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临床常见的扁桃体肥大患儿多因张口呼吸、睡眠质量差或者通气障碍就诊,严重者甚至会出现呼吸暂停,危及生命[1].根据最新数据,扁桃体切除术是美国最常见的外科手术之一,每年将近 289000例 15 岁以下儿童接受此手术[2].扁桃体切除术本身会对患儿咽喉部产生强烈刺激,因此引发剧烈的术后疼痛.此外,术后疼痛亦会诱发一系列后...  相似文献   
目的研究中医康复训练对早期中风偏瘫患者神经功能的影响。方法选择本院2018年5月—2019年10月期间的82例早期中风偏瘫患者,根据单盲分组法将其分成两个组别(参照组和研究组),分别予以常规康复训练和中医康复训练方式,比较两组患者神经功能和日常生活能力。结果研究组患者NIHSS评分与ADL评分分别为(6.55±1.33)分和(71.06±2.44)分,与参照组相比存在明显优势(t=9.5766,P=0.0000;t=14.8840,P=0.0000)。结论早期中风偏瘫患者应用中医康复训练,可改善患者神经功能和日常生活能力,对于促进患者康复具有积极意义。  相似文献   
Objective To find out the longest effective duration of Mydrin P and Romi eyedrop on cycloplegia,compare the residual accommodation after cycloplegia by Mydrin P eyedrop, 1% Atropine paste and Romi eyedrop, analyze their effect on ametropia. To provide some experimental basis for using cycloplegia adeptly in clinic. Methods Seventy-five children (147eyes) were checked, 4~16 years old with, mean age of 10.12 years old. There are no systemic diseases. The patients were divided into 3 groups: A, 1% Atropine group; B,Romi eyedrop group and C,Mydrin P group. Before and after administration of these eyedrops,ob-jective refraction was checked in hand-hold auto refractor; subjective refraction was checked in phoropter,and retinoscopy refraction was finished. Phoropter was used to check the accommodation response and the residual accommodation respectively by "pushup" method. Results (1)In Romi eyedrop group,the time of maxi-mum cycloplegia was 60 minutes,the patients can read in the next day; in Mydrin P group,the time was 30 minutes, can read next day. (2) Average residual accommodation at the maximum cycloplegia: A, 1% Atropine group (2.0440±0.95484D),B,Romi eyedrop group (2.2214±0.6952D),C,Mydrin P group (2.6656±0.9999D). The residual accommodation in Romi eyedrop and Atropine groups had no significant difference, In-dependent-samples t Test P 0.05.The residual accommodation in Mydrin P group was stronger than the other two groups,more significant in myopia eyes. (3) The residual accommodation of three groups had no relation-ship with age and refractive status. (4) The results were same in cycloplegic refraction with hand-hold auto re-fractor and phoropter of each group of A, 1% Atropine group,B,Romi eye, drop group and C,Mydrin P group (P 0.05). The difference was 0.33D in autorefraction and phoropter,autorefraction negative. Conelusions (1) The time of maximum cycloplegia effective of Romi eye-drop was 60 minutes, of Mydrin P was 30 min-utes. (2) The residual accommodation in Romi eyedrop and Atropine groups was almost same, the residual ac-commodation in Mydrin-P group was stronger than the other two groups,more significant in myopia eyes. (3)Residual accommodation. Three groups have no relationship with age and refiaction. (4) Romi eyedrop and,Mydrin-P eyedrop can be used in the cycloplegic refraction for children in myopia and hyperopia.  相似文献   
患者 女  71岁。因左眼视力逐渐减退三年入院 ,不伴眼红、眼痛等症。既往无糖尿病、高血压、葡萄膜炎、外伤等病史。 2 0 0 0年 4月 2 6日入院。查体 :右眼视力 0 .6 ,左眼 0 .0 5 ,左结膜无充血 ,角膜透明 ,kp (- ) ;前房正常深 ,房水闪光(- ) ;虹膜纹理清 ,瞳孔圆 ,3mm,光反应 ( ) ;晶体皮质灰白色混浊 ,核 级 ;眼底窥不清 ,眼压 Tn,血压 14/ 10 k Pa。诊断左眼老年性白内障。于当日下午表面麻醉下 (表麻药为表麻滴瞳 )行白内障超声乳化并人工晶体植入术 ,表麻药点眼三次后手术开始 ,以正上方穹窿部结膜乃基底作结膜瓣 6× 8mm,电凝…  相似文献   
儿童屈光参差与弱视、立体视相关性的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
目的 探讨屈光参差对儿童视力和立体视功能的影响以及屈光参差、弱视、立体视三者之间的相关关系。方法 选择不伴有斜视的 4 5~ 13 8岁屈光参差儿童 186例 ,无屈光参差和弱视的同龄正常儿童 2 0例。对以上所选病例 ,测定裸眼视力、屈光状态、最佳的矫正视力及矫正后Tit mus立体视 ,并对测量数据进行统计学分析。结果 ①当远视参差 >1D ,近视参差 >2D ,散光参差 >1 0D ,弱视的发生率分别为 43 %、 43 %、 3 6% ;立体视异常百分比分别为 43 %、 2 9%、 3 6% :屈光参差 >3D ,弱视及异常立体视发生率均 10 0 %。②屈光参差与弱视的相关性及立体视与弱视的相关性均大于屈光参差与立体视的相关性。结论 儿童屈光参差可严重损害患儿的视力及双眼视功能 ,随着屈光参差程度的增加 ,弱视及异常立体视的发生率明显增多 ,并且 ,立体视功能的下降与弱视相伴行 ,二者之间存在显著相关性  相似文献   
目的探讨白内障超声乳化联合人工晶体(intraocular lens,IOL)植入术后囊袋收缩综合征(capsular contraction syndrome,CCS)发生的危险因素。方法回顾性分析行白内障超声乳化联合IOL植入术治疗的白内障2015例(2117只眼)的临床资料,根据术后3个月内CCS发生情况分为CCS组及非CCS组,记录比较两组术前和术后1个月最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)和对比敏感度(contrast sensitivity function,CSF),采用多因素Logistic回归分析探讨影响白内障超声乳化联合IOL植入术后CCS发生的危险因素。结果2015例(2117只眼)白内障超声乳化联合IOL植入术后发生CCS 62例(62只眼,CCS组),未发生CCS 1953例(2055只眼,非CCS组)。术后1个月,两组BCVA均较术前降低,CSF 1.5、6.0和18.0 c/d均较术前升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。术前和术后1个月,CCS组BCVA均高于非CCS组,CSF 1.5、6.0和18.0 c/d均低于非CCS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。CCS组年龄≥75岁、有眼部手术史、使用亲水性IOL及合并葡萄膜炎、青光眼、高度近视、视网膜色素变性所占比例均高于非CCS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥75岁、有眼部手术史、亲水性IOL及合并葡萄膜炎、青光眼、高度近视、视网膜色素变性均为影响白内障超声乳化联合IOL植入术后CCS发生的独立危险因素(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论年龄≥75岁、有眼部手术史、亲水性IOL及合并葡萄膜炎、青光眼、高度近视、视网膜色素变性均为影响白内障超声乳化联合IOL植入术后CCS发生的独立危险因素,临床上对有上述危险因素的白内障患者,可予相应干预,以降低CCS发生率。  相似文献   
不同睫状肌麻痹剂对儿童调节力及屈光状态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 找出美多丽P滴眼液、罗米滴眼液最大睫状肌麻痹时间,对比美多丽P滴眼液、罗米滴眼液、1%阿托品眼膏最大睫状肌麻痹时的剩余调节力,并分析3种药物对屈光不正检测的影响.为眼科临床上合理应用睫状肌麻痹剂提供一定的实验依据.方法 对4~16岁儿童75例、147只眼进行检查,均未曾配戴眼镜,未曾屈光治疗,其裸眼或矫正视力均可达1.0,并除外其他眼病及影响调节的全身病.按3种药物分3组,对其睫状肌麻痹前后不同时间点分别进行手持自动电脑验光仪客观验光,视网膜检影验光,在综合验光仪上主观验光,在其上用移近法测量调节力及剩余调节力.结果 (1)最大睫状肌麻痹时间罗米为60min,美多丽P为30min,次日均可以正常阅读.(2)最大睫状肌麻痹时平均剩余调节力:1%阿托品组(2.0440±0.95484)D,罗米组(2.2214±0.6952)D,美多丽P组(2.6656±0.9999)D.两独立样本t检验前两组无显著差异,美多丽P组与前两组差异显著,尤其近视时剩余调节力偏大.(3)三组剩余调节力均与屈光状态及年龄无关.(4)1%阿托品、罗米、美多丽P三组中每组药物最大睫状肌麻痹后,综合验光仪验光、视网膜检影结果无差别,都能达到主、客观验光结果的一致性.结论 罗米滴眼液、美多丽P滴眼液在临床上可以作为近视及远视验光的有效睫状肌麻痹剂.  相似文献   
许×女38岁.7岁发现右眼向内偏斜,未曾治疗.检查:Vod 0.04,Vos0.5,右眼向内偏斜,角膜映光>+45°,右眼外转达不到中线,下转不足,右眼上睑内侧倒睫,被眼睑遮盖的3/4角膜缘可见新生血管,瞳孔中央可见浅表溃疡约2mm,周围无浸润.双眼底未见异常.  相似文献   
NIDEK手持自动电脑验光仪在儿童屈光不正中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解手持自动电脑验光仪的准确性及在儿童屈光不正中的应用价值。方法:对27例4~16岁儿童用10g/L阿托品眼膏3次/d,连续3d,睫状肌麻痹前后,分别进行视网膜检影、NIDEKAUTOREF/KERATOMEARK-30手持自动电脑验光仪验光和综合验光仪主观验光。结果:睫状肌麻痹后,手持自动电脑验光仪与视网膜检影结果间相关系数为0.980,差值均数±标准差为-0.37±0.52,95%可信区间为-0.51~-0.23;手持自动电脑验光仪与综合验光仪主观验光结果间相关系数为0.982,差值均数±标准差为-0.37±0.49,95%可信区间为-0.51~-0.24,以上两组配对t检验均P=0.000,均差异显著。表明在95%的测量中,结果差异均在0.50D以内。不同屈光状态下,在95%可信区间内,屈光度相差范围为远视<0.75D,近视<0.50D。结果均为手持自动电脑验光仪比视网膜检影、综合验光仪主观验光偏负值。睫状肌麻痹前由于调节的影响3种检查结果相差较大,远视结果相差比近视结果相差大。结论:睫状肌麻痹后,手持自动电脑验光仪验光和视网膜检影、综合验光仪主观验光有极高的一致性,在儿童屈光不正检查中是一种很有价值的、方便的、可靠的屈光检查工具。  相似文献   
Objective To find out the longest effective duration of Mydrin P and Romi eyedrop on cycloplegia,compare the residual accommodation after cycloplegia by Mydrin P eyedrop, 1% Atropine paste and Romi eyedrop, analyze their effect on ametropia. To provide some experimental basis for using cycloplegia adeptly in clinic. Methods Seventy-five children (147eyes) were checked, 4~16 years old with, mean age of 10.12 years old. There are no systemic diseases. The patients were divided into 3 groups: A, 1% Atropine group; B,Romi eyedrop group and C,Mydrin P group. Before and after administration of these eyedrops,ob-jective refraction was checked in hand-hold auto refractor; subjective refraction was checked in phoropter,and retinoscopy refraction was finished. Phoropter was used to check the accommodation response and the residual accommodation respectively by "pushup" method. Results (1)In Romi eyedrop group,the time of maxi-mum cycloplegia was 60 minutes,the patients can read in the next day; in Mydrin P group,the time was 30 minutes, can read next day. (2) Average residual accommodation at the maximum cycloplegia: A, 1% Atropine group (2.0440±0.95484D),B,Romi eyedrop group (2.2214±0.6952D),C,Mydrin P group (2.6656±0.9999D). The residual accommodation in Romi eyedrop and Atropine groups had no significant difference, In-dependent-samples t Test P 0.05.The residual accommodation in Mydrin P group was stronger than the other two groups,more significant in myopia eyes. (3) The residual accommodation of three groups had no relation-ship with age and refractive status. (4) The results were same in cycloplegic refraction with hand-hold auto re-fractor and phoropter of each group of A, 1% Atropine group,B,Romi eye, drop group and C,Mydrin P group (P 0.05). The difference was 0.33D in autorefraction and phoropter,autorefraction negative. Conelusions (1) The time of maximum cycloplegia effective of Romi eye-drop was 60 minutes, of Mydrin P was 30 min-utes. (2) The residual accommodation in Romi eyedrop and Atropine groups was almost same, the residual ac-commodation in Mydrin-P group was stronger than the other two groups,more significant in myopia eyes. (3)Residual accommodation. Three groups have no relationship with age and refiaction. (4) Romi eyedrop and,Mydrin-P eyedrop can be used in the cycloplegic refraction for children in myopia and hyperopia.  相似文献   
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