be appropriate. For others, research may be part of a wider clinical training. This article discusses a variety of research opportunities available to trainees, and offers advice on a career in academic paediatrics.  相似文献   
本文阐述军事院校结合医疗工作的特点,引入健康管理理念,采取健康教育等多项干预措施,以提高教员干部及学员的身体和心理健康水平的做法,为提高军队院校医疗机构的健康管理水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   
目的掌握某军校柬籍外训人员乙肝病毒感染状况,以利做好外训人员的预防保健工作。方法对某军校2011-2013年柬籍军事培训学员乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)、表面抗体(HBsAb)、e抗原(HBeAg)、e抗体(HBeAb)、核心抗体(HBcAb)五项指标和肝功能进行检测并对结果进行统计分析。结果某军校2011-2013年柬籍外训学员和本土教职员工HBsAg单项阳性率分别为8.03%和1.15%,乙肝罹患率分别为8.76%和0.45%,需乙肝疫苗接种率(乙肝表面抗体弱阳性与阴性之和与总数之比)分别为73.68%和38.26%,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论柬籍外训学员的乙肝罹患率和乙肝疫苗需接种率均处于较高水平,需加强外训队的卫生防病和医疗保健工作。  相似文献   
The structure of the human body and its parts is of obvious relevance in medicine, but it has also played a role in art. Accurate observation of surface or external anatomy is essential in both disciplines, and its understanding has been enhanced by knowledge of what is found beneath the skin, the internal anatomy, usually based on dissection. The role of anatomy in art in general, and in academies of art in particular, is the theme of this paper. The revival of dissection in 14th-century Italy was, if not causative, at least coincidental with the Renaissance. In 1563, Vasari founded the Accademia del Disegno in Florence, with una Anatomia included in its regulations. As a liberal art taught by university graduates, anatomy helped raise the status of painters and sculptors from artisans to artists and from guild to academy. Anatomy teaching was required in subsequent academies in Rome (1593) and Paris (1648), where the pattern of drawing from drawings, from casts, and from life was established and a Professor of Anatomy appointed in 1777. Anatomy was central to two of the Academy’s most important genres, history painting and portraiture. The Academy system, with its emphasis on anatomy, spread to other European cities and to the Caribbean and the Americas from the 17th to the 19th centuries. This paper is concerned with the role of anatomy in the founding of art academies in general, while its companion paper, 'A Tale of Two Cities', considers the cases of the academies in London and Dublin in particular.  相似文献   
以Web of Science检索平台为统计源,对2000-2014年新疆畜牧科学院科研人员在SCI期刊上的论文产出情况进行检索,并对论文数量变化趋势、学科分布、合作机构和国家、论文被引情况及高被引论文等指标进行了系统分析,以期为该院的学科发展、人才建设提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   


While most faculty members want to improve as teachers, they neither know where their educational strengths and weaknesses lie nor where or how to begin to effect a change in their teaching abilities. The lack of actionable, directed and specific feedback, and sensible and sensitive metrics to assess performance and improvement complicates the attainment of educational excellence.


The purpose of this article was to outline a series of specific steps that medical education programs can take to enhance the quality of teaching, promote teaching excellence, elevate the status and value of medical educators, and stimulate the creation of innovative teaching programs and curricula.


To achieve these goals at the Hospital for Special Surgery, the Academy of Rheumatology Medical Educators was formed. The academy had the following goals: (1) create within our institution a mission which advances and supports educators, (2) establish a membership composed of distinguished educators, (3) create a formal organizational structure with designated leadership, (4) dedicate resources that fund mission-related initiatives and research, and (5) establish a plan for promoting teachers as well as enhancing and advancing educational scholarship.


The Hospital for Special Surgery Academy of Rheumatology Medical Educators was recently formed to address these goals by promoting teaching and learning of musculoskeletal skills in an environment that is supportive to educators and trainees and provides much needed resources for teachers.


The development of a pilot academy of medical educators represents one of the high-priority goals of those institutions that wish to elevate and enrich their teaching through a structured, proven approach.  相似文献   
军队院校教学工作评价,对推动学校的全面建设与发展具有十分重要的意义。院校在参加评价过程,应当按照“以评促建,以评促改,评建结合,重在建设”的原则,把评价作为推动教学工作规范化建设的有力抓手,作为推动全面建设和发展的内驱动力和长效杠杆。应保持理性的心态,认真遵循评价宗旨,准确理解评价内涵,深刻领会评价导向。通过评价,真正地促进学校整体建设水平与教育训练质量的全面提升。  相似文献   
军队医学研究生的培养质量直接影响国防卫生事业的发展,本文对目前我国军队院校研究生教育中师资队伍、学生构成、课程设置、研究生管理及评价等方面存在的不足进行了分析,并针对这些问题提出对策与建议。  相似文献   
针对军队院校人文类课程相对较少的情况,作者所在院校面向本科生开设了《插花艺术》选修课。它是集实践性、创新性、艺术性为一体的课程,可以成为提高学员的文化修养及综合素质能力的重要载体。本文探讨了军队院校中开设《插花艺术》的必要性、课程设置、授课方式及课程开设中的一些感悟。  相似文献   
通过对本校医学院20年本科肿瘤学教育的经验总结,阐明在医学院校中开展肿瘤学教育的必要性?肿瘤学并不是小科目;在教学中应重视对基础知识的复习,突出专业知识,解决难点?疑点;灌输循证医学的理念,同时内容要新颖?时效性要强?肿瘤学课程决不是简单的重复,它把多学科的理论知识融合在一起,灌输给学生的是综合分析的能力?因此必须加强医学院校本科肿瘤学的教育,为培养合格临床肿瘤科医生而努力?  相似文献   
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