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了解进城务工人员随迁子女小学高年级学生校园欺负行为的流行现况,为开展有针对性的预防和干预工作提供科学依据.方法 通过多阶段随机整群抽样法,方便抽取上海、广州、北京3地34所随迁子女小学,对共4 047名四年级小学生进行问卷调查.结果 62.1%的学生曾经卷入过校园欺负,仅受欺负、仅欺负他人、既欺负他人又受欺负的比例分别为25.6%,7.2%和29.3%;19.9%的学生现在卷入了校园欺负,仅受欺负、仅欺负他人、既欺负他人又受欺负的比例分别为10.1%,4.0%和5.8%;男生、生活在广州或北京、无兄弟姐妹、家庭经济较差者曾经卷入校园欺负的比例较高,差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为10.47,118.90,7.86,27.04,P值均<0.05).言语欺负是最常见的欺负和受欺负形式(15.2%,36.2%);教室是最常见的校园欺负地点(54.2%).曾经受欺负者选择忍受类应对方式的比例高于未受欺负者(P值均<0.05).38.3%的旁观者没有采取行动制止校园欺负行为.结论 进城务工人员随迁子女群体中校园欺负行为普遍存在,而学生选择积极有效的应对策略和采取行动抵制校园欺负的情况不容乐观.校园欺负干预不仅要关注欺负、受欺负者,还要重视旁观者,营造反对校园欺负的学校氛围.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
目的:评价学校健康促进对上海市外来务工人员子女的健康知识和健康行为的干预效果。方法:选取上海市闵行区、松江区3所外来务工人员子女学校为干预学校,2所公办学校为对照学校,对干预学校的全校学生进行2年的干预,对照学校不进行任何干预。在干预前后,按照分层整群随机抽样的原则,抽取一定比例的4~6年级的学生进行问卷调查。结果:干预学校学生经过干预后,健康知识得分显著提高(P<0.05),且健康行为和生活方式、疾病预防知识的得分与公办学校学生得分的差距有所缩小。干预对学生健康行为的作用不明显,仅体育锻炼的得分显著性提高(P<0.05)。结论:短期学校健康促进对提高外来务工人员子女的健康知识水平效果明显,对改善健康行为效果不明显。建议出台全市统一的政策,使外来务工人员子女学校的健康促进政策具有可持续性。  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the protective effect of magnesium gluconate on myocardial apoptosis by ischemia reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts, and study the possible mechanism. Methods The hearts of 48 Sprague-Dawely rats were isolated, linked to Lange-ndorff perfusion apparatus, and randomly divided into 3 equal groups(n = 16 each) : Control group, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) group and magnesium gheonate group. 8 rats in each group were perfused. Control group was pedused with modified KH buffer for 110min. I/B group was perfuesd with modified KH buffer for 20 min, then exposed to iscbemia for 30 min, and then reperfused with modified KH buffer for 60 min. Magnesium gheonate group was perfumed with modified KH buffer with magnesium gluconate for 20 min, then exposed to isohemia for 30 min and then reperfused with modified KH buffer with magnesium glueonate for 60 min. Lacate dehydrogenase (LDH) and ereatine kinase (CK) in the effluent liquid from the heart were measured after reperfusion. The concentration of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle were determined. The other 8 rats in each group were reperfused for 120 minutes as the method described before. After repeffusion, the myoeyte apoptosis was examined by Annexin-V-FITC/PI. After the two experiments the incidence of ventrieular arrhytlunias during reperfusion was assessed. Results Compared with I/R, magnesium glueonate decreased the incidence of ventricular an'hythmias(P <0. 01). The contents of CK and LDH in the effluent liquid from the heart in magnesium glueonate group was lower than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The contents of Ca2+ and NO in the left ventricle in magnesium gluconate group was decreased than that of I/R group (P <0. 01). The index of myocyte apoptosis were significanfly lower in magnesium glueonate group than that of I/R group (apoptosis index :27.79±1.59 vs 33.61±2.10, P < 0. 01) . Conclusion Magnesium glueonate has protective effect on myocardial isohemia reperfusion injury in rats. The protective effect may be related to decreasing myocyte apoptosis by increasing the content of NO and relieving calcium overload.  相似文献   
了解进城务工人员随迁子女小学生的正确洗手行为现状及其家庭影响因素,为制定针对性的干预措施提供科学依据.方法 通过多阶段随机整群抽样,选取上海、广州、北京的34所民办随迁子女小学4 089名四年级小学生及其家长,用自填结构式问卷了解被调查学生近1周的洗手行为(包括洗手频率和方法)、学生与家长对洗手相关认知及家庭社会经济等影响因素.结果 小学生正确洗手行为率仅为28.2%.家长对洗手必要情境认知的正确率(75.0%)高于小学生(41.6%)(x2=174.485,P<0.05),但家长对洗手方法的正确认知率仅为9.4%.多因素Logistic回归分析显示,与小学生正确洗手行为呈正相关的是家庭经济条件比较好(OR=2.09,95%CI=1.44~3.05),呈负相关的有母亲的文化程度较低(OR=0.57,95%CI=0.33~0.98)、家长对孩子的教育期望较低(OR=0.53,95%CI=0.33~ 0.86)、家长对洗手情境认知不正确(OR=0.53,95%CI=0.33~ 0.86)、小学生对洗手情境认知不正确(OR=0.24,95%CI=0.20~ 0.28).结论 中国进城务工人员随迁子女小学生的正确洗手行为整体上不容乐观,并且存在家庭社会经济因素方面的不平等.要加强对随迁子女小学生及其家长进行洗手必要性和正确洗手方法的健康教育,尤其是男生、家庭经济条件较差、母亲文化程度较低者.  相似文献   
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