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目的:通过四川省妇幼保健院5年的科研发展,进一步说明科技是先导,是促进妇幼保健院全面、可持续发展的内生动力,做好科研管理工作意义重大。方法:强化科研意识,强化科研规范化管理,加强课题管理,促进学科建设,带动人才培养。结果:近5年来四川省妇幼保健院医疗技术水平明显提升,儿科专科医师培训病种达标率从2008年的37%增长到2009年的75.3%,疾病的CD率(复杂疑难危重比例)也有了明显提高,门诊人次、住院人次、手术台次、急诊人次也有大幅度的增长。结论:只有不断加强妇幼保健院科研管理,提高科研意识,才能进一步提升医院的整体医疗技术水平,增强妇幼保健院的综合实力。  相似文献   


Several studies have demonstrated that culture plays a fundamental role in individuals' beliefs, attitudes, and values toward sexuality, and influences their ability to enjoy sex. It follows that culture may influence sexual satisfaction or dissatisfaction.


To examine and compare cognitive–emotional variables related to women's sexual dissatisfaction in Iran and New Zealand.


In total, 196 Iranian women and 207 New Zealand women participated in the study, answering questionnaires evaluating dysfunctional sexual beliefs, automatic thoughts, emotional and sexual response during sexual activity, as well as sexual satisfaction.


Sexual beliefs were measured by the Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs Questionnaire, thoughts and emotional responses were measured by the Sexual Modes Questionnaire, and sexual satisfaction was measured by the Sexual Satisfaction Index.


Findings indicated that in both Iranian and New Zealand women, failure and disengagement thoughts, lack of erotic thoughts, and emotions of fear during sexual activity were significant predictors of sexual dissatisfaction. Besides these common predictors, results also indicated that sexual conservatism and women's sexual passivity beliefs, sexual abuse thoughts, and fear during sexual activity were significant predictors of sexual dissatisfaction in Iranian women. Beliefs of sexual desire and pleasure as a sin; age-related beliefs; and emotions such as sadness, disillusion, and hurt were significant predictors of sexual dissatisfaction in New Zealand women.

Clinical Translation

The present findings could facilitate a better understanding of cultural differences in the roles played by dysfunctional sexual beliefs, negative automatic thoughts, and negative emotions during sexual activity, and the value of these beliefs, thoughts, and emotions in predicting sexual dissatisfaction.


The strength of this study is in providing an examination of the role of culturally bound beliefs in predicting sexual dissatisfaction in women from different cultural backgrounds. Limitations include the lack of evaluation of psychological and interpersonal variables that may impact on women's sexual dissatisfaction. These findings suggest that there may be a role of culture in shaping beliefs, attitudes, and values toward sexuality; and provide evidence for the effect of cognitive–emotional variables in predicting women's sexual dissatisfaction.Abdolmanafi A, Nobre P, Winter S, et al. Culture and Sexuality: Cognitive–Emotional Determinants of Sexual Dissatisfaction Among Iranian and New Zealand Women. J Sex Med 2018;15:687–697.  相似文献   
根植于东方传统文化土壤的中医学,在其发生、发展、演化的进程当中,无时无刻不受到中国古代哲学思想的影响与启迪。试从"言不尽意"与中医学思想方法的角度,探讨前者对后者的指导作用。考察中医学"言不尽意"的特点,不难发现,用语言去描述意象,存在着很大的局限性。因为语言在表达意象的过程中,不能也不可能做到尽善尽美。因而,中医学在语言文字的表述方面经常会借用形象化描述。通过中医临床观察分析,进行系统科学的临床研究和实践,找到最直接体现人体病变意象的临床思维模式,具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
在我国非酒精性脂肪性肝病的发病率逐渐升高,进展到非酒精性脂肪性肝炎和肝硬化的患者越来越多,给人群的健康造成严重威胁,并给社会带来巨大的经济负担。非酒精性脂肪性肝病的研究已经成为肝病研究的热点之一。本文从非酒精性脂肪性肝病的流行病学、发病机制、中西医治疗进展以及目前研究存在的问题提出了若干思考,与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   
白花蛇舌草预防肺癌物质基础研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章对近年来有关白花蛇舌草的化学成分及预防肿瘤活性研究文献进行系统综述,总结已得成果,找出存在问题,以组分结构理论为指导,提出进行肺癌预防研究的思路和方法。目前,肿瘤的化学预防成为药物研发的新方向,现有的研究已经明确了白花蛇舌草一些具有预防肺癌作用的化学成分及可能机制,但还不能阐明白花蛇舌草预防肺癌作用的物质基础,应尽快进行白花蛇舌草预防肺癌物质基础研究,以便生产出现代化的白花蛇舌草肺癌预防剂。  相似文献   
目的探讨住院精神病患者出走意念及其影响因素,为进一步干预提供科学依据。方法对100例住院精神病患者出走意念进行回顾性调查,分析出走意念产生原因及其与患者一般资料的关系。结果本组患者出走意念发生率62.5%。无配偶、首发、首次住院患者出走意念发生率较高(χ2=6.838,20.907,17.145;P<0.001);出走意念发生率与年龄、病程、经济状况和社会支持呈反向关联(χ2=20.846、8.177、9.351,24.722;P<0.05);住院时间-出走意念发生率曲线呈倒"S"型(χ2=15.166,P=0.004);出走意念产生原因差异有统计学意义(χ2=174.362,73.516,26.710,31.469,46.712;P<0.01)。结论住院精神病患者出走意念发生率较高,住院初期以精神症状和不良反应影响较大,后期以正常心理需要为主。此外,年轻、无配偶、首发、首次住院、病程较短、经济状况和社会支持较差的患者更易产生出走意念。  相似文献   


It is of the utmost importance to determine the views of nurses about patients with suicidal behavior and who attempt suicide so that they can help such individuals.


The aim of this study was to investigate the feelings, thoughts and experiences of nurses working in a mental health clinic regarding individuals with suicidal behaviors and suicide attempts.


A qualitative study design was employed. Data in this research study were collected through individual in-depth interviews. The study population included 121 nurses working at a Mental Health and Diseases Hospital in Turkey. The study sample consisted of 33 nurses who had been working at the hospital for at least one year, had experience working with patients who attempted suicide, and agreed to participate in the study.


The nurses understood the patients; they experienced sadness, worry, anxiety, stress, unrest and fear; they were blamed by the hospital administration when a patient committed suicide; they blamed themselves and doctors for patient suicides; and they had developed proposals to prevent suicide among hospitalized or discharged patients. The nurses also stated that patients committed suicide in the evening or in the early hours of the morning by strangling or hanging themselves or by shocking and unforeseen methods, although the nurses performed the necessary emergency intervention procedures.


It is recommended that planned group meetings for nurses be arranged and that follow-up guidelines/protocols for patients with suicidal tendencies who are residing in mental health clinics be prepared by a committee of healthcare professionals.  相似文献   
Precise hepatectomy is the application of minimally invasive concept in hepatic surgery. There are big challenges for surgeons to choose the proper approaches to achieve the aim of precise hepatectomy. How to choose therapeutic strategy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, liver transplantation or radiofrequency ablation? How to choose the operation type, laparoscopic surgery, transabdominal surgery or Da Vinci robot-assisted surgery? How to choose the surgical instruments during hepatectomy? Although answers for these questions are various, the principle is unchangeable, which is providing minimal injury, less blood loss, fast recovery, little expense and good prognosis. The concept of precise hepatectomy includes precise judgment of liver function and careful preparation before operation, and also the elaborate nursing and multi-disciplinary cooperation during operation, as well as the fast track surgery after operation. Precise hepatectomy requires surgeons take the safety and effectiveness of the operations into account, and the conditions of hospitals, the skills and experiences of the surgeons should also be evaluated before operation. Finally, the economic condition of the patients should be considered and proper application of advanced equipments should be emphasized.  相似文献   
自动思维问卷的信度和效度研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
80年代开始 ,人们在研究抑郁症的病因学时 ,重视社会环境因素和认知心理因素的相互作用对抑郁症的影响。Beck认为 ,抑郁症以认知歪曲为突出表现 ,对自我、未来和世界持消极看法 ;而它的病理心理学有四个主要成份 :抑郁认知三联症、认知歪曲、自动思维和潜在的抑郁性认知图式[1] 。为评价与抑郁有关的消极性自动思维 ,Hollon&Kendall1980年设计了自动思维问卷 (AutomaticThoughtsQuestionnaireATQ) ,用于评价抑郁患者内在的认知体验[2 ] 。国内外学者用该问卷对抑郁症做过一些研究 ,结果…  相似文献   
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