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Objective To investigate the level of occupational exposure to 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) in the pharmacy intravenous admixture service (PIVAS) of a hospital, and identify the sources of 5-Fu contami-nation. Methods The 5-Fu concentrations in air, on the surface of different areas in PIVAS and personal pro-tective equipments were detected using UV-vis spectrophotometry. Results The 5-Fu in air could not be de-tected. The 5-Fu concentrations on five different surfaces of biological safety cabinets were (22.00±6.35), (13.99±2.46), (14.13±0.72), (7.25±1.19) and (9.87±1.23) ng/cm2, respectively, which were significantly higher than those [(3.14±0.04),(5.43±0.65),(2.26±0.17),(2.26±0.17) and (3.63±0.46) ng/cm2] of corre-sponding controls (P<0.05orP<0.01).The5-Fu concentrations of the floor under cabinets [(18.19±5.22) ng/cm2], the floor in front of cabinets [(10.25±2.57)ng/cm2], the office floor [(11.64±2.53) ng/cm2], the terrace floor [(99.89±14.06 )ng/cm2], the floor beside trash can in dressing room [(24.54±0.23) ng/cm2] were significantly higher than those of control [ (3.36±0.11) ng/cm2] (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The 5-Fu concentrations of the tables in preparation room [(7.22±1.04)ng/cm2] and the tables in office [(11.81±1.18) ng/cm2] were significantly higher than those of control [(5.56±0.14) ng/cm2] (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The 5-Fu concentrations of the indoor handle in preparation room were significantly higher than those of controls (P<0.05 or P<0.01). 5-Fu concen-trations on the surfaces of outdoor handle and floor beside door in preparation room were not significantly in-creased compared with controls (P>0.05). The 5-Fu concentrations on the surfaces of infusion bags, transfer box, transfer trays were significantly higher than those of controls (P<0.05). The differences of 5-Fu concentrations between outer and inner masks and controls were not significant (P>0.05). The 5-Fu concentrations of gloves of preparing and checking staffs were significantly higher than those of controls (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion The preparing and checking process of 5-Fu and the treatment of medical wastes are major sources of 5-Fu contamination.  相似文献   
长期接触铬盐可引起皮肤和粘膜损害,典型的皮肤溃疡称铬疮,鼻部的损害称铬鼻病,均已列入我国法定职业病。电镀业铬作业工人可职业性接触铬酸雾,为了解嵊州市电镀业职业病危害状况,加强职业病防治工作,本研究对嵊州市电镀业铬作业工人作了现状调查,重点调查铬作业工人的暴露水平和鼻损伤发生率。  相似文献   
大肠石蜡切片在光学显微镜下可看到核异常,包括固缩核、碎裂核和微核。核固缩和核碎裂是细胞死亡及核离散(apoptosis)的表现。而微核是染色体无着丝点断片在有丝分裂后,不能进入子代细胞而形成的。虽然公认在体内接触致癌剂例如γ射线和二甲基时(DMH)后,腺泡增生地区分裂的细胞中可以产生,典型的微核,但是,大多数情况下出现的微核并不符合微核的形态学标准,而且微核多见于给致癌剂以后有丝分裂指数降低的期间内。核异常是否与细胞分裂有关尚不清楚。为此,作  相似文献   
Objective To study comparatively the cytotoxicity induced by acid bentonite and organic bentonite.Methods The cytotoxicity of two kinds of bentonite was detected using CCK8 assay,neutral red uptake(NRU) assay,lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) leakage assay,apoptosis assay and hemolysis assay.In hemolysis assay human erythrocytes served as target cells and were exposed to the two kinds of bentonite at the doses of 0,0.3125,0.6250,1.2500 and 2.5000 mg/ml for ten min.In other four assays,human B lymphoblast cells (HMy2.CIR) served as target cells and were exposed to the two kinds of bentonite at the doses of 0,10,20,30,60,120 and 180 μg/ml for four h.Results In hemolysis assay,the hemolysis rates induced by two kinds of bentonite at all doses were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.05);in CCK-8 assay,the cellular activities in acid bentonite group at the doses ≥30 μg/ml and in organic bentonite group at the doses ≥20μg/ml were significantly lower than that of control (P<0.01);the similar results appeared in NRU assay and LDH assay,and the dose-effect relationship was observed in above 4 assays.In apeptosis assay,the early apoptosis cell rates in acid bentonite group at the dose of 180 μg/ml and in organic bentonite group at the doses of 120,180 μg/ml were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.05).Moreover,the results of five in vitro assays indicated the eytotoxicity induced by organic bentonite was higher than that induced by acid bentonite.Conclusion Two kinds of bentonite could induce cytotoxicity,such as apoptosis and damage of cell membrane.The cytotoxicity of organic bentonite is higher than that of acid bentonite due to the different industrial treatment and characteristics of two kinds of bentonite particles.  相似文献   
矽肺是一种因吸入各种形式的结晶型二氧化硅(SiO_2)所引起的慢性炎症性和纤维性的肺部疾病。本文主要讨论有细胞免疫或体液免疫反应参与的炎症和纤维化活动的交替作用,从而导致矽肺的发生这样一个假想的发病机理。粉尘的沉积与清除及矽肺的病理学特点吸入的粉尘在呼吸道不同部位的沉积取决于颗粒的大小、形状、质量、空气动力学特性和其他物理性质。一般0.5~5μm的粉尘可到达呼吸道下部,并沉积在小气道或肺泡,而<0.5μm的粉尘可悬浮于呼出气流中或沉积于肺泡内。沉积于气道纤毛上皮的粘膜荚  相似文献   
作者用液体贮存法(在细胞增殖前液体保存48h),来研究氯化甲基汞(MMC)所产生的细胞毒性或染色体损伤后的修复,从而探讨其作用特点。实验证明,MMC处理G_0期人淋巴细胞后所诱发的染色体畸变、染色单体畸变和非整倍体等恒定性损伤,液体贮存对其修复无作用,表明MMC的作用特点与X线相仿,能产生包括结构畸变和数量畸变在内的持久损伤。  相似文献   
本文对职业性毒物致畸作用的人群调查进行了报道,并对致畸的机制、剂量-效应关系以及把动物实验结果外推于人等问题作了讨论。通常致畸的剂量都可以致突变。致畸与致突变的剂量-效应关系相似。可以推测对生殖细胞有诱变作用的化学物质可以致畸。Shephard收集了十三种认为是对人致畸的化学物质的动物实验结果,提示两者之间有密切相关的定性关系。要估计实际危害最好在实验和人的资料之间建立定量关系。但是人群  相似文献   
由于发现大鼠腔内植入人造玻璃纤维(MMVF)诱发了癌症,因此关于MMVF对健康的影响产生了争论。不溶性矿物纤维植入或注入胸腔或腹腔的实验得出一个明确的结论:不管纤维的成分如何,若其大小在一定范围内,即直径<1.5μm,长度>8μm,就具有致癌性。虽然癌症的发生仅局限于啮齿类,有些专家却将实验结果外推到人,因而引起高度的警惕。但也有人对于把大鼠腔内癌症结果外推到人提出有说服力的异议。(一)流行病学调查最近对生产MMVF工厂的工人健康所作  相似文献   
卷烟烟气成分非常复杂,已鉴定出5000多种化学物,其中被国际癌症研究中心确认有致癌作用的达60多种,包括一些促癌剂和辅癌剂[1-4].吸烟可诱发11种人体器官的癌症.由于卷烟烟气直接作用于人体,其遗传毒性受到人们的极大关注,其中以碱性或中性成分的致突变性最强.烟气不仅能诱发生殖细胞突变,导致子宫黏膜致突变和引起羊水遗传毒性增加,而且还是体细胞致突变剂,可使尿液的致突变性增高.本文就烟气遗传毒性的实验研究,从研究方法、研究内容以及不同物质对卷烟烟气遗传毒性的调节作用等方面进行综述.  相似文献   
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